<img src="images/title3.jpg" alt="St. Agnes Reform School art and crest logo" width="865px" height="317px" style="float: right; overflow: visible; margin: -40px 0px 0px 0px; display: inline">
Being sent to St. Agnes Reform School really sucks. To make matters worse, your worst bully awaits you there, ready to torment you. Wait, why does he have a hard-on?
Reform School is a twisted exploration of power dynamics. Will you confront your bullies head-on, abusing them in search of revenge as you ascend the social hierarchy? Or will you embrace your role as a submissive and surrender completely, accepting your place beneath stronger-willed men?
<strong>Prepare yourself for a degradation-fueled kinky gay game (MM only). It's a journey filled with name-calling, humiliation, cruelty, and intense psychological and physical abuse. If you're yearning for lovey-dovey relationships or a vanilla experience, this story is not for you.</strong>
There are no images beyond the avatars. The game is completely powered by my wordy writing and your imagination.
<style> th { font-weight: normal !important; }</style><div style="background-color: #4e001f; width: 100%;"><table style="width:100%"><tr><th style="width: 70%; padding: 30px 0px 30px 30px;">@@.pin;What's new? v0.23d - "Movie Night Strikes Back"@@
• Marky's movie date for Doms;
• Added toggle to change fonts and/or font size;
• Tweaks to Tyler's avatar AGAIN².</th><th style="width: 30%; text-align: center;">[[Read Full Release Notes.->m-update]]</th></tr></table></div>
@@.smol;This game is chockfull of adult themes, especially male-on-male sex. All characters are at least 18 years of age. It's a fetish fantasy that includes non-consensual content and hate speech. I, the author, do NOT condone rape or hate speech.
If you're underage or those themes are too much for you, click away.@@
@@.start;[[I have read and understood the disclaimer. I'm at least 18 years old and want hot non-con gay sex.->Start]]@@
<img src="images/avatarline.png" width="865px" height="175px" style="float: left; overflow: visible; margin: -31px 0px 0px 0px; display: inline">@@.title;Prologue - Hell Is Where Your (New) Home Is.@@
You peer out of the car's window, marveling at the imposing nature of the manor that houses St. Agnes Reform School. The ride from your apartment in the city took 40 minutes, with only rolling hills and trees encircling the building for miles. The manor reminds you of Grey Gardens, once beautiful and glorious in a bygone era, now neglected and unkempt.
Your mother sighs in the driver's seat, the sound carrying sadness. You also detect a tinge of disappointment that has lingered in her since your expulsion from school.
@@.int;So unfair!@@
Students all over the county fear being sent here. Well, male students, that is, since there are no girls in St. Agnes. After failing to keep your grades up and that unfortunate incident in the gymnasium, your mother overreacted and decided that the only way to turn your life around was to send you to a reform school. You've wondered if this is better or worse than juvie.
@@.int;Worst of all, he's gonna be here too.@@
Casting a fleeting glance at her, you open the door to get your things in the trunk. She pops it open; you pull your backpack and a bag from it. Your mother surveys you from inside the car.
<<di ranw "Do you need me to go insi--">>
<<di you "No.">>
You snap and close the trunk too forcefully. Striding forward, you approach the building, not bothering to look back. Upon entering the mansion, you reach a crumbling table with a balding middle-aged man sitting behind it.
He asks your name:
<<textbox "$you.name" "Alex">>
[[You introduce yourself.->Introduction]]After getting lost in St. Agnes' maze of corridors for about 10 minutes, you stumble onto service stairs and lug your bag up two floors, guided by the hope that you've found the right hallway. A couple of guys make their way down the corridor. They eye you up and down, reducing you to one of those big slabs of meat hanging in a butcher's freezer.
<<di ranm "NEW MEEEAT!">>
One of them chants, frat boy style.
@@.int;Literally a piece of meat, then. Great.@@
The other snickers as they move past you, not giving you the time of day. Intimidated but unwilling to show weakness, you keep your head high while looking for room 340. Your attitude within these walls is going to be different.
Marching on, you survey the inside of a bunch of rooms, their appearance matching your expectations – plain, old, sparsely decorated with photographs and, seldomly, posters. Their residents mainly ignore you.
A half-opened door catches your attention; inside, a naked guy doing push-ups...
@@.int;What the fuck...?@@
He is going up and down into another dude's mouth. Tears flow down the face of the one getting his throat, well, fucked, via push-ups.
While still inexperienced yourself, save for that damn time in the gymnasium, you were often confused as to why your attention lingered on guys.
@@.int;I'm not gay or anything. I mean, girls notice other girls all the time, right? Cosmopolitan made an industry out of that. It isn't that weird that I notice guys' arms... And their abs... It's normal to check out how other men look.@@
The door slams shut; you're not entirely sure if it was a gust of wind or if another person is behind it.
@@.int;What kind of place is this?@@
The sight was enough to give you a boner, though. Shaking the horny thoughts from your head, you quicken your pace. You reach the end of the hallway, 340 being the last door in the corner.
@@.int;Figures mine would be the last room, I can't wait to beat off.@@
The door is ajar – you nudge it open with your foot.
<<di mark "Hey, Fairy!">>
Inside is the worst person that could possibly be in your room:
@@.str;Marky Walsh.@@
He gets up from lounging in the bed and pinches your right arm.
[[You stare at him, your mouth agape->MarkyFlashback]]Leaving your belongings in an alcove behind a Saint Brigid – memorizing the name from a plaque – you tread softly to avoid making noises. You reach a section of the building frozen in a long-abandoned renovation.
@@.int;What a hellhole!@@
Grunts emanate from a room littered with old scaffolding. Pressing forward slowly, you steal a glimpse inside – one guy is kneeling in front of another, his head bobbing back and forth.
@@.int;Holy shit, is that guy getting a blowjob?@@
While still inexperienced yourself, save for that damn time in the gymnasium, you were often confused as to why your attention lingered on guys.
@@.int;I'm not gay or anything. I mean, girls notice other girls all the time, right? Cosmopolitan made an industry out of that. It isn't that weird that I notice guys' arms... And their abs... It's normal to check out how other men look.@@
A coughing sound jolts you from the thoughts. As your eyes adjust to the darkness, you make out the features of the guy getting blown.
He's slender and at 1,90m tall (6'3"). His pants lie around his ankles, tee folded behind his head, revealing toned abs and pecs. Despite being thin, he has well-defined muscles. His square face and angular features are movie-star handsome, enhanced by a patchy beard and crew-cut-styled blond hair. From your position, the color of his eyes and dick remain out of sight.
He has an iron grip on the other guy's head, forcing his head down on his cock.
<<di ty "Take it to the hilt, ?fag!">>
You can't see the... ?fag, other than the back of his dark-haired head. You can, however, hear his loud choking. It seems brutal – you wonder if the pleasure is mutual. If it isn't, he could simply bite the thing off, right? Blonde Guy finally releases his grip and Black Hair draws a much-needed breath.
<<di ranm "Sir, please!">>
The voice is wheezing and low.
<<di ty "Open. Now.">>
Blonde Guy starts moaning loudly, shooting his cum onto the face and mouth of his partner.
Your dick is angrily pressing against your jeans. You want to pull it out right now and jerk off, but the risk of being seen by Blonde Guy damps the idea. You can take care of it in your room, probably. You cautiously retreat to Saint Brigid and get your stuff.
[[To my room->ToRoomYesExplore]]Still horned up, you struggle to remember where your assigned room is supposed to be. Backtracking to a more recognizable place, you stumble onto service stairs and lug your bag up two floors, guided by the hope that you've found the right hallway.
Marching on, you survey the inside of a bunch of rooms, their appearance matching your expectations – plain, old, sparsely decorated with photographs and, seldomly, posters. Their residents mainly ignore you.
You reach the end of the hallway, 340 being the last door in the corner.
@@.int;Figures mine would be the last room, I can't wait to beat off.@@
The door is ajar – you nudge it open with your foot.
<<di mark "Hey, Fairy!">>
Inside is the worst person that could possibly be in your room:
@@.str;Marky Walsh.@@
He gets up from lounging in the bed and pinches your right arm.
[[You stare at him, your mouth agape->MarkyFlashback]]@@.title;Chapter I - Marky Walsh Is The Devil Incarnate.@@
Marky has bullied you as far back as you can remember. The reason behind his hatred is a mystery, but it began once you started sharing the same classroom in elementary school.
At first, he used purposeful pushes and bumps as you walked down hallways. It quickly escalated into forcefully pinching your right arm. Once he whispered in your ear that the red mark he left was supposed to be a reminder. Whatever the message is remains elusive.
As time passed, he started to caress your butt every time you walked by. Sometimes a caress followed his trademark arm-pinching. He grew bolder in secluded areas and grabbed your buttocks full-on.
You never said anything. You just took it.
True, Marky is taller and much stronger, but his physical dominance wasn't the only deterrent, was it? He exudes self-assurance, something you sorely lack, his charisma granting him the popularity many crave.
Furthermore, he was widely regarded as the most handsome guy at school. Towering over most at 1,80m tall (5' 11"), his sculpted body is honed by his prowess as a star athlete and his devotion to boxing in his spare time. His swoopy popstar brown hair and big brown eyes are accentuated with a nice tan.
Everybody liked (or at least feared) Marky. Alas, you were incapable of standing up to him. Involving the principal or whomever would make it even worse. Can you imagine having your mom summoned into school because somebody is grabbing your butt and you are too much of a chicken to stop him? You shuddered at the thought.
Each time he so much as glanced in your direction, you blushed furiously because you knew some humiliating shit was soon to follow.
However, your true Scarlet Letter was the nickname he branded you with:
Being named $you.name Ferry, you suppose it was fate that the nickname would stick. Yet, what made the name truly become infamous was the taunting rhyme he crafted and cheered in the hallways with friends:
@@.pin;$you.name is a Fairy,
I'll pop his cherry!@@
[[You can hear the chanting in your head.->MarkyRoom]]In the present day, Marky looks at you and twists the pinch in your arm tighter.
<<di mark "You with me, Fairy?">>
Jolting out of your reverie, you pull your arm back, escaping his touch.
<<di you "Why are you in my room?">>
<<di mark "Your room? This?">>
He kicks the door closed, trapping you inside with him, and gestures to the walls with outstretched arms.
<<di mark "This is <strong>my</strong> room. <strong>My</strong> hallway. <strong>My</strong> school. And when I heard that you were coming here because of your ?faggotry I made sure to make some space for you.">>
He points to one of the beds while you continue to stare at him in disbelief.
<<di mark "Go on, look at it!">>
The bed is covered with a hot pink bedspread; above rests a small folded piece of paper, as they do for restaurant reservations. The handwriting says:
The pounding blood in your ears urges you to flee. Sprint. You've always been a runner. Perhaps you could run all the way home. You have stamina. But as your mind races at a million miles per hour, trembling overtakes your body. It starts at your fingers, then your arms. Fear? Anger? Both? You remain as still as possible, hoping to conceal your quivering like a leaf in the spring wind.
<<di mark "Do you like your bedspread? It's not standard but I's got connections.">>
He jumps on his bed, lying on his side, propping his upper body with robust arms.
<<di mark "I wanted to make it special for you, Fairy. I've missed you these last eight months. Being kicked out of school over drugs and beer was bullshit. But I've missed you most of all, scarecrow.">>
His last sentence drips with insincere sentimentality.
Your trembling overruns your desire to keep still. The shaking intensifies as you finally realize you are still holding your bags. They slip to the floor while your face flushes red. You fist your hands, digging fingernails into palms.
You blow, screaming the words, spit flying from your mouth.
You blink tears out of your eyes as Marky wears an amused expression.
<<di mark "You done, Fairy?">>
Your shaking subsides as you immediately regret your outburst. You attempt to regain composure with deep breaths, but your breathing remains erratic.
<<di mark "Good. Now... Hey. <strong>HEY!</strong> Look at me!">>
You meet his gaze.
<<di mark "First rule: you never yell at me again. You got that?">>
You hesitate but nod.
<<di mark "I'll take your ?faggy head trembling as a yes. I'm going to ignore this little hissy fit you just pulled because I'm a nice guy and it's good to see a familiar face.">>
He smiles as if truly happy to see you. You continue to shake, albeit less than before.
<<di mark "Second rule: you do what I say when I say. When I told you this was <strong>my</strong> school, I wasn't joking. You'll see that I do rule this place. And I decided that you'll be my sl... Hmm. Roommate. Yeah, my ?fag roommate. Getting me water, cleaning the room, doing my homework. You know, stuff. Now, what I want from my ?fag roommate is a foot rub. Can you do that, Fairy?">>
You knew seeing him again at St. Agnes would be awful, and you fully expected the bullying to resume. But this? This is some next-level shit you aren't prepared for. There is no way you are going to become Marky's little servant, fetching him water and shit.
<<di mark "Come here.">>
You don't move, aside from the trembling.
<<di mark "I'm being nice, Fairy. You don't want to see me angry.">>
You remain frozen. His eyes shift from amused to deadly. You've seen that expression right before locking you in the school lab and taking your phone, leaving you alone in darkness for six agonizing hours until the janitor found you.
<<di mark "<strong>You come here right fucking now and rub my fucking feet or I swear to God I'll punch your lights out.</strong>">>
Moving slowly, you reach his bed. Doing your best to avoid eye contact, you bend over and grab his bare right foot. Rubbing his sole deliberately and softly earns you a grunt from above.
<<di mark "Harder, like you mean it.">>
His feet are large and, thankfully, clean. You start adding more pressure, doubling your efforts, digging fingers and knuckles into his sole to rub the tension away.
<<di mark "You're good at this, Fairy. You out there rubbing men's feet?">>
You continue silently, keeping your head down.
<<di mark "Rule three, I ask a question, you answer me. Also, look at me while you're doing that shit.">>
Your eyes meet his; it's hard to pinpoint his expression. A cruel sneer is plastered on his face, but there's something softer underneath.
<<di you "I do this to my mom. Her feet hurt sometimes.">>
You keep at it for a few minutes until your back starts to hurt. You sit at the edge of the bed and switch feet, starting to rub his left foot. Marky sits up closer and pinches your right arm. You wince but stay silent.
<<di mark "Rule four. Ask permission before touching any of my shit and sitting on my bed.">>
<<di you "Sorry. Can I si--">>
He interrupts you, a handsome smile playing on his lips.
<<di mark "Sure, Fairy!">>
Your hands keep working, massaging and stretching the toes. He yawns after a few more minutes of rubbing.
<<di mark "Go up.">>
<<di you "What?">>
<<di mark "Up my leg, my calves are killing me. Training was a bitch.">>
As you touch his calves, he lets out a suppressed moan. The muscles in his legs feel firm to the touch, his tanned skin fiery. After a while, you start sweating – the erection inside your jeans returns, but you ignore it. He keeps pressing you to go up, up, up; soon your hands are over his basketball shorts, rubbing his right thigh. Your own legs are strong, but his are so massive and dense you wonder if he's flexing while your hands work. You begin questioning yourself once you realize your dick is so stiff it hurts.
@@.int;Why is my dick hard? I don't even like guys. I certainly don't like him. I hate him. I wish I could strangle him right now.@@
<<di mark "Is it hot in here?">>
He announces, removing his shirt and kicking your hands aside momentarily to discard his shorts. Marky Walsh lies on his bed in front of you wearing nothing but silver D&G underwear. His tan and glistening body make him look like a golden statue. The muscles ripple with his breaths, defined pecs and ripped abs inflating and deflating. You notice the V-shaped end of his torso giving way to an ample package barely concealed by shiny silver fabric. You can even see the outline of his hard dick. It pulses once as you stare at it.
@@.int;I can't believe he has a boner.@@
You avert your gaze back to his face and he flashes you a grin. He caught you looking.
<<di mark "Keep rubbing my thighs.">>
You hesitate to comply, looking at him askew.
<<di mark "What, bitch? It's the same leg as before.">>
Reluctantly, you place your hands on his left thigh and resume the massage, ignoring the close proximity to his groin. You keep your eyes glued to his face, scared of glancing at his dick again. As the minutes crawl by, your body aches from the uncomfortable position. Unexpectedly, he gently takes your right hand and guides it over his bulge. You jerk it away with such force that you lose balance and tumble backward onto the hard floor.
<<di you "Gross, dude!">>
He gets up and stands over your fallen body. He towers over you normally, but from this vantage point, Marky looks like some sort of chiseled Greek god.
Again he takes your hand, this time forcibly, and holds it over his bulge. You try to pull away, but he refuses to release you. He exhibits that same expression as before, a mix of cruelty and something else. His dick feels warm and rigid, pulsing under your hand.
<<di you "Stop, dude!">>
<<di mark "I'm not your dude.">>
He snaps.
<<di mark "Remember what I said before about the angry thing? Let me put this in a way you'll understand.">>
He adds, eyeing your Avengers t-shirt.
<<di mark "All this time you've been dealing with Bruce Banner. Now, I'm very good at keeping my Hulk in check. But if you keep pissing me off...">>
He trails off, his gaze locked onto you. Gulping, you decide to:
@@.dom;[[Climb up to your feet, and run.->MarkyRunAway][$you.ranaway to true; $sub -= 2; $lmark -= 1]]@@
@@.sub;[[Give in and massage his dick.->MarkyMassageDick][$sub += 1; $lmark += 1]]@@You desperately clamber up, pulling your arm from his vice-like grip with all your strength. Sadly, it doesn't work. Marky seizes your failure as an opening to deliver a hard kick to your chest, sending you sprawling on the wooden floor.
<span class="int">Were his eyes always this sinister?</span>
Continuing his barrage, he delivers a powerful punch to your ear; @@.blur;everything blurs as you slid into darkness.@@
<div class="timebar"></div>
Gradually, you awaken, your head hurting as though a truck ran over it. Prying your eyes open slowly, fragmented memories flood in. Panicking, you scan the darkened room as your hands instinctively reach around and grab onto something soft. The room is illuminated only by thin beams of light seeping from under the door and the glow of moonlight through the window.
<span class="int">Where...?</span>
The pounding in your head keeps your thoughts muddled. Slowly, you place yourself – you're on your new-old bed, over the pink bedspread. On the left side of the room, Marky is lying down, his back to you, wearing nothing but underwear. The soft snores droning from his bed indicate he's asleep.
<span class="int">He punched my lights out... But made sure to put me in my bed?</span>
Squeezing your eyes shut, you ignore the throbbing pain and resolve to drift back to sleep. Maybe you'll wake up to a less miserable situation in the morning.
[[You sleep.->LockerRoomIntro]]Not wanting to meet the Hulk, you reluctantly give in and slowly rub his stiff pole over his underwear. Before this, you've only touched one other dick that's not your own, so his feels foreign in your hand. Butterflies flutter in your belly, creating a swirl of shame and arousal within you. Your eyes fixate on the cock, tracing the outline of veins behind the shiny fabric. The tip is already wet from pre-cum; you absent-mindedly lick your lips.
<<di mark "Pull down my undies.">>
Your hesitation is punished with a pinch in your right arm. The pain causes you to yell since your bicep is already tender from the constant pinching.
<<di mark "?Fag, I'mma count to three...">>
Before he begins the countdown, you use your left hand to gradually lower his underwear while continuing the massage on his cock with your right one.
Finally freed, it springs to the side and slaps your left forearm, inches from your face. The swollen and angry member intimidates you – a solid 8 inches (20,3 cm) of hard meat. Mesmerized, your gaze locks onto the glistening helmet head.
<<di mark "My Dick is awesome, right? It's big, thick, and veiny. It's so warm. And It likes you! You see that drop of pre shining over the head? Yeah, it's 'cause of you, Fairy.">>
Marky's pride in his manhood makes it sound like he capitalizes the first letter when speaking about it – similar to the reverence one gives to a country's capital.
@@.int;He's right, his dick is awesome. I've never seen one so big... And so hard.@@
The cock bounces from side to side; your head follows the movement. Marky takes hold of both your limp arms, wrapping your right hand around his pole and resting your left on his balls.
@@.int;It's so hot.@@
You start stroking it softly, your left hand massaging his hefty balls. They match the rest of Marky – large and imposing. The skin of his staff moves, almost covering the knob before stretching back with your movement. He cups his hand under your chin and tilts your head upward. Big brown eyes meet yours as he nods in approval. Flustered that he's actually enjoying your hand on his cock, your cheeks become crimson.
<<di mark "Give it a kiss, $you.name?">>
For the first time ever he uses your first name. His use of it gives you pause, causing you to halt your stroking.
@@.int;What am I doing? He's trying to manipulate me. Why else would he be calling me by my name? I shouldn't be doing this. I hate Marky. I hate him!@@
Marky notices the conflict within you and sighs in annoyance, his eyes and voice growing angrier.
<<di mark "Look, ?fag. You gave me this awesome massage, so I'm being patient. But you've been staring at my body and my Dick like they're a gift from God. You took It into your hand because you wanted to. <strong>You started this shit and you're going to finish it, whether you like it or not. Now kiss that fucking Dick! NOW!</strong>">>
He growls the latter half of his speech, yelling the final word. Your trembling returns even as your hands stay glued to his body.
A power slap sends you reeling, leaving you dizzy and disoriented.
Another strike hits the other side of your face.
<<di mark "<strong>NOW!!!</strong>">>
He growls again, gripping your right wrist.
@@.dom;[[You finally decide to run away.->MarkyRunAway][$you.ranaway to true; $sub -= 2; $lmark -= 1]]@@
@@.sub;[[Maybe begging to just stroke him will work?->MarkyOnlyStroke][$you.juststroked to true; $sub += 1; $lmark += 1]]@@
@@.sub;[[Just kiss the fucking dick.->MarkyKissDick][$you.kissdick to true; $sub += 2; $lmark += 3]]@@@@.title;Work in progress.@@
@@.int;Next on Reform School:@@
At last, the Samuel date.
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If you'd like to keep playing, use the back button.You find yourself willing to beg, as you definitely don't feel ready to kiss a dick.
@@.int;It's gross, I can't. I'm not a ?fag...@@
<<di you "Please, Marky. Please, man. I'll keep stroking you. Just don't make me kiss it. It's not right... Please?">>
Your trembling worsens, causing his cock to shake comically in front of your face. He sighs again, considers it, then points a finger at your face
<<di mark "Fine, Fairy. But make it good.">>
Unwilling to push your luck, you resolve to give him a worthy handjob.
@@.int;Maybe after that, he'll be nicer. Maybe he'll even stop messing with me.@@
Suppressing your body's trembling, you massage his massive balls softly. You inch closer to his pole, securing a better grip to stroke it up and down, faster and faster. Your face hovers so close that the heat radiating from his dick warms your skin. His masculine musk bombards your nose alongside a hint of sweat; it leaves you lightheaded.
Marky closes his eyes and moans, which sends pangs of arousal inside your jeans. Continuously stroking, his precum builds and drips over your thumb. You use it to massage the head, copying your own masturbation ritual.
<<di mark "Shiit, fuuck, shiit!">>
Marky grunts; a string of cum flies over your head, some landing on your hair. Another jet hits your face and strikes your nose, causing you to shut your eyes. Fresh spurts splatter all over your jaw and clothes. You scrape it off your face using fingers and wipe it on your shirt.
<<di you "Fuck, dude, gross! Why did you cum on me?">>
After catching his breath for a minute, Marky glares at you from above, his expression transitioning from bliss to anger.
<<di mark "Shut up, ?fag! Don't ruin my high! Don't you have a dick?">>
He kicks your crotch lightly, emphasizing his point. You flinch on contact.
<<di mark "You know where cum comes from. If you ask me, you pointed it to your face because you wanted a taste of it.">>
Marky scoops some of his cum using a finger and forcefully shoves it into your mouth. Immediately you cough and spit it out – barely having time to taste it. Had it been more than a drop, you might have thrown up.
<<di you "Fucking asshole!">>
You scream between coughs.
He yanks you by your arms and slams you against a wall.
<<di mark "You know what, Fairy? I was gonna let you wash your ?faggy face but after ruining that awesome handjob you just gave me, you need to learn your place.">>
He releases his hold on you.
<<di mark "You're going to bed wearing my cum on your face and on your little superhero t-shirt.">>
He adjusts his underwear, strides to the door, and locks it with a key. Then, he tucks the item against his skin and the waistband of the briefs.
<<di mark "And don't even think about trying to clean it up, or I'll get even more pissed at your ?faggot ass.">>
You stare at him with terror-filled eyes, petrified at the thought of being locked in a room with that monster. He leaps back onto the bed, reaching for his weirdly-positioned phone on the bedside table.
@@.int;Was his phone recording this whole time? Is there a video?@@
<<di mark "You're allowed to use your phone and put your shit away as long as you're quiet.">>
He casually slips a headphone onto his head, pointedly ignoring your presence from that moment on.
The fear of being captured on video jerking Satan Himself off forces you to comply and stay quiet. Any disobedience might result in an ass-kicking; you'd like to avoid that if possible. Upon reaching the dresser, you find a post-it note stuck to one of the drawers labeled:
You quietly stow away the little stuff you have.
@@.int;At least wearing jeans, he won't notice my woody.@@
You, however, can't avoid it. You attempt to will it away, cursing this situation. Alas, good old-fashioned willpower doesn't work. You pluck your phone from your pocket, adorable kitten videos your only solace at the moment.
@@.int;Maybe that will take my mind off him... And my dick. And the video. Is there a video? God, I hope there isn't a video.@@
After a couple hours, Marky announces it's bedtime, ordering you to turn off the lights. The itching on your face has grown increasingly aggressive.
@@.int;It itches like a motherfucker! At least in the dark, I can scratch it.@@
Your scratches are cautious, deliberate, and, most importantly, silent.
[[You try to sleep.->LockerRoomIntro]]You muster the courage to move forward, hesitantly puckering your lips while closing your eyes. The knob meets your quivering lips – you make a quick smooching sound, pulling back almost immediately, barely grazing his cock.
Marky exhales a 'tsk' sound, his disapproving eyes lingering on you for a few seconds. Later, he pinches your right arm once more, applying less pressure this time. Even with the brief respite, you wince, knowing there'll be a visible and painful mark after this ordeal.
<<di mark "Kiss It like you mean it.">>
Reaching forward again your lips meet the knob and your tongue brushes against it, tarnishing your taste buds with the tangy taste of precum. Instantly you begin coughing and spitting it out. Suddenly, Marky's palm connects viciously against your face, the impact sending your head spinning.
@@.int;How are his slaps so powerful?@@
<<di mark "Don't spit out my pre, Fairy. You're the one that made it happen. Now, this is your last warning. You kiss that Dick like It's your girlfriend... or boyfriend, since you're a ?fag. Make love to It.">>
<<di you "Please...">>
Marky raises a clenched fist as a warning. Reacting in fear, you press your face against his cock head, kissing it with open lips. Parting your mouth slightly, you lick the piss slit, eliciting a loud moan from Marky. You gaze up, glimpsing his heavenly countenance as his taste drifts in you. You determine that it doesn't taste that terrible – it's almost sweet. However, the concept of tasting another dude's precum churns your stomach.
@@.int;Eating another dude's spunk is just wrong.@@
Nevertheless, you continue, the feeling of his feverish knob on your lips unnerving you. After endless twenty seconds, you release your mouth from his dick, eyes pleading for mercy as you watch Marky intently.
@@.int;Don't make me do it anymore.@@
A smirk dances on his lips, the cruel glint in his eyes ever-present.
<<di mark "Lick my balls.">>
He waits for no answer, grasping your head with strong fingers and shoving it against his balls. Heat emanates from them. Tentatively, you lick his nutsack, its musky scent not unlike a locker room filled with sweaty men.
<<di mark "Again!">>
You comply with another lick, tasting the sour sweat from the sack, which revolts you. Your face contorts into one of disgust – you hope Marky can't see it from above.
<<di mark "AGAIN!!!">>
His grip hurts your head as he pushes you with increasing strength against his nuts. You oblige him by lapping at them, feeling the orbs behind the thin skin of the sack. To keep him satisfied, you reach up to fondle his mast as well. It's an effective move since he finally releases your skull as your hand strokes his throbbing shaft up and down. Up and down. Up and down.
Your entire world is obscured by Marky's enormous, pulsating cock and balls – it drives you lightheaded. It's all you can see or smell as his lewd moans pour from above. Your own erection throbs in pain within the confines of your jeans.
Continuously stroking, his precum builds and drips over your thumb. You use it to massage the head, copying your own masturbation ritual. Marky pulls your head away from his nuts and holds your face before his angry-looking cock head. You open your mouth to speak.
Big mistake.
<<di mark "Shiit, fuuck, shiit!">>
Marky grunts; a string of cum flies directly into your mouth. Another jet hits your face and strikes your nose. Overwhelmed, you clamp your eyes and mouth shut, releasing his dick. Fresh spurts splatter all over your jaw and clothes. You scrape it off your face using fingers and wipe it on your shirt. Additionally, you spit out what you can, but it's too late – Marky's bittersweet taste lingers in your mouth, making you physically sick and threatening your gag reflex.
<<di you "Fuck, dude, gross! You just jizzed in my mouth. Why would you do that?">>
You keep sputtering in disgust, unable to get rid of his taste. It's not entirely vile, more sweet than salty, but the idea of having another dude's nut juice in your mouth is repugnant.
After catching his breath for a minute, Marky glares at you from above, his expression transitioning from bliss to anger.
<<di mark "Shut up, ?fag! Don't ruin my high! Don't you have a dick?">>
He kicks your crotch lightly, emphasizing his point. You flinch on contact.
<<di mark "You know where cum comes from. If you ask me, you opened your mouth because you wanted a taste of it.">>
Marky scoops some of his cum using a finger and forcefully shoves it into your mouth. Immediately you cough and spit it out despite having already tasted it – it's still fucking gross.
<<di you "Fucking asshole!">>
You scream between coughs.
He yanks you by your arms and slams you against a wall.
<<di mark "You know what, Fairy? I was gonna let you wash your ?faggy face but after ruining that awesome handjob you just gave me, you need to learn your place.">>
He releases his hold on you.
<<di mark "You're going to bed wearing my cum on your face and on your little superhero t-shirt. You're also not drinking any water, so you can taste my sweet cream all night long.">>
He adjusts his underwear, strides to the door, and locks it with a key. Then, he tucks the item against his skin and the waistband of the briefs.
<<di mark "And don't even think about trying to clean it up, or I'll get even more pissed at your ?faggot ass.">>
You stare at him with terror-filled eyes, petrified at the thought of being locked in a room with that monster. He leaps back onto the bed, reaching for his weirdly-positioned phone on the bedside table.
@@.int;Was his phone recording this whole time? Is there a video?@@
<<di mark "You're allowed to use your phone and put your shit away as long as you're quiet.">>
He casually slips a headphone onto his head, pointedly ignoring your presence from that moment on.
The fear of being captured on video jerking Satan Himself off forces you to comply and stay quiet. Any disobedience might result in an ass-kicking; you'd like to avoid that if possible. Upon reaching the dresser, you find a post-it note stuck to one of the drawers labeled:
You quietly stow away the little stuff you have.
@@.int;At least wearing jeans, he won't notice my woody.@@
You, however, can't avoid it. You attempt to will it away, cursing this situation. Alas, good old-fashioned willpower doesn't work. Marky's taste is still rolling around your mouth. You pluck your phone from your pocket, adorable kitten videos your only solace at the moment.
@@.int;Maybe that will take my mind off him... And my dick. And the video. Is there a video? God, I hope there isn't a video.@@
After a couple hours, Marky announces it's bedtime, ordering you to turn off the lights. The itching on your face has grown increasingly aggressive.
@@.int;It itches like a motherfucker! At least in the dark, I can scratch it.@@
Your scratches are cautious, deliberate, and, most importantly, silent.
[[You try to sleep.->LockerRoomIntro]]<<di you "I'm $you.name Ferry.">>
After enduring a memorized spiel about rules, given slackly by Father Francis, you are given directions to your room. Left to navigate a maze of corridors indistinguishable from one another, save for the occasional statues of saints that pepper the house.
After turning into three hallways, you ponder if you should do as you're told, as usual, or become the troublemaker your mother unfairly sees you as. It seems fitting to lean into it.
<div class="temp">
<<link "Just find your room, you're tired anyway.">>
<<set $you.explored to false>>
<<replace ".temp">>
<<include "ToRoomNoExplore">>
<<link "Fuck that! I'll explore.">>
<<set $you.explored to true>>
<<replace ".temp">>
<<include "LetsExplore">>
</div><img src="images/title-bar.jpg" alt="Reform School Crest Logo" width="230px" height="181px">
by AlexXXX
You are $you.name Ferry
<<set $you = {
name: "Alex",
explored: false,
ranaway: false,
juststroked: false,
kissdick: false,
provokedmarky: false,
worejockstrap: false,
lovefeetfood: false,
Posed: false,
PoseFlex: false,
PoseGrab: false,
PoseAwkward: false,
PoseDeer: false,
PoseDown: false,
PoseAss: false
<<set $emm = {
jerkedyou: false,
lickedcum: false
<<set $sub to 50>> /* Current Hit Points */
<<set $maxsub = 100>> /* Maximum Sub Points */
<<set $lmark to 0>>
<<set $lty to 0>>
<<set $lhar to 0>>
<<set $lemm to 0>>
<<set $lsam to 0>>
<<set $lfre to 0>>
<<set $lsha to 0>>
<<set $slurs = true>>
<<slur `["faggot", "fag", "homo"]` "bitch">>
<<slur `["faggots", "fags", "homos"]` "bitches">>
<<slur `["faggotry"]` "behavior">>
<<slur `["faggy"]` "bitchy">>
<<slur `["FAGGOT"]` "BITCH">>
<<slur `["faghood"]` "bitchhood">>
<<widget "di">>\
<<set _active to "<a data-passage='m-characters' style='all:initial;position:absolute;bottom:-2px;left:0px; cursor: pointer'><img class='diag' height = '72' width = '72' src='" +setup.ImagePath +$args[0]+ "Text.png'></a>">>\
<<print "@@."+$args[0]+".di;"+_active+$args[1]+"@@">>\
<<widget "showPic">>\
<<widget "msgto">>\
<div class="msg to">$args[0]</div>\
<<widget "msgfrom">>\
<div class="msg from">$args[0]</div>\
<<run setup.templates = {}>>
<<widget "slur">>
<<set _template_names = []>>
<<if typeof _args[0] === "string">>
<<set _word = _args[0][0].toLowerCase() + _args[0].slice(1)>>
<<run _template_names.pushUnique(_word, _word.toUpperFirst())>>
<<set setup.templates[_word] = {}, setup.templates[_word.toUpperFirst()] = {}>>
<<run setup.templates[_word].sub = _args[1], setup.templates[_word.toUpperFirst()].sub = _args[1]>>
<<if _args[2]>>
<<run setup.templates[_word].def = _args[2], setup.templates[_word.toUpperFirst()].def = _args[2]>>
<<elseif Array.isArray(_args[0])>>
<<for _i, _entry range _args[0]>>
<<set _word = _entry[0].toLowerCase() + _entry.slice(1)>>
<<run _template_names.pushUnique(_word, _word.toUpperFirst())>>
<<set setup.templates[_word] = {}, setup.templates[_word.toUpperFirst()] = {}>>
<<run setup.templates[_word].sub = _args[1], setup.templates[_word.toUpperFirst()].sub = _args[1]>>
<<if _args[2]>>
<<run setup.templates[_word].def = _args[2][_i], setup.templates[_word.toUpperFirst()].def = _args[2][_i].toUpperFirst()>>
<<if _template_names.length !== 0>>
function () {
const output = document.createElement("span");
output.dataset.content = this.name;
if (settings.slurs) {
output.textContent = setup.templates[this.name].def ?? this.name.replaceAll("_", " ");
return output;
} else {
const capital = (this.name === this.name.toUpperFirst());
output.textContent = capital? setup.templates[this.name].sub.toUpperFirst(): setup.templates[this.name].sub;
return output;
[[Update Notes|m-update]]
<<link "Preferences">><<popover>><<wCustomize>><</popover>><</link>> @@.int;You are@@
@@.pin;<<print $sub>>% Submissive@@
<div id="horizontalhealthbarbkg" class="hzbarbkg"><div id="horizontalhealthbar" class="hzbar"></div></div>
<<script>>$(document).one(':passagerender', function (ev) {
Health2(State.variables.sub, State.variables.maxsub, "horizontalhealthbar", true, ev.content);
@@.int;He lusts me, he lusts me not@@
<table style="width:100%">
<td><<di mark "Marky Walsh: <<print $lmark>>">>
</td><th> </th>
<td><<di ty "Tyler Dunn: <<print $lty>>">>
<td><<di har "Haruki Ohno: <<print $lhar>>">>
</td><th> </th>
<td><<di emm "Emmett Abbott: <<print $lemm>>">>
<td><<di sam "Samuel Oliveira: <<print $lsam>>">>
</td><th> </th>
<td><<di fre "Principal Frederick: <<print $lfre>>">>
</table> /* Sub 0 to 100 */
<<if $sub gt 100>>
<<set $sub to 100>>
<<if $sub lt 0>>
<<set $sub to 0>>
<<set $maxsub to 100>>
/* Characters Lust */
<<if ndef $lfre>><<set $lfre to 0>><<endif>>
<<if ndef $lsam>><<set $lsam to 0>><<endif>>
<<if ndef $lsha>><<set $lsha to 0>><<endif>> <<if $you.tastedcum is true>>
I tasted cum
Did not taste cum
<<if $you.explored is true>>
I explored
Did not explore
<<if $you.ranaway is true>>
I ran away
Didn't run away
@@.title;Chapter II - Does One Lock A Locker Room?@@
You wake up bleary-eyed and lost. It takes a good twenty seconds before you recognize where you are and piece together the events of the last night. You bolt upright, immediately looking to your left. Marky isn't in the room.
<<if $you.kissdick is true>>Your face is still itching from all the dried cum. You run your hands through your hair and strands are glued to one another. There's a bitter aftertaste in your tongue. You faintly gag at the thought of having a dude's jizz in your mouth.
@@.int;Fucking gross!@@<</if>><<if $you.juststroked is true>>Your face is still itching from all the dried cum. You run your hands through your hair and strands are glued to one another.
@@.int;Fucking gross!@@<</if>><<if $you.ranaway is true>>Your head still hurts as if a cartoon piano fell on your head. You briefly wonder if you don't have a concussion. That might explain the insane memories.<</if>>
It's your first day of classes here and you're already late. Despite the lateness, you decide to get a quick shower. The hot water feels amazing cascading down your body. You wash with more strength than strictly necessary, but you feel unclean after last night.
Finding the right classroom isn't the easiest task. You run around the school for at least ten minutes before getting to the correct door. Your lateness awards you a scowl and a five-minute sermon from a Father Whatever while you stand awkwardly in front of the class. After being allowed to sit down, you start obsessing about last night's events.
@@.int;What in the actual fuck is Marky up to? Is he attracted to me? Is that what's been happening all these years? ... Nah, he must be horny because there are no girls here. I just happened to be in there... @@
You spend all morning in your head. Class and lunchtime are just in the background. Even the prison-grade food doesn't bother you that much.
Gym class is next. There's a surprisingly big array of sporty stuff in this school to choose from. What St. Agnes lacks in cultural extracurriculars, it makes up for with physically oriented clubs. Being a runner yourself, picking Track was logical. You change into gym clothes and start your training.
You feel the wind caressing your face, your body focused on the task at hand. Running has always been a release and it feels great. It feels like it's the one good thing in your life that wasn't taken from you.
The track team doesn't feel very competitive, though, it's full of slackers and chubby guys who seem to be closer to walking than running. You complete a lap around this one guy and he immediately introduces himself, getting you out of the zone.
<<di emm "Hey, man, I'm Emmett.">>
<<di you "Uhm, hi, I'm $you.name.">>
<<di emm "So, new blood, whatcha in for?">>
By now you've stopped running and are just walking alongside Emmett. Even though his first question is pushy, it's cool to meet someone who at least tries to be nice.
<<di you "I flunked a bunch of classes.">>
He eyes you suspiciously.
<<di emm "Just that? Flunking?">>
<<di you "Well...">>
You stammer, not wanting to tell him the real gymnasium story.
<<di you "I was caught in school after hours. There was this whole thing -- I just...">>
<<di emm "Hey, man, it's ok. You don't have to tell me. I was just trying to start a convo, you know?">>
He smiles warmly, his hazel eyes lighting up behind his thick-rimmed glasses. You can't help but smile back.
<<di emm "You seem good at this. You know, most guys pick Track to slack, no one in this club really cares about sports. But you seem to like it for real.">>
Both of you move towards the drinking fountain. As he drinks water, you finally take a good look at him. Emmett is short, around 1,62m (5'4"), and a bit on the chunkier side. His dirty-blonde hair is curly and messy, moving with the wind. His freckles and glasses grant him a nerdy look.
<<di you "Yeah, I ran Track back at my school. I love it.">>
He stops drinking and flashes you another smile. Every time he smiles, he wins over another part of you.
Emmett keeps talking about random things for a while. You mostly nod and agree with him. He tells you a bit about the school and which priests to watch out for. Even though he's hogging the conversation, he's very good at telling stories, and you find yourself enraptured by him.
@@.int;Emmett seems like a nice guy. I wonder if he'll be a friend. @@
<<di emm "How 'bout we go to the locker room early to avoid fighting for showers?">>
You shrug as if to say sure and follow him. He takes you through a series of doors and you pass a big room with a bunch of lockers.
<<di emm "This one fills up like that. I always use the other one.">>
Finally, you arrive at another locker room that looks half abandoned. Everything in this place looks old and there's rust on the lockers. It smells moldy.
<<di emm "Horror movie set looks aside, I promise this one is much better. No fifty guys pushing you out of the way for a shower.">>
You nod in acknowledgment. Both of you walk towards lockers that look slightly less rusted. He opens one. You remove your shirt and in that split second when your head was covered by fabric, two new figures appeared behind Emmett. It's Marky and a really tall blonde guy. They're both shirtless, wearing boxing gloves and shiny shorts.<<nobr>>
<<if $you.explored is true>> You immediately recognize Blonde Guy as the one you saw getting a blowjob yesterday.<<else>>
Blonde Guy is slender and at least 1,90m (6'3"). He's thin but has defined muscles. His square face and angular features are movie-star handsome, completed by a patchy beard. His blonde hair is styled in a crew cut.<</if>>
You shiver as you look into Marky's eyes.
<<di mark "Fairy.">>
He says nonchalantly as if greeting an old friend he's seeing at the bar. Emmett closes the locker, moving closer to Marky and Blonde Guy. Emmett grimaces exaggeratedly and mumbles a "sorry". It dawns on you that he brought you here on purpose and that they're all in collusion.
<<di mark "Me and Tyler here asked good old Emmett to bring you around. We always get horned up after boxing, so you'll help us out.">>
Your arms start their usual trembling and you fold them in front of your chest, locking them together stiffly. Marky approaches and puts his gloved hands over your shoulders.
<<di mark "Don't be rude, say //'Hi, Tyler! Nice to meet ya!'//">>
He mimics a high-pitched voice. Marky looks back at Tyler and then eyes you back intensely, daring you to refuse his request.
<<di you "Hi, Tyler. Nice to meet you...">>
You mumble, the words barely leaving your mouth. Tyler doesn't acknowledge your presence. Next to short Emmett, he looks like a wiry giant. His blue steely eyes withhold any sort of reaction. Without a word exchanged, Emmett starts to remove Tyler's gloves from his hands. He also unloops the hand wraps covering Tyler's wrists. When he's done, he places them on the bench near you and Marky.
@@.int;That's weird. @@
Marky pushes you down on the bench, forcing you to sit. As you look up, he raises up his right hand, as if to strike. You flinch and so does Emmett, even though he isn't in the line of fire. Marky slowly lowers his hand and pretends to punch you in slow motion. You frown at the theatrics.
<<di mark "I nicknamed my punching bag Fairy in your honor.">>
He holds his right hand below your face. You assume you're to do the same Emmett did for Tyler, so you move your fingers and open the velcro straps. You take the glove off. Marky puts his hand down near his crotch, so you feel his bulge with the back of your hand at every turn of unlooping the boxing tape. Your face feels flush.
Marky smirks down at you. Tyler looks unmoved, like a marble statue. Emmett's eyes wander, like he wants to be anywhere but here, his bubbly demeanor gone.
A sudden clunk near the entrance grasps everybody's attention. All of you look back and see an Asian guy with frosted tips opening a locker. He scans the room, sees your group, shakes his head, and decides to leave.
<<di mark "You should have locked the room!">>
Marky glowers at Emmett.
<<di emm "It would have been weird if we got in here and I just locked the door behind him. He would be all like //'What the fuck was that? Why is he locking the door? It's a locker room! Locker rooms, despite the name, don't get locked, what if people wanna shower? What if they need to take a leak?'// And then he'd probably want to leave. And then you'd be pissed...">>
He stops talking when he notices Tyler is already halfway across the room, locking the heavy door. Tyler comes back, still impassive.
<<di ty "Let's move this along.">>
He speaks for the first time, his voice low in both pitch and volume.
<<di ty "C'mere">>
Tyler and Emmett approach you, pushing Marky to the left. They form a semi-circle, standing in front of you, with Emmett in the middle. You start to shake again.
<<di ty "Lower our shorts, stroke our dicks and you might survive the day.">>
Tyler says all of this in a very emotionless fashion, which makes it all the more menacing. Marky glares at Tyler, clearly peeved at him for ruining The Marky Show. Emmett has that deer in headlights look on his face.
@@.int;Emmett's the weak link. He's my way out. @@
@@.dom;[[You attack Emmett->LockerRoomAttack][$sub -= 2; $lemm += 1]]@@
@@.sub;[[You lower Marky's shorts->LockerRoomGiveHandjobMarky][$sub += 1; $lmark += 1]]@@@@.int;Enough is enough! I'm not gonna be the little bitch around this place. @@
You stand up quickly, shoving Emmett back against a locker. His back hits the rusted metal and he stumbles to the floor with a yelp. Ignoring both Marky and Tyler, you approach Emmett and kick his legs. He yelps once more.
You feel Marky's hand on your arm and look back at him, his eyes a mix of surprise and anger.
It's your turn to be surprised when Tyler takes Marky's hand off your arm. He does this softly, with no aggression behind it. He then stares at you and points his head discreetly towards Emmett.
<<di mark "Whatcha doing, dude?">>
Marky's voice betrays his annoyance, but the question only earns him a shush from Tyler. You blink at the exchange.
@@.int;I think Tyler wants me to keep going with Emmett. @@
You approach Emmett again. He's still sprawled on the floor, trying his hardest not to draw attention to himself.
<<di you "Say you're sorry.">>
He stammers, looking at Tyler and Marky for guidance. Marky just glowers and Tyler is back to his impassive stance. Emmett gingerly guides his eyes to you. You smile down at him, feeling a rush of power.
<<di emm "I'm sorry.">>
You kick him again.
<<di emm "I said what you asked, man!">>
His protests are loud. You pause, unsure what to do next. You've never been in this position before. While you do feel powerful standing over a dude like this, you're also lost as to how to proceed. Your arms are still shaking.
@@.int;What if they gang up on me? @@
Maybe you could keep going and do to him what they clearly had planned for you? Or you could just try leaving.
@@.dom;[[A handjob does sound nice->LockerRoomGetHandjob][$sub -= 1; $lemm += 1; $emm.jerkedyou to true]]@@
[[I should just walk away->LockerRoomWalkAway]]You decide three against one is not a safe bet. Even if you're sure you could kick Emmett's ass, there would still be two assholes to take care of, and you surely can't win a fight against Marky.
With a trembling hand, you reach out to Marky's shorts. He smiles, seemingly satisfied with himself. Emmett keeps eyeing the ceiling. Even though he's at the center, he's actually positioned farthest from you. You briefly wonder if he actually wanted to bring you here.
Marky's not wearing any underwear, so as soon as your hand pulls down the band, his half-hard cock jumps out his boxing shorts. He lets it fall down, so he's naked, save for some sneakers and the bundled shorts across his feet. You eye his body up and down, admiring his muscles. While some men focus on just the upper part of their bodies, he clearly works out his legs. Even his calves look strong. Next to lanky Tyler and husky Emmett, Marky looks like he came straight from a Men's Health cover. You suddenly feel very small.
Marky keeps a smirk on his face and just raises an eyebrow. You sigh.
@@.int;I guess there's no getting out of this... @@
You reach out to his hardening penis and grab it softly. It feels warm. You gulp and your hand trembles a bit. You keep going anyway, pumping his meat.
Tyler has a scary look on his face and he doesn't let up from staring you down. You're terrified about that stare-down becoming something more... well, just more.
Since Marky is on your left, the only way you can do both at the same time is if you take Marky with your left hand and Tyler with your right hand.
<div class="temp">
@@.sub; <<link "Focus on Marky, Tyler can wait.">>
<<set $sub +=1>>
<<set $lty -=1>>
<<set $lmark +=1>>
<<set $you.pickmarky to true>>
<<replace ".temp">>
<<include "LockerRoomFocusMarky">>
<</link>> @@
@@.sub; <<link "Take Marky with your left hand and Tyler with your right hand.">>
<<set $sub +=1>>
<<set $lty +=1>>
<<set $lmark -=1>>
<<set $you.pickmarky to true>>
<<replace ".temp">>
<<include "LockerRoomExchangeHands">>
<</link>> @@
</div>You just scoff and turn around, walking through the next row of lockers, ignoring the three of them. Marky's voice travels from behind the lockers.
<<di mark "Why did ya stop me, dude? He's leaving!">>
<<di ty "You told me he was a ?fag.">>
<<di mark "He is a ?fag!">>
Marky is full-blown yelling by now, while Tyler still keeps his cool demeanor. Their voices get further away as you approach the door.
<<di ty "?Fags don't fight back, you dimwit.">>
<<di mark "Fuck you, you're the dimwit! You ruined it! He just needed the taste of my fist...">>
Quite honestly, you're surprised they just turned on each other instead of following you. You unlock the door, pulling it open, and walk to the newer-looking locker room. It's already full of guys and you feel safe in a big group.
@@.int;I need a shower. @@
You adjust your hard cock inside your shorts.
@@.int;But first I need to take care of this. @@
Getting inside a toilet and latching it closed, you pull your hard dick out. Working on it, you drown out the voices and laughs from the guys outside the stall. Your mind wanders to the last pornos you watched. It's hard to concentrate, though. An image of Emmett sprawled on the floor flashes on your mind. You can hear him whimper in your head.
<<di you "Hgnn fuck!">>
You orgasm immediately, coating the toilet with your jizz. Cleaning yourself with toilet paper, you leave and find the closest available shower.
@@.int;What is wrong with me? @@
[[You shower and leave->MorningGymMeetHaruki]]Staring down at Emmett looking pathetic, his glasses crooked upon his nose, makes your dick harden. You kick him softly again, just to hear his reaction. He whimpers. You smile.
<<di you "Get on your knees! -- Bitch!">>
You add the bitch much later, making you sound unsure. Emmett obeys, though, using his arms to prop himself up, getting on his knees. His grey running sweats are already stained with rust and dirt from the floor. He adjusts his glasses, and his warm, hazel eyes are looking reddened.
@@.int;Is he crying? @@
You involuntary flex your chest muscles, your barely defined abs look momentarily ripped.
<<di you "Lower my pants and stroke my dick.">>
You do your best Tyler impression, trying to sound menacing. You're unsure if you do. In fact, you feel like an impostor. Being a bully has never been who you are, although playacting as one is admittedly kind of fun. Your act seems believable since Emmett obeys. You feel his hand pull the band of your sweats down, but he leaves your underwear. Your hard penis makes a print against the tight fabric.
<<di you "Underwear too, idiot.">>
He timidly reaches again, this time for your undies. You can feel his warm fingers against your skin. As soon as the band is down, your cock jumps free. Emmett's expression a mix of fear and chagrin, he refuses to look at it, keeping his eyes on yours.
<<di you "Take it... ?Fag!">>
The word sounds weird coming from your lips since it has always been used on you but you've never used it on others. It feels like tables turning. Emmett reaches out and holds your dick. You feel... triumphant. Some other dude is holding your dick in his hand just because you told him to. Sounds and sights dissipate from the world, and all that exists is your dick and Emmett's hand on it.
<<di mark "Whoa...">>
Marky exclaims from behind you.
<<di mark "Does he do this for you?">>
<<di ty "No.">>
<<di mark "Did you know...">>
<<di ty "No.">>
<<di mark "Then why did you let Fairy...">>
Tyler shushes Marky. Emmett sighs, blushing, and removes his hand from your cock. You look behind you, annoyed. Something inside your veins boils. Marky is done ruining your life.
<div class="temp">
@@.dom; <<link "Provoke Marky.">>
<<set $sub -=2>>
<<set $lty +=1>>
<<set $lmark -=3>>
<<set $you.provokedmarky to true>>
<<replace ".temp">>
<<include "LockerRoomProvokeMarky">>
<</link>> @@
@@.dom; <<link "Ignore him and continue.">>
<<replace ".temp">>
<<include "LockerRoomIgnoreMarky">>
<</link>> @@
</div>@@.int;Fuck Marky! @@
<<di you "You wanna trade places with him?">>
You cannot believe those words came out of your mouth. Neither can the other three people inside the room.
<<di mark "Whatchu say to me?">>
<<di you "I asked...">>
You turn around completely, your hard cock now facing Marky and Tyler.
<<di you "...Do you want to trade places with the ?fag? If not, stop interrupting me!">>
Marky looks dumbstruck. Tyler does something very out of character and laughs out loud.
<<di ty "Oof!">>
Still not believing you did that, you turn back to Emmett. You hear a rustling sound coming from behind and a sudden pain against your right ear. You fall to the ground holding your head.
@@.int;That asshole punched me! @@
You turn and look up at Marky, his face distorted in anger, nostrils flared and eyes radiating hatred through squinted eyelids.
He raises his arm to punch you again, and you close your eyes. There's a weird silence in the room for a few seconds. The punch never comes.
@@.int;What the... @@
You open just one eye to check out why your beating is delayed. Tyler's left hand is softly holding Marky's right arm. Marky just takes rapid breaths staring you down. Your arms start shaking again.
<<di ty "Don't.">>
Marky looks at Tyler with the corner of his eyes.
<<di mark "Let go of me or I'll kick both your asses!">>
Tyler releases Marky's arm, sighs, and shakes his head.
<<di ty "You sure?">>
Marky raises his hand and, before you have time to prepare, you get another punch, now to the left side of your face. Your jaw makes a weird sound and it hurts so bad, if you weren't already down, you'd surely fall to the ground.
<<di mark "Fuck you, bitch!">>
Marky says, looking at Tyler -- not you -- which makes some sense but not really. You assumed they were friends or at least bullying colleagues.
@@.int; Bullying colleagues, what the fuck am I thinking? @@
There's a silent tension in the room and you wonder if Marky is gonna jump Tyler right now. Or worse, keep hitting you. They eye each other oddly, Marky seething with rage and Tyler being his usual unreadable self. You're sure there's some sort of power play happening but your throbbing head debilitates your capacity to analyze the situation at the moment.
Tense seconds pass.
Emmett seizes the opportunity to jump to his feet and sprint towards the door, proving he can run fast during Track Club, he just chooses not to. The door clangs open and Emmett's feet pitter-patter out of the room. You decide he has the best idea and get up too, pulling your shorts and underwear over your now flaccid penis. Marky glares at you.
<<di mark "Who said you could leave?">>
You stop moving, aside from the shaking arms. You knew this could happen when you decided to attack Emmett... and to provoke Marky.
@@.int;Provoking Marky was fucking stupid. But I need to stand my ground. @@
<<di you "Look, dude, I'm not your sexual plaything or whatever you think is happening here.">>
You take a deep breath, trying to muster the strength to say this next part. Your arms are still trembling, but you keep going.
<<di you "I'm leaving and if you kick my ass, you kick my ass, but whatever this is, we're not doing it. I'll go to the principal if I have to.">>
Marky just bursts out laughing and his fake guffaw fills the room. He grabs Tyler's arm as if he needs help holding himself up for laughing so hard. He exaggeratedly holds his abs with his other hand. He pretends to wipe a laugh tear from his eye. Then he becomes deadly serious in a split second.
<<di mark "Do it. Go right ahead.">>
@@.int;What does that mean? @@
@@.int;Whatever. @@
You just walk towards the exit, grabbing your shirt on the way. When you're already another row over, out of their eye line, Marky calls from behind, in a sing-song way.
<<di mark "Remember, I know where you li-i-ive!">>
You shudder at the thought of sharing a room with that psychopath, but you keep going. You approach the newer-looking locker room. Voices and laughter get louder as you approach the area. You feel safe amongst other people. You find an empty shower, and the hot water does wonders for your tender head.
[[You shower and leave.->MorningGymMeetHaruki]]@@.int;Fucking asshole! @@
You decide to ignore Marky, his assholery notwithstanding. Better not to anger him further. And Tyler is a wildcard, who knows if he'll turn on you. He just seems intrigued by the situation, like he caught a movie halfway through on TV and is trying to figure out the plot. Looking down at Emmett, you target your rage on him.
<<di you "Who told ya to let go of it? Take it again!">>
You bark, your eyes boring into Emmett. He startles at your aggressive attitude and quickly moves his right hand to your shaft. He grabs it and his hand feels hot and clammy. You involuntarily moan. Emmett looks behind you, probably at Tyler, and immediately starts stroking your rod. He never looks down at it, keeping his eyes roaming around the room.
You close yours and enjoy the feeling of another person touching your penis. Not only touching it but stroking it. The fact that it's a guy shouldn't make it better, but it does. You feel mighty, knowing another man is below you, on his knees, touching your most private part. You start panting, getting closer to orgasm, and open your eyes to look at Emmett.
Being so into it, you never noticed how Tyler approached your side and now has his dick out, also looking at Emmett. He moves his head subtly in an order, and Emmett raises his left hand and takes Tyler's pole. He's now jerking both of you, and his eyes wander from dick to dick. His line of sight brings yours down too, and you look at Tyler's long shaft. It's milky white, just like the rest of him, with a pink head. It must be at least 9 inches (23 cm) long.
<<di you "Fuuuck...">>
By now, Emmett's dropped his act of feigning disinterest and is actively looking at both your dicks and your bodies. His hand is hot, and his hands move confidently. You can feel the heat from Tyler's body, his biceps touching yours since you're so close. His face bears a cruel expression you haven't seen from him before. You speculate if you have the same look on yours. Your balls tighten, the pressure building inside.
Tyler's the first to blow, his cream landing with a plop on the locker behind Emmett, another squirt on his glasses. This is enough to trigger your own orgasm. Moaning loudly, your load jets straight to his forehead, the rest dribbling over his hand. He lets go of both your dicks and removes his cum smeared glasses. You feel the biggest grin forcing itself on your lips.
<<di you "That was awesome!">>
Emmett looks up at you, jizz dripping from his face. He looks pathetic and dejected, but you notice a weird tent in his pants. He has a boner.
@@.int;I should make him eat my spunk. That'll teach them not to gang up on me again. @@
<div class="temp2">
@@.dom; <<link "You make Emmett lick your cum.">>
<<set $sub -=1>>
<<set $lty +=1>>
<<set $lemm +=2>>
<<set $emm.lickedcum to true>>
<<replace ".temp2">>
<<include "LockerRoomEmmettLick">>
<</link>> @@
<<link "Nah, I'll just let him go.">>
<<replace ".temp2">>
<<include "LockerRoomEmmettDoesntLick">>
</div>You take your right hand off Marky's dick and exchange it with your left one. That way you can reach out to Tyler's shorts with your right one. However, as soon as you do this, Marky objects.
<<di mark "There's no way in hell you're giving me a handie with the wrong hand, Fairy!">>
Tyler keeps staring at you with the same intensity as before, while Marky gives you a warning look you've already seen. Usually right before some humiliating shit happened.
<<di mark "He can wait, cantcha?">>
Your head moves from one to the other, desperately trying to find a way to satisfy both of them without making anyone angry. Meanwhile, Emmett has taken the opportunity to fade into the background, leaning against a locker. The 3 person semi-circle has become a 2 person line.
Tyler grunts in annoyance but walks around Marky, exchanging places with him, pushing Marky's body to the right. Now Marky can keep your precious right hand and you can use your left one on Tyler. You almost thank him out loud and that snaps something in you. You literally almost thanked a dude for the opportunity to jack him off with your left hand.
@@.int;What the fuck is wrong with me? @@
You take your left hand quickly out of Marky's pole, using it to lower Tyler's shorts. His cock is already hard. You notice it's huge, bigger than Marky's, easily 9 inches (23 cm) long, although not as thick. It's alabaster white, with a pink head.
@@.int;What a beautiful looking dick. @@
You keep staring for a few more seconds, mesmerized by it.
<<di mark "Hey, bitch, unless you want me to pummel your fucking nose in, you will take my dick right-fucking-now and pump me good!">>
Marky spits the words out, sounding the angriest you've ever heard him sound.
<<di you "Sorry...">>
You shake your head in disbelief that you actually apologized to him. Nonetheless, your right hand reaches up and grabs his dick. Both their cocks feel warm and as you stroke them, you can smell the musk and sweat from their bodies. Their eyes follow yours, Marky and his trademark smirk stare down at you, while Tyler's expression is... scary, almost angry.
You refuse to pick one set of eyes to look to, so you peek down. Following your hands, you examine their shafts. Marky's looks angry and demanding, the red helmet head leaking. Tyler's looks like a marble statue come to life, drenched in his copious precum. A nagging voice in your brain tells you you should be hating this, but you feel... content.
Tyler grabs your head, softly pulling it towards his crotch. Your head is dangerously close to his shaft and you force your head back against his hands.
<<di you "Quit it, dude!">>
He immediately lets go of your head and slaps your face very hard, getting a yelp out of you. You let go of both dicks instinctually.
<<if $you.kissdick is true>>
<<di ty "Quit pretending, bitch. I know you kissed his dick last night. Now, me, I'd never kiss a guy's dick or even touch it for that matter. But you took it into your mouth and kissed it of your own free will. So, stop the drama and just do it or we <strong>will</strong> make you regret it!">>
You shiver at Tyler's tone. It's low and fierce. This is the most he has spoken so far and his angry eyes reveal that he is deadly serious. Even Marky looks at him surprised.
<<if $you.juststroked is true>>
<<di ty "Quit pretending, bitch. I know you pumped his dick last night. Now, me, I'd never touch a guy's dick. But you took it into your hand of your own free will. So, stop the drama and just do it or we <strong>will</strong> make you regret it!">>
You shiver at Tyler's tone. It's low and fierce. This is the most he has spoken so far and his angry eyes reveal that he is deadly serious. Even Marky looks at him surprised.
<<if $you.ranaway is true>>
<<di ty "Quit pretending, bitch. I know you massaged his body last night. That means you're a ?fag. Now, me, I'd never touch a guy like that. So, stop the drama and just do it or we <strong>will</strong> make you regret it!">>
You shiver at Tyler's tone. It's low and fierce. This is the most he has spoken so far and his angry eyes reveal that he is deadly serious. Even Marky looks at him surprised.
You quickly raise both of your hands again, grabbing their rods. Without further guidance, you close your eyes and kiss Tyler's dick, getting a tongue full of pre. Your stomach turns a bit, but you keep kissing it like you'd do a girl. The taste isn't so bad, though. Moans come from above.
A forceful pinch in your right arm jolts you.
<<di mark "Stupid slut, who said you could stop pumping my dick?">>
You hadn't noticed you stopped stroking Marky's shaft. You resume doing it while looking up at both of them. Marky stares daggers at you while Tyler has a cruel smile on his lips. He keeps one hand over your head but doesn't force you. You pump his cock and notice you're beyond just kissing, you're sucking on the head. Still smiling, he takes your right hand from Marky's dick and puts it over his abs. You feel the muted muscles. Marky looks like he's about to blow up.
<<di mark "What the fuck, dude?">>
<<di ty "Shut up!">>
He says it quietly, but there's a menacing tone to it. Marky lets it go for now.
<<di ty "Put your tongue in my piss slit.">>
You grimace but do it anyway. That earns you a moan, a rare response. Despite yourself, you are beaming at being able to get a reaction from him. He continues staring at you, a sadistic expression on his face. You can feel his eyes reach something inside of you. You take your hand from his rod, using just your mouth to pleasure him. Both your hands travel his abs, feeling the ridges on his skinny frame.
<<di mark "Speed that shit up, Tyler. It's my turn.">>
There's a weird edge to Marky's voice. He sounds jealous. Tyler just looks at Marky for a second and goes back to eyeing you intensely. Sucking Tyler's cock is sensual, despite his intense hollow eyes. You find yourself turned on more than you'd admit. He suddenly takes his rod from your mouth.
<<di ty "Open.">>
You obey, keeping your mouth open. He groans and sprays his cum over your tongue. He never closes his eyes and you don't dare to look away. After six spurts, he dribbles the rest of it inside. You still gag at the thought of having another guy jizz in your mouth. He nods. You do your best to ignore your stomach and you swallow it all. It tastes sweet but with a sharp aftertaste.
<<di ty "Clean.">>
A droplet of cum rests on the tip of his knob. You lick it up. He smiles, clearly satisfied with your performance. Marky immediately gets in your face, clearly agitated, and moves his cock closer to your face.
<<di mark "Do mine now!">>
You take your lips from one dick to the other one. You're rewarded with the taste of Marky's precum. He caresses your hair and smiles. You do this for a minute or so.
@@.int;How is it that it's just my second day here and I'm already sucking my second dick? @@
<<di mark "Put your tongue in the piss slit.">>
You do it. More moaning. After some time, Marky grabs your head with both hands and powerfully forces it down his cock. You cough, but he doesn't let go.
<<di mark "You know what, Fairy? I'm done waiting. Your ?fag mouth belongs on my dick. You know how I know that?">>
He moves your head up and down his dick, getting part of it in and out, seizing more coughing from you.
<<di mark "The moment I saw your lips, I knew they'd look damn good with my dick in there. And you know what? I was right! Look at how beautiful you fucking look. Doesn't he, Tyler?">>
Tyler doesn't respond. You keep coughing, your eyes watering. Both your hands grab his hips, trying to push yourself off of him, but you don't have the force to do so. He relents after a couple minutes of this and leaves just the head in.
<<di mark "Open up, my knob wants to say hello to your tonsils!">>
He pushes your head down again, slowly but forcefully, getting stuck again at your throat. He does this over and over.
<<di mark "We're not leaving until I get in!">>
You despair at the thought. Your vision is blurry from all the tears, your jaw hurts from being forced open like this. You look at him pleadingly.
<<di you "--phhleease!">>
<<di mark "Fine, ?fag!">>
He keeps just the head in, again.
<<di mark "I'mma be nice. Concentrate. Relax your throat. Open it up.">>
You try your best to keep your throat open. He moves slowly down your mouth. You feel him get past your throat, and his pubes caress the tip of your nose. Marky Walsh's dick is buried to the hilt in your throat. You feel almost... satisfied at being able to do it. He moans loudly and smiles.
<<di mark "Fuck yeah, Fairy. Oooh, man. This feels so good. Look at that proud look on your face. I know you're proud of taking it all. And you know what? I'm proud of you too!">>
He sways his hips a bit, getting a few extra millimeters in there. You immediately start coughing again. He looks disappointed and goes back to face fucking you, much to your dismay.
<<di mark "Fine bitch, I'll just break down the door!">>
He keeps going relentlessly but never going all the way in as before. His moans get louder and louder. This is a very different experience than the one you just had with Tyler. With him, it was sensual and gave you butterflies. Getting facefucked by Marky is mostly rough and relentless.
<<di mark "Hgnnn-shit-fuck-shit-fuuuck!">>
He unloads inside, you feel the jets hitting the top of your mouth.
<<di mark "Swallow it!">>
Sprays fill your mouth up. He finally lets you take his dick out after he is done. His cum tastes almost sweet but it's still gross.
<<di mark "How do you like my cum?">>
He smiles down at you. You say nothing, trying to avoid looking at him. He pinches your right arm angrily.
<<di mark "Answer me, slut!">>
<<di you "Owww! Ok, fine, it was sweet, I guess.">>
You shrug, annoyed.
<<di mark "So you liked it?">>
<<di you "Of course I didn't like it, it was gross, dude!">>
Marky is seemly offended by your answer but doesn't comment on it.
<<di mark "Well, since Emmett clearly doesn't want a BJ, you're all done, Fairy.">>
You get up, dying to put your shirt back on and get out of here. Emmett looks pretty desperate to get out as well.
<<di mark "I just have one last thing to ask.">>
A chill runs through your body.
<<di mark "Which dude-sauce tastes better? We have a poll going.">>
You finish putting your shirt on and eye them both back and forth. Marky smirks at you, Tyler rolls his eyes.
@@.sub;[[Marky's->LockerRoomMarkysTaste][$lmark += 2; $lty -= 2]]@@
@@.sub;[[Tyler's->LockerRoomTylersTaste][$lmark -= 3; $lty += 2]]@@You ponder how you fear Marky much more, so you should probably keep him happy. Or maybe you like him better. Tyler keeps staring at you with the same intensity as before, while Marky gives you a warning look you've already seen. Usually right before some humiliating shit happened.
<<di mark "He can wait, cantcha?">>
Your head moves from one to the other, desperately trying to find a way to satisfy both of them without making anyone angry. Meanwhile, Emmett has taken the opportunity to fade into the background, leaning against a locker. The 3 person semi-circle has become a 2 person line.
<<di you "Yeah... You don't mind waiting, right, Tyler?">>
Tyler grunts in annoyance but says nothing. You keep stroking for a few minutes when he suddenly decides to walk around Marky, exchanging places with him, pushing Marky's body to the right. He picks up your left hand swiftly and puts it over his cloth-covered penis. Marky looks at the both of you angrily but decides against protesting. With your right hand still grabbing Marky, you use your left hand to lower Tyler's shorts. His cock is already hard. You notice it's huge, bigger than the one in your right hand, easily 9 inches (23 cm) long, although not as thick. It's alabaster white, with a pink head.
@@.int;What a beautiful looking dick. @@
You keep staring for a few more seconds, mesmerized by it.
<<di mark "Hey, bitch, unless you want me to pummel your fucking nose in, you will take my dick right-fucking-now and pump me good!">>
Marky spits the words out, sounding the angriest you've ever heard him sound.
<<di you "Sorry...">>
You shake your head in disbelief that you actually apologized to him. Nonetheless, you move your hand up and down. Both their cocks feel warm and as you stroke them, you can smell the musk and sweat from their bodies. Their eyes follow yours, Marky and his trademark smirk stare down at you, while Tyler's expression is... scary, almost angry.
You refuse to pick one set of eyes to look to, so you peek down. Following your hands, you examine their shafts. Marky's looks angry and demanding, the red helmet head leaking. Tyler's looks like a marble statue come to life, drenched in his copious precum. A nagging voice in your brain tells you you should be hating this, but you feel... content.
Marky grabs your head, softly pulling it towards his crotch. Your head is dangerously close to his shaft and you force your head back against his hands.
<<di you "Quit it, dude!">>
He immediately lets go of your head and pinches your right arm with enough force to make you grunt. You let go of both dicks instinctually. Tyler, who was so far immovable, slaps your face very hard, getting a yelp out of you.
<<if $you.kissdick is true>>
<<di ty "Quit pretending, bitch. I know you kissed his dick last night. Now, me, I'd never kiss a guy's dick or even touch it for that matter. But you took it into your mouth and kissed it of your own free will. So, stop the drama and just do it or we <strong>will</strong> make you regret it!">>
You shiver at Tyler's tone. It's low and fierce. This is the most he has spoken so far and his angry eyes reveal that he is deadly serious. Even Marky looks at him surprised.
<<if $you.juststroked is true>>
<<di ty "Quit pretending, bitch. I know you pumped his dick last night. Now, me, I'd never touch a guy's dick. But you took it into your hand of your own free will. So, stop the drama and just do it or we <strong>will</strong> make you regret it!">>
You shiver at Tyler's tone. It's low and fierce. This is the most he has spoken so far and his angry eyes reveal that he is deadly serious. Even Marky looks at him surprised.
<<if $you.ranaway is true>>
<<di ty "Quit pretending, bitch. I know you massaged his body last night. That means you're a ?fag. Now, me, I'd never touch a guy like that. So, stop the drama and just do it or we <strong>will</strong> make you regret it!">>
You shiver at Tyler's tone. It's low and fierce. This is the most he has spoken so far and his angry eyes reveal that he is deadly serious. Even Marky looks at him surprised.
You quickly raise both of your hands again, grabbing their rods. Without further guidance, you close your eyes and kiss Marky's dick, getting a tongue full of pre. Your stomach turns a bit, but you keep kissing it like you'd do a girl. The taste isn't so bad, though. Moans come from above.
<<di mark "Put your tongue in the piss slit.">>
You grimace but obey. More moaning. A quick slap jolts you.
<<di ty "Keep stroking mine!">>
You hadn't noticed you stopped stroking Tyler's shaft. You resume doing it while looking up at both of them. Marky is on cloud nine and Tyler keeps looking angry. He moves his cock closer to your face, an implicit order in the movement. You take your lips from one dick to the other one. You're rewarded with the taste of Tyler's precum. He bites his lower lip, a smile almost escaping his mouth. Marky eyes the exchange... jealously?
@@.int;Is he jealous of me? @@
You barely have Tyler's knob in your lips for 30 seconds, when Marky grabs your head with both hands and guides your face to his dick again. You open your mouth to complain about the force and he surprises you by sticking half of it down your mouth. You cough, but he doesn't let go.
<<di mark "You know what, Fairy? I'm done waiting. Your ?fag mouth belongs on my dick. You know how I know that?">>
He moves your head up and down his dick, getting part of it in and out, seizing more coughing from you.
<<di mark "The moment I saw your lips, I knew they'd look damn good with my dick in there. And you know what? I was right! Look at how beautiful you fucking look. Doesn't he, Tyler?">>
Tyler doesn't respond. You keep coughing, your eyes watering. Both your hands grab his hips, trying to push yourself off of him, but you don't have the force to do so. He relents after a couple minutes of this and leaves just the head in.
<<di mark "Open up, my knob wants to say hello to your tonsils!">>
He pushes your head down again, slowly but forcefully, getting stuck again at your throat. He does this over and over.
<<di mark "We're not leaving until I get in!">>
You despair at the thought. Your vision is blurry from all the tears, your jaw hurts from being forced open like this. You look at him pleadingly.
<<di you "--phhleease!">>
<<di mark "Fine, ?fag!">>
He keeps just the head in, again.
<<di mark "I'mma be nice. Concentrate. Relax your throat. Open it up.">>
You try your best to keep your throat open. He moves slowly down your mouth. You feel him get past your throat, and his pubes caress the tip of your nose. Marky Walsh's dick is buried to the hilt in your throat. You feel almost... satisfied at being able to do it. He moans loudly and smiles.
<<di mark "Fuck yeah, Fairy. Oooh, man. This feels so good. Look at that proud look on your face. I know you're proud of taking it all. And you know what? I'm proud of you too!">>
He sways his hips a bit, getting a few extra millimeters in there. You immediately start coughing again. He looks disappointed and goes back to face fucking you, much to your dismay.
<<di mark "Fine bitch, I'll just break down the door!">>
He keeps going relentlessly but never going all the way in as before. His moans get louder and louder.
<<di mark "Hgnnn-shit-fuck-shit-fuuuck!">>
He unloads inside, you feel the jets hitting the top of your mouth.
<<di mark "Swallow it!">>
Sprays fill your mouth up. He finally lets you take his dick out after he is done. His cum tastes almost sweet but you still gag at the thought of having another guy jizz in your mouth. You do your best to ignore your stomach and you swallow it all.
<<di mark "How do you like my cum?">>
He smiles down at you. You say nothing, trying to avoid looking at him. He pinches your right arm angrily.
<<di mark "Answer me, slut!">>
<<di you "Owww! Ok, fine, it was sweet, I guess.">>
You shrug, annoyed.
<<di mark "So you liked it?">>
<<di you "Of course I didn't like it, it was gross, dude!">>
Marky is seemly offended by your answer but doesn't reply. Tyler, being surprisingly patient during all of this, nods his head towards his still rock-hard penis. There's so much pre, it's dripping to the floor. You groan.
<<di you "Please dude, my throat is killing me.">>
He presses his lips together in a frown, clearly peeved, and squints his eyes at you. You sigh. You take his shaft, now with your right hand, and move to take him in your mouth.
@@.int;How is it that it's just my second day here and I'm already sucking my second dick? @@
Tyler keeps one hand over your head but doesn't force you. You pump his cock and suck on the head, doing to him the same piss slit thing you did for Marky. That earns you a moan, a rare response. Despite yourself, you are beaming at being able to get a reaction from him. He keeps staring at you, a sadistic expression on his face. You can feel his eyes reach something inside of you. You take your hand from his rod, using just your mouth to pleasure him. Both your hands travel his abs, feeling the ridges on his skinny frame.
<<di mark "Speed that shit up, Tyler. We gotta go.">>
There's a weird edge to Marky's voice. He sounds jealous again. Tyler just looks at Marky for a second and goes back to eyeing you intensely. While getting facefucked by Marky was mostly rough and relentless, sucking Tyler's cock is sensual, despite his intense hollow eyes. You find yourself turned on more than you'd admit. You are even able to deepthroat him a couple of times. He's longer, but not as thick as Marky, and that makes it a bit easier. He suddenly takes his rod from your mouth.
<<di ty "Open.">>
You obey, keeping your mouth open. He groans and sprays his cum over your tongue. He never closes his eyes and you don't dare to look away. After six spurts, he dribbles the rest of it inside. He nods. You swallow. He tastes sharper than Marky, but also not bad.
<<di ty "Clean.">>
A droplet of cum rests on the tip of his knob. You lick it up. He smiles, clearly satisfied with your performance. Marky immediately gets in your face.
<<di mark "Well, since Emmett clearly doesn't want a BJ, you're all done, Fairy.">>
You get up, dying to put your shirt back on and get out of here. Emmett looks pretty desperate to get out as well.
<<di mark "I just have one last thing to ask.">>
A chill runs through your body.
<<di mark "Which dude-sauce tastes better? We have a poll going.">>
You finish putting your shirt on and eye them both back and forth. Marky smirks at you, Tyler rolls his eyes.
@@.sub;[[Marky's->LockerRoomMarkysTaste][$lmark += 2; $lty -= 1]]@@
@@.sub;[[Tyler's->LockerRoomTylersTaste][$lmark -= 4; $lty += 4]]@@You eye both of them dejectedly, not wanting to answer the question, but not daring to ignore it.
<<di you "Yours.">>
You mutter the answer and can feel yourself blushing. You hate the fact that you just swallowed two dude's loads and that you're being made to pick the tastiest like you're some sort of cum slut who has drunk so much of it, you can actually rank it by taste.
<<di mark "Yes!">>
Marky pumps his fist in celebration, looking like a bro who just won a match playing videogames. Tyler looks almost annoyed but still stoic as ever.
<<di mark "Knew you'd love the taste of my sweet milk! Soon enough you'll be begging me to feed you some! How does it feel to have my babies swimming around in your belly? I bet you love knowing that I'm now inside you <strong>forever</strong>.">>
You're not sure he actually wants an answer - he usually does - but you still say nothing. Emmett gets up, and goes to the door quickly, ignoring all three of you. You notice he has a tent on his pants as the door clangs open.
<<di you "Can I go now?">>
You hear a pathetic note in your own voice. You've sucked two dicks, picked your favorite tasting cum, and now are begging to leave your bullies.
<<di mark "Yeah, Fairy, see you at home!">>
You shudder at the reminder that you share a room with that monster. Before any of them change their minds, you walk to the exit, leaving a smirking Marky and a dispassionate Tyler behind. You walk to the newer-looking locker room. It's already full of guys and you feel safe in a big group.
@@.int;I need a shower. @@
You adjust your hard cock inside your shorts.
@@.int;But first I need to take care of this. @@
Getting inside a toilet and latching it closed, you pull your hard dick out. Working on it, you drown out the voices and laughs from the guys outside the stall. Your mind wanders to the last pornos you watched. It's hard to concentrate, though. An image of Marky looking down at you from above flashes on your mind. He pinches your right arm.
<<di you "Hgnn fuck!">>
You orgasm immediately, coating the toilet with your jizz. Cleaning yourself with toilet paper, you leave and find the closest available shower. You quickly remove your clothes and start showering, opening your mouth to the hot water in an attempt to remove the taste of cum from your tongue.
@@.int;What is wrong with me? @@
[[You shower and leave->MorningGymMeetHaruki]]You eye both of them dejectedly, not wanting to answer the question, but not daring to ignore it.
<<di you "Tyler's.">>
You mutter the answer and can feel yourself blushing. You hate the fact that you just swallowed two dude's loads and that you're being made to pick the tastiest like you're some sort of cum slut who has drunk so much of it, you can actually rank it by taste.
There's a weird silence following your admittance. Marky looks stunned and angry. You briefly wonder if it was an intelligent move to insult his jizz like this, considering you share a room with him. Tyler flashes you a quick grin and eyes Marky.
<<di ty "You owe me.">>
Silence. You can actually hear the sounds from the adjoining locker room.
<<di mark "Whatever!">>
More silence.
Emmett gets up, and goes to the door quickly, ignoring all three of you. You notice he has a tent on his pants as the door clangs open.
<<di you "Can I go now?">>
You hear a pathetic note in your own voice. You've sucked two dicks, picked your favorite tasting cum, and now are begging to leave your bullies.
Tyler grins at you again and nods. You walk to the exit, leaving a fuming Marky behind. You walk to the newer-looking locker room. It's already full of guys and you feel safe in a big group.
@@.int;I need a shower. @@
You adjust your hard cock inside your shorts.
@@.int;But first I need to take care of this. @@
Getting inside a toilet and latching it closed, you pull your hard dick out. Working on it, you drown out the voices and laughs from the guys outside the stall. Your mind wanders to the last pornos you watched. It's hard to concentrate, though. An image of Tyler looking down at you from above flashes on your mind. He slaps you hard.
<<di you "Hgnn fuck!">>
You orgasm immediately, coating the toilet with your jizz. Cleaning yourself with toilet paper, you leave and find the closest available shower. You quickly remove your clothes and start showering, opening your mouth to the hot water in an attempt to remove the taste of cum from your tongue.
@@.int;What is wrong with me? @@
[[You shower and leave->MorningGymMeetHaruki]]<<di you "Lick it.">>
You say, glancing at his cum-covered hand for a second. He doesn't move. You can hear Tyler's shortened breath in the silence that follows. You kick Emmett's belly with enough force for him to understand you mean business. He yelps and jumps a bit.
<<di you "I told you to lick it, fucking bitch!">>
He makes a face as if you told him to eat a worm. Tyler gawks at you and he looks almost... impressed? You're still not sure if he's capable of having feelings. You raise your leg to kick Emmett again. He immediately licks his knuckles, and you can see your cream coat his ?fag tongue. He appears about to throw up. You smile again.
<<di you "Now lick his from your glasses.">>
This time, he doesn't have to be told to do it again. Emmett takes the front of his glasses and runs his tongue over it with eyes closed, getting a mouthful of Tyler's jizz. You laugh, like a comic book villain who got his way. Tyler looks at you weirdly and shakes his head. Emmett grimaces while swallowing, and looks at you pleadingly. He's begging to be let go with those big hazel eyes of his, no words necessary.
<<di mark "My turn!">>
You'd forgotten Marky was in the room and the sound of his voice is enough to ruin your high. Before you're able to react, Emmett takes one look at Marky and jumps to his feet, sprinting towards the door, proving he can run fast during Track Club, he just chooses not to. Marky eyes both of you furiously and runs after Emmett.
<<di mark "Come back here, fattie!">>
The door clangs open and both their feet pitter-patter down the hallway. You look at Tyler awkwardly, your deflating boners still out.
<<di you "So...">>
Tyler doesn't respond, he simply pulls his shorts up and keeps looking at you. You do the same.
<<di you "Why did you stop Marky?... When he was about to hit me.">>
<<di ty "I was curious about you.">>
He says, matter-of-factly, like it was obvious.
<<di you "Aren't you friends?">>
He simply scoffs and moves to the exit, leaving you alone in the room. You shake your head in disbelief at the events of the last hour. You take your shirt, sling it across your back, and walk to the newer-looking locker room. Voices and laughter get louder as you approach the area. You find an empty shower, a grin still on your lips.
[[You shower and leave.->MorningGymMeetHaruki]]<<di mark "My turn!">>
You'd forgotten Marky was in the room and the sound of his voice is enough to ruin your high. Before you're able to react, Emmett takes one look at Marky and jumps to his feet, sprinting towards the door, proving he can run fast during Track Club, he just chooses not to. Marky eyes both of you furiously and runs after Emmett.
<<di mark "Come back here, fattie!">>
The door clangs open and both their feet pitter-patter down the hallway. You look at Tyler awkwardly, your deflating boners still out.
<<di you "So...">>
Tyler doesn't respond, he simply pulls his shorts up and keeps looking at you. You do the same.
<<di you "Why did you stop Marky?... When he was about to hit me.">>
<<di ty "I was curious about you.">>
He says, matter-of-factly, like it was obvious.
<<di you "Aren't you friends?">>
He simply scoffs and moves to the exit, leaving you alone in the room. You shake your head in disbelief at the events of the last hour. You take your shirt, sling it across your back, and walk to the newer-looking locker room. Voices and laughing get louder as you approach the area. You find an empty shower, a grin still on your lips.
[[You shower and leave.->MorningGymMeetHaruki]]
explored $you.explored
ran away $you.ranaway
stroked $you.juststroked
kissed dick $you.kissdick
provoked $you.provokedmarky
em jerk $emm.jerkedyou
em lick $emm.lickedcum
sub $sub
mark $lmark
ty $lty
emm $lemm
har $lhar
sam $lsam
fre $lfre@@.title;Chapter III - The Dude Does Protest Too Much. @@
You leave the shower feeling almost like yourself. In the short time you've spent in this place you can already feel your mind being twisted by those sex-craved deviants. But that shower has put your head in place. Maybe. Almost surely.
You long for home. You miss the ability to lock yourself in your room and ignore the world.
@@.int;I can't go to my room... Marky will be there. I honestly can't deal with that asshole anymore today. @@
The sun is starting to set. You decide to explore and find somewhere else to spend the night. There's still enough sunlight to guide your way. You can't very well be turning lights on and off around the place when you're supposed to be in your room. This place is huge, there's bound to be somewhere at least semi-comfortable for you to sleep in.
After getting turned around a couple of times and entering some very dilapidated rooms, you finally come across some sort of boxing gym. The sun has decided to leave and this will just have to be good enough. Using your phone's flashlight, you lay three mats on top of one another and voilá, that's your bed for the night. A very gross bed that smells of sweat, but a bed nonetheless.
A half-hour of YouTube videos later, and after a day of not charging, your phone's battery has reached 0%. You are now in complete darkness, save for the faint moonlight coming in through dirty windows. There's nothing to do but sleep.
<div class="timebar"></div>
You wake up with sunlight hitting your face and the distinct feeling you're being watched. You raise your upper body and turn your head around. The Asian guy with the spiky hair from yesterday is staring at you. He starts at your sudden movement.
<<di you "Why are you looking at me sleeping?">>
You can hear the drowsiness in your own voice.
<<di har "Why are you sleeping in the gym?">>
His head tilts to the side slightly, like a confused dog.
<<di you "What time is it?">>
<<di har "A little past six.">>
<<di you "Why are you here so early?">>
<<di har "You still haven't answered my first question.">>
You take a deep and very annoyed breath and shake yourself awake.
<<di you "My roommate is Marky Walsh.">>
A look of recognition crosses his face.
<<di har "Oh.">>
There's a few seconds of awkward silence. You get up and put the mats back in their place.
<<di har "I like to train early, before other people get here.">>
Your eyes travel to him and now that you're up and awake, you can finally really take a look at him.
He is handsome, with clear East Asian features. His square face is highlighted by high cheekbones. His brown eyes have this vacant expression, again reminding you of a dog. The impossibly spiky black hair has frosted tips and looks almost like a sculpture, similar to those anime characters that have gravity-defying hair.
He's short, probably around 1,65m (5'5"), but strong. He's wearing a wife-beater and his pecs and abs are outlined by the sun despite being covered by fabric. He's not big but his muscles are very defined and compact. His skin looks tanned, which makes his biceps look even more delineated.
<<di har "OK, then.">>
You realize you were staring and not saying anything.
@@.int;Damn caramel-looking biceps. @@
<<di you "Sorry, still drowsy. I'm $you.name. I should leave you to your... boxing. ">>
<<di har "You don't have to leave.">>
<<di you "I thought you came early to be alone.">>
<<di har "I come early to avoid assholes. Jury is still out, but you don't seem like an asshole to me.">>
He smiles. You smile back. And you shake it off immediately after.
@@.int;No! I'm not going through another Emmett thing. No one can be trusted in this place. @@
<<di you "I have no reason to stay.">>
Awkward silence. He looks floored.
<<di har "Wow.... OK.">>
He walks to a station and starts to wrap his hands with gauze. You immediately feel awful.
@@.int;Fuck, what if he really is nice? @@
You ponder for a moment, he continues wrapping his hands, ignoring your presence.
<<di you "Sorry. It's just... People here haven't been kind to me.">>
Silence. You think he's not even going to respond. Then, he turns to you.
<<di har "I'm Haruki, by the way.">>
He's now done wrapping his hands. Haruki puts his gloves on and approaches a punching bag. He punches a couple of times, and the chain the bag is hanging from creaks as it swings.
<<di har "Look, I'm not like those guys. I hate those guys. Those are the assholes I come here early to avoid. They think they own the place. And I mean the school, not just the gym.">>
<<di you "And people. They think they own people.">>
@@.int;They think they own me. @@
<<di har "Look, you can stay. You can suck my dick while I train, no big deal. ">>
@@.int;WHAT? @@
<<di you "WHAT? ">>
<<di har "You like dick, don't you? I don't get off roughing ?fags up to get some head. I heard you like to suck some dick, I like to get my dick sucked. Win, win.">>
Your veins are coursing with pure unbridled rage. You knew you were right. Everybody here is a sex-craved evil demon spawn.
@@.int; They're spreading rumors I like dick? @@
<<di you "I'm not sucking your dick! I'm not a ?fag, you asshole!">>
<<di har "Whoa, dude!">>
He raises his hands, clearly surprised at your reaction.
<<di har "Yesterday, the guys were saying that the new guy was going to blow Marky, Tyler, and Emmett after class. Then I saw you four together in the abandoned locker room I like to shower in.">>
Haruki eyes you suspiciously.
<<di har "Or are you one of those ?fags that gets his rocks off pretending not to want it but likes to be roughed up? I guess I can do that if you enjoy it.">>
<<di you "No, dude, jeez. What the fuck? Fuck you.">>
You turn around to leave and start walking. Despite being very angry at the situation, your dick is hard thinking about doing... things... with Haruki.
<<di har "Hey, man, I didn't mean to piss you off. You were staring at my body and with the rumors... If I misread the situation, sorry. K? I told you, I'm not like those guys. Stay. Don't stay. It's cool. Just... Don't think I'm like them.">>
You turn around, less angry, but still very much confrontational.
<<di you "OK, then. First of all, I'm not a <strong>?fag</strong>.">>
You air quote the word ?fag, for some reason.
<<di you "Second, I wasn't staring.">>
@@.int;Well, I kinda was. @@
<<di you "Third, even if I liked sucking dicks, why would you assume I'd suck yours? I mean, if I'm sucking three dicks already, what do I need you for?">>
<<di har "Well, are you?">>
<<di you "Am I what?">>
<<di har "Sucking three dicks.">>
Haruki says that deadpan. You feel a new jolt of anger.
@@.int;That guy is impossible! @@
<<di you "I'm not sucking three dicks! Or yours! -- Or any dick!">><<nobr>>
<<if hasVisited("MarkyKissDick") or hasVisited("LockerRoomGiveHandjobMarky")>>
@@.int;Well, that's a flat out lie. @@
<<di har "The lady doth protest too much, methinks.">>
<<di you "Don't you quote Shakespeare at me!">>
<<di har "What's wrong with Shakespeare?">>
You're not sure how to respond to that, since it's not really Shakespeare you're angry at, so you don't say anything.
<<di har "OK, then.">>
He pauses.
<<di har "If you're <strong>really</strong> sure.">>
Haruki grins. You approach him angrily, still unsure what you're trying to accomplish by doing it. It's not like you're going to hit him.
<<di har "Changed your mind?">>
He still has that dopey dog-like grin splashed on his face. Maybe you are going to hit him.
@@.dom;[[Hit him and make him suck you off.->MorningGymHitHaruki][$sub -= 1; $lhar += 2]]@@
@@.sub;[[Maybe you kinda actually do wanna suck his dick?->MorningGymSuckHaruki][$sub += 1; $lhar += 2]]@@
[[Just leave this cocky douche.->MorningGymLeaveHaruki][$lhar -= 1]]You push Haruki with both hands. Not hard enough to make him fall, but hard enough for him to know you mean business. As soon as you do it, you regret it immensely.
@@.int;What am I doing? This guy is a boxer. He's not a pushover like Emmett. @@
<<di you "Maybe it's you that wants to suck some dick. Mine.">>
@@.int;What am I saying? Why am I doing this to myself? I'm really dead now. @@
Haruki pushes you back lightly. You try to punch him and he sidesteps easily. He's still grinning. This is like some sort of game to him. He removes the gloves from his hands swiftly and throws them down. He steps forward, inches from you.
<<di har "This little thing?">>
He grabs your bulge suddenly and squeezes it, boxing wraps still covering his hand. It hurts and your body instinctively pulls back. He doesn't let go and your movement only makes it hurt more. A groan leaves your lips.
<<di har "I can see, well, <strong>feel</strong> that you're hard. I wasn't that off base then.">>
Haruki cracks his neck to one side and stares intensely at you. You're this close to begging for mercy, but you breathe through the pain. A few torturous seconds pass, your breathing the only sound in the room.
He then lets go of your dick, grabs your head by both sides, and kisses you hungrily. You're so startled, you sink forward against his torso. He stops kissing you.
<<di har "Doesn't look to me like you want your dick sucked. You're like a ragdoll in my arms.">>
Haruki pushes you. You step back, trying not to lose your balance. He pushes again. Your back hits the wall. One step and his lips are against yours once more. This time, you try to kiss him back, but his tongue is roughly devouring yours. Haruki's hands are all over your body. You do the same to him, shoving your palms below his wife-beater, feeling his muscles. His firm abs are damp with sweat. After a few minutes of groping, he cuts the kiss, breathing heavily.
<<di har "Tell me what you want.">>
<<di you "Your lips on my cock.">>
<<di har "Why should I do that?">>
<<di you "Because I said so.">>
He slaps your face softly, but it still stings.
<<di har "Wrong. Two more tries.">>
Haruki has an amused look on his face, like a dog playing with a squeaky toy. You knit your eyebrows.
@@.int;This really is a game to him. @@
<<di you "Because I want it.">>
<<di har "Close, but no cigar. Last try.">>
<<di you "Because <strong>you</strong> want it.">>
He pats your face lovingly and smiles big.
<<di har "Exactamundo.">>
Haruki immediately drops to his knees and pulls the bands of your sweatpants and underwear down at the same time. Your cock pops out, hard as iron. He engulfs it in one try, leaving you stunned at the quickness of the situation. He might be sucking your dick, but he's very much in control.
<<di you "Hgnn...">>
His warm mouth feels amazing and if it weren't for that wall holding you up, you might melt to the floor. Haruki bobs his head quickly up and down your dick, giving you pleasure you've never felt before. He's clearly experienced at this and he has you at the palm of his hand... or the movement of his tongue. Same difference.
Haruki looks up at you, greed in his eyes, mouth still on your cock. His hands travel to your shirt, climbing under it. His nails dig into your skin, scratching your abdomen painfully.
<<di you "Fuuuck!">>
Your dick pops out of his mouth and he bites your right thigh forcefully. He gets up, also freeing his own dick from his sweats. You look down at it. It's a bit curved, slightly darker than his body, and probably a good 6 inches (15 cm). He spits on it.
His mouth covers yours once more and he rubs his shaft against yours, using one hand to pump them both at the same time, his spit working as lube. His other hand scratches the small of your back roughly. You groan against his lips, your hands traveling his strong back.
<<di har "Cum for me.">>
He whispers in your ear and licks your earlobes. Chills run through your body from the unexpected sensation and you blast your semen all over his pubes. Haruki bites your neck hard enough to hurt and grunts. After a minute, you feel his warm jizz hit your abs. He keeps pumping your dicks softly for some time. He then raises his cum covered fingers and sucks one sensually. You just look at him, astonished.
<<di har "Not bad, kid.">>
He bites his lip, a smile playing behind it.
<<di har "But you need more experience to dominate someone.">>
Haruki looks crestfallen at his cum covered boxing wrap gauze.
<<di har "Well, this is ruined.">>
He unwraps the gauze and uses it to finish cleaning himself. Haruki blinks at you and tilts his head in that same dog-like fashion.
<<di har "Cat got your tongue?">>
You're still breathless from the experience. He quite literally took your breath away.
<<di you "It was great. Very unexpected, but really fucking great.">>
<<di har "Not that unexpected. You were eye-fucking me as soon as you saw me.">>
It surprises you to realize that you still have the ability to blush at what he said, even after all of this.
<<di you "But you sucked me off! I mean, I had no idea you were a ?fag.">>
Haruki's expression goes from elated to disappointed as soon as you say the f word.
<<di har "I'm no ?fag, man... What? 'Cause I sucked your dick? Take a look at yourself. You're covered with my scratches and bites. I just gave you the ride of your life using only my mouth and hands.">>
He shakes his head, pressing his thin lips together.
<<di har "Being a ?fag is a state of mind.">>
He points at your head and gazes at you fiercely.
<<di har "It's about being a submissive little bitch. Take a long hard look at yourself. If there's a ?fag here, it ain't me.">>
Haruki smiles at you, but you can see disappointment behind it.
<<di har "Hiding from your room because you're scared of your roommate?">>
You feel like crying because you know he's right. You tried to dominate this guy and ended up being dominated yourself. You spent the night on top of a smelly mat with no phone because you were scared of Marky.
@@.int;I'm pathetic... @@
Haruki looks at you as if he can read your mind. He holds your head with both of his hands again, just like when he first kissed you.
<<di har "Don't get all up in your head about it. Shake it off. With a bit of training, you can defend yourself. But honestly, that's not really what you need the most, even though you are scrawny. Attitude is the most important thing. You hear me?">>
@@.int;Why is he being so nice to me? @@
You nod against his hands, the urge to cry getting stronger by the minute. But you control yourself. Might as well take his advice to heart promptly.
<<di har "Now get out of here, I wanna train. If you wanna learn how to defend yourself, you can come down here bright and early, before classes. I might help you. If you're not an ass.">>
He finally lets go of your head and walks across the room, throwing his cum ridden gauze in the garbage.
<<di you "Thanks, man... For everything.">>
<<di har "No problemo!">>
You start to leave, eager to wash the cum from your body.
<<di har "Oh, and $you.name, you seem a bit slow on the uptake, so I'll spell this out for you.">>
You turn to face Haruki.
<<di har "What happened here is between the two of us. If you blab your mouth to your roommate or anybody else, I'm done with you.">>
Still at a loss for words, you just nod and grunt your acknowledgment. It's not like you want people to know you were kissing another dude. Somehow kissing a guy feels more intimate — and worse for your social standing — than a blowjob. You're not sure why.
You leave the gym and find the closest bathroom. You need to clean up and head on to your room.
[[You clean yourself.->MorningRoomAfterGym]]You both spend a good thirty seconds staring at one another. Haruki doesn't blink. You do, twice. If this is a contest of some sort, you have already lost.
<<di har "What?">>
<<di you "What, what?">>
<<di har "I'm waiting. Are you gonna hit me or kiss me?">>
You shake your head.
@@.int; It's infuriating how full of himself he is! @@
<<di you "Why would I kiss you?">>
<<di har "Because of this.">>
He grabs your bulge and finds your dick's head with his finger. He massages it softly over the pants.
<<di har "You've been hard ever since I offered you my dick. You're wearing sweats and I'm not blind.">>
He cocks his head to one side and grins.
<<di har "Sooo...? Do you want it or not?">>
Silence. It's hard to externalize that you do want to kiss him... and suck his dick. It's embarrassing.
<<di har "I'm not here for games. If you want it, ask for it. Otherwise, out of my gym. I have work to do.">>
<<di you "I-I want it.">>
<<di har "What is it you want?">>
<<di you "Y-your dick.">>
As soon as the words leave your mouth, Haruki clasps his on top of yours. He is rough and aggressive, and he takes your breath away. You try to kiss him back but his tongue is the one in charge. His hand is still massaging your shaft over your clothes. He takes your hand and puts it over his bulge. He's hard too, and you almost feel an electric current when you touch it for the first time. Even over the clothes, you can feel the heat from it.
Haruki suddenly raises you from the floor, carrying you like a husband would his bride. A squeak of surprise leaves your lips. He bites your neck strongly, causing you to grunt. Walking towards a pile of mats, he throws you atop them and you land on your back.
<<di har "Time to get what you asked for. Open up.">>
He hangs your head off the corner of the mat pile. He takes his dick out swiftly and you look at it upside down. It's a bit curved, slightly darker than his body, and probably a good 6 inches (15 cm).
You barely have time to check it out and it's already halfway towards your open mouth. It's slightly terrifying being in this position, especially since Haruki is going fast, giving you no time to rethink what's happening. In one push his rod is already poking your throat entrance, making you gag.
<<di har "Shhhh... Relax, and you'll enjoy it. ?Fags were born for this.">>
You realize that having your head upside down like this actually makes it easier for his shaft to go down your gullet, even if it's a strain on your neck. And down it goes. You feel his pubes hit your chin and his balls meet your nose as he thrusts. Your whole world is musky balls and you can smell the testosterone radiating off of him.
His hands travel your body, pinching your nipples and scratching you roughly with his nails. After a while, he holds your throat with both of his hands, feeling his cock pushing your Adam's apple upwards.
<<di har "Yeah, bitch, I can feel it in there.">>
Haruki presses his hands tighter around your neck and you can't breathe every time he goes all the way in. He holds his rod in there for 10 seconds each time and he chokes you using his hands, massaging his dick from the outside. You gag and cough several times. However, despite being relentless in his throat fucking, he never pushes you past your limit.
<<di har "Fuck, fuck, fuck, I'm gonna cum.">>
He lays down the upper part of his body against yours and bites your abdomen, hard. If you didn't have a dick in your mouth, you'd yell for sure. He uses his nails to scratch your sides painfully during his last thrusts.
Finally, he pushes all the way in and rests the full weight of his body over yours. Haruki grunts something unintelligible and trembles. You assume he's cumming, even though you can't taste it, what with him being buried to the hilt down your throat.
After twenty seconds of this, you need to breathe desperately. Moving your head to the side, his dick pops out of your mouth and you can feel the hard tool leaking the rest of his orgasm against your left cheek. Both of you pant breathlessly.
<<di har "Take it into your mouth again. Don't suck it, just leave it there.">>
Despite being out of breath, you obey him. Droplets of cum land in your tongue and his taste invades your mouth. Surprisingly, Haruki reaches for your hard member, taking it out of your underwear and stroking you fast. His other hand keeps scratching your abdomen. You're pretty sure that after this you're going to be marked all over. He suddenly swallows your dick in one go.
His mouth is like a hoover, and between feeling his weight on top of yours, tasting his cum, smelling his musky balls, being scratched all over and his tongue, you're going into sensory overload. It takes a short while for you to be on the brink of cumming.
<<di you "Ihn 'onna 'um">>
Having a dick in your mouth, you can't really speak so you try to signify to him as best you can you're about to cum. He keeps sucking hard, scratching hard, pinching hard.
<<di you "'uuuck">>
You unload your seed into his welcoming mouth. He keeps sucking and you can hear him swallowing your load. You finally spit his deflated dick out of your mouth and moan loudly. The explosion going on inside you demanded some vocal release, it doesn't resemble anything you've ever experienced before.
After you're done, he finally releases you from his weight and helps you up. You eye each other, both looking like a mess. A drop of his cum slides down from your cheek to your chin. He takes it with his finger and shoves it inside your mouth.
<<di har "Never waste my seed.">>
You suck his finger, despite being exhausted from the experience and having regrets about this now that you came.
@@.int;Fuck, look at what he made me do. I'm not a ?fag. I don't like this. @@
He cocks his head to one side, in a canine fashion, and looks at you with this weird expression. You spit his finger out of your mouth, the regret making you sick of having swallowed his load. He uses the same hand to caress your face.
<<di har "I can see the gay panic in your eyes.">>
<<di you "I'm not gay!">>
You protest, with a frown, stepping back from his touch. You quickly raise your underwear and pants. He smiles, a hint of disappointment hiding in his eyes.
<<di har "So, you're not the guy who just sucked me off and swallowed my load thirty seconds ago?">>
<<di you "I didn't mean to -- You made me.">>
His expression morphs into a very serious and angry one. It makes him look like a different person.
<<di har "I don't care what level of gay panic you have, never accuse me of forcing you to do anything. You literally asked for it, bitch!">>
The sound of his voice is also different, it has a strain to it, an anger that doesn't match his regular tone.
<<di har "Now listen to me.">>
Haruki raises his pants, still eyeing you with a severe look.
<<di har "You're a ?fag --">>
<<di you "-- I'm not a ?fag!">>
<<di har "Shut up!">>
He doesn't raise his voice, but his tone is cutting, and it silences you.
<<di har "You're a cocksucking, cum drinking ?faggot who enjoys getting told what to do. Don't deny it.">>
Hearing it like this, coming from him, makes you teary-eyed. It's different than when Marky says it. With a bully, they're trying to grind you down, humiliate you. That's not what Haruki is doing, he's making you confront your darkest desires.
<<di har "I like guys but on my terms. You won't see nobody pushing me to the floor and slapping me around. I'm no ?fag.">>
His look softens a little. So does his voice.
<<di har "Embrace it. It's not a bad thing wanting to serve men superior to you.">>
You blink at this, shocked at what he's saying. It's outrageous. Still, part of you knows that he's right. You did want it. You enjoyed getting dominated by him, even if you're not willing to admit this to yourself.
@@.int;I'm pathetic... @@
Haruki shakes his head.
<<di har "You're clearly not ready to accept this yet. And that's OK too.">>
You wonder if he can read your mind. He gets close to you and takes your left hand in both of his. He holds it and looks at you with a kind look on his face.
<<di har "Look, I know this is hard to hear, so I won't say any more now. But I'll help you get there.">>
He smiles and it warms your heart.
<<di har "I told you I'm not like those guys. I can be a dick to suck or a shoulder to cry on. I can also train you to defend yourself. You're a scrawny kid.">>
@@.int;Why is he being so nice to me? @@
You nod, the urge to cry getting stronger by the minute. You try to stifle a sob, but it comes out against your better judgment. Tears fall from your eyes. Surprising you once again, he hugs you strongly. It feels amazing and your sob even more.
<<di har "Let it out, it's OK.">>
Haruki caresses your back while you cry, his warm body feeling like a shelter from this hellish place.
@@.int;Can I really trust him? @@
Tears stream down, landing on his wife-beater. It's a release after the awful last couple of days. You're done after a couple of minutes and he lets go of you. He smiles again and pets your face.
<<di har "Better?">>
You nod.
<<di har "If you're <strong>really</strong> sure.">>
He grins, the same as before. You laugh at his call back of your earlier conversation. He smiles wider.
<<di har "I gotta train now. If you do wanna learn how to defend yourself, you can come down here bright and early, before classes. I'll help you.">>
He walks back to his gloves and starts to put them back on.
<<di you "Thanks, man... For everything.">>
<<di har "No problemo!">>
You start to leave.
<<di har "Oh, and $you.name, once last thing.">>
You turn to face Haruki.
<<di har "What happened here is between the two of us. No telling anyone, yeah?">>
Still at a loss for words, you just nod and grunt your acknowledgment. It's not like you want people to know you were kissing and sucking another dude. Somehow kissing a guy feels more intimate — and worse for your social standing — than a blowjob. You're not sure why.
You leave the gym and find the closest bathroom. You need to clean up and head on to your room.
[[You clean yourself.->MorningRoomAfterGym]]You both spend a good thirty seconds staring at one another. Haruki doesn't blink. You do, twice. If this is a contest of some sort, you have already lost.
<<di har "What?">>
<<di you "What, what?">>
<<di har "I'm waiting. Are you gonna hit me or kiss me?">>
You shake your head.
@@.int; It's infuriating how full of himself he is! @@
You scoff and turn to leave. You start walking, not wanting anything to do with the assholes in this place.
<<di har "Oh, come on! Really?">>
He calls out from behind, an amused annoyance in his voice. He walks to you, turns you around using his gloved hands, and gives you a quick peck on the lips. You jump back on instinct.
<<di har "Nothing?">>
It makes your cock twitch but you ignore it. You quickly clean your mouth using the back of your hand, like he just smeared dog shit across your lips.
<<di you "Stop, dude!">>
<<di har "OK. Sorry, then.">>
Haruki raises his arms again as if he committed a foul playing sports, and shakes his head, dejected.
<<di har "If you don't want it, you don't want it.">>
It wasn't really the reaction you were expecting from him. The last guys who tried to use you in this place were much more incisive. You press your lips together, trying to figure out his endgame.
<<di har "You're a scrawny kid. You need to learn to defend yourself from those assholes. Even though you get on my nerves, you can come down here bright and early, before classes. I might help you.">>
@@.int;Why is he being nice to me? @@
<<di you "Why would you do that?">>
<<di har "Because I don't like the assholes that are messing with you. And because you kinda need it.">>
He pats your face, again getting too close. You softly shove his hand away from your face.
<<di you "Fine.">>
<<di har "Fine.">>
<<di you "Are you done?">>
You fold your arms against your chest, puffing it up slightly in a show of bravado. He shakes his head again and smiles, amused at your attitude.
<<di har "Why are you such a bitch?">>
<<di you "I'm leaving.">>
Haruki then raises his gloved hands and motions his fingers towards the exit, the universal sign of "Leave!". You comply and find the closest bathroom. You need to clean up and head on to your room.
[[You clean yourself.->MorningRoomAfterGym]]@@.title;Chapter IV - <strike>Sophie's</strike> Fairy's Choice. @@
After getting cleaned up you realize you do have to go to your room, even if it's just to charge your phone and change clothes. You also need to face Marky, come what may.
You quickly find your way back to the room. This big manor is still a maze-like building, but you're getting better at mapping it out in your mind. The previously identical archways are not so identical anymore. Luckily, Baroque Architecture is extremely detailed, and you've found that you can at last point out subtle differences between corridors.
Despite the early hour, the hallways are already bustling with activity. You get some funny looks, it probably has something to do with the dick sucking rumors. It's infuriating and equally as embarrassing. So much for a new start around here.
You get to your door at the end of the hallway and stare at it, dread filling your stomach.
Deep breath.
You turn the knob and open it as softly as possible. Your eyes quickly search the place and... it's empty. You breathe out.
@@.int;I really need to face Marky, but I'm glad it doesn't have to be now. @@
You stick the charger on your phone and start changing clothes. Despite cleaning up five minutes ago, you're still wearing yesterday's clothes and it feels icky. Meanwhile, the phone turns on and starts beeping relentlessly, a ton of backed-up messages arriving at the same time. You finish changing and grab your phone.
There are messages from Mom and from two different numbers that aren't on your contact list. Mom just wants to know how you are and you reply with a quick "Fine". You're still mad at her for sending you here in the first place and you honestly don't feel like talking.
You click on the last received message, from one of the unknown numbers.
<<msgfrom "This is St. Agnes Reform School's Notification System.">>
<<msgfrom "Mr. Ferry, this a late warning. You now have 01 late warning(s). Avoid being penalized, don't be late :)">>
You determine that the smiley face at the end of the message makes it a thousand times more grating than it had the right to be.
@@.int;Thanks, Marky, for making me late yesterday. @@
You save the contact for the warning system and tap to read the other unknown number's slew of messages. Glancing at them is enough to devise they're from Marky.
<<msgfrom "where u @ fairy?">>
<<msgfrom "i miss u">>
<<msgfrom "fairyyyy???">>
<<msgfrom "missing my nightly bj from my fave ?faggot">>
<<msgfrom "?????">>
<<msgfrom "where the fuck are u bitch">>
<<msgfrom "youll regret this ?fag">>
Dreadful grammar aside, the messages leave you with a thousand questions. How did he get this number? What nightly blowjob? What will you regret? Not coming to the room? Is that an infraction in his eyes? Does he truly think you're indentured to him?
You set the phone aside and leave it charging while working on your homework. You wouldn't want another warning, would you?
Forty-five minutes later, you're all done with homework, your phone is charged and you're dressed for class. You won't be late this time.
[[You head to class.->ThirdDay]]Class is boring and you learn little. This probably describes high school experiences everywhere, but here the priests seem determined to make classes as monotonous as humanly possible.
After leaving class, you're walking down the hallway on your way to lunch when you're suddenly grabbed from behind. A strong arm snakes itself around your neck and another one holds your arms against your back.
<<di mark "I told ya, you'd regret it.">>
@@.int;No! No! Nonononono! NO!@@
Chills run through your body and you start squirming, trying to free yourself. It's useless, Marky is much too strong for you.
<<di you "Let go of me!">>
Your voice sounds croaked, he's putting pressure on your neck. Squirming again proves to be even more pointless since he effortlessly starts dragging you somewhere. Your feet are barely touching the ground and your neck is getting more pressure by the second. Trying to scream is equally fruitless, a barely understandable "help" is all you can accomplish.
@@.int;How is he so strong? @@
Marky drags you to what looks like an old broom closet, throwing you inside. You fall on your ass and scramble to get up, but fail at it whilst also bringing a torrent of old brooms down over your head. He looks down at you, smirking.
<<di mark "See you later, Fairy!">>
He spits on your face.
<<di mark "Enjoy the taste of my spit, bitch. It's all the lunch you're gonna get!">>
You rub your wrist against your face, trying to remove his spit from it. While you're occupied with that, Marky reaches down into your pocket and steals your phone. Before you can react or complain, he shuts and locks the door with a key, leaving you in darkness.
The room smells moldy and gross. Grosser still is the fact that your face feels wet from Marky's spit. Still embraced by darkness, you find a way to get up amid the generations of brooms in the room. You fumble around the walls for a minute and find a switch.
@@.int; Finally! @@
And it doesn't work. Nothing happens. You flip it up and down again and again in expectation. Nothing.
<div class="timebar"></div>
After what feels like hours later, a few tries of kicking your way out, hurting your leg in the process, and enough screaming to make you hoarse, you give up trying to escape.
Sometime after that, the door unlocks and opens. Light blinds you momentarily.
Marky roughly grabs you by the arm and starts leading you down the corridor. You're still dizzy from the sudden bright lights, so your reaction times are hazy at best. You're also trembling from... fear? Staying locked in a dark room gave you flashbacks from that other horrible time he locked you in a lab.
From the angle of the shadows and the yellow tint in the light, you surmise that the sun is setting. That means you stayed inside this closet for at least five hours. You missed not only lunch but two classes as well.
<<di you "Where are you taking me?">>
<<di mark "To our room, of course. Tonight you're staying with me.">>
You don't even have to look at him to know he has a cruel smile on his face, you can hear it in his voice.
<<di mark "Do you regret disappearing last night?">>
You know you're playing with fire by ignoring him, but you still don't say anything. The now familiar pinch in your arm returns. He twists it further and you groan. Marky doesn't like to be ignored and it's clear you're going to have to play ball or face dire consequences.
<<di you "Oww, I do, I do.">>
<<di mark "And what do you do?">>
A mocking tone affects his voice. You close your eyes and breathe in and out, still trembling.
<<di you "I regret disappearing last night.">>
<<di mark "Hmm.">>
He grunts his answer, making it clear he doesn't believe you for a second. While you're being dragged up a flight of stairs, you start to formulate a plan to get out of this. You need to somehow get away from him before you reach the room.
<<di you "I have to pee.">>
You announce suddenly, while you're passing the restroom. He stops in front of you and thinks for a moment. During those few seconds, you can see Tyler at a distance, behind Marky, looking curiously at the both of you. Marky presses your arm forcefully and stares you down. You don't think he noticed Tyler in the hallway.
<<di mark "No funny business, ?fag.">>
Marky enters the bathroom with you and guides you into a stall. You gingerly close the stall door, half expecting he wouldn't let you do it, but he does. Marky's eyes follow yours until the door covers his face. You shudder at his scary expression.
@@.int;Now what? @@
You have a sinking feeling that @@.pin;what you decide right now will have major repercussions@@ during the rest of your time in this hellhole.
@@.sub;[[Surrender to Marky.->SubTrainMarky][$sub += 3; $lmark += 2]]@@
@@.sub;[[Escape and beg Tyler to defend you.->SubTrainTyler][$sub += 3; $lty += 2; $lmark -= 2]]@@
@@.dom;[[Find a way out yourself.->DomTrain][$sub -= 3; $lmark -= 2; $lty += 2]]@@It's better to just pee and go with Marky. If you fight it, it will probably be much worse. He'll surely find you somehow and invent new and creative ways to punish you. At least going along with his bullshit will probably net you some brownie points. That's what you hope for, anyway.
You flush and open the door, heading to the sink to wash your hands. Marky keeps eyeing you creepily, first looking at your eyes and then staring at your butt while you wash them. It's pretty obvious, and he makes no efforts to conceal it even though you can clearly see him behind you in the mirror. He slaps your ass suddenly.
<<di mark "Hurry up, ?fag. I's got plans and if you're good I might even give your phone back.">>
You blush and jump forward, hitting your waist against the sink.
@@.int;Did I make the right choice staying with this asshole? @@
It's too late now to rethink what could have been. He grabs your arm again, now with a little bit less force, and drags you out of the restroom. The both of you walk to your room, passing Tyler on the way. You keep your head down, embarrassed. His eyes follow you coldly, but he doesn't say anything. Marky simply ignores him. It's awkward, to say the least. It seems that they really aren't friends and the events of yesterday only made things worse between them.
The closer you get to the room, the more you start to tremble. By the time you're at the door, you're downright shivering. Your flight or fight instinct is screaming with all of its might, but you still ignore it.
You're now literally locked in a room with your nemesis for the second time since you arrived here.
It takes you a while to calm down, finally look around, and see that the place is a mess. There is dirty laundry over every surface of the room, including your bed and the floor. There are Doritos bags and bubblegum wraps scattered over the nightstand, piles of notebooks and papers tethering on the edge of falling from the furniture. You wonder how he was able to create such a pigsty in only half a day. It had to have been on purpose, you were here just this morning and it did not look like this.
<<di mark "Tsc, tsc. You haven't been properly doing your job, Fairy. Remember I told ya it was your job to clean the room?">>
<<di you "I'm not your slave!">>
<<di mark "Of course you aren't. You're my ?fag roomie. I feed you my delicious cream and you take care of my needs as thanks.">>
You're about to object, but he doesn't give you room to talk.
<<di mark "And what I need now is for you to clean my room. I honestly should punch you for being such a useless, ungrateful ?faggot, but I don't want to hurt your pretty face.">>
He completes his speech with the most creepy smile you've seen coming from him yet. Marky says all of that with a straight face, like he genuinely believes what he's saying. You speculate if he is actually delusional or just that good of an actor.
<<di mark "Before I forget...">>
He turns around and picks something up from his messy bed.
<<di mark "I got this for you to wear while cleaning the room. Comfy, right?">>
You look horrified at the tiny piece of shiny golden fabric. It swings a bit from side to side, dangling by his hand, until you finally recognize it as a jockstrap. A shiny golden jockstrap.
<<di mark "Say //'Thank you, Marky, for the wonderful gift!'// I know how you ?fags love gifts.">>
He affects his voice in an effeminate way, imitating you, and keeps smiling that creepy smile. You think you prefer aggressive Marky over... whatever this is.
<<di you "I'm not cleaning the room! You made the mess, you clean it. And I'm definitely not wearing that!">>
You point to the jockstrap and cross your arms, puffing your chest. Crossing arms has the added benefit of controlling that damn trembling. He closes his eyes, moves his head left and right in annoyance as if stretching his muscles, and breathes out. A few tense seconds pass.
<<di mark "Fuck it!">>
He grunts angrily, steps forward, grabs you by the hair with one hand, and slaps your face five times in quick succession with the other.
You yelp in pain.
<<di mark "Look what you made me do, you fucking bitch!">>
He's almost foaming at the mouth. You can't get away because he's still holding your hair.
<<di mark "I was trying to be nice, so you wouldn't run away again! But I guess all you understand is my fucking fist!">>
He raises his fist and you flinch, closing your eyes, but it never comes down.
<<if hasVisited("MarkyMassageDick")>>
Marky suddenly lets go of your hair and reaches for his pocket. You frown, rubbing the side of your face. It hurts quite a bit. He pokes around with his phone for some seconds and then raises it in front of your face.
Ice in your veins.
It's you. On the screen. You and Marky. You have his dick in your hand. His balls in your other hand. You're jerking him off. This is your worst nightmare!
@@.int; Fucking hell! He did record us! @@
<<di mark "You <strong>will</strong> wear this! You <strong>will</strong> clean the room! And you'll do all of that with a smile on your face. Now, I'm annoyed of hearing your ?faggy voice and all that yapping. Shut the fuck up, do what I tell you or I'll send this to everyone at <strong>this</strong> school, at <strong>our last</strong> school, and put it up on all the porn sites I can get my hands on. I'll also kick your ass so hard, you'll leave this room in stitches. Now say //'Yes, sir!'// so I know you got it.">>
Marky suddenly lets go of your hair. You frown, rubbing the side of your face. It hurts quite a bit.
<<di mark "You <strong>will</strong> wear this! You <strong>will</strong> clean the room! And you'll do all of that with a smile on your face. Now, I'm annoyed of hearing your ?faggy voice and all that yapping. Shut the fuck up, do what I tell you, or I'll kick your ass so hard, you'll leave this room in stitches. Now say //'Yes, sir!'// so I know you got it.">>
<<di you "Yes, sir!">>
You say immediately and clearly, terrified for your life. He steps back, throwing the jockstrap at you. It wraps itself around your head like you're the bottle in one of those Ring Toss games at a Carnival. Marky looks at you, a bit of amusement behind his expression. You think if he wasn't so angry, he'd probably laugh at it.
You timidly remove the golden jockstrap from over your head and start removing your clothes while holding it.
<<nobr>><div class="temp">
@@.sub; <<link "Remove sneakers.">>
<<replace ".temp">>
<<include "SubTrainMarkySneakers">>
<</link>> @@
<</nobr>>Once you're inside the stall, you start to look for ways out. Later, in the hallway, you can beg Tyler for help and maybe offer something in exchange for it. It's not the soundest plan in the world, but it just might work.
It dawns on you that, in this hellhole, the stalls don't go all the way to the floor. You usually find that a bad thing because – hello, privacy? However, right now, it'll be your way out. You're slender enough to fit under them.
Lying face down on the gross bathroom floor is revolting, but you press on. Going as swiftly and quietly as you're able, you crawl under your stall into another, and another, until you reach the one nearest the door. Then, you get up, tip-toeing out of bathroom, not looking back.
You almost stumble into Tyler, who gives you a knowing look. He was right outside the door, as if he knew this would happen.
<<di you "Help.">>
You keep your voice low as to not alert Marky. He's still inside, probably waiting for you to leave the stall. Tyler, much to your despair, ignores your attempt at stealth and knocks on the bathroom door. You half-stifle a "No!", instinctively raising a hand.
@@.int;No! He'll hand me over to Marky. I'm so stupid! I should have just run... I still can... Run! Now!@@
Tyler looks you over while you analyze the situation. As soon as you decide to run, he reaches for the collar of your shirt and grabs it. You lose balance and almost fall to the floor, but he keeps you up by the fabric.
<<di ty "Stay.">>
The bathroom door slams open with violence, a prelude to Marky's reaction. He stomps out, already fuming.
<<di mark "You sneaky fucking faggot! Sometimes I wonder if you do these things because you like being punished. Because, trust me, punishment is coming!">>
He roars all of this while ignoring Tyler, who's holding you up by your collar and ruining your t-shirt in the process.
<<di ty "He's coming with me.">>
<<di mark "Fuck-no-he-ain't!">>
Tyler turns to you.
<<di ty "Do you wanna be mine or Marky's?">>
<<di you "Yours...">>
You blush and immediately regret saying it. It's humiliating having to beg a dude who's skinnier than you for help. It's even more humiliating referring to yourself as a piece of property. You should've just run away. However, hindsight is 20/20 and now you have to deal with whatever Tyler has planned. But maybe part of you wants that, to be his – well, let's be honest – bitch.
<<di ty "See?">>
Tyler says, with this weird pomp, like he's almost proud of it.
By now you've gathered onlookers, who left their rooms to see what the door-slamming and Marky-screeching fuss was all about.
<<di mark "He doesn't get a say.">>
Marky says through gritted teeth, quickly reaching for your hand. Tyler slaps it away. One of the onlookers says "ooh" and they start to whisper amongst themselves.
Marky approaches Tyler, fire in his eyes, puffing up his chest. He is a muscle machine, with arms as big as your thighs. If you merged bodies with Tyler, the both of you together still wouldn't be as swole as Marky. You flinch on instinct and would absolutely run if the blonde wasn't holding you in place.
<<di mark "He's mine! I've warned ya. Stop meddling with my shit. Let go of my fag and I'll forget about this, Tyler.">>
@@.int;I'm not your property, you fucking asshole!@@
You think it but won't dare say it out loud.
Tyler stares at Marky, impassive and unblinking.
<<di ty "No.">>
Marky raises his hand to punch Tyler. You flinch again. Surprisingly, he swings his fist down in frustration, without punching either of you. He screams a weird "ahhhh" sound and you blink in confusion.
@@.int;What in the actual fuck? Why no punchy? Why is he so scared of Tyler?@@
<<di ty "Are you done being hysterical?">>
Tyler's provocations sound like a dare for Marky to attack him, but the attack never comes. The situation leaves you dumbfounded.
Abruptly, Marky pushes you, and since Tyler's grip on your shirt was slacking, you fall to the ground with a thud. You groan in pain.
Marky gets real close to Tyler, their chests touching, noses inches from one another. It would almost look sexual if the brunette wasn't so incensed. Then, he speaks in a low tone that probably only you and Tyler can hear.
<<di mark "Watch your fucking back. You think you're the shit, but you're fucking nothing. I'll destroy ya! I will kill you and it'll be awesome. Can't wait to watch the light leave your eyes once I strangle you dead, you fucking dipshit.">>
Marky then flicks Tyler's forehead, a childish provocation, and turns around. He marches away, shouting at the petrified onlookers.
Tyler shakes his head lightly, clearly turned off by the juvenile behavior coming from his rival. Making no effort to help you up, he strides down the hallway and orders, his back already to you.
<<di ty "Come.">>
[[You get up and follow Tyler.->TylerSubTraining]]Letting you get in the stall alone was Marky's mistake. And it's going to be what sets you free. You do your business as not to raise any suspicion and bide your time, looking at his shadow underneath the stall. You unlock the door silently and wait until his shadow is in a perfect position. Then, you kick the door open.
The stall's door flings open, hitting Marky. You don't bother to look where he was hit, you simply run out of the restroom while he screams a guttural, earth-shaking scream. As soon as you are out the door, you run into Tyler, who gives you a knowing smile. He spreads his long arms, covering most of the hallway. You're forced to stop dead in your tracks as to not run into him.
<<di ty "Follow my lead.">>
Tyler gives you a serious look. Marky is soon out of the restroom, and you turn around to meet him when you hear the thundering footsteps. He's holding his bloody nose using his left hand and stops when he sees you and Tyler.
<<di mark "You fucking ?faggot, I will literally murder you. I will kill you using my bare hands and I'll piss on your corpse. After I'm done with that, I'll jerk off into your dead ?fag mouth, so that when you are buried, you'll taste my spunk forever.">>
Through the gallon of blood running out of his nose, Marky's voice sounds muffled and nasal. He's still fucking terrifying even like this – and despite being proud that you probably broke his nose – you're still scared for your life. Especially after hearing his singularly detailed plans for your corpse.
<<di mark "Thanks for stopping him, Ty. I got it.">>
He says, begrudgingly. Tyler shakes his head.
<<di ty "He's coming with me.">>
<<di mark "Fuck no, he isn't!">>
<<di you "I'm not going with either of you!">>
Marky looks at the both of you, blood dripping on his shirt, pure rage radiating from his eyes. Tyler's hand grabs your shoulder and he presses it painfully. Your whole body is electric with unrest, and you continue thinking of ways to escape this.
<<di ty "Did you forget we had plans, $you.name?">>
@@.int;What is he on about? Fuck Tyler, fuck all of them!@@
<<di mark "The ?homo broke my fucking nose. He is coming with me so I can deliver his punishment for BREAKING MY FUCKING NOSE!">>
Marky sounds unusually exasperated, he's angry but there's a hint of desperation that reeks of begging. You're still far from understanding the relationship between these two; nevertheless, it's clear that Tyler has something over Marky. It's the only logical explanation for your bully not pummelling the blonde and you //at the same time// in this hallway. By now you've gathered onlookers, curious about the screaming.
<<di ty "There's no need for being hysterical, Walsh. Just go to the infirmary and deal with... this.">>
Tyler points vaguely toward Marky's face and makes a repulsed expression.
<<di mark "Fucking dipshit! Fine, I guess I'll need to kick both your asses right here, right fucking now.">>
Tyler lets go of your shoulder and strides confidently toward Marky. He whispers something that you can't quite catch. Marky closes his eyes, breathes in a lungful of air, and says something in a low tone. You're only able to hear parts of it.
<<di mark "...watch your fucking back... you can't use... forever... I can destroy... regret it, this I promise ya.">>
He puffs in anger one last time and walks up to you, leaving a small puddle of blood on the wooden floor where he stood. You start trembling again.
<<di ty "Don't.">>
<<di mark "Try and stop me.">>
In one quick movement, Marky punches you in the face and walks away, without looking back. Your internal turmoil is pumping gallons of adrenaline into your bloodstream, so it doesn't hurt as much as expected. You hold your face using your left hand, jaw throbbing, and open and close your mouth, making it crack.
@@.int;Fuck! He got me right in the jaw.@@
Tyler invades your personal space and inspects your recently punched face closely, which strikes you as beyond weird. He seems satisfied with what he sees and steps back. You look at your left hand, looking for blood, but there's none.
<<di ty "Come.">>
<<di you "I told you I'm not coming with you! I'm not trading regular-Marky for quiet-mode-Marky!">>
Tyler sighs audibly, and you can see the annoyance in his eyes. He must be pretty miffed for you to be able to see it so easily.
<<di ty "Are you an imbecile?">>
You don't answer him.
<<di ty "I really am asking. Do you have some sort of mental impairment?">>
<<di you "No...">>
<<di ty "Are you sure? Because I have quite literally just saved your life. How about a thank you?">>
<<di you "Fuck you! If you hadn't stopped me, he never would have caught up to me.">>
You growl in his face. Tyler looks around and spots the onlookers, giving them his usual bored expression.
<<di ty "Out, all of you.">>
Surprisingly, the five guys watching the scene move along, leaving you alone with him in the hallway. You look Tyler up and down.
@@.int;Why are people so scared of Tyler? He's skinny. Even I can take him... I think.@@
<<di ty "Where were you running to? You two share a room. He knows your schedule. He's twice your size. Unless you were sprinting all the way back to the city, he would find you. And Marky wasn't joking. He would actually kill you, probably still plans to.">>
You're at a loss for words. You weren't sure where you were running to. Maybe Haruki would help, but you don't know where his room is. One of the priests would probably help.
<<di you "The principal.">>
<<di ty "The principal won't help.">>
<<di you "What? Why? It's his job!">>
<<di ty "You're too whiny. Call my bluff, go to the principal. I'm done helping you.">>
He starts walking towards the rooms, clearly tired of arguing. You rethink your position and call to him.
<<di you "Wait... What do you want?">>
Tyler turns and half-smiles, knowing he hooked you already. The expression is eerie and looks unnatural on his face.
<<di ty "Come.">>
[[You follow Tyler.->TylersProposal]]Sneakers are easy.
<div class="temp2">
@@.sub; <<link "Remove socks.">>
<<replace ".temp2">>
<<include "SubTrainMarkySocks">>
<</link>> @@
<</nobr>>Socks are off. Those first two are no problem.
<div class="temp3">
@@.sub; <<link "Remove shirt.">>
<<replace ".temp3">>
<<include "SubTrainMarkyShirt">>
<</link>> @@
<</nobr>>You take off your shirt. That's still not so bad. Men are used to being shirtless, right?
<<if hasVisited("MorningGymHitHaruki") or hasVisited("MorningGymSuckHaruki")>>
However, as soon as it is off, you can see Marky looking at you funny. It takes you a couple of seconds to realize he is eyeing Haruki's bites and scratches.
@@.int;Shit! He's gonna know. What do I say if he does? Please don't ask me about it, please don't ask me about it, pleasedontask... @@
He asks you about it.
<<di mark "Did Tyler do this to you?">>
You have mere seconds to answer and you ponder which would have worse consequences: blaming Tyler or telling on Haruki. Neither sound like good ideas. Blaming Tyler seems especially catastrophic. You can't stay silent forever though; if you take too long, he'll be sure you're lying.
<<di you "Oh, this? This was the dog.">>
You say, wearing your best poker face.
<<di mark "What dog?">>
<<di you "Outside. A... black one... with white markings.">>
You think about Haruki's hair and blurt that out.
<<di you "I thought it was the school's. He jumped on me, wanted to play. So we played and he scratched me a little and bit me. Very cute dog, but a bit aggressive with the playing.">>
It's not a total lie. Haruki is kind of like a dog. He certainly acts like one. You did <em>play</em> and he did scratch and bite you. Still, the bites obviously don't look like dog bites, they are decidedly human. You hope Marky won't call you on it.
You can tell Marky doesn't believe you and you can almost see the cogs turning inside his brain, trying to figure this out. He doesn't say anything else, so you keep going.
<div class="temp4">
@@.sub; <<link "Remove pants.">>
<<replace ".temp4">>
<<include "SubTrainMarkyPants">>
<</link>> @@
You pretend you're just going to the beach or something and you take the pants off.
<div class="temp5">
@@.sub; <<link "Remove underwear.">>
<<replace ".temp5">>
<<include "SubTrainMarkyUnderwear">>
<</link>> @@
<</nobr>>First, you check to make sure you're not hard. Your penis has been a traitor as of late, making you do things you'd never do. And obviously, it would be too embarrassing being hard at this particular moment in time, in front of this particular monster. After you're sure, you just suck it up and do it. You are now completely naked in front of Marky for the first time. Your face feels like it's on fire from all the blushing you must be doing. You try holding your dick so he can't see it, but it's difficult and he quite honestly seems more interested in looking at your behind. Still holding your penis with one hand, you raise the jockstrap with your other one and look at it gloomily.
Even though he's not showing much interest in your cock, you really don't want him to see it. You know he is bigger than you even in that department -- in all departments really -- and it's hard not comparing yourself to this hunk.
Marky seems you have gotten over his anger and is now full-on smirking at you. He's enjoying this far too much. It's humiliating being naked while he's fully clothed and he is clearly getting off on that.
<<di mark "Fine. You can stay naked if you want. What's it gonna be? Birthday suit or jockstrap?">>
He adds as if any of the choices are not humiliating as fuck. You think wearing his gift might appease him a little.
@@.sub;[[Wear the jockstrap.->SubTrainMarkyJockstrap][$you.worejockstrap to true; $lmark += 1]]@@
@@.sub;[[Remain nude.->SubTrainMarkyJockstrap][$you.worejockstrap to false]]@@<<nobr>>
<<if $you.worejockstrap is true>>
You turn around, let go of your dick, and put on the very shiny, very golden jockstrap. It's made out of some stretchy glittery fabric. It's awful.
You're somewhat used to undressing in front of others. Before running track, everybody changes at the same time in the locker room. However, the discrepancy right now is that the mood is highly sexualized; for instance, Marky kept staring at your butt while you were changing and he's still staring now. It's extremely embarrassing, not to mention chagrining.
At least the jockstrap is not hot pink like all the other shit he has given you so far.
<<di mark "Did you prefer a pink one?">>
You let go of your dick, fold the jockstrap, and put it over the bed. It might seem weird, but going full monty is decidedly less awful than wearing that thing. Men get naked in locker rooms and such, and it's not like you're not used to other people seeing you nude. You run track and everybody changes at the same time before training.
Nonetheless, it's still upsetting knowing he's seeing your dick. He's probably measuring you in his head, and it makes you feel inferior. However, your regret fades upon seeing the surprised look on Marky's face. It is priceless. He clearly did not expect you to prefer being naked.
<<di mark "Didn't like my gift then, Fairy? Maybe I should have gotten the hot pink one. You do love pink, dontcha?">>
<<di you "No...">>
<<di mark "No, what?">>
You look at him, confused at his question. He sighs, annoyed.
<<di mark "No, <strong>sir</strong>. You're a bit slow, aintcha, Fairy?">>
You glower.
<<di you "No, sir.">>
<<if hasVisited("MorningGymSuckHaruki")>>
You don't care what Haruki told you, even if you maybe, <em>very maybe</em>, like sucking dick, it doesn't mean that you enjoy being treated as a subservient maid or whatever it is Marky sees you at. Calling him "sir" feels wrong. One thing does not beget the other and conflating being meek with <em>maybe</em> wanting dick is making your sexuality even more confusing.
<<if hasVisited("MorningGymHitHaruki")>>
Why did you decide to go with Marky anyway? You knew that if you came here he would do shit like this. As someone who's striving to be less meek, having Marky force you to call him "sir" certainly isn't helping matters.
<<if hasVisited("MorningGymLeaveHaruki")>>Even if you maybe, <em>very maybe</em>, like men, it doesn't mean that you enjoy being treated as a subservient maid or whatever it is Marky sees you at. Calling him "sir" feels wrong. One thing does not beget the other and conflating being meek with <em>maybe</em> being attracted to men is making your sexuality even more confusing.
Marky claps his hand twice as if turning on an automatic light.
<<di mark "Chop, chop, the room isn't gonna clean itself.">>
He throws himself over his bed, landing on top of some dirty laundry and his pillow. The old mattress makes a creaking sound.
<<if $you.worejockstrap is true>>
You feel cold. Your ass feels cold. It's a very weird feeling, having your butt be colder than your front. The underwear is also a bit tight in the pouch, it seems too small for your cock, while at the same time bringing it upwards and making your bulge appear bigger. It looks very erotic and you sense a new wave of blushing coming on.
You feel cold. Your ass feels cold. Your dick feels cold. You're not used to walking around naked, especially in front of another person, so this is not only cold but also embarrassing and weird. The way your dick swings while you move is making you self-conscious. You sense a new wave of blushing coming on.
You've never been particularly proud of your body. You do have strong legs, but that's about it. You're thin, with little muscle definition in your arms, abs, or pecs. You've also been told you have a bubble butt, but that's more embarrassing than anything. So needless to say, it's mortifying walking around like this, especially in front of Marky.
He keeps looking at you like you're a slab of meat and it leaves you wondering if he actually finds you attractive. <<if $you.worejockstrap is true>>Especially in this ridiculous get-up.<</if>> Or is this about the humiliation? Because if it is, it's working. You are feeling objectified, cold, but most of all ashamed. You'll probably never know unless you somehow work up the guts to ask him. Like that'd ever happen.
<<nobr>><<if $you.worejockstrap is false>><br>
<<di mark "Cold in here, huh?">>
He asks, looking at your deflated penis. You glower at him. You knew he was going to point out you're smaller than him. You try not to get miffed about it, but it's difficult.
@@.int;I won't let this get to me. He's just trying to fuck with my head. I'm not that small... Am I small? I'm normal, he's just too big, that's what he is.@@
You shake yourself out of your reverie and start cleaning the room. You begin by walking to the nightstand, picking up and throwing away all the food packaging he left laying around. While you're not looking, Marky gets up and pinches you in the arm. You stare at him outraged, your eyes asking why he did that if you're obeying his exact orders.
<<di mark "You're supposed to ask permission before touching my stuff. You're such a stupid bitch! If you want to be roughed up, you can just ask for it.">>
You can't believe he's holding you to those stupid rules he said the other day. It's not like you can even remember them. Still, you suck it up and play along.
<<di you "May I touch your stuff so I can clean the room?... Sir.">>
You add the "sir" a bit late, but he doesn't complain.
<<di mark "You may.">>
With his permission, you continue. He plops himself on his bed once again, eyeing you.
Continuing on, you tackle the papers, books, and notebooks. Those take a few hours, as he demands you organize them by subject. Books go on the shelves (in alphabetical order), notebooks in a pile for easy access, and, worst of all, random xeroxed papers given by teachers have to be organized by date and put in folders according to class subject. There seem to be a thousand of those.
Hours later, by the time you get to the laundry, you're pretty happy about not having to read any more random shit. Laundry is a breath of fresh air, so to speak. You pick up the dirty clothes and fold them inside what you assume to be the laundry basket in the corner. This requires you to pull items that are under Marky. He grins and makes no effort to let you pull the clothing from under him. You're trembling, but you keep going.
When it seems like you're done and all clothes are in place, he announces:
<<di mark "There are clothes under your bed too.">>
You eye him furiously. This will demand you get on all fours. <<if $you.worejockstrap is true>>In a jockstrap. In a shiny, glittery, golden jockstrap. With your ass hanging out.<<else>>With your ass hanging out. Worse: with your dick and balls hanging out as well.<</if>>
@@.int; Fucking asshole! @@
Still, you don't have a choice. You get on your knees and start reaching under your bed. He has put items in all the far corners, so you have to fumble for a while. When you're finally done, you take your head from under your bed and look back. You find Marky touching his bulge over his shorts, salivating over your ass. He's clearly hard. The outline of his cock is easy to see even from afar.
There's a knock on the door, you hurry to get up and cover yourself.
<<di mark "Who toldya you could cover up, huh? Stay on the floor. I think I see some things under the bedside table. I'll handle the door.">>
Marky gets up and opens the door. You're still on the floor, moving your body into the less compromising position you can muster. As soon as the door cracks open, you can see Emmett outside. Your eyes find his and he looks away.
<<di mark "Thanks for dinner, little Emmett.">>
He pets Emmett's head quickly, messing up his curly hair. Emmett blushes, clearly wanting to leave. He delivers two plates of food to Marky, who turns around to meet you.
<<di mark "Dinner is served, ?fag! Just give me a minute while I set your plate.">>
He shoves the door on Emmett's face using his feet and rests one of the plates over his bed. The other plate he simply puts on the floor. He smirks at you.
You study the meal and it actually looks good. It's mashed potatoes, boiled baby carrots, and a chicken fillet with some green stalks over it. It smells great and you can hear your stomach growl. You haven't had lunch, or eaten anything other than a cereal bar this morning.
Marky takes off both of his socks and you have a sinking feeling you know what's coming next. He steps on the plate -- your plate, obviously -- using his big right foot and starts rubbing it. The previously very beautifully organized dish becomes a mush of foodstuffs. When he's done messing it up, there's a bunch of food between his toes and it looks like pig slop.
<<di mark "Bon appetit, bitch.">>
His expression is a mix of cruelty and delight when he says it. He then takes his intact plate, puts it over his lap, grabs silverware, and starts eating his dinner.
You're starving.
@@.sub;[[Eat your disgusting dinner around his foot.->SubTrainMarkyEatDinner][$sub += 1; $lmark += 1]]@@
@@.dom;[[Refuse to eat, you'd rather starve.->SubTrainMarkyRefuseDinner][$sub -= 1; $lmark -= 1]]@@You look at your dinner, your belly grumbling with hunger. It would look disgusting even without his feet over it. Can you really stomach food that has been stepped over? Marky smirks at you, his cheeks swollen with a mouthful.
<<di mark "Ain't ya gonna eat it?">>
His voice is distorted by his mouth being full. You look over at him, then back to your dinner.
@@.int;You can do this. It's still food. @@
Moving closer to the plate makes him smirk even further. You try to ignore his reaction and reach a hand towards the food.
<<di mark "<strong>Nah-hah!</strong> No hands! You eat like a dog, using just your mouth. That's your punishment for acting like a whiny bitch earlier.">>
He burps the "nah-hah", making you grossed out. The more time passes, the more you think you aren't going to able to eat the thing. So you just move your head towards the plate, biting a chunk out of the chicken at the dish's border. Marky starts laughing, clearly enjoying your misery.
<<di mark "Oh, man! Didn't think you would actually do it. You're such a disgusting ?faggot! God, is there anything you wouldn't do? Do ya really want to taste my feet all that much? Go ahead, lick between my toes.">>
You grimace at the thought, but you close your eyes, spread your tongue out and you do it. With eyes closed, it doesn't feel as disgusting. You can pretend you're not licking your dinner off of sweaty feet. Well, you could if Marky wasn't in hysterics over it. He actually stops eating just so he can laugh at you properly.
Is this the low point of your life? It kind of feels like it is. Is there anything more humiliating than licking food from another person's foot? Especially if that person is the bully that has been making your life hell since middle school. If he's trying to break you, it's probably working.
You ignore him and keep doing it. The food has the same bland seasoning as all the stuff here, but somehow it tastes better right now. It's probably the hunger, right? Hunger is the best sauce, after all.
<<di mark "I haven't showered after training just for you, Fairy! How does my feet sweat taste? Bet it makes this prison-grade food better, right? The way you're lapping it up like a starving dog.">>
You keep eating but you should know better by now. When Marky asks a question, he demands an answer. So, he slaps you using his food-covered right foot.
<<di mark "Answer me, slut!">>
<div class="temp">
@@.sub; <<link "Yes, it tastes better, sir.">>
<<set $you.lovefeetfood to true>>
<<set $lmark += 1>>
<<replace ".temp">>
<<include "SubTrainMarkyDinnerBetter">>
<</link>> @@
<<link "No, it doesn't, sir.">>
<<set $you.lovefeetfood to false>>
<<set $lmark -= 2>>
<<replace ".temp">>
<<include "SubTrainMarkyDinnerWorst">>
<</nobr>>You look at your dinner, your belly grumbling with hunger. It would look disgusting even without his feet over it. Can you really stomach food that has been stepped over? Marky smirks at you, his cheeks swollen with a mouthful.
<<di mark "Ain't ya gonna eat it?">>
His voice is distorted by his mouth being full. You look over at him, then back to your dinner.
@@.int;I can't do this. @@
You keep looking at the previously tasty-looking plate of food with dismay. You then shake your head.
<<di you "I can't do it, sir.">>
Marky stares at you, annoyance tainting his handsome face. He brings another forkful of food into his mouth and points an empty fork at your face.
<<di mark "Fine, starve then. I really don't understand why you have to be such a bitch. It's just a little foot grime, jeez. You've even massaged it before. If you're not ready to be grateful for the things I'm giving ya, then you can't have them anymore.">>
He reaches down while he is still speaking, takes the plate from the floor, and puts it beside him.
<<di mark "Clean my foot, then.">>
He barks at you, and you scramble to find some cloth to clean his foot with. You grab one of your own t-shirts, you think using one of his will probably anger him. He finishes eating while you clean him up as best as you can. He points to a couple of dirty spots and berates you to do a better job. You keep rubbing it with the shirt until he deems it clean enough.
<<include "SubTrainMarkyRubbing">><<di you "Yes, it tastes better, sir.">>
Marky looks positively glowing at your answer. It's clear he loves compliments, any one compliment you may throw his way makes him like this. Even a stupid endorsement to the taste of his feet sweat.
<<di mark "I already knew you loved my feet ever since you massaged it, bitch. But telling me this food tastes better with my foot grime means you're totally hooked to my taste already. You'll taste anything my body gives you, won't ya. That's not a question, by the way. It's the truth. And believe me, you will. I have many more tastes to feed ya.">>
You can feel yourself blushing at his speech. Why did you have to tell him this? Maybe you are getting hooked to his taste. Maybe you do like it when he forces you to taste him this way. And maybe you will accept anything else he dishes out at you.
He's done with his dinner by now, but it takes you many more minutes to be done since you're not allowed utensils or even your hands. After you finish eating, Marky forces you to lick his foot over and over again until he deems it clean enough.
<<include "SubTrainMarkyRubbing">><<di you "No, it doesn't, sir.">>
Marky looks at you with rage in his eyes. He always reacts like this when you disagree with him, especially if it has something to do with how you like -- or in this case, dislike -- something he has forced upon you.
<<di mark "You are such a nasty bitch! That's it, then. You're done eating. If you're not ready to be grateful for the things I'm giving ya, then you can't have them anymore.">>
He reaches down while he is still speaking, takes the plate from the floor, and puts it beside him. He then points an empty fork at your face.
<<di mark "Clean my foot, then. And not with your tongue, you can't have any more Walsh feet sauce.">>
He snarls at you, and you scramble to find some cloth to clean his foot with. You grab one of your own t-shirts; you think using one of his will probably anger him further. He finishes eating while you clean him up as best as you can. He points to a couple of dirty spots and berates you to do a better job. You keep rubbing it with the shirt until he deems it clean enough.
<<include "SubTrainMarkyRubbing">>You're still not allowed up, and he orders you to continue picking up laundry from under the furniture. You're on your knees, in the middle of reaching a particularly difficult to grasp underwear from under the bedstand when you feel something hard land against your butt cleft. Marky is hugging you from behind, dick pointing straight at your ass. You jolt at the feeling, hitting your head against one of the drawer handles.
The bastard took off his shirt, lowered his shorts, and hugged you from behind. Not hugged, more like humped, since you can feel the upper part of his body lying against your back as well. With your ass out, you can easily feel his hard penis slide against your crack. His hands grip your arms, holding them in place.
<<di you "Let go of me!">>
You beg, your voice sounding strangled. You really don't want to be raped.
<<di mark "Shhhh... Relax, bitch. I'm not putting it in.">>
<<di you "Get off of me, or I'll throw you off!">>
You find some strength inside of you to challenge him. Your manhood hangs in the balance. Everything so far was child's play, but you're <strong>not</strong> gonna let him fuck you!
<<di mark "?Fag, I toldya I'm not fucking you. One day, when I do it, you're gonna be begging for it. Just fucking relax.">>
Marky's voice is low and non-menacing. He ignored your freak out completely, he didn't even threaten you, which is very out of character. You can feel his cock rubbing slightly against your crack, his body weighing against your back. It's making you feel... something you can't quite place your finger at.
<<di mark "Besides, I can see from here you got a woody, <<if $you.worejockstrap is true>>even under that jockstrap.<<else>>especially since you have your little dick out.<</if>> You're enjoying this as much as I am.">>
You didn't realize you had a hard-on. You're feeling conflicted. Part of you wants to stay like this, but part of you wants nothing to do with Marky, your bully, your nemesis.
@@.sub;[[Let him continue on top of you.->SubTrainMarkyRubbing2][$sub += 1; $lmark += 1]]@@
@@.dom;[[Throw him off of you.->SubTrainMarkyPushOff][$sub -= 1; $lmark -= 2]]@@You're still very much terrified of having his dick up your ass, but the rubbing isn't so bad. Every time he makes the smallest of movements, you feel a chill -- the good kind -- run through your body. His warm torso on top of yours also feels surprisingly cozy, like a heated and weighted blanket. Against your better judgment, you're considering letting him do it. And right now you're not thinking if this makes you a <em>?fag</em> or whatever<<if hasVisited("MorningGymSuckHaruki")>> it is Haruki said<</if>>. Your penis is calling the shots.
<<di you "Promise you're not putting it in?">>
<<di mark "I promise.">>
No witty remarks. No ?fag, bitch, or slut. No surly observation. No making fun of you. No threatening.
@@.int;Who is this person on top of me and what have they done to Marky? @@
<<di you "Okay.">>
<<di mark "I knew you wanted it, you fucking ?fag.">>
<<di you "...">>
@@.int;There he is. @@
You can hear the grinning in his voice. He finally starts moving for real, moaning in your ear. Your body tingles all over while you feel his shaft rub against your crack. The hard muscles in his torso make you painfully aware of how much stronger than you Marky is. You moan as well.
Marky moves more and more roughly until he is grinding you painfully against the bedstand. You rest your head opposite the wood, panting. Your legs are already trembling from exhaustion, after holding yourself up on your knees for the past hour, and now with a big part of his weight on your back as well.
<<di mark "Tell me how it feels, bitch.">>
He whispers in your ear and pinches your arm in the regular place, but it feels like less of a punishment, and more akin to a love tap. You're both sweating profusely by now, making your bodies slippery. His dick feels even better sliding smoothly against your crack.
<<di you "Heavy...">>
<<di mark "What else?">>
<<di you "Warm...">>
<<di mark "What else?">>
<<di you "Hard...">>
You grunt the last answer, barely being able to hold yourself up.
<<di you "Can I lie down, sir?">>
Adding the "sir" will hopefully make him more malleable to your request. You hope he says yes because if he denies it, you're probably falling down anyway.
<<di mark "Weak little ?faggot. You can lie down when you tell me how it really feels.">>
You think you know what adjective he's looking for. Marky is all about having his ego stroked. And saying it wouldn't be a lie anyway.
<<di you "It feels good, sir.">>
He chuckles against your ear. Marky doesn't reply, he just moves the both of you backward and forces you down completely. You lie against the wooden floor and your penis gets squished under the weight of two bodies. You're starting to regret begging to lie down.
He snakes his shorts-covered legs with yours, holding you in place. The room smells of sweat and you wonder if that's what people mean when they say a place smells like sex.
@@.int;Is this sex? Am I having sex with Ma-- @@
What he does next cuts off your ability to think straight: Marky grabs your neck with both hands, squishing it. He doesn't do it very hard, but it's still alarming. You start to gasp, having difficulty breathing.
<<di mark "How does it feel knowing I can do whatever the fuck I want with you right now? I could fuck you right now. I could strangle you until you faint and fuck your sleeping body. I could even kill you with my bare hands. That's how strong I am. But I won't do any of that, you know why? I like you, Fairy. I've always liked you. And I know you like me too. You see how much better things are when you accept your place below me? You're enjoying this like I knew you would. You were made to serve me. I knew that ever since I first saw you. Your puffy cocksucking lips and your bubble butt are perfect for my huge python. They're a perfect match! I'll fuck you someday. And when that day arrives, I promise you'll beg me for it. Then, and only then, I'll grant your wish.">>
That terrifying speech is enough to send you reeling, even while being strangled. You knew he was obsessed with you but you never imagined it was anything like this. This is a mix of a lover's wedding declaration with a serial killer's rant before killing his prey. And you honestly don't know which of the two parts scare you the most.
You cough again; his hands pressing against your trachea is making you dizzy. You shake your head left and right in an attempt to get his attention.
<<di you "Can't. Breathe.">>
Marky lets go of your neck, pressing your body with the full weight of his, and hollers something indecipherable. You feel your lower back get wet and sticky, while his body trembles slightly. He pants against your ear and stays immovable for at least a minute. You don't dare say anything when he's enjoying his high, especially after everything he told you.
Marky gets his upper body up, sitting over your thighs. You feel a finger run against your back, where he just came.
<<di mark "Here's dessert, slut. Creamy like you like.">>
He doesn't wait for an answer and shoves his finger inside your mouth, scraping it against your tongue. It really is creamy. <<if hasVisited("MarkyMassageDick") or hasVisited("LockerRoomGiveHandjobMarky") or hasVisited("MorningGymSuckHaruki")>>And you think you're really getting used to the taste of jizz.<</if>> It's not bad. He does this again and again until you assume all of his cum has been swallowed by you.
Then, he raises up and uses his arm to turn you around, still keeping you on your knees. There's some cum sliding over his abs as well. Marky presses your head towards him and you start lapping it up without having to be told to do so. He looks at you, smiling, the tip of his tongue covering his lower lips.
<<di mark "You really are hooked to my taste, aren't you, ?fag? You should really be more grateful to me and less of a whiny bitch. Thank me for feeding you.">>
<<di you "Thank you, sir.">>
You think it's better to say it to him, even if you don't mean it. Maybe you do mean it, you're not sure. You're just too horny to think straight. Think gay? Think period. He's satisfied with your answer either way and reaches for something on the bedstand.
<<di mark "Well, I'm wiped.">>
Marky gets up and locks the door. You never noticed he forgot to lock it after getting the food from Emmett. Dumb, $you.name. You could've run away for half the night, you could've been far away from this room. But maybe you didn't really want to run.
<<di mark "Let's sleep, you can finish cleaning tomorrow.">>
He turns off the light, pulls you up, and drags you to his bed in the darkness. You frown at him, not understanding exactly what he wants. He's also being awfully nice, for his standards, but that's probably the orgasm afterglow.
@@.int;Does he want to cuddle? @@
He seems to read your mind. He laughs a genuine laugh like he's actually amused and not because he's making fun of you. It's hard to know considering you can't see his face in the dark.
<<di mark "A slave sleeps by his master's feet. Climb up and feel free to snuggle up against my feet. They get cold, Fairy. They'll love having you as their personal human blanket.">>
@@.int;Master?! Slave? He really is delusional. @@
You're certainly not his slave, but you feel it's better to not correct him. Things are... almost nice, and you can't risk angering him. Let him think whatever he wants. However, is that the best way? When you let people go uncorrected, they assume your silence is agreement.
The bed is small and Marky is big. Cramped doesn't begin to describe it, especially since he's forcing you to sleep at the foot of the bed as a pet would. He appears to stretch as much as possible, leaving you little room to lie down. You stay, feeling even more uncomfortable than you felt at the gym. At least then you had room to spread. You end up sleeping with one of his feet hooking your neck and the other one touching your naked ass.
[[You finally sleep.->FourthDay]]@@.int;Nope. No. I don't want this. I hate Marky! Why am I even considering this? @@
You think about it and come to the conclusion that you probably only have one chance to throw him off. He's much stronger than you, so you have to surprise him and make a run for it. You can never win against him in an actual fight, so your only choice is to sucker punch him -- well, sucker throw him -- and run.
@@.int;Did he lock the door after Emmett came here? He didn't... He didn't! That's my way out. I push him off and run to the door. @@
While you're thinking about this and considering options, it seems Marky has understood your silence as agreement. He is lulled into thinking you're okay with this. Now's your chance.
Since he's not holding your legs, you put the bulk of your force there, raising them and pushing him to the left. He's so surprised, he actually lets go of your arms and falls to the side, his shorts tangling his legs. You quickly get up, stretching your body for the first time in an hour, and bolt for the door.
<<di mark "Fuck! You fucking ?fag! You never learn, do you? I will kill you! I will literally kill you!">>
You're halfway to the door while he's screaming, you open it and run into the hallway. <<if $you.worejockstrap is true>>You don't even care that you're wearing that ridiculous jockstrap.<<else>>You don't even care about being naked.<</if>> You just have to get away from him immediately.
Marky follows you and you can hear his thundering footsteps behind you. You can beat him, you are a runner. A runner that has just spent the last hour on their knees and whose legs are burning with exhaustion, but a runner. You push forward, the sound of his steps giving you purpose.
However, one of the corridor doors opens and some guy steps out as you're passing through. You clash into him, a heap of arms and legs jumbling together. The guy's surprised scream is barely audible, you have so much adrenaline running through your blood. Marky has no time to stop either, he was right behind you, and collapses over your body.
There isn't even a second to react, Marky is already up, grabbing your two legs and dragging you back to your room, your naked ass sliding across the wooden floor. A few more doors open, wanting to check out what's happening.
<<di you "Help! Don't let him take me!">>
The other guys just watch. Nobody moves a finger while you're dragged back to hell by your own personal demon. You try reaching for one of the door casings, to no avail. When you're inside the room, Marky just leaves you on the floor, shuts the door with a slam, and locks it.
You look up at him, terrified, knowing your fate is dire. He looks like a horror movie villain, puffing with anger, his face red, a nefarious look in his eyes. He punches you in the face once, kicks you on the side of your body three times. You make yourself into a ball, trying to shield his attacks. He then punches your back, knocking the wind out of you.
<<di mark "I should make you bleed, you bitch. But that will call too much attention after the little stunt you pulled.">>
He screams a bloodcurdling howl that was probably heard across the whole floor. It chills you to the bone, and you look at him, horrified. You catch his crazy eyes, and feel them boring into your soul.
@@.int;He doesn't care who listens to this, to us. What the fuck is this place? Why did no one help me? Are they that afraid of him?@@
<<di mark "Don't get up, ?fag. You can sleep on the floor.">>
He turns off the light and you can hear him climbing onto his bed, the mattress creaking under his weight. You're still panting from exhaustion and from having your wind punched out of you.
It hurts all over. It hurts so much.
You shouldn't have done this, you knew how it would end. You don't dare get up, you just keep hugging your own body into a fetal position, hoping to somehow be able to sleep.
[[You finally sleep.->FourthDay]]@@.title;Chapter V - Bad Roommate, Badder Dog, Baddest Principal.@@
<<if hasVisited("SubTrainMarky")>><<include "Day4Marky">><</if>><<if hasVisited("SubTrainTyler")>><<include "Day4Tyler">><</if>><<if hasVisited("DomTrain")>><<include "Day4Emmett">><</if>><table style="width:100%"><tr>
<th><img src="images/you-character.png" width="392px" height="371px"></th>
<th><img src="images/mark-character.png" width="392px" height="371px"></th>
<td>@@.titleyou;$you.name Ferry@@</td>
<td>@@.titlemark;Marky Walsh@@</td>
<td>@@.int;"Yes, this is he." -- you, answering the phone.@@</td>
<td>@@.int;The literal devil. Really. Ok, not really.@@</td>
<td>Submissive little ?faggot? School's dominating bully? Don't ask me, ask yourself.
Living proof you can change your stars.<br><br></td>
<td>Hunky, tall, muscled, tanned, handsome, and <strong>evil</strong>. Also, a tad delusional.
Loves bullying you a little bit too much.<br><br></td>
<th><img src="images/ty-character.png" width="392px" height="371px"></th>
<th><img src="images/emm-character.png" width="392px" height="371px"></th>
<td>@@.titlety;Tyler Dunn@@</td>
<td>@@.titleemm;Emmett Abbott@@</td>
<td>@@.int;Silent but deadly. Hopefully not literally.@@</td>
<td>@@.int;Just your regular 80s movie nerd.@@</td>
<td>Very tall, very skinny, very pale, and very quiet. Tyler is hard to figure out.
He might be a sociopath or just, you know, introverted.<br><br></td>
<td>Glasses, curly hair, and a soft body. Can nerds be charismatic? Well, Emmett is.
Everyone loves him, even though he talks a lot.<br><br></td>
<th><img src="images/har-character.png" width="392px" height="371px"></th>
<th><img src="images/sam-character.png" width="392px" height="371px"></th>
<td>@@.titlehar;Haruki Ohno@@</td>
<td>@@.titlesam;Samuel Oliveira@@</td>
<td>@@.int;An anime husbando? Maybe so.@@</td>
<td>@@.int;Dude, where's my lacrosse player?@@</td>
<td>Short but very strong. Anime because of the hair, not because he's Japanese.
All around good boy, with a dog's bite. Don't ask.<br><br></td>
<td>You know that stereotype about dumb jocks?
A himbo with a heart of gold and the cutest accent you've ever heard.<br><br></td>
<th><img src="images/fre-character.png" width="392px" height="371px"></th>
<th><img src="images/sha-character.png" width="392px" height="371px"></th>
<td>@@.titlefre;Father Frederick@@</td>
<td>@@.titlesha;Shane Kavanagh@@</td>
<td>@@.int;Grey eyes. Grey hair. Grey personality.@@</td>
<td>@@.int;Haruki's roommate is an ass!@@</td>
<td>Too cold and uncaring – for a priest anyway. The Principal of St. Agnes, not that he much cares about students.
Well-spoken but inscrutable.<br><br></td>
<td>He's an enigma... for now.<br><br></td>
</table>@@.pin;Release notes v0.23d- "Movie Night Strikes Back"@@
Finally, a Dom exclusive update! Been wanting to take down your oldest bully? Now's the time to put Marky in his place.
In order to access the Marky date for doms, you ''have to'' pick @@.blu;"Find a way out yourself"@@ back in Chapter IV when Marky has you cornered in the bathroom. If you submitted to him (or Tyler) back then, you're stuck as a sub in his eyes.
Sorry, Subs... It's your turn to get nothing. As I've explained before, the dominant path of his date involves a completely different set of circumstances (Marky's got a broken nose and is high on pills, for one). It was double the work.
New font! Dyslexic readers had trouble reading the default one. Now you can pick "OpenSans" instead and/or make the font bigger in the "Preferences" tab.
I, hum, changed Tyler's avatar again. I know, I know. I'm incorrigible.
What's new:
• Marky's movie date for Doms;
• Added toggle to change fonts and/or font size;
• Tweaks to Tyler's avatar AGAIN².
<div class="timebar"></div>
@@.pin;Release notes v0.23c - "Movie Night Rises"@@
Third time watching Avatar. Soon we'll beat Tyler's record.
It's time for the highly anticipated, much-requested Marky Sub date! Delve deeper into your favorite unhinged bully and strengthen your bond with him. You'll also get to be his bitch (fun!)
I know... I know... I'm sorry, Doms. This update is smaller in scale and has nothing tailored for you. Crafting Marky's dates has proven challenging, especially since the dominant path involves a completely different set of circumstances (Marky's got a broken nose and is high on pills, for one). That means writing two unique dates from scratch, unlike Haruki, who got the same basic date, only forking into two paths during the sexual part. I'll tackle Marky's Dom date next.
I had a mix-up with the character heights. I apparently don't know how the imperial system works (nor should I, METRIC SYSTEM RULES). Still, I've corrected the issue, and now you'll see their real height in both meters and feet/inches during character intros.
Emmett's avatar has been shaved. Now he looks his age.
Finally, per several complaints and requests, I added a toggle to remove homophobic slurs. I get it; they can be triggering for some, even though homophobia is an important part of the story. Fair warning: All slurs are replaced with "bitch", which leads to repetitive phrasing and a few sentences seeming nonsensical. So, I recommend reading it as intended, but if you find the slurs too uncomfortable, feel free to toggle them off in 'Preferences' on the sidebar.
What's new:
• Marky's movie date for Subs;
• Fixed heights in the imperial system;
• Fixed typos and incongruent stuff;
• Tweaks to Emmett's avatar;
• Added toggle to remove homophobic slurs.
<div class="timebar"></div>
@@.pin;Release notes v0.23b - "Movie Night Reloaded"@@
Part Deux of being forced to watch Avatar. Fun, right?
This update features the Tyler and Emmett "dates." Remember, you can only dominate Emmett or submit to Tyler. They are both locked in their respective roles.
If you're having trouble accessing their dates, go back to Chapter IV when Marky has you cornered in the bathroom. Choose the pink option to ask Tyler for help (for Tyler's path) or the blue option (for Emmett's path).
I also went back to improve the writing of the prologue and chapter I. I have grown as a writer since starting this project, so I wanted to rephrase sentences and add extra descriptors. The story itself remains unchanged. I'll tackle chapters II to IV in later updates.
Aaand I changed the school art for the 100th time. Yes, I'm fickle. The other one was too joyful and saturated. The building's supposed to be weathered and depressing, surrounded by an overgrown garden. Now the image reflects that.
Lastly, I messed around with font installation. The new font makes the text all cool and stylish without ruining readability (sans serif is king.)
What's new:
• Movie Night (Tyler Date);
• Movie Night (Emmett Date);
• Better writing in the Prologue and Chapter I;
• Updated summary;
• New school art (again);
• UI and font changes.
<div class="timebar"></div>
@@.pin;Release notes v0.23 - "Movie Night"@@
It's Movie Night at St. Agnes.
You'll get a "date" with your man of choice. And I say date in the loosest of ways since none of those bullies are loving, kind, or boyfriend-worthy. Plus, you're not a ?fag... so you don't want a boyfriend anyway.
This release only has the Haruki date. I was supposed to do the Emmett date for this update too, but I had a bad case of writer's block. I plan to do two more dates for the next one. Stay tuned.
What's new:
• Training with Haruki;
• Movie Night (Haruki Date);
• New side character (Shane);
• New art for the school;
• Changes to the UI;
• New stuff added to links.
<div class="timebar"></div>
@@.pin;Release notes v0.22 - "Dumb Jock"@@
Hi, guys!
It's been 10 months. I've been feeling better, finally (new medication). Fingers crossed that I'll be able to write more often from now on.
Before continuing, I have a request:
@@.pin;<strong>Beta Readers Needed</strong>@@
The ones I had can't help me anymore for personal reasons. English is not my first language, so I do make mistakes. Also, sometimes one needs a fresh set of eyes to notice room for improvement or incongruities. You can find me on the [[HG2 Discord Server|https://discord.gg/RQY3NPT2]], [[Itch.io|https://alexxxx000.itch.io/reform-schoo]]] or [[F95|https://f95zone.to/threads/reform-school-v0-2d-alexxxx.75624/]]. Message me if you'd like to help.
As you're aware, Tyler's path in Chapter IV was my biggest update so far. This one is roughly 25% bigger. (If I keep growing updates like this, I'll never finish this game LOL.)
I'm excited to be done introducing characters – Samuel is the last big one. After that, I'll finally move the story forward.
I think this is my best writing yet. It's a bit different from what came before, but I hope you guys like it.
What's new:
• Chapter V and VI;
• New character (Samuel);
• Meeting Principal Frederick other than in the Game Over scene;
• Updated some of the avatars: MC (Alex), Tyler and Haruki;
• Avatars are bigger.
<div class="timebar"></div>
@@.pin;Release notes v0.2d@@
Changed the avatars. This has been a long time coming. The Sims avatars bothered me and some of the players.
Go to the CHARACTERS page to see them bigger.
What's new:
• New avatars;
• Updated characters page;
• Typos fixed.
<div class="timebar"></div>
@@.pin;Release notes v0.2c@@
This update is pretty big (twice the size of the Marky one and the Emmett one.) Hide yo kids, hide yo wife, and hide yo husband, cause Marky is JEALOUS of the Tyler preferential treatment.
There's the introduction of a couple new kinks in this update. Tyler is one kinky MOFO.
I always write updates with a "true" path in mind. Clue: sometimes (well, once) pink is NOT the right answer.
I truly suggest trying different choices. There are paths with different sexual scenes and it would be a waste if you only read one of them.
Be careful though, there's a Game Over in this update as well. I know some of you sluts like getting your asses kicked, so you'll probably enjoy the Game Over scene (even though you're not supposed to!)
I love feedback, even if it's just "I liked it".
Hope you guys enjoy it. This was a hard one to finish.
What's new:
• Chapter IV (Tyler path);
• New Game Over;
• Links page updated with a game and an erotic story;
• Updated the game description.
<div class="timebar"></div>
@@.pin;Release notes v0.2b@@
<center><img src="https://i.imgur.com/nAdNqZ0.gif" width="220px" height="216px"> <img src="https://i.imgur.com/huyVRIS.gif" width="220px" height="216px"></center>
HA! I've always wanted an opportunity to use these gifs and now I have, after not updating since April. You guys know what's up, I was sick, yada yada yada, won't get into it.
So this update is aimed at the doms out there that somehow haven't given up on this game. I know several of you can't wait to destroy Marky but MC is not ready. You have to go through a couple of other guys first. Emmett is the easiest prey, so he's in front of the line.
IMPORTANT: you @@.pin;HAVE TO@@ pick "Find a way out yourself" (blue option in Chapter IV) if you want to dominate Marky later on. You can't succumb to him in Chapter IV and then hope to dominate him later. It will NOT work out well. Y'all been warned.
Hope you enjoy it, feedback is always appreciated!
What's new:
∙ Chapter IV (Emmett path);
∙ First Game Over;
∙ New character: Principal Frederick (short scene, he'll be back later);
∙ Links page (with Discord Group + Games I Heart);
∙ Typos fixed.
<div class="timebar"></div>
@@.pin;Release notes v0.2@@
Sorry for the delay. I have a health thing and I was sick for most of March.
Chapter IV is huge and will have a total of four different paths that you can choose from. You will be able to choose to be submissive with Marky, submissive with Tyler, dominating with Emmett, or dominating to a yet not introduced character. Only the Marky path is done for now.
What's new:
∙ Chapter III;
∙ Chapter IV (Marky path);
∙ New character: Haruki;
∙ Character page (click on menu or avatars to access);
∙ Update Notes page;
∙ Typos fixed.
<div class="timebar"></div>
@@.pin;Release notes v0.1@@
Chapter I and II are done. The main character starts off unsure of himself, thus more submissive, but you'll be able to change that.
Chapter I only allows for sub gameplay (or quite literally running away from the situation), but Chapter II already has a dom scene. Dom gameplay will grow from there.You are inside Tyler's room for the first time, it makes your recently punched jaw drop. You have checked out other people's rooms through open doors, and they're all the same Spartan style as yours; two twin beds, a nightstand, a dresser, and a desk. But not Tyler's. This room is enormous compared to the others, it boasts a full bed, an ample wardrobe, a desk, a leather armchair, and a flat-screen TV mounted on the wall. There's also another door – maybe a walk-in closet or a private bathroom – and a twin bed crammed in the corner behind the armchair, although it's evident he doesn't have a roommate. The room is immaculate and the furniture shines, it almost looks sterile, which is surprising considering it's a teenage guy's room at a reform school. Tyler notices your marveling, a hint of a smirk can be seen for half a second.
<<di you "How did you manage all this?">>
You ask, still looking around. He completely ignores your question and goes straight into business.
<<di ty "Marky is a nuisance. He's unstable, prone to temper tantrums, and completely unruly.">>
<<di you "Well, yes. But what does that have to do with you?">>
<<di ty "I'm the king of this castle, dimwit. Look around. He's supposed to be my second in command, but he causes more trouble than he solves. I need a new one.">>
There's a weird pause in the conversation and it takes you an embarrassingly long time to connect the dots.
<<di you "You mean me?">>
Tyler gives a curt nod.
<<di you "Why?">>
<<di ty "Are you sure you're <strong>not</strong> an imbecile?">>
You frown. He looks his usual bored self, but slightly more bored.
<<di ty "You're the first one to stand up to him. Other than me, of course. You're either very brave or very stupid. Clearly, I can work with both.">>
@@.int;Is he insulting me or Marky?@@
<<di ty "As my viceroy, I'll train you to dominate ?fags. You show promise, but evidently can't do it alone, especially with all that trembling you don't think people notice.">>
You fold your arms in front of your chest, blushing.
<<di ty "You'll also enjoy some privileges only I can arrange. All I ask is complete loyalty. My word is final.">>
You look at him, cogs turning in your brain, processing Tyler's expectations.
@@.int;Is he for real? Dom training doesn't sound bad. But does he want me to be his slave, like Marky? Is this a ruse? If I say yes, will I be sucking his dick five minutes later? @@
Tyler looks like he's inside your head. You realize his quietness is probably because he's reading people, reading the room, calculating responses, pushing people just the right way. Suddenly you're reminded of Sherlock Holmes. It makes you self-conscious, like you are being analyzed at all times.
<<if hasVisited("LockerRoomGiveHandjobMarky")>><<di ty "I know what you're thinking, you don't have to suck my dick. If you like dick, you're a ?fag and not worthy of the position. The locker room thing was obviously an anomaly since you were under duress and I'm willing to overlook that one time. Just remember that I'm the King and you'll live as one. Are you in?">><<else>><<di ty "I know what you're thinking, you don't have to suck my dick. If you like dick, you're a ?fag and not worthy of the position. Just remember that I'm the King and you'll live as one. Are you in?">><</if>>
@@.dom;[[Accept Tyler's terms->TylerTopTraining]]@@
[[Refuse and go to the principal->PrincipalGameOver]]You ponder his question for a minute or so and decide to say yes. It's a good proposal, too good, actually, it tingles your spider-sense – you're still not entirely positive he's not fucking with you. Reading spy thrillers has taught you to be guarded. Also, that you can always betray him later.
<<di you "Fine.">>
<<di ty "That's not an answer.">>
You sigh.
<<di you "I accept your proposal.">>
He squints at you. It's clear he knows you have reservations and trusts you as much as you trust him, which is to say, not at all.
Tyler takes his phone and types something. An answer comes swiftly, and he looks at you.
<<di ty "I'm leaving, you stay.">>
You squint and shake your head in disbelief. Part of you wonders if he didn't set you up and texted Marky to come kick your ass in private.
@@.int;No. That doesn't make sense. He could have just let Marky beat me up before. Like he said, it's not as if I would have run home. What's going on?@@
<<di you "Wha-- Why? W-who did you text?">>
He pats your head like one does a dog.
<<di ty "Make me proud.">>
Tyler simply walks out and closes the door, leaving you alone in his room. Your whole body tenses up, your fingers start to tremble. You breathe in. You breathe out.
@@.int;Whatever happens, I can do this. I can fucking do this! ...Can I do this?@@
You spend a couple minutes in that mental spiral and then there's a knock on the door.
@@.int;Marky wouldn't knock.@@
<<di you "Come in.">>
You try your best Tyler voice, deep and low.
The door opens with a click and Emmett stares at you, from outside the room, a mild look of shock on his face. You probably have the same look in yours. You eye each other for an awkward amount of seconds until you finally realize Tyler's wish. He clearly wants you to screw with Emmett. You want to screw with Emmett too. You take a deep breath.
<<di you "I said 'come in'. Don't just stand there.">>
Emmett comes in gingerly, leaving the door open.
@@.dom;[[Be extra cruel, pretend to be his friend first.->TopTrainingEmmettCruel][$sub -= 2; $lemm += 2]]@@
@@.dom;[[Meh, just get straight to it.->TopTrainingEmmettDirect][$sub -= 1; $lemm += 1]]@@You don't want to be part of bully politics. You just want to... be. To exist. Peacefully. This is a reform school. There's some reforming that's supposed to be occurring in this place and Marky certainly needs it. Tyler too.
You announce your need to see the principal to the same Father Francis who first welcomed you into the school. You wait no more than five minutes and you're inside his office.
@@.title;Father Frederick@@
You read his shiny golden plaque as he welcomes you into the room and offers you a seat. It's a plush office, with wood-paneled walls and deep red carpeting. A painting of Jesus in an ornate gilded frame hangs above the principal. Jesus looks at you judgingly. So does Father Frederick.
Even sitting down, you can see that the principal is a very tall man. He has alabaster white skin and blonde hair that is plastered with gel and combed neatly. His piercing gray eyes betray his cold demeanor that contrasts greatly with the warm and inviting tone of the office's decor.
<<di fre "So, what seems to be the problem, Mr. Ferris?">>
<<di you "It's Ferry.">>
<<di fre "Ah yes, Fairy, like the mythological creature.">>
<<di you "No! Like a ferryboat!">>
You snap.
<<di fre "Sorry, Mister Ferry-like-a-boat. How can I help you?">>
That little misunderstanding has made the situation awkward, his demeanor feels even colder. You almost regret coming here, but still, push on. You tell him about all of the events that transpired since your arrival, including the sexual parts, but making sure not to be too graphic about it. Father Frederick almost jumps at the mention of Marky's name, he looks flustered most of the time, and you're almost sure he's fidgeting on his chair. You finish by telling him about your bully's broken nose. Frederick takes a long breath and holds his face using his long skinny fingers.
<<di fre "Well, Mr. Ferry. You have given me much to investigate. Thank you for your very... detailed testimony.">>
You blush.
<<di fre "That being said, physical violence is never the answer. You should have come to me instead of attacking Mr. Walsh. I'm sorry, but you're expelled.">>
You gasp.
@@.int;Expelled??? @@
<<di you "E-expelled? But I'm the victim!">>
<<di fre "I'd say Mr. Walsh is your victim, considering what you admitted doing to his nose.">>
<<di you "It was an accident when I was escaping! And HE punched ME!">>
He inspects your face narrowly and scowls.
<<di fre "I don't see a mark, maybe some red as if you've been slapped. Nevertheless, he will be dealt with accordingly. Two wrongs don't make a right. My decision is final. Go pack your bags, I'll inform your parents to pick you up promptly.">>
Father Frederick immediately grabs his landline phone, looks at a file searching for your mother's number, and starts dialing. You're so dumbfounded, you just keep watching his actions without saying anything. Frederick looks at you as if inquiring what you're still doing in his office and makes a hand movement that says "leave!" You comply.
<div class="timebar"></div>
A few hours later, you're waiting outside the manor in the dark, with no luggage and no phone – being too much of a chicken to confront Marky to get your things. A car arrives and you meet the stony gaze of your mother from the car's window.
@@.str;Game over.@@
@@.pin;If you'd like to keep playing, hit that back button and make different choices.@@<<di you "Close the door, man. I wanna talk to you.">>
He does and approaches you slowly. You flash him the most sincere smile you can muster, hoping you don't look like Jeffrey Dahmer luring another one of his victims.
<<di you "I had a chat with Tyler.">>
You sit down on Tyler's bed, probably a brave choice considering how he seems finicky and how pristine this room is. However, the situation demands an amount of buttering up one just can't do while standing awkwardly in the middle of a room. Also, if he didn't want you touching his stuff, he shouldn't have left you alone in his room.
As soon as you're down, you pat the bed to your side, encouraging Emmett to sit next to you. He immediately shakes his head, his glasses reflecting the ceiling light back and forth.
<<di emm "Tyler doesn't like people sitting on his bed.">>
<<di you "What he doesn't know won't hurt him... Just sit, I wanna talk, man.">>
Emmett looks around like he's afraid Tyler is going to jump out from behind a piece of furniture and smack him. He eventually sits beside you, making the bed creak.
<<di you "I know yesterday was fucked up, and I get why you did it. Marky is an asshole, a dangerous one, so if I had to sell out the new guy to take him off my back, I'd maybe do that too.">>
Emmett looks uncomfortable and shifts his weight left and right. He's usually very talkative, unless someone is attacking him, so it's weird that even when you're being this nice, he's still quiet.
@@.int;Is he seeing right through me? Does he know what my plan is?@@
<<di you "What, dude? Say something.">>
He shakes his head as if considering something. You nudge him with your elbow and flash him a smile.
<<di emm "Tyler was the one who put me up to it. I didn't wanna do it, but...">>
@@.int;Fucking asshole!@@
<<di emm "I don't think Marky wanted to share his toy anyway.">>
He looks petrified.
<<di emm "Not that you're his toy... I'm just saying that he doesn't like to share his conquests... God... I know you're not a conquest, it's just he doesn't play well with others and Tyler wanted to see what the fuss was about with this Fairy ?fag... Not that you're a ?fag, his words, not mine, not that I agree with him...">>
You raise your finger against his mouth softly, shushing him. Emmett is blushing so bad he looks as red as a Coke can.
<<di you "Shh, it's ok, man. Tyler wanted us to make up. You're a cool guy, we had fun yesterday, before everything, right?">>
Emmett nods.
<<di you "So, yeah, I just wanted to say: no hard feelings. Let's just pretend none of that ever happened. Can you also do that? I know my reaction wasn't the best either.">>
Emmett nods and smiles. He considers something for a second, and then hugs you awkwardly, letting go after a few seconds. Part of you starts to feel bad for the guy. Even after all the shit, he's imprinted on you and willing to let bygones be bygones that easily.
<<di emm "You have no idea how hard it is to find friends here. Everyone is ruthless. I mean, Tyler scares me...">>
He gulps.
<<di emm "...but, umm, he protects me as long as I do what he says.">>
<<di you "Does he make you blow him?">>
You prod, seizing the opportunity to also pump him for some information. Emmett's eyes widen.
<<di emm "No!!! I mean, I just do his laundry, get him what he asks for, help him with his plans and stuff.">>
<<di you "Plans?">>
Emmett clearly regrets saying that last part and mutters a //"fuck"//.
<<di emm "Yeah, like, when I lured you into the locker room...">>
<<di you "So, does that happen often?">>
<<di emm "...Can we not talk about it?">>
You're treading on shaky territory and his apprehension is a warning to not push him too far or the plan will collapse like a house of cards.
<<di you "Sorry, I don't mean to pry. I just wanna know what I'm getting into.">>
Emmett looks at you funny and furrows his brows.
<<di emm "What did Tyler tell you?">>
<<di you "Not a lot. It seems like Marky oversold him on the Fairy ?Fag thing and he wanted us to talk. Maybe he wants me to be like you... an assistant or something? He doesn't say a lot, you've probably noticed.">>
You grin at your joke, hopeful that will break the ice a bit. He smiles.
<<di emm "It's really hard figuring out what he wants you to do from a look alone, let me tell you that.">>
You laugh and you're pretty sure it sounds fake. Emmett doesn't seem to notice it, so maybe you're in the clear.
<<di you "Do you mind just one more question?">>
Emmett will say yes because he can't help himself, he loves talking too much.
<<di emm "Yeah, ok, I mean, if we're both gonna be Tyler's helpers, I guess you should know stuff.">>
<<di you "I noticed the tent in your shorts... in the locker room. Do you ever, like, participate?">>
Again, he gets quiet and it's like the room is ten degrees colder. His soft body seems to shrink into itself.
<<di you "Come on, man, you can tell me. Friends, right?">>
<<di emm "No, dude. I told you, I never blew Tyler.">>
<<di you "No, I meant, like, do you ever get blown?">>
He gasps. He realizes that he gave an answer to a question you never even asked. Inside, you grin. His reaction reveals he never even considered getting a blowjob from the harem of ?fags you assume Tyler has at his beck and call. So, it stands to reason, the hard-on he had was because he wanted to be doing the blowing. But you need more proof to turn the tables on him. He stammers but keeps going, shaking his head.
<<di emm "N-no, never. ...I don't like Tyler's plans.">>
<<di you "But you were excited, I could see it.">>
<<di emm "No, I wasn't. I wanted to leave.">>
<<di you "Dude, I have eyes. You were tenting.">>
He resumes shifting uncomfortably on the bed and starts to look down at his knees.
<<di you "We don't got girls here, and with how long you've been here, I wouldn't blame you.">>
His legs start doing that shaking thing people do when they're bored or anxious. Almost there.
<<di you "It's ok if you don't wanna get blown.">>
He stays quiet, but his legs keep shaking.
<<di you "Did you ever think about blowing Tyler? Maybe Marky?">>
Emmett looks at you, shocked at your question.
<<di emm "What kind of question is that, dude? What the fuck?">>
You raise your hands, like sports players do when there's a foul and they want none of the blame.
<<di you "Hey, it's fine. I'm not like those assholes, remember? I just got here and you're the one who befriended me.">>
Your answer is reminiscent of what Haruki told you at the gym, and you feel a pang of guilt about using his words to fuck with Emmett.
<<di you "Look... The world is not black and white, man. Maybe you're curious about shit. I could help out.">>
<<di emm "What do you mean, help out?">>
He snaps, his voice tinged with anger. You pick his hand and put it over your right thigh.
<<di you "Like that.">>
He looks stunned but doesn't remove his hand. You smile at him, willing your eyes to look warm and not predatory.
<<di you "It would totally stay between us. But if you don't want it, that's fine, I just think you kind of wanna try it... I mean, you're tenting already.">>
Emmett stares at his pelvis, looking floored but pensive, as if he's really considering this. His hand feels balmy against your leg. His round face looks more flush than usual, legs still doing the anxious shake.
<<di emm "Not here.">>
<<di you "What?">>
<<di emm "Not in Tyler's room.">>
<<di you "Does that mean you wanna try?">>
He keeps looking down, starts to nod, then says softly.
<<di emm "Yeah.">>
His hand brushes against your already hard penis through your pants; a shiver of excitement runs down your spine. Emmett seems to regret the movement, pulling back.
<<di you "It's fine, dude. He went to the gym, we have time, just...">>
You can't resist the urge: you take his wrist, guiding it back towards your throbbing cock. Surprisingly, he complies, his grip firm and eager over the fabric.
You steal a glimpse of his face, and he looks at you with trusting, almost loving, eyes. You're pretty sure your discourse only made a very flimsy amount of sense, but he's so desperate for friendship and companionship, he's willing to overlook all the major red flags.
[[You're cutting this short. This isn't what you want.->TopTrainingEmmettCruelNoSex][$lty -= 3; $lemm -= 50]]
@@.dom;[[You're horny and deadset on revenge. Make Emmett your sexual plaything.->TopTrainingEmmettSexual][$sub -= 1; $lty += 1; $lemm += 1]]@@You kick the room's door closed, causing Emmett to give a small, startled jump.
@@.int;This is gonna be fun...@@
<<di you "What are you so jumpy for, little Emmett?">>
Emmett refuses to even look at you, and you catch his pleading hazel eyes looking at his feet. You wonder why Tyler never did this to Emmett. Or maybe he did and you just don't know it. You approach Emmett slowly and it feels like you're a cat stalking his prey. He just stands near the door not saying anything, but looking very tense.
<<di you "Boo!">>
You say against his ear, startling him and making him do another of those adorable little jumps. You snicker at that and walk behind him. Slowly, your arms hug him from behind, while you rub your hardening cock against his ass. You grab his fat pecs over his shirt and give them a squeeze. The fabric is very thin, so both you and he can feel everything perfectly. Emmett makes a noise you can only describe as a squeak.
<<di you "You like me playing with your boobs?">>
He doesn't answer, so you squeeze his man-tits harder and harder. He squeaks some more.
@@.int;Marky is right, it is annoying when they don't answer.@@
<<di you "Huh?">>
After a few seconds and a couple of groans, he finally answers you.
<<di emm "No...">>
Your fingers pinch his nipples over his shirt, he squeaks louder this time.
<<di you "Are you sure?">>
You circle around Emmett and stare him down, he already looks pathetic. His round face is flush and his eyes look teary. You grin.
<<di you "Let's lay some ground rules, shall we? When I ask a question, you answer me. And when you lie...">>
You slap his face hard, making him yelp. Emmett holds his face where you smacked him, complete shock in his eyes.
<<di you "...you get punished. Now...">>
You grab his pecs again, squeezing his nipples angrily. He jumps back in shock but doesn't try to run or remove your hands. You can tell his chest is red even from under his shirt.
<<di you "...do you like it when I play with your boobs?">>
He nods, but upon seeing your glare, actually says it, even if his voice is low and breathy.
<<di emm "Yes.">>
<<di you "Good.">>
@@.int;I sound like Marky. Why do I sound like Marky?@@
The realization that your bully side sounds like Marky shakes your sense of self and makes you stop for a second.
@@.int;Whatever. Maybe I learned from the best.@@
Or maybe you're as obsessed with Marky as he is with you, but you refuse to admit that. Shaking your head to clear your mind, you let go of Emmett's pecs and move things along. You sit down on Tyler's bed and pull Emmett down next to you, grabbing his wrist and moving it towards your dick.
You gaze at his teary eyes and it dawns on you how smoothly this is going. He never stopped you. He didn't even try to run. Emmett just looks down and obeys you as soon as you press him. Breaking someone like this feels too easy, even though you're inexperienced. Unless revenge tastes good enough for you to keep going.
[[You're suddenly bored. Let Emmett go and find bigger fish to fry.->TopTrainingEmmettDirectNoSex][$lty -= 1; $lemm -= 2]]
@@.dom;[[Revenge tastes delicious. Make Emmett your sexual plaything.->TopTrainingEmmettSexual][$sub -= 1; $lty += 1; $lemm += 1]]@@<<nobr>>
You're unsure if you're feeling sorry for Emmett or if you're simply not turned on anymore by the situation, but you can't go through with it.
@@.int;This isn't right...@@
<<di you "You know what? You're right. Not here.">>
Emmett is nonplussed. Your hot and cold attitude must be confusing, but it's better than just going ahead with it.
<<di you "You should go.">>
His nonplussed look turns into hurt.
<<di emm "Did I do something wrong?">>
<<di you "No. I just told you, not here. Just leave. We'll talk later.">>
Suddenly the door clicks open, and Tyler comes in, phone in hand, earbuds in place. It creeps you out how he was just there, waiting.
@@.int;How did he know to come in now? Was he listening? Fuck! He totally was. That's why he's gripping his phone and has earbuds.@@
Your eyes wander around the room, looking for a camera. Tyler takes a long stride inside the room, clicking the door shut. Emmett bolts up and stands to the side. It seems he //just noticed// he's doing a reprobate infraction by sitting on the bed and the one who'll punish him for it is now in the room.
<<di ty "Solid B until you stopped. The ?fag was almost broken.">>
Tyler barely speaks. When he does, there's always a hidden agenda. By the look on Emmett's face, his plan was to reveal what you were up to. He seems to be having trouble connecting the dots, or maybe he really trusted you and can't accept that you were playing him. Emmett regards Tyler, his eyes watery.
<<di emm "Did you plan this with him?">>
<<di ty "Nope. All him. I just left you two alone.">>
@@.int;Fucker! That's not a lie, but that's what he wanted me to do. He even told me to make him proud. Fuck Tyler!@@
Emmett gasps, like he's holding back tears. His hazel eyes find yours for a second, overwhelming hurt in them. Then, he bolts out of the room, slamming the door on his way out. You get up and step towards Tyler, anger bubbling inside, your arms trembling – this time not from being scared – but from the anger of being played.
<<di you "Why?">>
<<di ty "Wasn't your plan to break him? I helped. He's just broken in a different way now.">>
His ocean eyes look stormy, his mouth twisted in a chilling grin. He got off on this. You knew Tyler was treacherous, but he might be worse than Marky. At least Marky acts dumb sometimes, which gave you an out just now. If it were you and Tyler in that bathroom, you wouldn't have gotten away.
An eerie silence covers the room.
Tyler removes his earbuds and produces a case for them. You keep silent, unsure what to say. You can't very well attack your only ally against Marky.
<<di ty "You may stay here tonight. You may <strong>not</strong> use my bathroom.">>
@@.int;So that's what that door is.@@
<<di ty "You may not touch my stuff. That's your bed. Never sit on mine again.">>
You nod. Tyler continues talking while getting ready for what you assume to be a shower.
<</nobr>><<di ty "I suggest you retrieve your phone tomorrow. You'll need it for what I have planned.">>
He says that like it's the easiest thing in the world to get your phone back from the fiend that stole it. Tyler goes into his bathroom and locks the door.
Now that you're finally done with bullies messing with your day, you realize that you're starving. You haven't eaten since morning, just a meager cereal bar at that. So, you find your way down to the kitchen and are able to get dinner leftovers after pleading your case to a kindly-looking priest.
After that, you shower and then make your way back to Tyler's room, making sure to watch for any sign of Marky. When you finally get into the king's room, you feel a sense of calm wash over you. You're safe here. You think.
Inside, Tyler is sprawled on his throne-like recliner watching some very violent game of hockey. He doesn't speak or even glance at you again for the rest of the night.
[[After a few hours, you go to bed.->FourthDay]]<<if hasVisited("TopTrainingEmmettCruel")>>You double down on your plans. The bitch has it coming to him. And, after this, people will know not to mess with you. At least you hope they will.
Emmett timidly strokes your boner over your pants. He's clearly into it, but you need this to go faster. A handjob is hardly enough. You'll need to have him gagging on your cock to truly break him. Thus, you raise your butt from the bed and slide the pants around your ankle. You don't pull the underwear down yet.
<<di you "Give it a sniff.">>
<<di emm "What?">>
<<di you "Smell the front of my underwear.">>
<<di emm "No, dude! That's gross.">>
You feign being hurt, like you know he's just feigning being grossed out. That ?fag cannot wait to smell your musk.
<<di you "Ouch, dude. My dick is not gross! You'd be the first to admit it, you're the one that wanted to touch it.">>
Then, you lower your voice, like you're telling him some sort of secret.
<<di you "It's just I read this thing on Reddit that a dick exhales pheromones or some shit. Makes bitches go wild and enjoy it much more.">>
He suddenly takes his hand off you, looking uncomfortable.
<<di emm "I'm not a bitch!">>
You roll your eyes.
<<di you "I know you're not a bitch. I just meant, like, women in general, bitches, you know? Anyway, the pheromones will make you that much more into it. I promise. Just give it a sniff.">>
He furrows his brows and considers it for a second. You can't force him – yet – so you let him take the step himself. After what feels like a full minute, Emmett finally lowers his head and gives a quick sniff in the general area of your crotch. You shake your head.
<<di you "You're doing it wrong. Like this.">>
You grab the back of his neck, his curly hair tickling your fingers, and you push him down forcibly but gently. You can't spook him so near the finish line. He forces his neck back up, but you don't let go and you apply enough pressure to make his nose touch your groin. Emmett makes a delightful squeaky sound.
<<di you "Now take a deep breath.">>
He does. Emmett's chunky body tenses and relaxes, his lungs inflating his shirt. After a few seconds, you stop putting pressure on his neck and Emmett takes another deep breath without needing to be told again. He refuses to look at you, but you know he's addicted already.
<<di you "I told you you'd love it.">>
Of course, the whole tidbit about pheromones is complete bullshit. You know a ?fag likes smelling men. Now //that// you've read ostensibly on the internet, how the sweaty musk of a man is heavenly. You've spent hours reading about dicks, assholes, muscles, and cum – not that you'd ever admit it to anyone.
Emmett keeps breathing over your underwear and the moist heat from it makes you even harder, and you start to leak pre. You think about telling him to remove your underwear, but that might break his spell. So you push it down yourself, making your boner and balls pop out.<<if hasVisited("MorningGymHitHaruki") or hasVisited("MorningGymSuckHaruki")>> You notice Haruki's scratch and bite marks around your pelvis and you silently curse him.
@@.int;Fuck! Why did Haruki have to scratch and bite me like a fucking dog?@@<</if>>
Emmett raises his head instantly, however, your other hand is still at his neck and you push it down until his mouth and nose are hovering millimeters from your shaft.<<if hasVisited("MorningGymHitHaruki") or hasVisited("MorningGymSuckHaruki")>> Luckily, he seems too busy worrying about your cockhead being that near his mouth, he doesn't even notice the marks on your body.<</if>>
<<di you "Look at that pearl of pre. Doesn't that look awesome?">>
Emmett doesn't respond and, despite being very patient with this lovey-dovey bullshit, you're getting impatient.
<<di you "Answer me.">>
You demand, trying not to sound too angry. He raises his hazel eyes and all you can see in his round face is unfiltered lust. Even his lips look plumper than usual.
<<di emm "Yeah.">>
<<di you "Lick it.">>
You don't wait for a reaction, pushing him down until his lips touch your cockhead. Then, his tongue spreads out and licks the droplet.
@@.int;The ?fag is turned. Fuck, such a rush of power.@@
When Emmett licks your precum, it awakens a beast you didn't know you had in you. Your dominant side was always there, and you've seen glimpses of it before, like in the locker room, but nothing like this. The unbridled power of breaking another guy this heinously has turned you into something else.
<<di you "Fuck... Open your mouth, now.">>
You position his head using both your hands and you shove your rod inside his mouth. He wasn't prepared, so his teeth scrape your cockhead and you gasp at the sensation. You ignore the pain – the sheer feeling of might from having your most important part inside the same mouth a bitch uses to eat almost makes you cum immediately.
Emmett wasn't ready for it at all. He eyes you with a funny expression, and that coupled with a mouthful of dick would probably make you laugh if you weren't so horny. His hands touch your tights, trying to push you away, but you don't let him go.
Now that Emmett has your cock knocking on his throat's door, you can drop the act.<</if>><<if hasVisited("TopTrainingEmmettDirect")>>You look down at Emmett's pathetic face and it makes you angry. You slap him. He squeaks but does nothing to stop you.
<<di you "Ain't you gonna fight me?">>
You slap him again. Another squeak. He holds out his stubby hands in front of his round face, trying to protect himself.
<<di you "Do something, you bitch!">>
Emmett gets up and tries to run, you simply pull him back by his shirt and he lands back on the bed with a flop. You straddle his legs and look at him seriously.
<<di you "Hit me!">>
He looks at you, baffled, and furrows his brows. He's sweating profusely, his shirt has wet stains near his pecs.
<<di you "Hit! Me!">>
You raise your chin as an invitation for him to smack your face. The room is silent for a while after that. You refuse to move until he does. Finally, he raises his right hand and punches you. Emmett immediately regrets it, holding his fist with an //"Oww"//. You feel the red hot pain on the left side of your face, but it wasn't nearly as strong as you expected. You almost like it.
You punch Emmett back, but you don't put much force behind it. He grunts. You want to hurt him but not too much, after all, your plans for that mouth require it to stay open. Then, you grab his nipples again and you twist them angrily; this time, he yells. You have to let them go because he's getting too loud.
Sliding sideways, you half sit, half lie on the bed.
<<di you "Kneel.">>
He tries to run again, you get up and reach him as he's all the way to the door. You grab him by the throat with both hands, pressing them. He's got his back to you, but you can sense his despair.
<<di you "Don't run.">>
You squeeze some more.
<<di you "Got it?">>
He nods. You keep pressure on it for a few more seconds and then you pull him back towards the bed, dumping him on the floor. You get into position in front of him once more.
<<di you "Pull my pants down.">>
Emmett decides to stop running and obeys. He puts his hands across your waist and pulls the fabric down, leaving your underwear in place.
<<di you "Give it a sniff.">>
He stares at you quizzically.
<<di you "Smell the front of my underwear.">>
Emmett shakes his head, his hazel eyes gazing at you with fear in them.
<<di emm "I don't want to.">>
<<di you "Who gives a fuck what you want?">>
You know he's just feigning being grossed out. That ?fag cannot wait to smell your musk. So, you grab the back of his neck, his curly hair tickling your fingers, and you push it down forcibly. He forces his neck back up, but you don't let go and you apply enough pressure to make his nose touch your groin. Emmett makes a delightful squeaky sound.
<<di you "Now take a deep breath.">>
He does. Emmett's chunky body tenses and relaxes, his lungs inflating his shirt. After a few seconds, you stop putting pressure on his neck and Emmett takes another deep breath without needing to be told again. He refuses to look at you, but you know he's addicted already.
You just know a ?fag likes smelling men. You've read ostensibly about that on the internet, how the sweaty musk of a man is heavenly. You've spent hours reading about dicks, assholes, muscles, and cum – not that you'd ever admit it to anyone.
<<di you "You love it, huh? Disgusting.">>
He blushes but keeps breathing over your underwear. The moist heat from it makes you even harder, and you start to leak pre. You push your underwear down, making your boner and balls pop out. Emmett raises his head instantly, however, your other hand is still at his neck and you push it down until his mouth and nose are hovering millimeters from your shaft.
<<di you "How much do you wanna lick that pearl of pre? Looks delicious, doesn't it?">>
Emmett doesn't respond. You breathe out, annoyed.
<<di you "Answer me!">>
You demand while giving his face a light slap.
<<di emm "I don't...">>
<<di you "Don't lie.">>
He raises his hazel eyes and you can see fear mixed with lust in his round face. Even his lips look plumper than usual.
<<di emm "I do...">>
<<di you "Lick it.">>
You don't wait for a reaction, pushing him down until his lips touch your cockhead. Then, his tongue spreads out and licks the droplet.
@@.int;Fuck, such a rush of power.@@
When Emmett licks your precum, it awakens a beast you didn't know you had in you. Your dominant side was always there, and you've seen glimpses of it before, like in the locker room and even now – while slapping and punching him – but nothing like this. The unbridled power of breaking another guy this heinously has turned you into something else.
<<di you "Fuck... Open your mouth, now.">>
You position his head using both your hands and you shove your rod inside his mouth. He wasn't prepared, so his teeth scrape your cockhead and you gasp at the sensation. You ignore the pain – the sheer feeling of might from having your most important part inside the same mouth a bitch uses to eat almost makes you cum immediately.
Emmett wasn't ready for it at all. He eyes you with a funny expression, and that coupled with a mouthful of dick would probably make you laugh if you weren't so horny. His hands touch your tights, trying to push you away, but you don't let him go.<</if>>
<<di you "Stop fighting! I don't give a shit if you don't want it!">>
For emphasis, you pump his mouth against your pelvis forcibly. His teeth scrape your head a few more times.
<<di you "Now, if you still haven't realized it, I'm not your fucking friend. You're a ?fag that was salivating over me ever since you first saw me. And this...">>
You push his head, and your rod goes as far down as it will go until he starts coughing. You ignore it and continue.
<<di you "...this is both your punishment for betraying me <strong>and</strong> your reason for existing. Getting me off. Eating my spunk. A fatso like you knows all about eating anyway, so I'm sure you'll enjoy it.">>
His teeth scrape your cockhead one more time and you press your nails angrily against his scalp.
<<di you "Keep those teeth off my dick, useless cunt. Just enjoy it, I know you're having the time of your life.">>
By now, Emmett looks like a mess. His eyes are red, his face is almost purple and his shirt is drenched in sweat. He is coughing endlessly, fluids coming out of his nose and mouth. That's good, makes the blowjob more pleasurable.
You didn't notice, but between convincing Emmett to lick your bulge and him actually sucking you, Tyler entered the room. He smiles a nasty, cruel smile while watching the scene. Emmett doesn't seem to have noticed, what with being busy gagging on your shaft, so you avoid calling attention to his presence before you can cum.
@@.int;Tyler can watch for all I care.@@
Because Emmett's mouth is full of fluids, and his gagging is pressuring your dick at irregular intervals, you're nearly ready to pop. You keep holding his head with both hands, fucking his face. Emmett doesn't scrape your dick again, it seems that your warning worked like a charm.
<<di you "Fuck yeah, I'm almost nutting. We're gonna have a ton of fun, you and I, little Emmett. It's gonna be awesome to have a ?faggot on call, at the snap of my fingers.">>
You emphasize every fourth word with a new pounding of his throat. He makes gurgling and coughing noises, and scratches your legs. Your pleasure builds and builds, getting closer to orgasm. As soon as you're about to go off, you lose the grip on his head, and he pulls away. You grunt and curse several incoherent words, biting your tongue from the bliss. Your cum sprays upward and paints the floor in lines. Emmett's coughing is barely audible in your state of euphoria.
After a few seconds, Emmett follows the trail of your semen and finds Tyler near the door. His eyes bulge out of their sockets, he immediately climbs to his feet. You wonder if he's more shocked by his outing or scared of Tyler's reaction. You get up from the bed as your cum continues to drip on the floor. You give Emmett a good slap across the face. He squeaks.
<<di you "You were supposed to slurp it down, bitch!">>
You finally take a good look at Tyler and notice that he's wearing earbuds and holding his phone beside him. Immediately you get the nagging feeling that he's recording everything that goes on inside his room, and you start to look for cameras.
<<di emm "Tyler, I'm so g-glad you're here! He made me... Please, help.">>
You've seen better acting in Mexican telenovelas. Tyler simply raises his phone and starts to slide his finger across the screen. After a few moments, he holds the phone out so both you and Emmett can see – and hear – your earlier interaction.
<<if hasVisited("TopTrainingEmmettCruel")>>//"Look at that pearl of pre. Doesn't that look awesome? -- Answer me."//
//"Lick it."//<</if>><<if hasVisited("TopTrainingEmmettDirect")>>//"How much do you wanna lick that pearl of pre? Looks delicious, doesn't it? -- Answer me!"//
//"I don't..."//
//"Don't lie."//
//"I do..."//
//"Lick it."//<</if>>
<<di ty "Doesn't look forced to me.">>
@@.int;That fucker! I knew he was filming it! ...Ehhh, what do I care? Emmett's the ?fag, not me.@@
Emmett immediately starts to cry and beg at the same time. You can barely make out words, but you're pretty sure you hear //"show", "anyone"// and //"please"//. You roll your eyes in annoyance and grab Emmett by the neck.
<<di you "Now, you pay attention to me. You should have drunk my spunk like I said.">>
@@.dom;[[Make him lick your seed off the floor.->TopTrainingEmmettSexualFloor][$sub -= 1; $lemm += 1]]@@
@@.dom;[[Give him one power slap for each squirt on the floor.->TopTrainingEmmettSexualSlap][$sub -= 1; $lty += 1]]@@<<nobr>>
You stare at Emmett, a terrified mess, sitting beside you, his wrist still in your iron grip. You release his arm and spit out.
<<di you "Get out!">>
He doesn't move immediately, which annoys you terribly. Emmett should be better at following orders, especially considering his weird relationship with Tyler.
<<di you "<strong>Get the FUCK out!</strong> Before I change my mind.">>
He scampers up from the bed, his reddened hazel eyes gaze at you one final time, and bolts for the door. Once it's open, he stumbles upon a disappointed-looking Tyler, phone in hand, earbuds in place.
<<di ty "In.">>
Emmett turns back to gaze at you, then gyrates towards Tyler once more. He's clearly petrified and has no idea whom to obey. The sprockets in his brain are working overtime trying to figure out who scares him the most right now.
Emmett gets back inside. Tyler wins.
<<di ty "Atrocious at best.">>
Tyler takes a stride inside, pushing Emmett out of his way, and closes the door softly, with a click.
<<di ty "Is <strong>that</strong> how you plan to eliminate Marky?">>
You get up and walk, closing the gap between you and Tyler. Emmet stands to the side, looking like a warthog witnessing two lions fighting amongst themselves. He's glad to not be the target, but he's still fearful.
<<di you "Fuck you. I don't owe you an explanation.">>
Your voice almost seems to echo in the room. Tyler looks borderline amused for a beat. Then, his expression darkens. His eyes demand much more than an explanation. You rethink your position, calm your nerves, and decide against acting like Marky and alienating your only supposed ally in this place.
<<di you "I got bored, ok? He's too pathetic. It's lame.">>
You gape at Emmett and shrug, a little sorry to describe him like this. Surprisingly, he doesn't seem to mind. Meanwhile, Tyler's eyes do an almost imperceptible squint, a sign he's calculating what you're saying.
<<di you "Sorry about the yelling... I'm on edge.">>
That apology is completely feigned, of course, an attempt to mollify him. Tyler doesn't seem that easily deceived, but doesn't push it.
@@.int;There's that weird echo thing again, what's up with the acoustics in this place?@@
Tyler side-eyes Emmett.
<<di ty "Leave.">>
This time, he doesn't take a second to consider, Emmett's out the door instantly.
Tyler removes his earbuds and produces a case for them. It finally strikes you what that weird echo was. Tyler was listening to your interaction with Emmett in his earbuds all along.
@@.int;Is there a mic here? Worse... Is there a camera here? ...He was totally watching, that's why he's gripping his phone even now. What's with the guys here and filming stuff?@@
<<di ty "You may stay here tonight. You may <strong>not</strong> use my bathroom.">>
@@.int;So that's what that door is.@@
<<di ty "You may not touch my stuff. That's your bed. Never sit on mine again.">>
You nod, unsure what else is there to say. Tyler continues talking while getting ready for what you assume to be a shower.
<</nobr>><<di ty "I suggest you retrieve your phone tomorrow. You'll need it for what I have planned.">>
He says that like it's the easiest thing in the world to get your phone back from the fiend that stole it. Tyler goes into his bathroom and locks the door.
Now that you're finally done with bullies messing with your day, you realize that you're starving. You haven't eaten since morning, just a meager cereal bar at that. So, you find your way down to the kitchen and are able to get dinner leftovers after pleading your case to a kindly-looking priest.
After that, you shower and then make your way back to Tyler's room, making sure to watch for any sign of Marky. When you finally get into the king's room, you feel a sense of calm wash over you. You're safe here. You think.
Inside, Tyler is sprawled on his throne-like recliner watching some very violent game of hockey. He doesn't speak or even glance at you again for the rest of the night.
[[After a few hours, you go to bed.->FourthDay]]<<di you "And now you <strong>will</strong> lick it off the floor. Down!">>
You push Emmett down by his shoulders and he kneels with a thud. You put your foot against his back and press on it until he is on all fours. He's still sobbing like the pathetic bitch he is.
<<di emm "Owww! I'm sorry, I had to breathe. I was gagging so bad, you were so rough, I didn't mean to do it, I just needed a breath. I'll clean it, just not with my tongue, please?">>
It turns out Emmett still knows how to ramble even while being literally kicked to the ground. His whiny voice is annoying you, for some reason.
@@.int;It was so nice when he was quiet before.@@
<<di you "You're not getting up until you finish your meal, fatso. Fat boys need their protein.">>
<<di emm "Pleeease, it's gross.">>
Tyler makes his presence known by scoffing.
<<di ty "You cleaned the floor yourself. Are you telling me you didn't do a good job?">>
It seems like Emmett had momentarily forgotten about Tyler's presence in the room. Still on all fours, he looks at Tyler with teary and terror-stricken eyes, he's simply that scared of the implication that he wasn't a good maid.
<<di emm "Noooo, Tyler. I did my best, it's clean, but floors are... floors. Even the cleanest floor isn't really clean, shoes walk everywhere and then back here... Plus, licking another dude's cum is gross.">>
<<di you "You didn't seem to mind when precum was coming off my cockhead.">>
@@.int;Why am I arguing with the bitch? Just make him do it.@@
Emmett is about to say something else, probably babble some more, but you interrupt him.
<<di you "You know what, bitch? Shut the fuck up.">>
You lean down and push his head against one of the sprays. His nose touches your seed, still, he doesn't start licking immediately. His glasses fall from his face and clatter to the ground, staining the lenses with your spunk. You keep pushing him down, putting more pressure against his neck, until he finally breaks and his tongue sticks out. You don't let go of his neck until he has lapped the fifth mouthful of cum.
<<di you "Disgusting ?fag.">>
You kick him softly on the side of his body, not to hurt him, just to mess with him a bit. His fat probably protects him anyway. Emmett squeaks. You're starting to love that squeak. Your eyes catch Tyler's and he's spying the scene with what you assume to be satisfaction.
Emmett keeps at it, making disgusted faces while doing it. You smile at yourself. You came to this school a lamb ready for slaughter and, now, here you are making a dude lick your jizz off the dirty – well, Tyler's room is really clean, but still, a floor is a floor – floor. You offer him a few encouraging words.
<<di you "You missed a few spots over there, cum rag!">>
It takes a good ten minutes for Emmett to finish all the tongue mopping. He gags and coughs a few times. One time you're sure he's about to barf, but, gladly, he holds it down. That one moment made you a tad apprehensive, Tyler's reaction to having his pristine floor soiled with cum laced vomit wouldn't be good. Both Emmett's face and clothes look absolutely repugnant, sweat-stained, and wet, but the floor does look clean-ish. Tyler keeps quiet but you can tell he's enjoying it, not only is his bulge very prominent, he also has that cruel grin plastered on his face that he gets when he does or sees something particularly sadistic.
When you deem the floor clean and polished, you let Emmett put his glasses back on – after thoroughly licking them. You also get an idea that will keep him on his knees for a little while longer.
@@.dom;[[Play horsey and ride around the room on his back->TopTrainingEmmettSexualHorsey][$sub -= 1]]@@
[[Nah, you think you're done.->TopTrainingEmmettSexualFinish]]<<di you "Since you didn't, your punishment is going to be a slap for each wasted jet.">>
All three of you look down at the floor in unison, counting the squirts of cum painting the wood. Emmett mutters a quiet //"fuck."//
<<di you "I see four, plus a puddle right here. So, five.">>
You point down with your head to a puddle you're still adding to as you continue leaking seed. Emmett looks disheartened at the prospect of getting slapped. You finally remove your hand from around his neck and you look at him with a wicked expression that says //"stay"//. Then, you begin.
The first slap surprises him, so he squeaks and holds the side of his face. You're glad to see he doesn't try to run away, but alas, he starts to beg.
<<di emm "Owww! I'm sorry, I had to breathe. I was gagging so bad, you were so rough, I didn't mean to do it, I just needed a breath. I promise I won't do it again, just let me clean it, please?">>
It turns out Emmett still knows how to ramble even while being slapped. His whiny voice is deeply annoying to you for some reason. You ignore him and continue as planned.
<<di you "One.">>
@@.str;SLAP. SLAP. SLAP.@@
You use both of your hands to slap the two sides of his face in fast sequence. This time Emmett cries out in pain – and possibly shock – since he was obviously expecting one at a time. You swear that you can see the fat in his chest bounce from side to side with each slap. You snicker at his reaction. It's fun keeping him on his toes.
<<di you "Four. Ready for the final one, bitch?">>
<<di emm "No.">>
He shakes his head, crying again. Emmett is a crier and you're not sure how you feel about it. It does heighten your sense of power over him, but bemoaning bitches get aggravating after a while.
@@.int;Whiny slut, I'll give you something to cry about.@@
You go all-in with the final slap. It even hurts your hand. You can only imagine what it did to his face. Emmett yells really loudly now, which prompts Tyler to intervene – weird. He covers the other's mouth, looking disgusted about having to touch the slobbering body-fluids-laden mess that Emmett is right now.
<<di ty "Shhh!">>
He says to both of you at the same time. Emmett mumbles something that sounds like //"sorry"// against Tyler's hand. His face looks beet red and you can actually make out the handprint of that one last slap. His shirt is also repugnant, with wet stuff running over it and sweat splotches.
You shrug at Tyler, but his reaction gives you an idea.
<<di you "Now, here's your punishment for being too loud. On your knees, bitch!">>
By now, Tyler has removed his hand from Emmett's face and is using baby wipes to clean it, looking absolutely disgusted. That is if you can trust your ability to interpret Tyler's borderline imperceptible expressions.
The fatso has gotten much more obedient after all the slapping, so he promptly gets to his knees. Tyler drops half a dozen baby wipes in front of Emmett – and even with no vocal command – he understands that he's supposed to clean your cum off the floor, quickly doing so. After he's done, he looks at you, begging with reddened eyes, like those memes of fat crying cats. It almost makes you give up on your plan.
@@.dom;[[Play horsey and ride on his back around the room->TopTrainingEmmettSexualHorsey][$sub -= 1]]@@
[[Nah, you think you're done.->TopTrainingEmmettSexualFinish]]You're tired, it's better to let Emmett go and just rest. Not that you actually know where you're sleeping tonight, but you do know that you're exhausted and your body is demanding a good night's sleep after the hell you've gone through since you arrived at this hellhole.
You stare are Emmett, a blubbering mess, and feel almost sorry for him. If only he hadn't betrayed you when you met. Maybe you could have been friends. Maybe you wouldn't have turned into... someone that acts like you have acted tonight. A bully? Now that you're done, you're having second thoughts about everything that transpired.
@@.int;Is this who I wanna be? Am I turning into Tyler? Or worse, Marky? I wasn't like this... I'm a nice guy.@@
<<di you "Get out!">>
You snap at him, not because you're particularly angry at Emmett – he //has// been punished enough – but because you're not sure if what happened tonight is something you are proud of.
Emmett gets up slowly, looking like he's ready to faint. He gives a Tyler meaningful glance as if he's begging with his eyes. You also notice some anger there. You assume he feels betrayed by Tyler – they //were// friends, or at least something akin to friends. Emmett leaves, closing the door behind him.
Tyler, who still has his phone in his hand, considers you with what might be admiration. Pride? Plain boredom? You never really know with him.
<<di ty "A-minus I'd say. Though they're not all as easy as Emmett.">>
@@.int;Why not A-plus? What'd I do wrong?@@
<<di you "What's up with the minus? I broke him good, didn't I?">>
<<di ty "Don't be greedy.">>
Tyler continues talking while getting ready for what you assume to be a shower.
<<di ty "You may stay here tonight. You may <strong>not</strong> use my bathroom.">>
@@.int;So that's what that door is.@@
<<di ty "You may not touch my stuff. That's your bed. Never sit on mine again.">>
You nod, unsure what else is there to say.
<<di ty "I suggest you retrieve your phone tomorrow. You'll need it for what I have planned.">>
He says that like it's the easiest thing in the world to get your phone back from the fiend that stole it. Tyler goes into his bathroom and locks the door.
Now that you're finally done with bullies messing with your day, you realize that you're starving. You haven't eaten since morning, just a meager cereal bar at that. So, you find your way down to the kitchen and are able to get dinner leftovers after pleading your case to a kindly-looking priest.
After that, you shower and then make your way back to Tyler's room, making sure to watch for any sign of Marky. When you finally get into the king's room, you feel a sense of calm wash over you. You're safe here. You think.
Inside, Tyler is sprawled on his throne-like recliner watching some very violent game of hockey. He doesn't speak or even glance at you again for the rest of the night.
[[After a few hours, you go to bed.->FourthDay]]
Thinking about it for a second, you decide that you're having too much fun to quit now. Plus, it's nice watching Emmett suffer. He looks so dejected. It's nice knowing you're the one causing it and that he goes along with it simply because you ordered him to. Obviously, he clearly gets some perverse pleasure in this as well.
You hop over Emmett's body and sit on his back. He wasn't prepared for it so you almost fall down when he buckles under your weight.
<<di you "Giddy up, horsey! I'm tired and I feel like a ride around the room.">>
Emmett doesn't immediately understand, and just stays on all fours while you sit atop his lower back. It isn't until after you slap his butt that he understands that you mean for him to actually crawl around with you there.
Tyler doesn't seem particularly amused by this. He's not the most theatrical guy in the world, so this is probably childish to him. However, humiliating Emmett in a new way seems like good fun to you. You just hope he respects your decision to degrade the fatso in a new fashion before being done with him.
Emmett crawls slowly and very unsteadily. He is clearly not in the best shape, and despite your lean build, he's struggling to do it. You grab the curly hair on the back of his head and pull it like you would a halter. He squeaks once more. You grin.
@@.int;That squeak is so cute. Much better than his prattling.@@
<<di you "Faster, bitch!">>
Now going slightly faster, Emmett starts panting heavily, while crawling in circles around Tyler, who keeps looking uninterestedly at the interaction. You press your legs against his thick midsection, drawing weird noises out of him. The effort makes him even more sweaty and he feels borderline grimy.
After a few minutes of this, he definitely has had enough.
<<di emm "Please... Can't... Anymore... Can't... Breathe...">>
You lower your head against his ear and whisper.
<<di you "Useless ?homo.">>
Then, you get off his back; exhausted, he collapses to the floor.
[[It's time to wrap this up.->TopTrainingEmmettSexualFinish]]@@.pin;Links@@
[[HG2 Discord Server|https://discord.gg/hg2]] @@.smol;- I'm usually available there.@@
[[Reform School's itch.io|https://alexxxx000.itch.io/reform-school]] @@.smol;- If you haven't found me via itch, that's the official website for this here game.@@
@@.pin;Games I heart@@ @@.smol;- Gay or at least Bi@@
[[Campus Magnum|https://berylforge.itch.io/campusmagnum]] @@.smol;- I actually wrote a couple scenes for Campus Magnum.@@
[[Young Marcus Extended|https://f95zone.to/threads/young-marcus-expanded-v0-9-randiel.70215/]] @@.smol;- I also wrote a scene for Young Marcus.@@
[[The Weekend|https://tufty.games/home]] @@.smol;- Not actually gay, it's a MtF story, something I'm not usually into (but I ♥ this one). It inspired my writing style a lot.@@
[[The Oxford Piranhas|https://www.varlanceinteractive.com/]] @@.smol;- Varlance has a bunch of cool games, this one is just my favorite of them, but I recommend checking them all.@@
[[Bound to College|https://pridedrawing.itch.io/bound-to-college]]
[[Grizzly Grove|https://f95zone.to/threads/dev-log-grizzly-grove-gay-v-0-16a.92423/]]
[[The Family's Curse|https://onionlover.itch.io/the-familys-curse]]
[[State of Exposure|https://f95zone.to/threads/state-of-exposure-v0-1-randiel.139668/#post-9540225]]
[[Lustful Desires|https://hyao.itch.io/lustful-desires]]
@@.pin;Erotic stories I heart@@
[[Becoming my Flatmate's Bitch|https://www.nifty.org/nifty/gay/college/becoming-my-flatmates-bitch/]] @@.smol;- Brian has a gazillion amazing stories. This is my favorite, along with [[Cumnoisseur|https://www.literotica.com/stories/memberpage.php?uid=2137323&page=submissions]] and [[Hypnobitch|https://www.gayspiralstories.com/series/show/10000855]]. Check out his [[Twitter|https://twitter.com/kranyatz]] to find them all.@@
You are inside Tyler's room for the first time; it makes your jaw drop. You have checked out other people's rooms through open doors, and they're all the same Spartan style as yours; two twin beds, a nightstand, a dresser, and a desk. But not Tyler's. This room is enormous compared to the others: it boasts a full bed, an ample wardrobe, a desk, a leather armchair, and a flat-screen TV mounted on the wall. There's also another door – maybe a walk-in closet or a private bathroom – and a twin bed crammed in the corner behind the armchair, although it's evident he doesn't have a roommate. The room is immaculate and the furniture shines; it almost looks sterile, which is surprising considering it's a teenage guy's room at reform school. Tyler notices your marveling, a cruel sneer in his face. You look back, chills running through your body.
<<di you "Why are you looking at me like that?">>
Tyler doesn't answer, choosing to inspect your face, clothes, and body closely; he looks somewhat disgusted. He also sniffs you and frowns, probably smelling the bathroom floor you just crawled in. You can't blame him; it was gross.
@@.int;Do I smell that bad?@@
Tyler pulls you by your shirt to the mysterious door. It turns out to be a private bathroom.
@@.int;Whoa, how did he manage to get this perk?@@
Even though it looks old, it is as pristine as the rest of his room. Subway tiles line the floor and walls; the white tiles sparkle. He pushes you toward the bathtub. It's ancient-looking and huge, you could easily fit two people there. He immediately starts washing his hands.
<<di ty "<strong>Don't</strong> make a mess.">>
After he's done washing his hands, he leaves you alone, not bothering to close the door. You're surprised to be left alone, but you might as well enjoy a nice shower. You shed your dirty clothes and put them on a pile in the corner. The water sputters out of the showerhead – damn old houses – but the hot water feels amazing.
You get out of the shower and wonder what to wear when you notice some sort of black latex undergarments over the sink with a //"Wear Me"// note atop them.
@@.int;What the fuck is this? Why does Tyler have fetish-y latex clothing for me in his bathroom? Did he plan all of this?@@
It does seem weird how he was just... there when you left the restroom. It was like Tyler knew you'd run and beg him for help. He even seemed to know Marky wouldn't hurt him even when provoked. How does Tyler know everything ahead of time? He reminds you of Sherlock Holmes, always ten steps ahead, analyzing every move from every pawn in his chess game.
Enough musing for now; you need to find out exactly what he wants you to wear and what his plans for you are.
You unfold the shiny black fabric and it turns out to be a latex wrestling singlet, but not a normal one. It is cut very low, where just your dick would be covered and your pecs and abs would be out, with just long straps on each side. Much to your horror, the back is even worse and has a big opening for your ass, meaning easy access to your exposed hole.
@@.sub;[[You put on the latex singlet.->SubTrainingTylerLatex][$sub += 2; $lty += 3]]@@
@@.sub;[[You'd honestly rather be naked.->SubTrainingTylerNude][$sub += 1; $lty += 2]]@@
@@.dom;[[Fuck that! You put your dirty clothes back on.->SubTrainingTylerGameOver][$sub -= 2; $lty -= 2]]@@Putting on the singlet is harder than you thought.
The latex grips the skin as you're moving it and if you pull it too hard you'll probably rip it to shreds – <strong>that</strong> would probably earn you a beating, or something worse – so you proceed carefully. The latex makes a funny plastic snapping sound and hugs your skin a bit too tightly. It feels too open and too tight at the same time.
When you're finally done, you look at yourself in the full-length water-damaged mirror in the corner. You feel ridiculous but, at the same time, you're drawn to the shiny black against your skin. Your bulge looks huge and fantastic, shining white in the overhead light. The black contrasts nicely with your pale skin, making your abs and pecs glisten thanks to shower mist. You turn your body, making creasing sounds, and look at your butt. It looks even bigger than usual, with the opening showing your crack right at your asshole. You blush but your dick hardens; it hurts a bit, this outfit does not allow a lot of room for growth.
<<if hasVisited("MorningGymHitHaruki") or hasVisited("MorningGymSuckHaruki")>>There's another major problem with this outfit: Haruki has bitten and scratched you all over, and since this singlet is so revealing, it's impossible to hide the marks. Tyler's certainly going to notice, he's not blind. You just have to hope he won't make an issue out of it.
<</if>>It's time to face the music, so you get out of the bathroom, only to find Tyler standing right at the door, wearing a full-body latex suit. It hugs him tightly in all the right places, making his abs and arm muscles look delineated, even though he's skinny. You can see his long cock pressed to the side, looking like a stick of pepperoni wrapped in black plastic. His whole body – even feet and hands – are covered, with just his white-marble-looking head out. Tyler's blonde hair shines in the light, much like the latex. He looks stunning, and it takes your breath away.
Tyler smiles, which grants him this eerie villainesque quality. You don't think he's capable of smiling normally, as a happy person would. There's something dead behind those ocean eyes, and it creeps you out. Still, your jaw stays open, gaping at how hot he looks.
<<include "SubTrainingTylerPosingPrelude">>You won't just do whatever he tells you to do; or, in this case, whatever a note tells you to do. You'd rather be naked than be sexualized by him in that ridiculous suit.
<<if hasVisited("MorningGymHitHaruki") or hasVisited("MorningGymSuckHaruki")>>There's another major problem with going nude: Haruki has bitten and scratched you all over, it's impossible to hide the marks. Tyler's certainly going to notice, he's not blind. You just have to hope he won't make an issue out of it.
<</if>>@@.int;Am I making a smart choice? I should pick my battles and honestly wearing that thing wouldn't be so bad. I picked Tyler, so why am I now fighting the first thing he told me to do?@@
Tyler clears his throat from outside the bathroom. He's clearly tired of waiting. You can obsess about this no longer. You've made your choice; it's time to face the music.
You get out of the bathroom, only to find Tyler standing right at the door, wearing a full-body latex suit. It hugs him tightly in all the right places, making his abs and arm muscles look delineated, even though he's skinny. You can see his long cock pressed to the side, looking like a stick of pepperoni wrapped in black plastic. His whole body – even feet and hands – are covered, with just his white-marble-looking head out. Tyler's blonde hair shines in the light, much like the latex. He looks stunning, and it takes your breath away.
<<di ty "Why are you not wearing what I selected?">>
You stammer. Half from fear, half from being stunned by his beauty.
<<di you "I-I didn't want to.">>
<<di ty "Do you think your wants matter?">>
<<di you "Y-yes...?">>
<<di ty "They don't.">>
He says something else you don't catch because you're busy staring at this chest muscles moving up and down with his breathing, the latex gleaming in the light.
<<di ty "Pay attention, dimwit. Do you want to be naked? I'll allow it. However, you're not getting clothes anymore. You'll do everything naked, starting tomorrow. Class, gym, mass.">>
He raises his eyebrow at that last one. Tyler looks deadly serious. When does he not, though?
@@.int;No! No! He can't do this. I'll be expelled. Worse, everyone will laugh at me. Marky will... I have no idea what he'll do but it won't be pleasant.@@
<<di you "Please, don't Tyler! I'm sorry! I'll put it on now. I promise!">>
<<di ty "Shut up.">>
You stop talking, although you haven't given up on wearing clothes. Of course you'll wear clothes to class. You'll find a way.
Tyler just stands there, eyeing you, while looking gorgeous in that suit. You try to look away but can't. Every move he makes is enchanting, it makes the suit glisten in the light, highlighting every one of his features. You find yourself admiring his crotch once more. It's a glorious bulge. It's so big.
The snap of a finger pulls you out of your trance; you blush. Just how long were you staring at his body? Tyler smiles, which grants him this eerie villainesque quality. You don't think he's capable of smiling normally, as a happy person would. There's something dead behind those ocean eyes, and it creeps you out.
<<include "SubTrainingTylerPosingPrelude">>You put your dirty clothes back on and walk out of the room ready to fight for your dignity. There's no way you're gonna be his dress-up sex puppet. You didn't run away from Marky just to be Tyler's bitch!
Tyler looks at you with clear disgust. He approaches you and pushes you forcibly into the bathroom. You're surprised to be pushed, so you almost fall down. You step back three times, reaching for the wall with your hand, trying to regain your balance. He presses on, grasping behind you for something. You hear a door open.
@@.int;A door? We're already in the bathroom.@@
He pushes you again and, instead of being backed up against a wall, as you expected, you fall down into another room. Apparently, there is a hidden door that leads to a small space. Tyler kicks your legs out of the way, closing the door in your face.
You look around in shock, discovering what seems to be a somewhat big closet. The whole space is taken by a small cot and a metal chair functioning as a bedside table. There are also some high shelves on the walls that make it impossible to stand up fully. There's no handle or knob on your side of the door. It only opens from the outside.
While you get acquainted with your second prison today, you hear the sound of running water from the bathroom.
@@.int;Fuck, fuck, fuck. Why did I have to do it? I'm so dumb.@@
Tyler isn't Sherlock Holmes. He's Moriarty. He's evil and you should never have crossed him. You should have known better, but alas, here you are.
You're stuck inside the room for a while, so you sit on the cot and you hug your legs, trying to calm yourself down. It doesn't really work. Adrenaline is pumping through your body; you'd run if you could.
<div class="timebar"></div>
After half an hour or so, the door opens and Tyler's impassive face greets you. He's holding nunchucks. The scent of soap invades your nostrils. You realize that he has drawn you a bath before you even see it.
You immediately get up, already going into a sprint. However, you had forgotten about the shelves. You hit your head forcibly on the metal above. It hurts a lot; you immediately feel dizzy.
Tyler seizes the opportunity to grab you by the arm and drag you to the tub. He has drawn a beautiful bath, full of foam and bath salts. He pushes you into it, and the water sloshes around as you fall down face first.
The nunchucks' chain presses on your neck, holding you underwater. You start to trash, hoping to get up, but you're still woozy from the head trauma, and the pressure Tyler makes is surprisingly strong. You try to scream, but only bubbles come out. Finally, you're out of air; you suck in a lungful of water. You lose consciousness after that.
<div class="timebar"></div>
You wake up a day later in a hospital room in the city. Your head hurts, but apparently, you'll live.
When your mother asks if you remember what happened, you learn the "official" story the Principal told her. It would honestly make you laugh if it weren't so infuriatingly untrue.
The tale goes: you broke into the room of a staff member to take a bath. When the priest discovered you in his bathroom, you rushed to get out, slipped, fell, hit your head, and inhaled some water. After that, you were immediately taken to the hospital.
Obviously, the official report makes no mention of Tyler, the fact that he almost killed you in that bathroom, or how both he and Marky made your few days in that place a living hell.
Also, you're expelled.
@@.str;Game over.@@
@@.pin;If you'd like to keep playing, hit that back button and make different choices.@@<<di ty "If you like me in this so much, take a picture.">>
You blush at his suggestion. Why did you have to stare?
<<di you "Marky has my phone.">>
Tyler grabs his phone from his bed and hands it to you.
<<di ty "Use mine. I'll send it to you.">>
<<di you "That's okay, it's not necessary...">>
<<di ty "Take. The. Picture.">>
Scared of angering him further, you slide the camera open – which doesn't require a password – and you point the phone at him. Tyler goes to a corner where the overhead light doesn't cast too aggressive a shadow on his features; he clearly knows his angles, which lighting is flattering, and how to pose for pictures. Tyler grabs his bulge, making his rod even more visible. If you were a cartoon character, you'd be drooling right now.
@@.int;Fuck, he looks so hot. His dick looks so big and delicious, I wanna suck it so bad.@@
<<di ty "I'll let you suck it later.">>
He grins. You blush so hard that you're probably beet red.
@@.int;How does he know what I'm thinking?!? Am I so obvious?@@
You snap some pictures, and he changes his pose twice. He flexes his biceps in one, making them look surprisingly big. And in the last pose, he just looks ahead grinning, again looking like a horror movie villain. A very kinky one at that.
You hand him his phone back and he points it at you. You instinctively raise your hands, protecting your face.
<<di you "No! No pictures, please! I'll do anything, but no pictures!">>
<<di ty "I know you'll do anything. You're mine. That's why you'll do as you're told and pose for the pictures.">>
<<di you "Pictures? As in, plural? Please, don't make me. I can't!">>
<<di ty "God, your whining is intolerable.">>
Tyler breathes out in annoyance and moves close to you, touching your body with his. You can feel his latex-clad torso grind against yours, making rubbery noises. You can also feel his hard cock on your upper abdomen since he's much taller than you. He breathes against your right ear and you get goosebumps all over, like an electric current running through all your hairs, making them stand on end. The sensation also makes your cock stand on end.
<<di ty "I won't repeat myself, so pay attention. I like my toys obedient. I like them submissive. I like them clean, smelling like soap. I like it when they look like they're in heat in my presence – like you're doing right now. But, most of all, I like them silent.">>
@@.int;Jesus fucking God fuck why am I so fucking turned on right now?@@
Tyler keeps whispering in your ear, while chills run through your body.
<<if hasVisited("MorningGymHitHaruki") or hasVisited("MorningGymSuckHaruki")>><<di ty "So, I'm going to ignore the fact that you look like you got mauled by a dog.">>
@@.int; Fucking Haruki! Why did he bite and scratch me like this?@@
<</if>><<di ty "I'm going to ignore the fact that you keep trying to wriggle out of my orders. Starting now!">>
He snaps his finger, startling you.
<<if hasVisited("MorningGymHitHaruki") or hasVisited("MorningGymSuckHaruki")>><<di ty "You obey me. <strong>You are mine.</strong> You are my property, my possession, my toy. You do not refuse orders. You do not speak unless asked a direct question. You refer to me as Master. You keep yourself clean. And you certainly do not come to me looking like you had a fight with a dog. If you don't want to be mine, I'll deliver you to Marky right now. Have I made myself clear?">><<else>><<di ty "You obey me. <strong>You are mine.</strong> You are my property, my possession, my toy. You do not refuse orders. You do not speak unless asked a direct question. You refer to me as Master. You keep yourself clean. If you don't want to be mine, I'll deliver you to Marky right now. Have I made myself clear?">><</if>>
You're petrified, so you just nod. He moves his head back to stare at you, eyes almost glued to yours, he's so close. Your nodding doesn't seem to be enough for him.
<<di you "Crystal.">>
Tyler keeps staring you down.
<<di you "...Master.">>
<<di ty "Do you want me to take you to Marky?">>
<<di you "No, Master.">>
Tyler moves away from you, leaving your body cold without his heat. You breathe out, shaking. He points his phone to you, clearly expecting you to pose for him.
[[Start posing.->SubTrainingTylerPosing]]<<nobr>>
What poses are you going to do? You shouldn't do poses that might annoy or bore Tyler. You must pick them right if you want to please your (sigh) Master. He has stated how he likes his... property to act, so maybe following that hint will earn you brownie points.
<br> <br>
<<if $you.PoseFlex is true>>
<br>@@.pin;Flex your guns.@@
You do the regular broish-looking biceps flex. It seems not to match your body type, or honestly, your personality. You ponder if you look hot or ridiculous. Tyler doesn't seem impressed – actually, he seems a bit annoyed – but takes a picture anyway.
@@.dom;<<link "Flex your guns.">>
<<set $you.PoseFlex to true>>
<<set $you.Posed to true>>
<<set $sub -= 1>>
<<set $lty -= 1>>
<<goto "SubTrainingTylerPosing">>
<<if $you.PoseGrab is true>>
<br>@@.pin;Grab your hard dick.@@
You grab your hard cock <<if hasVisited("SubTrainingTylerLatex")>>over the latex <</if>>and pull your tongue out, trying to look manly and cool.
Even though dick grabbing seemed hot in your head, Tyler isn't at all satisfied with your performance. Maybe that move is too dominating for Master's property. <br><br>
@@.dom;<<link "Grab your hard dick.">>
<<set $you.PoseGrab to true>>
<<set $you.Posed to true>>
<<set $sub -= 1>>
<<set $lty -= 1>>
<<goto "SubTrainingTylerPosing">>
<<if $you.PoseAwkward is true>>
<br>@@.pin;Look awkward and shrug.@@
You just look ahead awkwardly. Tyler is clearly frustrated, waiting for you to actually do something. You shrug and he takes a blurry photo of the movement.<br><br>
<<link "Look awkward and shrug.">>
<<set $you.PoseAwkward to true>>
<<set $you.Posed to true>>
<<set $lty -= 1>>
<<goto "SubTrainingTylerPosing">>
<<if $you.PoseDeer is true>>
<br>@@.pin;Deer-in-headlights look.@@
You have no idea what to do, so you just stare ahead with a bewildered expression. If this were America's Next Top Model, Tyra Banks would call you out on acting like a deer in headlights. Tyler looks bored while he takes a shot of this.<br><br>
<<link "Deer-in-headlights look.">>
<<set $you.PoseDeer to true>>
<<set $you.Posed to true>>
<<goto "SubTrainingTylerPosing">>
<<if $you.PoseDown is true>>
<br>@@.pin;Arms folded back, looking down.@@
You recall the standard submissive position from your favorite kinky porn videos – head down, hands behind your back – and you emulate it. Even though you're blushing, it feels right to act like this in front of a dominating man.
Tyler snaps half a dozen pictures of you in this position, he's obviously satisfied with it.<br><br>
@@.sub;<<link "Arms folded back, looking down.">>
<<set $you.PoseDown to true>>
<<set $you.Posed to true>>
<<set $sub += 1>>
<<set $lty += 1>>
<<goto "SubTrainingTylerPosing">>
<<if $you.PoseAss is true>>
<br>@@.pin;Turn around, stick your ass out.@@
You take a deep breath. This is going to be embarrassing as fuck.
Turning your body around, you point your ass out towards the camera, making it look as plump as possible. You also look back at the phone, making the sexiest face you can muster. Acting like a porn slut makes you blush, and you feel goosebumps all over. It's humiliating but turns you on immensely.
@@.int;Please like it, please like it, please like it.@@
You hear a ton of picture snaps and, subsequently, the ding sound for video recording. Tyler approaches you, still shooting, and slaps your ass. An "uh" sound escapes his mouth.
Oh, Tyler likes it. Coming from him, this is high praise.<br><br>
@@.sub;<<link "Turn around, stick your ass out.">>
<<set $you.PoseAss to true>>
<<set $you.Posed to true>>
<<set $sub += 1>>
<<set $lty += 1>>
<<goto "SubTrainingTylerPosing">>
<<if $you.Posed is true>>
[[You're done posing.->SubTrainingTylerFootstool]]
<</nobr>>Once you're done with your photoshoot, Tyler squints at you and nudges his head to the side, pointing at his big leather armchair. He goes over and plops himself down. The latex rubs on the leather, making a squeaky sound. The black armchair looks like a throne – fit for the King of the school. It has a high back and gold metal stud finishing. When Tyler is sitting on it, you can almost picture a crown above his head.
You approach, enraptured by his looks. The shiny black latex upon shiny black leather contrasts beautifully with his golden hair and the chair's golden studs, giving the scene an exquisite quality that turns you on.
Tyler kicks the leather footstool out of the way, snaps his finger, and points down. He wants you to kneel in front of him. You do it without question, you're so aroused by this King amongst men. Once you're on your knees, looking at him, face flush with embarrassment, he reaches for your head and, much to your disappointment, doesn't pull you to his crotch. Instead, he pushes you down, and you drop to all fours with a thud.
You've barely gotten used to the position when Tyler crashes his legs heavily on the middle of your back. The sudden movement hurts and you groan. Tyler then proceeds to ignore you, grabbing his Playstation controller and booting up some game you can't see because you're facing the other way.
@@.int;W-what? Am I a human footstool?@@
Your rhetorical question is answered when over five minutes pass and you're still in the same position, hearing medieval music, swords clashing and old-English dialogue coming from the TV. You're pretty sure video games are banned from the premises – you remember Father Some...thing talking about it. How is it that Tyler manages to break every rule and not get in trouble?
You shift your position slightly, which earns you a kick to your head. You groan again.
<<di ty "Footstools don't move and don't make noise.">>
Tyler sounds miffed about having his game interrupted. The scary hollow quality to his voice makes you scared to disobey him.
You do your absolute best not to move. Tyler doesn't say anything; the only sounds in the room are coming from the TV and the gamepad.
You wish this didn't turn you on, yet it does. Every moment on your knees, your excitement grows. The thought of being this man's object, a piece of furniture for him to rest his feet on, makes you hard as a rock. You can't see your cock without moving and incurring his wrath, but you're pretty sure you're leaking precum.
@@.int;Why am I such a ?fag? This isn't right. I'm a person, not property. Yet, I like it when Tyler treats me like he owns me. Is this what Marky and the other bullies saw in me all those years ago? Is this why they were so relentless? They could always tell. Real men could tell I'm just a ?fag to be abused...@@
Even though Tyler isn't saying anything, he has gotten you unhinged already. Your mind is working overtime thinking the nastiest stuff, humiliating yourself without need for input. Maybe that was his plan all along – for you to mind-fuck yourself.
<div class="timebar"></div>
You have no idea how long you stay like this. Half an hour? One hour? Two hours? The sounds coming from the game stay the same the whole time. You continue mentally abusing yourself, doing, quite possibly, a better job than any bully could.
Your body is also fucked, trembling with pain from staying in this uncomfortable position. Tyler has been lenient, ignoring your trembling and you're grateful for it; if you were to get kicked right now, you'd tumble down to the floor.
Tyler's latex-clad feet feel hot and wet against your back. You're dripping sweat from the heat and the strain. <<if hasVisited("SubTrainingTylerLatex")>>The latex from your singlet certainly doesn't make it any cooler. <</if>>Throughout all of this, your cock has remained hard. Is Tyler dressed in latex your mental Viagra? Probably.
Once you feel like you're about to collapse, Tyler removes his feet from your back and sets them on the floor. He snaps his fingers, then points down.
<<di ty "Smell.">>
You're so elated about being permitted to move that you don't even feel bad about smelling feet. You crack your head to both sides, stretching your spine, and lie chest-down on the floor. Tyler looks at you askew for a second but doesn't say anything. You hope that as long as you obey him, he won't punish you for your position. He resumes his game.
You move your nose near his feet, sniffing its general area a couple of times. That doesn't satisfy Tyler in the slightest, so he kicks the side of your body hard and starts pushing for you to turn over. You grunt in pain but quickly obey. As soon as you're on your back, he shoves his feet over your nose. Your nostrils are attacked by a rubbery smell. That, somehow, turns you on even more. You stay in this position for some time, while he grinds his latex-covered toes all over your face.
You've seen latex suits before, on American Horror Story and some porn, but never in real life. This model is different than what you're used to; it has a sleeve for each finger, just like a glove, so Tyler's exploring your face with his toes. He shoves them into your nostrils, using his toes as hooks to repeatedly move your face from left to right. The aggressive invasion of your nose makes you need to sneeze. You try to stop it, but his toes are rea--
<<di you "Achoo!">>
<<di ty "Up.">>
You're scared that Tyler's pissed about the sneezing, but he doesn't look it. It's hard to be sure with him, though.
You sigh, unhappy to get off your back, and kneel in front of him. Tyler pulls your head against his crotch. He keeps playing, the controller and back of his hands pressing your scalp angrily. Your face is now glued to his hard latex-covered cock, pulsating against your cheek and lips. You groan, half pain, half arousal.
<<di ty "If you sneeze on my dick...">>
He trails off. No more sneezing! You don't want to find out what the punishment is.
You pull a deep breath, smelling the latex, and you breathe out, making a perspiration spot in the suit, right over where his dick head is. It pulsates at the attention.
<<di ty "Do you want it?">>
Well, do you?
@@.sub;[[Yes, you desperately want that dick.->SubTrainingTylerSuck][$sub += 1; $lty += 1]]@@
@@.dom;[[Not really, shake your head.->SubTrainingTylerSuckRefuse][$sub -= 1; $lty -= 1]]@@You nod your head against his crotch and mumble a "yes". Tyler kicks you away, hitting your stomach with his foot. You fall backward, coughing repeatedly as your back hits the floor. You know what you did wrong, so you can't blame him.
@@.int;What the fuck am I thinking? Of course I blame him. He's a bully. He's an asshole.@@
You look up at him. His ocean-colored eyes survey you angrily, blonde eyebrows slightly furrowed. He bites his thin pink-red lower lip in frustration. The contrast of the saturated lips and the white marble of his unblemished skin makes him look like one of those Photoshopped models in a fashion editorial. God, he's so handsome.
<<di you "So handsome...">>
You blurt out and a chill runs through your body from the shame of admitting your private thoughts out loud.
@@.int;Jesus, fuck, so embarrassing.@@
Tyler doesn't acknowledge what you said, yet doesn't look as angry anymore. With a grunt, you lift yourself up to your knees and look down at his feet. You'll have to be very submissive and apologetic if you want to suck that dick.
<<di you "I'm sorry... I want it...">>
You stumble through words, finding it very hard to portray into words your submissive nature and desires. Part of it is shame, but guilt also ravages you. It's just wrong for a man to act like you're acting.<<if hasVisited("MorningGymSuckHaruki")>> Even if Haruki told you it wasn't bad wanting to serve superior men.
@@.int;What makes Tyler superior, anyway? He's not stronger than me.@@
Not physically anyway.<</if>>
<<di you "...master.">>
Your shameless horniness ripped that last word out of your vocal cords.
After endless seconds of staring at his shiny black feet, Tyler lifts your head up using one finger.
<<di ty "Open.">>
You open your mouth. He spits slowly inside it, letting a long string of saliva connect you. Having another dude's spit inside your mouth makes you slightly queasy, which strikes you as paradoxical since you're going through all this to suck his precum-leaking penis. Once he's done, you swallow it. He slaps you.
<<di ty "I never told you to swallow, simpleton.">>
You open your mouth to apologize, but he spits inside it again. Half of it lands on your nose. This time you don't dare do anything, you just stay kneeling between his legs, mouth open, nose dripping Tyler's spit, awaiting orders. The situation makes your shaft painfully hard.
Tyler uses two of his latex-gloved fingers to catch his spit from your nose and put it inside your mouth. Then he uses his index finger to explore your mouth and throat, making you gag slightly. He stares, daring you to move or complain while he plays with your open mouth. After 10 minutes, he's finally satisfied that you won't disobey him again.
<<di ty "Swallow.">>
You do. He immediately shoves your head against his crotch. Your nose pokes his long hard latex-covered cock.
<<di ty "Lick.">>
You lick the latex, from the base of his pole until you reach the head. You take extra seconds there, almost sucking on it over the suit. It's like you're trying to remove it from its encasing with your mouth alone. You //have to// suck it. <<if hasVisited("LockerRoomGiveHandjobMarky")>>Blowing Tyler in the locker room yesterday was surprisingly erotic and arousing. It made you feel fluttery, like trying your favorite ice cream flavor for the first time and finding out how glorious it is. <</if>>You're trying to repress it, but Tyler in this latex suit seems to have brought out the slut in you.
You don't realize it, but your hands have traveled up his thighs and are now grabbing and massaging his abs over the suit. There's something about his skinny frame under the shiny black that's making you wild.
Tyler's hand reaches down, near your mouth and finds a hidden zipper. He opens it, much to your delight. He holds your head away from him with one hand, while the other brings out your object of desire. His long penis finally pops out, bobbing from left to right. It finally stops moving directly in front of your lips, and you're pretty sure Tyler can feel your breath in his cockhead.
It's gorgeous. It hangs straight ahead, without curving to any side, just slightly up. The pink head is already shining, drenched in precum, while the white shaft is covered in droplets of sweat. His blonde pubes peek out from the opening, shining golden. The visual is hypnotizing.
<<di ty "Look up.">>
It takes you a few seconds to be able to look up from perfection. You meet Tyler's eyes; they look cruel and oddly hollow.
<<di ty "Do you like it?">>
<<di you "Yes... Master.">>
<<di ty "What do you like best about it?">>
@@.sub;[[The pink head.->SubTrainingTylerSuckHead]]@@
@@.sub;[[The pale skin.->SubTrainingTylerSuckPale]]@@
@@.sub;[[How long it is.->SubTrainingTylerSuckLong][$lty += 1]]@@
@@.sub;[[How much precum it oozes.->SubTrainingTylerSuckPrecum][$lty -= 1]]@@
@@.sub;[[The golden pubes.->SubTrainingTylerSuckPubes]]@@You shake your head, your cheeks rubbing against his crotch.
<<di you "No.">>
Tyler reaches for your chin and pulls you up until you're face to face with him, noses inches apart. His ocean-colored eyes are smug, if a bit disappointed.
<<di ty "Your nub says otherwise.">>
You blush, knowing you've been hard this whole time. However, you refuse to ask for dick. There's just no way you're sucking him off tonight.
<<di you "It doesn't control me... Master.">>
Adding the "Master" will hopefully mollify him. However, Tyler looks almost amused at your defiance. He knows you want it but clearly is at a loss figuring out why you're denying him. You expected him to be angry, but maybe the fact that he asked you, therefore giving you a choice, means he really wanted you to want it. Since you don't, he won't push it. Or maybe he's certifiably insane. You really can't know with Tyler.
He pushes you away; you tumble down, butt hitting the floor. You groan in pain.
<<di ty "Very well, footstool.">>
Tyler picks up his phone, types something, and goes back to his game. He points to the floor. You sigh.
@@.int;I guess it's back to footstool duties.@@
After ten extra minutes of kneeling there for his amusement, your legs start to tremble from exhaustion again. This sucks and you wonder how much longer he'll make you stay like this.
A knock on the door startles you.
<<include "SubTrainingTylerStarve">><<di ty "Come in.">>
The door opens. You can see Emmett come in with a dish in his hand. You glance at each other for a moment, then both blush simultaneously. It's awful that he's seeing you in such a position; this is embarrassing enough without witnesses.
Your stomach growls demanding attention; you haven't had lunch or eaten anything other than a cereal bar this morning. You notice, however, that there's only one plate. Does Tyler plan for you to just not eat? Is this your punishment?
Emmett hands a dish and a fork to the King. Tyler unfolds a tray that's welded to the side of his chair. The door clicks shut soon after; Emmett leaves without even looking at you again.
Your mouth is watering while you hear the sounds of cutlery and chewing. Tyler seems to be taking his time eating, uncaring of your needs. You can't see his face, but you know he has that cruel sneer plastered to it.
Once Tyler's done eating, he folds the tray back into its hidden compartment, and places the plate atop your tailbone; then he plops his feet on your lower back. You almost fall down. Your stomach growls loudly; he's surely heard it. You decide to try your luck.
<<di you "Master, can I please have some dinner?">>
<<di ty "No.">>
You sigh, desperate. You need food. You'll probably faint soon.
<<di you "I'm starving. I haven't had lunch today. I only ate like a cereal bar in the morning. Please, I'm going to faint from hunger. Please, Master, I pr--">>
<<di ty "Shut up!">>
He says through gritted teeth.
<<di ty "I have told you that I like my property to be quiet. I cannot stand your whiny voice any longer. If you don't shut up, I will gag you.">>
You swallow your saliva, desperate to beg further, but scared of his reaction. Suddenly, his feet aren't over your back anymore and the dirty plate lands with a clang in front of your face.
<<di ty "You can lick my plate clean if you want.">>
You look down at the plate with disgust. There are four rice grains scattered over the dish and a tad of what looks like mashed potatoes in the corner. Of course you aren't licking his dish clean. Tyler knows it. There's barely any food there anyway, maybe enough for a cockroach. He just wants to torture you with the fresh smell of food.
His feet land with a thud on your back once again.
After at least an extra hour of medieval play, Tyler turns off his game and gets up. He orders you up as well<<if hasVisited("SubTrainingTylerLatex")>> and tells you to remove your suit<</if>>. You comply.
[[You obey.->SubTrainingTylerBatheHim]]@@Tyler takes your hand, turns around, and places it on his neck. There's a zipper hidden in latex. He wants you to undress him. You feel a pang of sadness since he looks ravishing like this. Once the zipper is down, you reach for his arms, removing them from their encasing. Then, holding his hips, you pull the suit down, getting a full view of his perky white ass. As all of him, it's unblemished and beautiful. You repress an urge to bite it. Once it's all down, and you've removed his legs from the latex, he steps out of it. He turns around.
You stand in front of him, both of you naked. Your dick is painfully erect; Tyler's only half hard. Since you're much shorter, you have to look up to see his face, otherwise, you're greeted by his pink nipples on his very pale pecs. Being so close to this nude, gorgeous man makes you mad with desire – you feel like jumping him and rubbing yourself all over his body until you become one with him.
Tyler once again takes your hand and pulls you towards his private bathroom. He enters the bathtub with you and turns on the hot water. He hands you the soap and just stands there.
@@.int;Does he...? He wants me to wash him. Okay, I guess.@@
You lather his chest with the soap, creating white bubbles. He raises his arms; you rub under his armpits, the blonde hair gets all foamy. Touching his body makes you weak in the knees; you're not sure why. You assumed the latex suit was making you like this, but nude Tyler is having an even bigger effect on you. Once you rub his nipples with the suds, you feel something poking you. Apparently, you're not the only one getting off on this. Tyler is hard again.
Steadying yourself by holding his legs, you get to your knees to clean his downstairs. You start with his feet, caressing his toes, making sure to clean between them. Going up his lean legs, you find very little hair. Once you're done with his legs, you look up, only to be greeted to a face full of dick and balls. You gasp at the view.
Trying your best to remain restrained about it, you reach for his thighs. This is about cleaning, not sex.
@@.int;Then why are we both hard as rocks?@@
You polish his skin with the froth, getting closer and closer to his cock, until finally, you can't clean around it anymore. You catch Tyler's face and he's biting the tip of his tongue slightly. His expression turns you on. So you grab the dick softly, massaging it gently with the soap.
Suddenly, Tyler turns around, giving you access to his butt. You decide to keep your no-nonsense attitude, even though you really want to bite that gorgeous-looking ass. You massage it with the suds for longer than it's necessary until, finally, you clean between his cleft. You can feel his pucker, but you don't dare penetrate it.
When you're done with his butt, you get up, making sure not to poke him with your boner. You grab his fancy shampoo, reaching upwards to clean his short hair. Then, you pick up his expensive-looking facial soap – because Tyler doesn't wash his face with regular soap – and you rub the liquid over his handsome face. You also get it behind and inside his ears; a clean freak like him would never leave the shower without soaping every nook and cranny of their body.
Tyler looks like an angel covered with suds. You can almost imagine those are clouds, especially with the steam inside the room. He has his eyes closed for the first time since you started bathing him. He truly looks heavenly. Tyler isn't so bad. You were so scared of him and for what? He's been treating your alright, for a bully. How can someone so angelic be evil anyway? You feel a powerful urge to hug his beautiful naked body.
Probably a bad idea, though.
[[Hug Tyler's exquisite body. Live dangerously for once.->SubTrainingTylerHug][$lty -= 2]]
[[Restrain yourself. No hugging Tyler. Ever.->SubTrainingTylerNoHug][$lty += 1]]<<di you "The pink head. It's so beautiful.">>
<<di ty "Lick it, then.">>
<<include "SubTrainingTylerSuckHead2">><<di you "The pale skin. It looks like a marble statue.">>
<<di ty "Lick it, then.">>
<<include "SubTrainingTylerSuckHead2">><<di you "How long it is. It's so big.">>
Tyler seems especially happy with that answer; there's some semblance of satisfaction in his expression.
<<di ty "Lick it, then.">>
<<include "SubTrainingTylerSuckHead2">><<di you "How much precum it oozes.">>
<<di ty "Don't use that word.">>
<<di you "Precum?">>
<<di ty "The other one.">>
<<di you "Oo--">>
You stop yourself from saying the word upon seeing his deadly expression.
<<di ty "That word is ghastly.">>
<<di you "How much precum it... produces... Master?">>
It takes Tyler a few seconds to answer.
<<di ty "Lick it, then.">>
<<include "SubTrainingTylerSuckHead2">><<di you "The golden pubes. I like how the hair shines in the light.">>
<<di ty "Do you like shiny things?">>
<<di you "I do, Master">>
<<di ty "Lick my shiny cockhead, then.">>
<<include "SubTrainingTylerSuckHead2">>You comply, eyes glued to his. Tyler betrays his usual stoic demeanor and gasps. His eyes never leave yours, though. The precum he's leaking coats your tongue. It's not exactly your favorite ice cream flavor, but it certainly doesn't taste bad; it's not as sharp as actual cum.
Tyler eye-fucks you the whole time. You eye-fuck him back. He bites the tip of his tongue and pushes your head down slightly. With his green light, you take the cockhead into your mouth, sucking on it. More precum drips into your mouth until all you can taste is Tyler.
You finally break eye contact and stare at his shiny black torso. The latex gleams in the light, stretching over his pectoral and hugging his stomach. His nipples and abs are delineated in black; you can't help yourself from running your hands all over him.
He pushes your head further down until you swallow him in almost his entirety. The pressure on your head is gone for a second. Then, you feel his video game controller on the back of your head, wrists over your ears.
@@.int;The fucker is playing video games while I suck his dick!@@
Back are the medieval noises and the pressing of buttons, now dulled by your sucking noises. You must have slacked, because he slaps the sides of your head, not bothering to stop playing to boss you around. So, you renew your efforts, moving up and down on his shaft.
<<if hasVisited("LockerRoomGiveHandjobMarky")>>You had hoped for the same sensual experience as before, <<else>>You had hoped for a more sensual experience, <</if>>but this is what being //property// feels like: doing as your //Master// commands. Tyler seems difficult to get off, and even the utmost efforts with your tongue aren't eliciting reactions. You decide that this was working when you had a visual connection with him; as soon as you looked down, it all went to hell.
@@.int; Fucking medieval game, it's ruining everything.@@
Should you do something about it?
@@.sub;[[Just keep sucking like this, even if the magic is gone.->SubTrainingTylerSuckKeepGoing][$sub += 1]]@@
[[Stop sucking and look up at him.->SubTrainingTylerSuckLookUp][$lty += 1]]
@@.dom;[[Be daring and push the controller out of his hand.->SubTrainingTylerSuckPush][$sub -= 1; $lty -= 1]]@@Not following orders would probably get you in trouble, so you keep sucking. At least twenty minutes pass. Your knees are shot from being a footstool and your jaw is hurting from blowing him for so long. Tyler just plays, ignoring you. Honestly, it seems like your mouth on his dick is doing nothing. You'd never know he was getting a blowjob right now if it weren't for your slurping sounds.
A little while later, Tyler turns off his game, grabs his phone, and starts typing. He seems to be texting. You look up at him, trying to grab his attention now that a controller isn't on the way, but he totally ignores you. He only has eyes for his phone.
After ten more minutes of this, your jaw is killing you and you wonder how much longer you'll be able to keep going. A knock on the door startles you. Tyler, sensing you're about to lift your head, presses it down against his lap. It's his silent order for you to not stop.
<<di ty "Come in.">>
You're horrified at the thought of another person coming into the room while you have your mouth glued to another man's dick. You don't even know who it is, since all you can see is black latex and Tyler's inscrutable face.
Sounds of cutlery and dishes clinking on top of furniture and the smell of food permeate the room. Your stomach growls demanding attention; you haven't had lunch or eaten anything other than a cereal bar this morning.
A shadow appears over Tyler; he's handed a dish and a fork. He unfolds a tray that's welded to the side of his chair. It covers your head fully, deterring you from looking at him anymore. The door clicks shut. You still have no idea who entered the room and saw you blowing Tyler. It's really embarrassing; you blush at the thought, mouth full of dick. This is going to do wonders for your popularity as the school ?fag.
He eats his food while you continue slurping on cock, wishing you were also eating. Your hunger for penis made you forget about your hunger for actual food. However, now that you can smell it, it's all you can think about. Tyler seems uncaring about your needs. As chewing sounds come from above, you long for chewing instead of sucking.
Once Tyler's done eating, he folds the tray back into its hidden compartment and removes your head from his lap. You stretch your jaw open and shut, left to right. You have been glued to his rod since forever, it's good to have a break. He hands you his dish.
<<di ty "Bring me the other plate.">>
You get up slowly, careful not to drop his plate. Your legs ache as you stretch, causing you to groan. You walk to his desk, set his eaten dish there, and pick up what you assume is your plate. You salivate over the food; it pains you to hand him the delicious-looking dinner. He makes a spinning motion with his hand that clearly means for you to turn around.
<<if hasVisited("SubTrainingTylerLatex")>><<di ty "Take it off. Bend over and spread your ass cheeks.">>
Taking off the singlet is much easier than putting it on. You reach for the straps and pull them down slowly. Tyler grunts from behind, and you can hear fapping sounds. Once it's off, it bundles up on the floor.
<<else>><<di ty "Bend over and spread your ass cheeks.">><</if>>
You take a deep breath.
@@.int;This is embarrassing.@@
You bend over, leaning slightly against the wall. Your hands reach your ass and you pull open your cheeks. Tyler breathes out hard and masturbates furiously.
Somehow, being sexualized by another man is making you hornier, so you reach for your hole with a finger and touch your pucker slightly. It pulsates at the touch. Tyler groans, the unmistakable sound of him cumming. You keep your position while he makes cumming noises for a few seconds.
<<di ty "Come eat.">>
You turn around to find he has masturbated over your food. The glistening semen covers the mashed potatoes, boiled baby carrots, green beans, and the chicken fillet. It's a lot of cum; all of the food has been tainted by it. You feel dumb for not realizing that was his plan when you handed him your plate. You just assumed Tyler would only let you eat after he came.
Do you eat the cum-covered food?
@@.sub;[[Yes, it looks even more delicious.->SubTrainingTylerEatFood][$sub += 1; $lty += 1]]@@
@@.dom;[[Nope. You'd rather starve.->SubTrainingTylerSuckNoFood][$sub -= 1; $lty -= 1]]@@You remove your mouth from his hard rod, unclasping yourself from the grip of his controller, and look up at Tyler. He furrows his brows slightly and pauses his game.
<<di ty "What exactly do you think you're doing?">>
<<di you "You're ruining it!">>
<<di ty "What--?">>
He is clearly speechless at your extreme defiance. You're surprising yourself, honestly. When you literally asked to suck Tyler's dick this is not what you wanted. It probably doesn't matter to him what you want; well, it //actually// doesn't matter to him what you want, he has told you that himself. However, that game is ruining everything. For Tyler as well. He was getting more pleasure from you when he wasn't playing it. You had this connection you've never felt before to anyone; the game severed it.
<<di you "That fucking game!">>
Tyler keeps looking at you, baffled. He hasn't reacted yet out of shock, probably. You just need to show him what you mean. Tyler likes actions, not words. If you're right, it will probably save you some punishment.
<<di you "Just look in my eyes.">>
You raise your middle and index fingers, point them at his eyes, and then back to yours.
With the controller now out of the way, you reach for his dick, licking the head sensuously. Tyler's eyes are still confused, but you keep at it, kissing it like it's you're kissing the most gorgeous lips in the universe.
@@.int;Tyler's lips...@@
You glance at his lips for a second but then go back to his deep-sea-colored eyes. You move your head slightly from side to side, kissing his shaft before engulfing half of it slowly. You suck on it earnestly, like this is the thing you want most in the world; and at this moment in time, it is.
Tyler's expression changes. You are sure he now knows what you mean. You can read the desire on his face. The desire for the warmth of your mouth. The desire for your traveling tongue. The desire for you.
He squints slightly and you understand he wants you to deepthroat, so you go for it. You breathe deeply with your nose, smelling the rubbery latex from his crotch. You go down slowly once. Twice. Thrice. By the fourth time, his shaft is covered in your saliva and you're able to glue your lips to his pubes. His eyes are tinged with lust; he can view the same thing in yours. Neither of you blinks for a full minute, you're so enthralled by each other.
You go back to just the tip, swirl your tongue around it a couple of times; then you down your face until the whole thing is lodged in your throat. Tyler moans and bites the tip of his tongue between half-opened lips.
You reach for his hands and grab them, entwining his latex-covered fingers with yours. Being connected to him with your mouth alone is not enough. You want more. His fingers grasp yours painfully; you do the same to his.
You can sense he's getting close. First, you see it in his eyes, then you feel his dick hardening slightly against your tongue. You need to have his seed inside. The King's essence will be a part of you.
You do your best near the finish line, bobbing your head up and down furiously, making the loudest slurping sounds. Once he's about to release, you keep the tip over the tongue so you can taste Tyler's glorious seed.
He blinks in ecstasy for a second but opens his eyes so he can watch you swallow everything. His expression is demanding but satisfied. His teeth bite the tip of his tongue with enough pressure for it to hurt, you can sense it. Suddenly, Tyler is an open book in front of you. You can feel everything he's feeling through the deep blue of his irises.
Four long volleys of cum fill your mouth, flooding your tastebuds with the taste of Tyler. Both of his hands tremble in small bursts, just before each volley hits your palate. After that, smaller spurts keep flowing inside until you're sure you had at least three mouthfuls of his semen.
@@.int;His cum is definitely better than ice cream.@@
Tyler can sense how much you enjoy tasting him and it makes him elated. Once he's done, you nurse his cock head for a couple of minutes, cleaning every last drop of his seed from it. You can see one last thing in Tyler's eyes: //"You were right, but don't defy me again."//
And then the connection is gone.
He pushes your head from his crotch and closes the hidden zipper. You're still painfully hard, considering you just had the most sensual experience of your life, but haven't cum. Tyler picks up his phone, sends a quick text message, and turns the screen off again.
<<di ty "Pick up your glass right there.">>
You look at his desk; there are two glasses atop it: one transparent and one pink. Of course. You assumed only Marky liked humiliating you with the color pink, however it seems like Tyler has joined on the bandwagon. You get up and reach for the glass.
@@.int;Why do I have a glass in Tyler's room? How long has he been planning this? It's not like pink glasses are that common. I've never seen one before...@@
<<di ty "I know you're desperate to cum.">>
His sudden announcement makes you immediately stop daydreaming about pink glasses. He leans his body forward, pushing himself up; he walks closer to you.
<<di ty "And I'll let you since you were an outstanding toy just now.">>
You feel tingly inside, hearing his compliment. It's not a very Tyler thing to do, so you're sure it was as special for him as it was for you.
<<di ty "Rules for toy orgasm are: you must look at <strong>me</strong> at all times. Don't close your eyes. Cum only inside the glass. If your cum touches the floor, I will break your skull. You have ten minutes. Begin.">>
This night took a turn you never expected it to. Now you're supposed to cum on command while looking at Tyler. What if you can't? What if you drop cum on the floor? What if--
@@.int;Stop overthinking. You're horny as fuck. He's the most handsome man you've ever seen. You can still taste his delicious cum in your mouth. This is easy.@@
<<if hasVisited("SubTrainingTylerLatex")>>You spread the straps of the singlet, pushing it down. Once it's down your thighs, it drops to the floor. <</if>>You're still painfully hard, so you grab your shaft and you start stroking it. Since you're holding the glass with your left hand, you can't massage your balls while doing it.
You stare at Tyler's body. He's as gorgeous as ever. Just him standing there, looking at you with a slight devilish smile is enough to make you mad with passion. Your eyes zigzag across his body, gazing at his biceps, pectoral, abs, big feet, and voluminous crotch, all shining black. However, it's his eyes that draw you in. That deep connection with Tyler might have gone once his dick left your mouth, but you can still feel part of it.
Tyler bites the tip of his tongue, and you know he's getting hard again even without looking down. He's getting off on you watching him like this. He craves being desired by you; that makes this even more erotic.
You pump your dick furiously, getting closer to orgasm. You pant with effort, your body growing hotter. Tyler's eyes don't leave yours for a second; you conclude he's asking you something. You squint, trying to decipher it.
<<di ty "Tell me.">>
You pant more and more, searching his face for the answer. You're getting closer, the sounds of your stroking filling the room. Tyler never stops staring, reaching into you with his eyes.
You know what he wants to hear.
<<di you "I belong to you, Masteeeer...">>
You cum as you're saying the last word, dragging it out, turning it into a moan. The orgasm hits you like an electric current coming from Tyler. All the desire and lust you've felt for him tonight has culminated at this moment, washing over you all at once. It makes you weak in the knees.
Once the wave of pleasure has passed, you glance at the glass, full of your cum. Cum that belongs to your Master, since he was the one who willed it out of you using only his eyes. You look up at him again and immediately understand what he wants you to do.
He grabs the glass with one hand, pushes you down to your knees with the other one. He turns the glass into your open mouth, letting the contents slide into it. You don't break eye contact; it feels like you're swallowing his seed for the second time this night.
Just then, there's a knock on the door, breaking the spell.
<<di ty "Come in.">>
You're embarrassed about being seen completely nude in this position by another person, but you're still drowning in endorphins from that orgasm, so you push it to the back of your mind.
Emmett comes in. You glance at him but go back to looking at Tyler, trying to stretch out this moment into forever.
Sounds of cutlery and dishes clinking on top of furniture and the smell of food permeate the room. Your stomach growls at attention; you haven't had lunch or eaten anything other than a cereal bar this morning.
The door clicks shut soon after. Emmett has come and gone, and now the spell is starting to fade. Tyler lets you up. He walks to his chair, plops himself down, and snaps his finger for you to bring his food over to him while unfolding a tray that's welded to the side of his chair. You set the dish down in front of him. Tyler snaps his finger and points down.
@@.int;I guess I'm to eat at his feet.@@
So you do. You sit by Tyler's feet, eating your food while he eats his up above. For some reason, it doesn't strike you as weird that you're already used to being below Tyler. He has broken you in a couple of hours; this has got to be a record, even for him.
Once you're both done eating, Tyler folds the tray back into its hidden compartment and hands you his dish. You get up and set both plates on the desk. You turn to him, awaiting orders. It's reassuring knowing you have your night planned out for you by someone else. Not anyone else, but by the school's King.
[[Tyler approaches you.->SubTrainingTylerBatheHim]]You push the controller out of the way. A death screech comes from the screen, closely followed by what very much sounds like a Game Over chord.
@@.int;Uh oh.@@
<<di ty "What the fuck do you think you're doing?">>
<<di you "I couldn't see your face.">>
<<di you "The game was ruining everything!">>
More silence. Squinting, staring eyes.
<<di you "It was hot until the controller covered your eyes. Then it wasn't anymore. I can't explain it. Didn't you feel it? There was no connection.">>
Tyler hits you in the head with the controller. He doesn't do it very hard, but the pointy plastic hurts a lot. He then kicks you in the face with the heel of his foot, making you fall down to the floor.
<<di you "Oooww!">>
Despite Tyler not being overly aggressive – the feet on the face thing was more of a push than an actual kick – it still hurt, especially hitting the floor.
<<di ty "You simpleton. I am not your boyfriend. There is no <strong>connection</strong> between us. There is only an imbecile ?faggot who cannot even suck a dick properly. Do you want to look into my eyes? Is that what you want?">>
He gets up, squats down in front of you, his face inches from yours.
<<di ty "Is this enough of a <strong>connection</strong> for you?">>
You blink; he slaps you. You blink again, in surprise; he slaps you once more.
<<di ty "Didn't you want a connection? Don't blink.">>
Tyler stares at you unblinkingly and intensely. You've never seen him this angry before. He's usually very collected, even when he's pissed off. You keep your eyes open as long as you possibly can, but then you blink again. He slaps you much harder this time. You yelp.
<<di you "I'm sorry, Master. I'm sorry... I'm an imbecile. I'll do better.">>
He spits on your face and plops himself down on his throne once more, putting his now flaccid dick inside the latex and closing the zipper. Tyler picks up his phone, types something, and goes back to his game. He points to the floor. You sigh.
You really fucked it up this time.
@@.int;I guess it's back to footstool duties. And no more dick for me.@@
After ten extra minutes of kneeling there, your legs start to tremble from exhaustion again. It sucks! You wonder how much longer he'll make you stay like this.
A knock on the door startles you.
<<include "SubTrainingTylerStarve">>Tyler sets the plate over his lap and points down. You're supposed to eat it sitting between his legs.
Of course.
You sit down on the floor in front of him and stare at his lap, a look of doubt crossing your face. He has put his cock away, and just the cum without the source near it makes it way less appetizing somehow. You wonder if he has done it on purpose.
@@.int;Whatever. I'm starving. I don't care. I was going to eat both anyway...@@
You reach for the knife and fork and grab your first bite. It's mashed potatoes with cum sauce. It tastes... not bad, actually. It's probably the hunger; they say that hunger is the best spice.
@@.int;Yeah, it's probably the hunger.@@
Tyler won't stop staring at you. You're getting better at deciphering his expressions, and this is the cruel one he gets when he's doing something evil that turns him on.
The bland seasoning of the food in this hellhole is so bad, you can only taste Tyler's cum on the food. It turns you on but also grosses you out. Still, it's not as bad as you assumed it was going to be.
A drop of cum slides down your chin after one big mouthful, so Tyler stretches his finger, scoops it up, and inserts it inside your mouth. You suck on it. He eye fucks you the whole time. For a second, it feels like you're sucking his dick sensually again, and your cock jumps to attention.
In slight defiance, you hand him the fork. He understands what you want, and starts to feed you while giving you bedroom eyes. You can't explain it, but it's hot. Really hot. You would swallow anything this man gave you right now, especially if it was covered in his delicious cum.
You're going slow, so it takes a while until you're done eating. Each bite of food gives you butterflies; you're eating a piece of Tyler with all of them. He seems to enjoy it as well; his deep blue eyes never leave yours, a mix of malice and lust on them. The salty, metallic flavor fills your tastebuds, overpowering the (barely existing) seasoning of the dish.
Once you're done, Tyler makes you lick the plate clean, which you happily do, still looking at him. You get up and set the dish on top of the other one, on the desk. You turn to him, awaiting orders. It's reassuring knowing you have your night planned out for you by someone else. Not anyone else, but by the school's King.
<<include "SubTrainingTylerBatheHim">>You glance at the plate with a mix of hunger and disgust. Why did he have to do it? Why couldn't he just let you eat the damn food like a normal person?
@@.int;Because he's a bully, that's why.@@
Tyler has a cruel backdrop to his expression. By now, you recognize it as the look he gets when he's enjoying doing something evil.
<<di you "No, thanks... Master.">>
<<di ty "Are you sure? I thought you didn't have lunch.">>
@@.int;How does he know I didn't have lunch?@@
<<di you "I've lost my appetite.">>
It's a lie, obviously. You're starving and part of you is already regretting saying no to the food. Your stomach certainly has thoughts about it and growls angrily at your choice. Your brain, however, won't wield.
A flash of disappointment crosses Tyler's face, but he goes back to bored a second later. He hands you the plate and you set it on his desk. Your stomach grumbles once again at the delicious smell coming off of it.
<<if hasVisited("SubTrainingTylerLatex")>><<di ty "Get naked.">>
You breathe out shakily but spread the straps of the singlet, pushing them down. Once it's down your thighs, the singlet drops to the floor.
<</if>>Tyler gets up and approaches you, making you painfully aware of how hard and horny you still are. Starving to death doesn't bother your dick in the slightest.
<<include "SubTrainingTylerBatheHim">>Once you hug him, all hell breaks loose. He opens his eyes immediately, realizes that your dick is touching his, and goes straight for your throat. His bony fingers close fiercely around your trachea.
<<di ty "Why is your pathetic nub touching me?">>
He pushes you down to the floor by the throat until you're sitting on the hard ceramic. You open your mouth to answer, but nothing comes out – he's pressing on your voice box.
<<di ty "Stay down. Stay quiet.">>
Tyler gives your throat one last squeeze and lets you go. You start coughing and breathing erratically. He looks down at you, eyes squinting. A regular person might emote normally; yet, with Tyler, a squint is paramount to Marky's angry-shouting-face.
He aims his cock at your head and releases a yellow stream. You're so shocked, you get some of his piss in your half-opened mouth. It tastes acrid and disgusting. You immediately start to sputter and spit it out.
Tyler probably has a full bladder; he pisses on you for a good thirty seconds. You want to get up and leave, but you're too scared to move. So you just stay there and take it. Finally, your body is covered all over, smelling like a urinal.
The stream finally ceases. Tyler gets out of the tub, pulling you by the hair. He drags you to a hidden door in the corner, behind a towel rack, and shoves you inside a small room. You tumble down with a thud.
He locks the door immediately after, leaving you alone in what looks like a closet. It's somewhat large for a closet, but tiny considering this is supposed to be your room for the night.
The whole space is taken by a small cot and a metal chair functioning as a bedside table. There are also some high shelves on the walls that make it impossible to stand up fully. There's no handle or knob on your side of the door. It only opens from the outside.
Tyler isn't Sherlock Holmes. He's Moriarty. He's evil and you should never have crossed him. You should have known better, but alas, here you are. You're dripping wet, smelling like piss, shivering cold. You have no towel, no clothes, no blankets.
You sneeze.
It's going to be a long night.
[[Hours later, you drift into sleep.->FourthDay]]Nope.
That is not a wise idea. You push it out of your head immediately. Tyler is <strong>not</strong> a hugger. You might know zilch about him, but that much is obvious. Still, it's hard to contain yourself.
So, you do the next best thing; that is, using water to rub the soap out of his delicious body. You start with his hair, getting all the shampoo out of it, suds sliding downward across his body.
@@.int;So hot.@@
You take a deep breath, trying to compose yourself; Tyler opens his eyes and glances at you, blinking water from his eyelids. He looks as horny as you feel.
@@.int;Why is everything with Tyler so damn erotic? It's just a shower.@@
You take the opportunity to wash yourself, cleaning tonight's activities from your body. You tilt your head back, removing the foam from your face. Then, you go back to rubbing the suds from his pale skin. You take the opportunity to caress every crevice of his body until you're crouching near his long feet. His equally long hard cock almost pokes your nose.
Tyler pushes you slightly with a foot and you understand that he means for you to sit down on the tub, so you do. He stands above you like a very skinny Neptune, rising from the sea's foam in a gush of water.
He points his dick directly at you.
<<di ty "I have to piss.">>
Tyler stares at you unblinkingly, daring you to stay. He could have just done it, but he announced it so you'd have a chance to choose if you'll want to stay.
@@.int;See? He's not so evil after all.@@
You shake these thoughts away and droplets of water catapult from your hair. Your physical attraction to this guy is making you think crazy things. You clearly have rose-tinted glasses on; you're excusing every one of this bully's behavior because you find him extremely attractive.
You can't dwell on this any further though since he's seconds away from peeing on you. Do you stay in place or do you leave the tub?
@@.sub;[[Yes, you'll stay as your Master desires.->SubTrainingTylerPissYes][$sub += 1; $lty += 1]]@@
@@.dom;[[Ew. Leave the tub immediately.->SubTrainingTylerPissNo][$sub -= 1]]@@You simply stay put, looking at him with begging eyes. You want this too, even though you don't quite understand why. Rationally speaking, it grosses you out. Piss is his body's waste. It's smelly, acrid, and all-around disgusting. However, you long to be marked by Tyler. It's something that defies your own expectations for what this night had in store. You came into it hoping for a knight in shining armor to save you from the Big Bad Walsh and ended up ready to be marked as property by your Master. It's wild and you'll probably regret it as soon as the night is over, but for now, you cannot wait for his stream to wash over you.
You shiver in anticipation – or cold – until Tyler's piss hits you straight in the chest. The heat surprises you, it's as hot as the water coming from the shower. The smell invades your nose immediately, but it's not as bad as you expected. It's acrid but faint. The liquid is also not as yellow as it could have been. It seems that Tyler kept himself hydrated, diluting his pee to the point that it is not as nasty as it could be.
@@.int;Did he plan this as well? Is he trying to ease me into this?@@
You have a feeling you're being manipulated at every corner. You're probably right.
Tyler points the stream downward, hitting your hard dick's head. It pulsates at the sensation. He bites the tip of his tongue, eyeing you with bedroom eyes; the blonde is enjoying this far too much. It must be a serious power trip pissing on a willing dude. You, on the other hand, are feeling a new level of submission. There's something about being branded this way that makes you feel even lower than you usually do in the ranks of manliness. You're pretty sure he now truly believes you are his property. You believe it too.
Tyler pisses for a long time. He hits every part of your body from your neck down. You're grateful that he avoided your face and your hair. It's wild that he knows just how far he can bend you before you'd break. The smell has now grown stronger since there's so much of it. You realize that you smell like a urinal at a bar or something. You shiver with disgust. You're not cold because his piss is keeping you warm.
Finally, the stream slows down to a trickle, until the few last drops mix with the shower's water down his cock.
You're marked.
You're property.
You're Tyler's.
<<di ty "Rinse it off and dry me.">>
Tyler suddenly steps out of the tub and leaves you alone in it to rinse his piss off your body. You feel like soaping yourself once again, but that might anger him, so you just make sure to wash it all off with as much water as you can. By the time you're pee-free and out of the tub, both your hard-ons have deflated.
<<include "SubTrainingTylerSleep">>You lift yourself, getting out of the tub as quickly as possible. Tyler looks at you, impassive and quiet. He releases a stream inside the ceramic, his yellowish piss mixing with the water coming from the showerhead.
You're now getting cold; your boner starts to deflate. So does his, especially after the peeing. He steps out of the tub and looks at you expectantly.
@@.int;Oh, I'm supposed to dry him too.@@
<<include "SubTrainingTylerSleep">>You grab a fluffy white towel from the rack and you start to dry Tyler. He raises his arms and spreads his legs helpfully. You dry him quickly; this is a good towel, not the regular crap that you've seen in the school so far. Of course, Tyler has upgraded towels.
You make sure to finish by drying between his toes properly. He puts on his slippers and leaves the bathroom. You swiftly dry yourself, happy to not be dripping anymore. You were cold. Then, you put on your pink fluffy slippers.
@@.int;My slippers? Why do I have slippers in Tyler's room? How far ahead did he plan this night?@@
You shouldn't jump to conclusions or assume he's being nice to you. Now that your dick isn't hard anymore, the rose-tinted glasses are fading. You're starting to process how being attracted to Tyler was messing with your head.
You leave the room to find Tyler totally nude, sitting at the edge of his bed. You forget all about being mindful. The messy hair looks so good in him. He should definitely wear it like this.
<<di ty "Stop staring. Dress me.">>
You blush. Why do you keep staring at him?
Tyler looks cold, but he's not dressed. There are pajamas and underwear impeccably set over the bed.
@@.int;Why didn't he dress himself?@@
You walk to him; he gets up. He raises a leg and you pull his underwear over it. You do the same with the other leg until the black material covers his privates.
<<di ty "Adjust my cock inside.">>
You blink at the request. You're dressing him like a servant did a king in the olden days, only a thousand times more degrading. At least he's helping you by raising his legs and arms.
You slip your hand inside his boxer briefs, adjusting his soft dick to the side like you're used to doing to yours. You also lift his balls so that the lycra in the fabric supports them.
Tyler seems happy with your job because he raises his arms so that you can put on the pajamas' t-shirt on him. Finally, you dress him in gray shorts. The gray offsets his blue eyes and the silky fabric hugs his thin body very well.
@@.int;He looks gorgeous even going to bed.@@
He smiles at you like he read your mind just now. You blush once more.
Tyler cocks his head to the twin bed that's almost hidden in the corner, behind the armchair. Apparently, that's where you're sleeping. There are also pink pajamas spread over it; you notice something's written on the shirt.
@@.hand;Property of Tyler@@
You accepted the position. Now, you must broadcast it in your sleepwear. You're cold, tired, and ready to sleep. So you just put it on. It's better than wearing nothing. It's such a small thing; after everything that happened tonight, you don't feel like creating a hassle over this.
A voice in your head nonetheless warns you that small deferences like this might come back to haunt you. Small choices do add up to big consequences.
You look over at Tyler, who has his head buried in his phone. That probably means he's done with you for the night. Since you don't have your phone, you just lay on your bed thinking about your night.
@@.int;Fuck. How did I end up becoming property? Fuck my life... Marky was right. I am a fairy. I guess I deserved everything they said about me. Look at me now... proving them right.@@
And so your night ends: mentally abusing yourself. You feel like crying, but you hold it in.
@@.int;Not in front of Tyler.@@
You hold onto that last tiny shred of dignity.
Luckily, it isn't long before he orders you to turn off the lights.
[[You both drift into sleep.->FourthDay]]<<if hasVisited("SubTrainMarkyRubbing2")>>You wake up with a kick to the side of your head. The smell of sweaty feet attacks your nose as you try to place yourself. The faint sound of snoring comes from above.
Right. You're sleeping at Marky's feet.
You untangle yourself from his legs and raise your body slowly, as not to wake him. He's moving in his sleep. Marky mumbles angrily, clearly having a heated dream, or possibly a nightmare.
<</if>><<if hasVisited("SubTrainMarkyPushOff")>>You wake up with your head pounding and your body sore. You groan as you place yourself.
Right. You're sleeping on the dirty, hard floor.
You stretch painfully, groaning once again. Marky snores lightly from his bed.
You raise your body slowly, as not to wake him. He's moving in his sleep. Marky mumbles angrily, clearly having a heated dream, or possibly a nightmare.
<</if>><<di mark "Marvin?... No. Not him.">>
@@.int;Who's Marvin?@@
You decide to seize the opportunity to look for your phone while he slumbers. You have no idea if he actually plans on giving it back, so you want to at least see if you have messages on it. You tip-toe, moving in the dark. While cleaning the room last night, you kept an eye out for the device but it wasn't above any furniture. He probably hid it somewhere.
You can barely see what you're doing since the only light in the room comes from the cracks under the door and the window. You start by going to the dresser and opening each drawer carefully from the top down. So far, no dice. Marky grumbles in his sleep once again. You move to his backpack, which is leaning against the wall. After trying a couple of compartments, bingo. It's there! But... It's off. You try to turn it on – the phone buzzes and the battery warning flashes. You'll have to charge it.
A sound catches your attention.
<<di mark "Are you going through my stuff, Fairy?">>
@@.int;Ah, shit.@@
@@.sub;[[Try to seduce your way out of it.->Day4MarkySeduce][$sub += 1]]@@
[['Who's Marvin?'->Day4MarkyMarvin][$lmark -= 1]]<<di you "I was just being a good... ?fag roomie... and getting your stuff ready for the day, sir.">>
Calling yourself a //?fag// feels wrong in about one hundred different ways; especially considering he'll now probably think you're actually okay with him calling you that.
You ignore your better judgment, move closer to him, and set your hand on his left thigh seductively.
<<di you "Is there <strong>anything</strong> else I could do for you, sir?">>
You're scaring yourself with your acting; you have no idea where that fifties wife bullshit is coming from. You're also confused as to why it's making your dick harden.
Marky looks at you, raises his upper body slightly, and... slaps your face playfully.
<<di mark "And the Oscar goes to...!">>
He chuckles and pushes you out of the way while he gets up.
<<di mark "Good try, slut. But I'm not an idiot.">>
Marky reaches for your phone inside his backpack.
<<di mark "You looking for this? You can have it.">>
He moves closer to you and hands you the phone with his left hand while he grabs your butt with his right one. Marky whispers in your ear.
<<if hasVisited("SubTrainMarkyRubbing2")>><<di mark "Good to know you're willing to sell your body for it.">><</if>><<if hasVisited("SubTrainMarkyPushOff")>><<di mark "I haven't forgiven you for last night, ?fag. This little act is really dumb of you, considering what you did.">><</if>>
Marky moves away from you, opens the window, and starts gathering things for a shower. You plug your phone into the wall and do the same as him.
Surprisingly, he leaves to shower on his own, not grabbing, groping, harassing, or involving you in any way in his morning shower. You take the opportunity to do the same, making sure to only leave for the bathroom as he comes back to the room. You don't want to tempt the gods. Keeping your distance from him will (hopefully) protect you from public humiliation.
[[Go shower.->Day4Shower]]<<di you "Who's Marvin?">>
Marky visibly freezes, staring at you like you're a loan shark asking for their money back. He's at a loss for words.
<<di mark "Wha... How do you know that name?">>
His reaction clearly means that Marvin is somehow a relevant person and that he also doesn't want you to know about it.
<<di you "You were talking in your sleep.">>
<<di mark "Hmm...">>
<<di you "You also said //'No, not him'//.">>
<<di mark "You're a sneaky ?faggot, aren't you? Who do you think you are analyzing my fucking dreams? Fraud?">>
<<di you "Do you mean Freud?">>
<<di mark "That's what I said! Now shut the fuck up. I don't wanna hear your ?faggy voice anymore.">>
You regret asking him about whomever Marvin is. You are no closer to an answer and only managed to annoy him.
He gets up, reaches into his backpack, and throws your phone at you. You fumble, barely managing to catch it.
<<if hasVisited("SubTrainMarkyRubbing2")>><<di mark "I know you were looking for this. I'm not dumb, Fairy. You can fucking have it back this time, but don't make me regret it.">>
Marky points his finger at you menacingly. He then moves away from you, opens the window, and starts gathering things for a shower. You plug your phone into the wall and do the same as him.<</if>><<if hasVisited("SubTrainMarkyPushOff")>><<di mark "Don't think I've forgotten what you pulled last night, you fucking bitch.">>
He declares angrily.
<<di mark "You can have your fucking phone back. I'm not dumb; I know you were looking for it. Don't make me regret being super nice and giving it back even though you're a nasty cunt of a ?faggot. Now say //'thank you, Sir'.//">>
Marky points his finger at you menacingly.
<<di you "Thank you, Sir.">>
You say through gritted teeth. Marky ignores your aggressive attitude. He then moves away from you, opens the window, and starts gathering things for a shower. You plug your phone into the wall and do the same as him.<</if>>
Surprisingly, he leaves to shower on his own, not grabbing, groping, harassing, or involving you in any way in his morning shower. You take the opportunity to do the same, making sure to only leave for the bathroom as he comes back to the room. You don't want to tempt the gods. Keeping your distance from him will (hopefully) protect you from public humiliation.
[[Go shower.->Day4Shower]]As soon as the hot water touches your skin, your mind wanders to everything that happened yesterday and beyond that. Your cock starts to harden despite yourself.
<<di you "Fuck.">>
Your hands roam your lanky body in search of your dick. Your hand feels so--
<<di you "No!">>
You slap it, cursing yourself – you should be washing instead of jerking off. However, it's difficult to think about anything else. How is it that a simple shower made you like this? This place is a sex trap, everyone here acts like a deviant, including yourself.
You're horny; so what if the saints are looking? They can watch for all you care. You grab your hard shaft, point it up and enjoy the feel of the hot water caressing your cock head. You sigh. The water pressure is just enough to pleasure you, but not enough to hurt.
Pumping it slowly, your mind drifts to your classmates. Marky looks down at you. Tyler looms behind him. Emmett holds your hand. Haruki grabs your face and moves to kiss you--
<<di you "NO!">>
@@.int;No men! No fucking men. What do regular guys jerk off to? ... Scarlett Johansson! Yeah, Black Widow's hot.@@
Her long, curled hair cascades over her leather-covered breasts. You approach her figure, resting your hands on Scarlett's petite waist. Her sweet perfume invades your nostrils while you kiss her cherry lips.
@@.int;Much better, yeah.@@
Your unconscious mind, however, doesn't seem to agree with your conscious one – it keeps forcing scenes from last night to the forefront of your brain. You try to ignore them, but it's fruitless. <<if hasVisited("SubTrainMarky")>>You remember Marky grabbing your waist and pushing his hard rod atop your butt cleft. It felt so good to have him mounting you like that. <</if>><<if hasVisited("SubTrainTyler")>>You remember Tyler dressed in latex, sitting on his throne. You rub your face against his latex-covered dick, licking it from base to head. He looked so irresistible like that. <</if>><<if hasVisited("DomTrain")>>You remember Emmett's hand over your bulge. His hand was warm; his even warmer mouth was so close to your shaft. You want to be fucking his face right now. <</if>>
<<di you "Hgnnn...">>
You turn around and let the water hit the back of your head as you prepare for orgasm. The guilt, for now, has been pressed down by your incessant lust. The wave of pleasure quickly rides your body and--
<<di ranm "Gross! Aren't you ashamed, you fucking pervert?">>
Your eyes fling open. A guy you don't know is watching you from outside the stall. Shower stalls here have no doors, a fact you should have considered before jerking off in this particular bathroom. Your cock continues to spurt cum, even though your orgasm is now ruined by red-hot shame. A look of recognition crosses the guy's face.
<<di ranm "Oh, you're that fruit that's been swallowing Walsh's babies. Disgusting. You ?homos really want to shove your depravity on the rest of us. God is watching, you fucking deviant.">>
He shakes his head. You are beet red from shame and guilt, but your cock continues to drip cum on the bathroom tiles. You realize he's not wrong: you are gross! You were fantasizing about men less than ten seconds ago, jerking off in an open stall for the world – and God – to see.
<<di ranm "You should kill yourself!">>
Tears start running down, mixing with the water dripping from your hair. You're desperate to leave the stall, but he's in the way, so you shove him out of the way, reaching for your towel on the rack.
You immediately run into another guy.
<<di you "Sorry.">>
Haruki is here. He just bumped into your naked body. <<if hasVisited("MorningGymHitHaruki") or hasVisited("MorningGymSuckHaruki")>>Your naked – and currently covered with his scratches and bites – body.<</if>> You stare at each other for what feels like forever. He regards you with sadness and... Fear?
@@.int;How much has he heard? Why didn't he defend me? Should he have defended me? It's not like he's my boyfriend.@@
The guy behind you scoffs.
<<di ranm "Is he your boyfriend, Ohno?">>
You flinch as his words echo your thoughts.
<<di har "Of course not!">>
Haruki spits out; his eyes harden, seemingly revolted by the idea. His reaction wounds you like a shard of glass piercing your heart. He sidesteps you, entering a stall. The other guy loses interest in the situation and enters the furthermost one. He's probably worried about you staring at his naked body.
You stand alone, dripping wet, shivering from cold and shame for a while.
Before all of this, the shower was a place you could relax and jerk off thinking about men while suppressing a bearable amount of guilt. None of it was real. Doing sexual stuff with a guy was something only your imagination conjured up. You could pretend it was just a passing thought. Now, after actually going through with some of your darkest desires, your guilt is oppressive. Even Haruki is disgusted with you.
@@.int;I am disgusting.@@
[[You get dressed.->Day4Principal]]You wake up groggily after almost falling off the cot; your left arm is dangling over the side of the mattress. You open your eyes to place yourself. You're in Tyler's room, sleeping in the tiny twin bed in the corner. It's so small, in fact, that you almost fell from it at least two times during the night. You raise your body, making it creak.
Tyler is already up; you can hear the sound of running water. You remember his warning from last night about how his bathroom is off-limits. Yesterday's clash with Marky also means you have no toiletries or clean clothes. You'll have to face Marky if you want a shower, fresh clothes, and, most importantly, your phone.
<div class="timebar"></div>
Five minutes later, you're standing in front of yours and Marky's room, gathering the courage to open the door.
@@.int;You can do this!@@
The door creaks as it opens and the light from the corridor pervades the darkened room, illuminating Marky's slumbering half-naked body. He opens his eyes; his nose is very swollen. You breathe in nervously.
Marky yawns heavily, which makes him wince in pain. His nose is clearly aching. He sits up while spreading his body lazily. You just stay under the door frame, convincing yourself to get in.
<<di mark "You got a lot of nerve showing up here, Fairy.">>
His voice is tinged with a groggy quality; he sounds drunk.
<<di you "My name is $you.name!">>
He tilts his head slightly and yawns again, making sleepy sounds. If you weren't so tense, you'd yawn as well.
@@.int;At least I'm not trembling.@@
<<di mark "Too scared to get closer, Fairy? Why don't you tell me your ?faggy name to my face?">>
@@.dom;[[Provoke him.->Day4EmmettProvokeMarky][$sub -= 1; $lmark += 1]]@@
[[Ignore him and just get your stuff.->Day4EmmettIgnoreMarky][$lmark -= 1]]You breathe in once again, striding confidently into the room. Marky sleeps wearing just underwear; his half-naked body gives you butterflies, but you ignore them. This is not the time to act like a horny slut.
Now that you're close, you can see a cut on the bridge of his nose, swelling on the left side, and purplish bags around the eyes. You probably did break it yesterday.
You lower your head so you can stare into Marky's eyes.
<<di you "I said... My name is $you.name.">>
Marky immediately grabs your throat using his right hand, which makes you cough. You try to pull his wrist away, however, he doesn't budge.
<<di mark "You got a death wish, you fucking faggot?">>
He's slurring his words but sounds very menacing still. You move your right hand from his wrist to his throat, digging your nails into it.
@@.int;Two can play that game.@@
You hold back on coughing as much as you are able. Marky doesn't even blink; he simply presses your throat harder. It starts to get difficult to breathe now, so you dig your fingernails into his flesh as hard as possible. His left eye twitches.
Meanwhile, your left hand moves down to grab his balls; they're just covered by underwear. You pull on them angrily. Cheap move, but beggars can't be choosers. His eyes double in size as he gapes at you in shock.
A coughing fit overtakes you after a few seconds of this; Marky suddenly lets go of your throat. You do the same to both of his body parts. Red drops form on his throat; you drew blood from him.
<<di mark "Next time you wanna hold my junk, you can just ask for it.">>
Marky says with a croaked voice, a smile on his lips. He doesn't want to admit he was hurting as much as you were. Probably more, since you went for his balls. You were also prepared to punch his broken nose if necessary. However, that was the last effort scenario.
<<di you "I just came for my stuff. You can go back to sleep for all I care.">>
Your voice sounds wheezy and your throat stings like hell; still, you pretend nothing is wrong. Marky adjusts his balls inside his underwear, proof that what you did clearly hurt, even if he's trying his damnedest not to show it.
He pulls your head down by your hair and whispers into your ear.
<<di mark "You're lucky I'm on painkillers.">>
His voice makes you shudder. Marky still terrifies you, even if you held your own right now. You're painfully aware that he could have kicked your ass during your little standoff, especially considering he's pissed off about his nose. However, if he's on heavy painkillers, that explains his groggy voice and less-than-aggressive behavior – for his standards, anyway.
Marky lets go of your hair and drops himself over his pillow; his head hits the foam with a muffled thud. He winces.
You gather your stuff, wondering where you'll sleep tonight. You can't stay here, plus Tyler clearly doesn't want a roommate in his palace. Worst case scenario, you'll just demand to sleep in Emmett's bed. He can take the floor.
@@.int;I'll just figure that out later.@@
You spend 5 minutes searching for your phone in drawers, finally finding it inside his backpack. Marky seems to be half asleep as you shove your stuff into bags and take them out of the room.
After carrying your stuff to Tyler's room and putting them under the twin bed as to not incur his ire, you grab fresh clothes, a towel, and toiletries. A shower is just what you need.
[[Go shower.->Day4Shower]]
After a minute of this weird standoff, you stride into the room, convinced to just ignore his presence. You spare him a quick glance, enough to notice how awful his nose looks. There's a cut on the bridge, swelling on the left side, and purplish bags around the eyes. You probably did break it yesterday.
@@.int;Whatever, that fucker deserved it.@@
Marky keeps eyeing you, expecting you to interact with him somehow. You don't. You pick up stuff from drawers and shove them as quickly as possible into your bags.
<<di mark "Silent treatment, huh? Well, fuck you very much, Fairy!">>
His voice sounds funny. It's also weird how he hasn't gotten up to pin you against a wall or something.
<<di mark "I should have known you were gonna be a pussy about it. If you really were a man, you'd look me in the eye.">>
You keep moving, getting your stuff, not bothering to look at him. His provocations won't work. It's not like you can actually win a fight against Marky; you'd rather keep your distance as much as possible.
<<di mark "Good luck with Tyler, you fucking ?faggot. He's not nice like I am... Be careful with him...">>
He speaks slowly; his voice gets more slurred with each word. Then, Marky drops himself over his pillow; his head hits the foam with a muffled thud. He winces.
You notice an orange prescription bottle over the bedside table.
@@.int;Ohh, so that's why he sounds like this; he's on painkillers.@@
You finish gathering your stuff – save for your phone – wondering where you'll sleep tonight. You can't stay here, plus Tyler clearly doesn't want a roommate in his palace. Worst case scenario, you'll just demand to sleep in Emmett's bed. He can take the floor.
@@.int; I'll just figure that out later.@@
You spend 5 additional minutes searching for your phone in drawers, finally finding it inside his backpack. Marky seems to be half asleep as you take your bags out of the room.
After carrying your stuff to Tyler's room and putting them under the twin bed as to not incur his ire, you grab fresh clothes, a towel, and toiletries. A shower is just what you need.
[[Go shower.->Day4Shower]]<<if hasVisited("SubTrainingTylerNoHug")>>You wake up with a start after almost falling off the cot; your left arm is dangling over the side of the mattress. You open your eyes to place yourself; you're greeted by blue irises eyeing you intently.
@@.int;What the fuck?@@
<<di ty "You snore.">>
Tyler is crouching near the cot, his face very close to yours.
<<di ty "I will shove a dirty sock into your mouth if you do it again.">>
You're too sleepy to be scared of him yet – so you yawn while answering, distorting your words.
<<di you "I'm soOOorry...?">>
He doesn't seem impressed with your reaction to his complaint. Honestly, though, you're still half-asleep – his demands don't seem terribly important at this particular moment.
You yawn again. Tyler shoves three fingers inside your mouth when it's open; you gag, startled by the invasion.
<<di ty "I can also rip your vocal cords out using my fingers. Would you like that?">>
You shake your head back and forth, suddenly very awake. He removes his long fingers from inside and cleans your saliva by rubbing them on your pink pajamas.
<<di you "I'm sorry, Master. It won't happen again.">>
You lie, very much aware that you can't control your breathing patterns during the night. However, you had to say //something//.
Tyler simply gets up, turns around, and walks to his private bathroom, leaving you alone. You're dumbfounded by this situation, unsure how to react.
[[Follow him and help him with his shower.->Day4TylerFollow]]
[[Await orders.->Day4TylerAwait]]<</if>><<if hasVisited("SubTrainingTylerHug")>>A violent sneeze jolts you awake. You've barely slept tonight, what with being wet, cold, miserable, and lying on the world's hardest bed. Your whole body aches; your throat has that tingly feeling before you come down with the flu. You hear the faint sound of a shower from behind the door. You long to shower as well, since you smell – and feel – like a truck stop urinal.
@@.int;That's good. It means he's up. He has to let me go to class. The priests will miss me.@@
Your anxiety starts to get the better of you, while you create scenarios in your mind.
@@.int;What if they don't know about this closet? What if he just keeps me here as a prisoner? They'll probably think I ran away. They'll never know I'm here. God... I should scream for help.@@
Your whole body feels tense; you dig your nails into your palms.
@@.int;No! If I scream, he'll get angry. And then he'll punish me. I can try the screaming plan if he doesn't let me out in a few hours.@@
Your palms become white from the strain.
@@.int;I need an actual plan... Maybe I can hit him with this metal chair. It looks sturdy enough. Then I'll make a run for it...@@
You sneeze once more.
@@.int;Fuck, I'm gonna die here. If he doesn't straight-up kill me, I'll probably die from pneumonia... I wonder if he would bring me antibiotics if I caught pneumonia. He probably wouldn't let his prisoner die...@@
The creaking sound of the hidden door opening catches your attention. You were so busy obsessing that you didn't even notice the shower stopped running a while ago.
Tyler appears from beyond a cloud of steam, a towel hanging across his neck, his long cock hanging from between his legs, and droplets of water dripping from his naked body. He looks like a model in a perfume commercial. Even though you feel like shit and smell like piss, you can't help but find him painfully attractive.
<<di you "I'm sorry, Master! I should never have done it. I had the night to thi--">>
You stumble into this speech you had half-prepared during the night. However, Tyler raises his index finger against his lips; you quickly obey and silence yourself.
<<di ty "I am feeling magnanimous, so you may leave and clean yourself. Not here, in the peasant shower with the others. There are clothes for you near the door. Wear that //after// you've showered. Leave naked.">>
Tyler turns around, leaving the door open; he resumes drying himself, not bothering to look at you again.
You sheepishly get up, picking up clothes you recognize as your own and your phone near the door. You are dumbfounded about the appearance of your stuff in this room. Tyler clearly confronted Marky and got your things while you were stuck in that closet. As much as the possibility of those two fighting over you is scary, you'd like to have seen it. Maybe if you had made different choices.
You consider putting on clothes instead of walking around naked, but your fear of Tyler's reaction keeps you in line. There's no choice to be made. You //will// obey.
Luckily, the hallway is empty. You walk briskly towards the bathroom, begging the universe to not let you be seen. You're not so lucky. Two guys leave their room just as you're walking past their door. They look at your naked body, and one of them immediately closes their nose with his fingers.
<<di ranm "You smell like a truckstop urinal, man. Jesus. Why do you smell so bad?">>
You blush, pondering if you're more ashamed of the nudity or the smell.
@@.int;It's the smell, for sure.@@
You walk even faster to your destination. Getting there, you turn the shower on as hot as it gets. After a night of freezing cold, you crave scalding water.
[[Shower.->Day4Shower]]<</if>>You enter the bathroom sheepishly and start removing your pajamas. Tyler is already inside the tub, his pale body glistening wet, long cock swinging as he moves. The view is enough to make you flustered. He glances at you from above.
<<di ty "What are you doing, you dunce?">>
<<di you "I-- I'm bathing you?">>
He scoffs, already tired of having to deal with you.
<<di ty "Did I ask for you?">>
<<di you "N-no.">>
<<di ty "Rhetorical question. Shut up.">>
Tyler sprinkles water on your face as he makes a hand movement that signifies //'leave'//. Feeling stupid, you shove your clothes back on and walk out of the bathroom. You sit back on your twin bed.
<<include "Day4TylerAwait">>Tyler clearly doesn't take the shortest showers, so you wait a while. He's obviously an early riser who likes to shower twice a day. You personally bathed him yesterday, so you know he went to bed squeaky clean.
He comes out of the bathroom dressed and ready; his hair is still wet but pristinely combed.
<<if hasVisited("SubTrainingTylerNude")>><<di ty "Take off your clothes.">>
Tyler orders apathetically, like he's asking you for a pen during class. You frown at the request. However, you've learned to obey him, so you take off your pink pajamas, folding them neatly over your cot. You didn't have any clean underwear in his room, so you're not wearing any. You're completely naked.
<</if>><<di ty "Come.">>
<<if hasVisited("SubTrainingTylerNude")>>He walks to the door without looking back and opens it. You immediately cover your penis with your hands.
<<di you "B-but I'm naked! I can't go out naked.">>
Tyler stares at you quietly for a few seconds.
<<di ty "Do you have a memory impairment?">>
<<di you "No...">>
<<di ty "Did I not warn you that you'd do everything naked from now on?">>
Tyler really is going through with it – he'll force you to walk around the school nude. Your eyes start to tear up, and you get desperate. There's no way you're leaving this room naked.
<<di you "Please, Tyler, please, don't make me do it. I can't! The priests! They'll expel me! Please?!?">>
Tyler breathes out annoyedly, strides towards you, grabs your arm fiercely and drags you towards the door. You want to fight back, but he frankly terrifies you. So you let yourself be dragged out of the room, holding your junk with your free hand. You start crying, stifling sobs while tears run down your face.
The hallway is thankfully empty; it's quite early. You follow Tyler down the hallway towards yours and Marky's room.
@@.int;No! Not Marky! Why did I have to annoy him? Now he'll give me to Marky!@@<<else>>You obey, following him out the door. As you notice that he's walking towards yours and Marky's room, you start to get desperate.
@@.int;Why is he taking me back to my old room? What if this was all a ruse and he's going to give me back to Marky? No, he can't be... They hate each other; I saw it yesterday. But what if that was an act, though? Maybe they plan to trade me back and forth between one another. I can't go back to Marky! No, I refuse; it can't happen. He'll kill me!@@
<<di you "Where are we going? Why are we going to my old room?">>
You stop walking, defiantly; somehow you fear Marky more than Tyler. He ignores the question, but grabs your arm and starts to pull you behind him.
<<di you "No, not him! What did I do wrong?">>
Tyler is surprisingly strong for someone so skinny; you try to stop again, but his grip insists on pulling you forward.<</if>>
<<di you "Tyler, are you giving me back to Marky? Please, don't. I'll obey you. I promise!">>
You start sobbing in desperation. Tyler stops suddenly, turns back, and stares at you angrily. He doesn't usually show emotions, but you can clearly see how annoyed he is at you. His brute grip on your arm starts to hurt.
<<di ty "I'm not //Tyler//. You call me <strong>Master</strong>.">>
You open your mouth to apologize, but the murderous look on his face stops you.
<<di ty "Stop begging and crying. It's excruciatingly irritating. If you say one more word I //will// give you back to Marky.">>
Tyler's eyes have never seemed quite as scary as they do now. You stifle another sob but say nothing as you nod slowly. He keeps glaring at you for a while, waiting for you to disobey him and speak in any way. You sob twice, otherwise staying quiet. <<if hasVisited("SubTrainingTylerNude")>>A nearby door opens and two guys leave the room. They stare at your naked body for a couple seconds before laughing at your situation. You blush furiously, increasing your grip on your penis. Tyler continues gaping at you like nothing is happening.
@@.int;I hate this place.@@ <</if>>
Finally, he moves again, dragging you along until you reach room 340. Tyler then knocks on the door confidently. You brace yourself, locking your joints to prevent trembling, continuing to quietly cry.
Marky opens the door wearing nothing but black underwear. Your eyes are immediately drawn to his bulge, but you shake your head. You can't act like a horny slut right now. As Marky glances at you and Tyler, his expression turns sour. <<if hasVisited("SubTrainingTylerNude")>>Even your nakedness doesn't seem to faze him.<</if>>
<<di mark "What? You don't want the ?fag anymore? I don't want him either. Useless fucking trash; doesn't even serve as a cumdump.">>
Marky proceeds to close the door, but Tyler holds it ajar using his long foot. Then, he presses it completely open using his hand.
<<di ty "It isn't so bad. You just need to know how to treat it properly. Right?">>
Tyler glares into your eyes; you gulp. <<if hasVisited("SubTrainingTylerNude")>>You hold your penis even more firmly.<</if>>
<<di you "Yes, Master.">>
The fact that Tyler referred to you as an //'it'// is not lost on you. It is infuriating. But it also made your cock jump in arousal.
@@.int;Why does this thing keep betraying me?@@
Marky is clearly fuming, but he keeps a lid on it. He's not the best actor. Or the best in controlling his inner beast, honestly. He is trying, though.
<<di ty "I'm just here for his stuff. Go on, pack your things.">>
Tyler slaps your ass firmly, pushing you towards the room. He seems to be enjoying this. There's a smirk floating underneath his cold exterior. His push makes your body clash against Marky's.
<<di you "Sorry.">>
@@.int;Why am I apologizing to that monster? I'm such an idiot.@@
<<if hasVisited("SubTrainingTylerNude")>><<di mark "Seems like your slut can't get enough of me. He's literally throwing himself at me. Naked and ready for a good dicking.">><<else>><<di mark "Seems like your slut can't get enough of me. He's literally throwing himself at me.">><</if>>
He slaps your ass angrily; you jolt forward in pain. He looks at you and does an infuriating baby voice.
<<di mark "Do ya miss your baby bottle? Ain't your //master// giving you enough milk?">>
Marky affects a guffaw as fake as this pretense that he doesn't mind you picking Tyler over him.
<<di mark "Too bad, ?fag! The milkman has left the station!">>
<<di ty "You should try reading more; one shouldn't mix metaphors.">>
<<di mark "Fuck you, Tyler!">>
<<di ty "Aww, are you out of your adorable taunting attempts? 'E' for effort.">>
Marky moves to jump Tyler but stops himself with surprising restraint.
<<di mark "You have 2 minutes, ?fag.">>
You scramble to gather your things. Watching those two have a dick-measuring contest over you was scary. And a bit hot, not that you'd admit that to anyone.
You feel idiotic for ever fearing Tyler would give you back to your original bully; you could have avoided angering him by just shutting up. However, you can't help being an anxious mess around these assholes.
@@.int;Is this what PTSD feels like?@@
You're done fast, especially since you didn't bring a lot of stuff to St. Agnes. The only thing missing is your phone.
<<di you "My phone...">>
<<di mark "Oh, right. Just a sec.">>
Marky grabs your phone from his backpack and shoves it into his underwear, rubbing it all over his dick. He turns it over and does the other side very thoroughly. After a minute of this, he finally hands you the phone back. You can actually see a drop of... something on the screen. You'd pretend to be grossed out, but honestly, after having a dick in your mouth, it doesn't bother you as much as it probably should.
<<di mark "Now get out of my fucking room.">>
<<if hasVisited("SubTrainingTylerNude")>>Both you and Tyler comply, with you carrying the stuff since Tyler doesn't do menial labor. Your state of undress turns a few heads in the corridor; now that your hands are full, you can't even cover yourself. It's mortifying!
When you arrive, Tyler scratches his patchy beard and stares at you for a long moment as if weighing his options.
<<di ty "You may go clean yourself in the peasant shower. After you're done, you may put on clothes. Do not thank me. Not one word. Just go.">>
You were about to thank him before being told not to. He seems upset about the decision. Maybe what you said about the priests kicking you out of school made Tyler change his mind. Whatever the reason, you have a feeling that this isn't the last of the subject. So, you nod, grab toiletries and a fresh set of clothes and leave, covering your dick with a t-shirt.
[[Go shower.->Day4Shower]]<<else>>Both you and Tyler comply, with you carrying the stuff since Tyler doesn't do menial labor.
Afterward, you are allowed to shower in the gen-pop bathroom, not his private one. A shower does sound good, though. You can see why he likes to do it twice a day.
[[Shower.->Day4Shower]]<</if>>You have a hard time focusing on any classes today. Not that you've been a good student so far, but after the encounter in the bathroom, you're feeling particularly shitty. Your mind keeps drifting to Haruki – you keep asking yourself why he reacted like that and if he actually owed standing up for you. After the Haruki thing you didn't even bother turning your phone on, despite being desperate to get it back earlier. You just charged it a little during the shower; that's it.
<<di ranm "...hear me, Mister Ferry?">>
You snap to attention.
<<di you "What?">>
Father... //what's this one's name?// frowns at you.
<<di ranm "The principal wants to speak with you.">>
The whole class makes an 'oooooh' sound, a chanting omen signaling that someone is in trouble. That someone being you.
Class is over; you're due at the principal's office before lunch. Everyone grabs their stuff swiftly and leaves the room. You trail behind them, struggling to remember where his office even is.
<div class="timebar"></div>
The principal welcomes you into the room. You've met him once, but had forgotten how tall he was. His skin is pasty white, a stark contrast to his dark clothing.
@@.title;Father Frederick@@
You read his shiny golden plaque as you take a seat. This is a plush office with wood-paneled walls and deep red carpeting. A painting of Jesus in an ornate gilded frame hangs above his head as he sits in front of you.
Frederick's gel-plastered silver-streaked blonde hair doesn't move as he sits. The gel's shine makes the silver strands stand out even more. His piercing gray eyes study you cooly.
<<di fre "I assume you know why you're here, mister Ferry.">>
His British accent makes him sound even more intimidating.
<<di you "I'm sorry, Father, but I don't.">>
Your legs start to shake, a sign that this conversation has your anxiety rising.
<<di fre "Haven't you checked your messages? You were late. //Twice!// Worse, you missed all your after-lunch classes yesterday. Is this how you intend to //finally// graduate high school? Or are you looking for a third repeat of senior year?">>
<<di you "No, sir.">>
You look down, embarrassed.
<<di fre "I hope you enjoyed cutting class yesterday; since you'll have even less free time from now on.">>
<<di you "I wasn't cutting! I was locked in a broom closet!">>
<<di fre "That's a new one, I'll give you that much. And how did you come to be locked in a broom closet?">>
You hear the amusement in his voice, although his expression doesn't convey it.
<<di you "A bully...">>
<<di fre "Who?">>
You falter. Past experiences in your old school have taught you that telling on bullies has no effect other than making them even more vicious. So you simply don't answer.
<<di fre "Jesus doesn't take kindly to liars.">>
You look down once more.
<<di fre "As I was saying... You're now enrolled as a tutor in our tutoring program. Such distinction is usually reserved for good students, but the issue with good students is that they don't come to a reform school in the first place; and the ones that do, manage to graduate. So we'll have to make do with repeat students and class cutters.">>
Father Frederick insulted you three times in 20 seconds. You feel like telling him where to shove his perfectly polished principal plaque, but you stop yourself.
<<di fre "This is your tutee.">>
He plops an open folder in front of you.
<<di fre "He's a lacrosse player.">>
His voice drips with contempt. You don't think Frederick is much of a sports fan.
<<di fre "Since you're... passably auspicious in history, that's what you'll tutor him in.">>
You force a smile while secretly wanting to punch his teeth out.
<<di fre "As for your punishment...">>
@@.int;The tutoring isn't the punishment?@@
<<di fre "You'll be cleaning this office for, say, two weeks. After class, cleaning; after cleaning, tutoring.">>
You breathe in and out very slowly. You have come to expect your life not to be fair for a while now, but St. Agnes raises the bar.
<<di fre "Questions?">>
<<di you "No, sir.">>
<<di fre "Dismissed.">>
[[You go to lunch.->Day4Lunch]]You manage to avoid all your bullies and so-called friends during lunch, which is a highlight of the week. True, you grabbed your tray and went to an empty classroom to eat, but still, you are free from shit company (or random kidnappings). You never thought you'd be happy to eat shit cafeteria food alone, like a loser, but life keeps throwing you curveballs.
After lunch, classes go by in a blur of obsessing about Haruki or worrying about running into Marky, but you're either very lucky, or Marky is skipping class.
<div class="timebar"></div>
As the final bell rings, indicating the end of the last period, you sigh in desperation. There's still an office to clean and a potential bully to tutor. There's also walking in dangerous hallways where a wild Marky can appear.
As soon as you get out of the classroom, you bump into Haruki for the second time today. You immediately get jittery. He //pssts// you, which is super annoying not just because you're mad at him and his stupid hair, but because you hate it when people barely acknowledge your presence but still expect your attention. He beckons you to follow him; you do. You //have// been obsessing about him for the better part of the day, so it will at least feel good to get some sort of explanation for it.
He twists and turns these decrepit hallways for a couple of minutes until you both enter a room that would best be described as an apocalyptic construction hellscape. Why are so many rooms here in an eternal state of assembly?
<<if hasVisited("MorningGymHitHaruki") or hasVisited("MorningGymSuckHaruki")>>There is no time to dwell on building inspections – Haruki immediately closes the door, grabs your arms, and kisses you. You're so gobsmacked by it that a couple of seconds pass before you push him away.
<<di you "What in the actual fuck?">>
<<di har "I thought you liked my lips.">>
He smiles an infuriating smile.
<<di you "I thought you were NOT my boyfriend!">>
You're yelling. You didn't mean to, but it's happening.
<<di har "Do you want me to be your boyfriend?">>
<<di you "No!">>
<<di har "Do you want a boyfriend, period?">>
<<di you "No!">>
Still yelling.
<<di har "Then why are you upset?">>
[[Tell him off.->Day4HarukiTell][$lhar -= 1]]
[[Just leave.->Day4HarukiLeave]]<<else>>There is no time to dwell on building inspections – Haruki immediately closes the door and romantically grabs your arms.
<<di har "Last call to the Haruki Express!">>
<<di you "What the fuck are you doing?">>
<<di har "Giving you a second chance at this? You looked good in that shower.">>
You push him away angrily. This is beyond outrageous.
<<di you "You mean the shower where a bully was telling me to kill myself and not only did you not help, but told him I wasn't your boyfriend? Do you have a split personality? Why are you trying to kiss your not-boyfriend?">>
<<di har "Do you want me to be your boyfriend?">>
<<di you "That is not the point, asshole! Just leave me alone!">>
Even though you didn't sexually want him, he did promise to help you, which he didn't do. You feel absolutely betrayed; you snatch your arms back and walk away, holding back tears.
<div class="timebar"></div>
<<include "Day4Cleaning">><</if>><<di you "Because!...">>
Your voice breaks.
<<di you "...I thought you were my friend. You told me you'd help me, and lo and behold, at the first opportunity you get, you don't even acknowledge my presence, let alone help me with the bully telling me to kill myself. And now you beckon me for a makeout sesh?">>
He opens his mouth to answer, but you don't let him get a word in. He'll just crack more jokes and confuse you with trick questions.
<<di you "So fuck you, Haruki. You're worse than Marky. At least he's honest about being an asshole.">>
You turn around and leave him, fighting tears. You hear him call back to you, but you ignore him.
<div class="timebar"></div>
<<include "Day4Cleaning">><<di you "Because!...">>
Your voice breaks. The pause helps you decide not to share your reasoning for being so hurt. Haruki doesn't deserve to know your feelings, not after pretending he's done nothing wrong and trying to use you for sex. Fighting tears, you turn around to leave. He holds your wrist softly.
<<di har "Stay, $you.name.">>
But you don't. You snatch your hand back and walk away without looking back.
<div class="timebar"></div>
<<include "Day4Cleaning">>You show up at Father Frederick's office with reddened eyes and a puffy face. He doesn't comment on it, which you're thrilled about. However, a respectable educator should be worried about one of his students crying; a decent priest even more so. He's apparently neither.
He shows you to the same broom closet you were stuck in the day before so you can gather cleaning supplies. You quickly begin. Not because you care but because you just want to be done with this day.
The principal sticks around, giving you orders and commenting negatively on your cleaning skills. After fifteen minutes, they have already been called appalling, atrocious, and – his personal favorite – horrid.
To be honest, there's not much to clean; Frederick is a neat man. This charade is obviously more of a punishment than a needed chore. Regardless, he makes you clean every surface and office supply he has thoroughly.
<<di fre "You're lucky you still have tutoring responsibilities. Otherwise, I'd have you clean the staff restroom right now. That's work for tomorrow, then.">>
Do you clap back at him?
@@.dom;[[Yes. He's an ass and deserves it.->Day4CleaningClap][$sub -= 1; $lfre -= 1]]@@
@@.sub;[[No. He's the principal, and I'm not an idiot.->Day4CleaningNoClap][$sub += 1]]@@@@.title;Chapter VI - <strike>Dumb</strike> Strong & Dumber.@@
Room 212.
You knock on the door, dread filling the pit of your stomach. Sporty guys are usually the ones that like to terrorize you the most. You've never met a lacrosse player, though. That's not a sport your old school had.
@@.int;What is lacrosse anyway? There is a goal, I think. And a stick...? No, that's hockey. Different stick... Maybe? Isn't that the one where the stick has a net thingy at the--@@
A gorgeous half-naked guy opens the door, completely stopping your internal dialogue. He has copper skin that highlights striking chartreuse eyes. His sharp features harmonize beautifully with his thick lips. He sports a buzz cut and more stubble than you've ever seen on a person your age.
<<di sam "Que?">>
Long shiny athletic shorts hug his narrow waist. He's shirtless but wearing a thick-chained silver necklace. The guy is taller than you, like most students here, at 1,83m (6'). He looks strong, although not as bulky as Marky or Haruki. He's damp with perspiration; his room smells like sweat. Your eyes keep traveling down his body, lingering on his treasure tail and bulge. It looks like someone doesn't wear underwear; you can totally see th--
<<di sam "Dude?">>
<<di you "Oh, sorry, man. Hi, I'm $you.name, your tutor... apparently.">>
<<di sam "Fuck that, dude. Just get out of here. I don't need no tutors.">>
You notice he has a heavy accent, you assume Latino, maybe Mexican, or whatever? So you try your best broken Spanish (which is borderline non-existent).
<<di you "//Me envió el//... principal. //No puedo irme sin//... tutoring you?">>
<<di sam "I don't speak Spanish, asshole.">>
He moves to close the door in your face, but you hold it open using your foot.
<<di you "You don't? -- Whatever. Look, dude, tutoring you is my punishment, one of them anyway, and if I leave without doing it, there will be hell to pay.">>
<<di sam "Just say you did.">>
He says – like simply lying is this genius, infallible plan.
<<di you "Yeah, me leaving without even getting into the room. That's not a red flag at all. The principal's not dumb, dude.">>
The guy sighs and finally opens the door. The smell of dried sweat hits your nostrils again. You enter the room, finding the same basic layout – two twin beds, a bedside table, a desk, and a dresser. It's messy, like most other bedrooms; there are different-sized dumbbells scattered across the floor. There is no one else inside.
<<di you "Sorry, Father Frederick showed me your name on a file, but I spaced.">>
<<di sam "Spaced?">>
<<di you "Forgot.">>
<<di sam "Ah... I see. I'm Samuel.">>
The guy pronounces his name differently from what it sounds in English, reminding you of Spanish again. He seems annoyed, but less so; still, he doesn't offer his hand or make any effort to welcome you.
<<di you "Sorry about the Spanish thing. I came off like an ass.">>
<<di sam "You did, yeah.">>
Samuel closes the door behind you, reaching for it over your shoulder; his sweaty arm touches yours. You suddenly feel claustrophobic in here.
<<di you "Can we get started? Believe me, I don't wanna be here either. Once we go through this chapter I'll leave. I haven't even eaten yet.">>
<<di sam "Duuude, what? Go eat. I'll be here.">>
He flashes you a fake smile. You know he's lying and just trying to get out of this. Your stomach grumbles, upset at food being mentioned but not ingested.
<<di you "Pleeease, sit, man, come on?">>
<<di sam "Fine.">>
He plops himself down on the desk chair and looks at you, snickering.
<<di sam "No extra chair. You'll have to sit on my lap.">>
Samuel taps his leg. He seems extra pleased with himself, like the lack of a chair will suddenly force you to give up and leave. An offer to sit on his lap, although obviously a joke, still sends a pang of lust down your spine.
@@.sub;[[Pretend to actually sit on his lap.->Day4SamuelLapHis][$sub += 1]]@@
@@.dom;[[Tell him to sit on yours.->Day4SamuelLapYours][$sub -= 1]]@@You move slowly but deliberately, bending your knees over his and hovering over his barely covered body.
<<di sam "Whoa, dude, what the--? You some kind of fairy?">>
The word stings you but doesn't faze your conviction. You stop going down but keep hovering over his lap. You turn your head towards him, catching him in the corner of your eye.
<<di you "I need to tutor you! I'll do it on your lap if that's what it takes!">>
<<di sam "You'a crazy motherfucker!">>
Apparently, you are. Before arriving at St Agnes, you'd be absolutely horrified at the mere thought of pretending to sit on a guy's lap. It just wouldn't happen, period. This place is changing you, making you willing to use your body to get your way.
Even though you don't intend to actually sit on this half-naked man, the bluff alone makes you tingly.
Samuel suddenly gets up, unintentionally grinding into your body. On contact, the perspiration from his skin transfers to the back of your arms and to the nape of your neck. It alights you with heat. You turn to look at him; he seems to be as freaked out as you are turned on.
<<di sam "Fine, dude. Jesus. Just don't do that again.">>
You smile. Victory!
<<di you "Let's start. Sit down. I'll just sit on the edge of the bed.">>
Samuel eyes you suspiciously, like he's scared you're about to throw yourself at him, but eventually does sit down. You sit on the edge of one of the beds, close to the desk and his body.
<<include "Day4SamuelBrazil">>You squint at him.
Not today. Not anymore.
<<di you "You wanna be expelled?">>
<<di sam "Wut?">>
<<di you "Wut?">>
You imitate mockingly.
<<di you "Father Frederick clearly stated I'm in charge. And if you refuse tutoring, you're out of here. Expelled!">>
Father Frederick absolutely did not say that, however sometimes one needs to get creative with the truth to get what one needs.
<<di you "Get up!">>
You move your hands, urgently urging him up. He seems bewildered at this turn of events and how mean you suddenly became. It helps with making him obey you. Even though you're smaller, weaker, and in his room; up he goes. You push him out of the way and sit on his chair.
<<di you "Sit.">>
You tap your right leg.
<<di sam "Wut?">>
<<di you "Again with the wut?">>
You say, like you're tired of this already.
<<di you "Is this not the only chair? We've established that I'm in charge, so I should get the chair. I'm being nice enough to offer you my lap. Now, sit!">>
Samuel looks at you defiantly; it seems you went one step too far too soon.
<<di sam "I ain't sitting on your lap, fuck you! You some kinda fairy?">>
The word hits you like a slap to the face. This nickname haunts you wherever you go. However, you won't let it get to you.
Time to pivot. You get up and sit on the edge of the bed, close to the desk. You tap the chair next to you.
<<di you "Can't you take a joke? I mean, you started it, man!">>
You fake a laugh, hoping it sounds realistic.
<<di you "Now, let's get started.">>
Samuel eyes you suspiciously, like he's scared you're about to pull him onto your lap. But eventually, he does sit down on the chair next to you.
<<include "Day4SamuelBrazil">>The principal gave you a good chapter: Ancient Greece and her mythology. You've been a Greek and Roman Mythology buff since you saw a picture of the Farnese Hercules statue in a book and wanted to know who that hunk was. Naturally, you told yourself that you wanted to be like Heracles, but in your heart of hearts, you know you just wanted to fuck him. Either way, thanks to the hero, you're versed on the subject.
Samuel, however, clearly isn't. He knows only the barest of basics and seems incapable of grasping simple concepts. The guy learns dates and key events, but motivations, allegiances, and complex developments elude him. No wonder he's failing. Understanding history isn't memorizing a timeline, but knowing the reason for actions and the repercussions of choices. Kinda like how you're in this hellhole because of what you did in your old school's gymnasium.
After an hour of getting nowhere, you're certain Samuel won't understand the material. It absolutely isn't a language barrier; his English is pretty great, despite the heavy accent. Marky never did well in school because he is lazy and doesn't study; and, in daily life, he lets his emotions get the best of him, leading to idiotic decisions. Meanwhile, Samuel has awful grades despite actually trying.
While you attempt (and fail) to teach him something other than broad points, your horny mind starts to get the best of you. Simple-minded as he may be, Samuel is really hot. You keep stealing glances at the muscles in his arms, pectorals, and, mostly, his well-defined abs and the treasure trail that disappears into his green shorts. By the end of the hour, you've memorized the shape of each dick vein you can make through the shiny fabric. Moreover, he's half-naked and very close; you can feel his body heat on your right leg. Additionally, the smell of sweat that permeates the room turns you on, even though your rational mind thinks it shouldn't.
So, during that hour, your cock formulated a plan to get into his pants. The plan is now ready; you're keen to put it into action. Will you let your dick call the shots?
[[Absolutely.->Day4SamuelPlan][$lsam += 1]]
[[Nah, stick to tutoring.->Day4SamuelNoSex]]<<di you "You know, there's something else the Ancient Greeks knew that is now lost to time. Something that isn't in this book.">>
<<di sam "Yeah, what?">>
Samuel asks, clearly bored and barely paying attention.
<<di you "They knew how to transfer attributes from one person to the other.">>
<<di sam "Transfering what?">>
His overuse of the word "what" is starting to annoy you.
<<di you "Like, if one guy was smart, he could give some of his intelligence to another guy. Pretty cool, right?">>
<<di sam "That doesn't seem real...">>
<<di you "Their mythology talked about it. You know, Heracles was really strong. He could give some of his strength to other guys using this method.">>
<<di sam "Ain't mythology just fairytales or whatever?">>
<<di you "It's kinda like the Bible, some stuff really happened. There really was a person named Jesus who really was crucified. It's historical fact. It's the same with those stories.">>
He seems interested in what you have to say for the first time in the night.
<<di you "Anyway, at the time they knew the human body was far more important than we give it credit for. That's why they had human sacrifices, drank the blood of their enemies to steal their vitality, and things like that. So, they had rituals where a person gave or took another's vigor and power. All that using body fluids.">>
<<di sam "Like blood? Gross!">>
<<di you "I mean, sure, they used blood, but not just that. Anything from the body. Spit, sweat – among other things...">>
Samuel seems enthralled by your claims, even if still unsure that you're lying.
<<di you "Look, we can do it right now. I'll prove to you that it works!">>
<<di sam "I dunno...">>
<<di you "Come on, man. I know a lot about this stuff. I have studied the Greeks and Romans since I was a little kid. Picking up books about it in all libraries I could find. Reading about it on the internet... I've personally tested this ritual and I know it works.">>
He was already half convinced; your little spiel simply sealed the deal.
<<di sam "Fine, as long as it's not too gross. How does it work?">>
<<di you "We just need a pen and some of your spit.">>
You get up and continue talking before he gets hung up on the spit part.
<<di you "What's your heaviest weight?">>
You ask, looking at the dumbbells strewn about on the floor. Samuel immediately points to a big one in the corner. You walk to it and grab the bar. It's really heavy, but you probably could lift it fine once or twice. You pretend not to be able to lift it at all.
<<di you "This one is too heavy. A less heavy one?">>
He points to the one next to it. That dumbbell is still far too heavy for you in a regular workout, yet you're certain you could do a rep using it, even if it would kill you after. Nevertheless, you make a face like you're doing your best to lift the weight but aren't able to. Ultimately, you pretend like you're barely able to make it hover off the floor when using both hands.
<<di you "Oof. Really heavy, but I think it'll do.">>
Samuel doesn't seem to understand what you're getting at, despite paying close attention.
<<di you "So, you can see I can barely lift it even with both hands. After we do the ritual, you'll give me a tiny bit of your strength and I'll be able to lift it using just one hand.">>
<<di sam "Bullshit! For real?">>
<<di you "Yeah, for real!">>
He's clearly abuzz with excitement like you've just told him he's Harry Potter and you're about to teach him a spell.
<<di you "Give me your arm.">>
He hands it out, you pick up a pen and write @@.hand;– Strength@@ on it. You do the same to your arm, but on yours, you write @@.hand;+ Strength@@ .
<<di you "As you can see, you write the attribute you're taking, using plus and minus to know who's giving and who's taking.">>
<<di sam "This won't make me a weakling like you, right?">>
<<di you "No, you doofus. It'll only be a little. Plus, it's temporary. After a few hours, it'll revert back to normal.">>
<<di sam "You ain't lyin'?">>
<<di you "Cross my heart.">>
<<di sam "What?">>
You roll your eyes.
<<di you "It's an expression. It means I promise.">>
<<di sam "Ok.">>
<<di you "This will seem kinda weird, but now I need to ingest some part of you. I'll open my mouth and you spit on it, ok? Then, I'll swallow your spit. Now, and this is really important, we both need to think about the transfer while doing it. Otherwise, it doesn't work. Do you understand?">>
He nods.
<<di you "I'll sit on the bed so you can aim better. Gather the spit and raise your hand when you're ready.">>
You think about your choices this evening. Here you are, about to taste another man's spit; this time the scenario was completely your idea. So far you've been able to blame other people – mainly your bullies – for your degeneracy. Tonight you came here as a tutor and Samuel has been reasonably cordial to you. If anything, you're the aggressor. This line of thought almost makes you give up your plan. Your lust, however, won't let you.
He raises his hand.
<<di you "Remember to concentrate on the fact that you're giving me strength.">>
You tilt your head back and open your mouth. He hovers above you and gobs inside the open cavity. You wait until he's done dribbling into your mouth, and you swallow. It's just spit, yet somehow you find it delicious. You might be bullshitting him, however, you do feel more energetic after drinking down this hunk's saliva.
Afterward, you don't say anything, simply getting up and walking to the second-heaviest dumbbell. You pretend to lift it up easily using your right arm, even though it's weighty as hell. You do a rep of five and put it down. Samuel is fascinated by the development; he truly believes the ritual worked.
<<di you "I told you!">>
<<di sam "Holy shit, dude! I can't believe it worked. This is amazing!">>
<<di you "You gave me just a tiny bit of spit; so, it only worked a little. In, like, half an hour I won't be able to lift that weight anymore. It was so little, I bet you don't feel any weaker.">>
<<di sam "I really don't.">>
Samuel seems worried, though. So he grabs the heaviest weight just to check and smiles upon making sure he's not a weakling //like you.//
<<di you "You know, man. I have this idea... Hear me out. As you can see, I'm pretty weak.">>
He nods a bit too enthusiastically for your taste.
<<di you "And you seem to be having trouble with your studies. So, I propose a trade. You give me some of your strength and I'll give you some of my intelligence. Win, win, right?">>
Samuel is too excited about the idea to be upset that you called him dumb. Or maybe he didn't understand that 'having trouble with your studies' was your way of sugarcoating it.
<<di sam "You'd do that? Do you just spit in my mouth? A bit gross, but sure.">>
He opens his mouth broadly. You laugh.
<<di you "It's not that easy. First, you now would be transferring one thing to me and I would be transferring another thing to you, at the same time. So that's harder and requires more fluids. Plus, saliva is the weakest one.">>
<<di sam "Which one's stronger?">>
<<di you "Sweat is stronger than saliva. And the strongest one is blood. Well...">>
You pause as if considering what you said.
<<di sam "What?">>
<<di you "There is one thing stronger than blood. But you don't wanna hear it.">>
<<di sam "Fuck, dude, just say it!">>
<<di you "Semen.">>
You say nonchalantly as if there's nothing weird about swallowing jizz. Samuel frowns.
<<di you "I told you you wouldn't want to hear it. Fine, just forget it. I'm hungry anyway; I'll go eat and go to bed.">>
<<di sam "Wait, dude. I didn't say anything.">>
Samuel looks like he's calculating the value of pi, brows furrowed, really considering his options. After a minute of this, you poke his left arm.
<<di you "What are you thinking?">>
<<di sam "I'm really failing, man. Like, in every class. I mean, it's gross and I totally don't wanna do it, but it clearly works. I think I might need this.">>
<<di you "To tell you the truth... I need this too. Bullies ruin my life. I really need to get stronger so I can defend myself.">>
You're only half-lying now. Mixing truths with lies really helps sell a fake story, so he nods. He understands a short, scrawny guy like you really suffers from bullying.
<<di sam "So, how does it work?">>
<<di you "Look, even just swallowing each other's cum off a glass or whatever won't work for what we need. I didn't get into the specifics before, but now I guess I should tell you everything.">>
You pull Samuel by the arm and sit him down on the chair, turning him to the edge of the bed, while you sit in front of him.
<<di you "Part of what makes the ritual work is the act of producing and getting the fluid itself. For instance, kissing to swap saliva works much better than simply spitting in each other's mouth. Or licking the sweat off a body works better than just getting a few drops from a rag.">>
Samuel looks grossed out, but still very much interested.
<<di sam "And the cum?">>
<<di you "Jerking off the other guy works, but sucking it off works even better because you're also getting pre-cum. That's almost as strong as the sperm, and you're also getting the sweat off the dick, which is really powerful too. The dick, the ass, and the mouth are the most powerful body parts for the ritual.">>
You say clinically as a urologist would talk about it. Samuel blanches a bit.
<<di sam "Fuck, dude! Yuck! I'm not gay!">>
<<di you "Me neither!">>
<<di sam "I heard rumors about you...">>
<<di you "Started by the fucking bullies I told you about. I've barely arrived in this school and they're already saying awful things about me: that I'm gay and sucking dicks or whatever. Now nobody wants to be my friend. They ignore me in the hallways, or they try to molest me! Do you think I want this? Do you think I want to ask this of you? It's fucking embarrassing! What if you tell people? It will only confirm their suspicions of me! I only told you this because I'd do anything for the strength to protect myself.">>
Samuel nods, clearly feeling sorry for you. You feel absolutely diabolical using your real situation to manipulate him.
<<di you "So, you wanna do this? We can start with an easier one. Kissing?">>
Samuel considers it for half a minute. He bites his bottom lip, which makes you want to kiss him even more. He sighs a couple times like he's desperately searching for another way to get what he wants. You keep eyeing his dick, wanting to know if any of this is turning him on. It doesn't seem to be – his cock is as flaccid as it was when you were studying.
<<di sam "Ok.">>
<<di you "O-kay!">>
You clap your hand in excitement, but rein it in before he gets suspicious. You almost forget about the writing, but pick up the pen again to write the new attribute. After scribbling @@.hand;+ Intelligence@@ on him and @@.hand;– Intelligence@@ on you near the other marking, you get up; also removing your shirt and throwing it on his desk.
<<di sam "Why--?">>
You answer before he finishes the question.
<<di you "I told you, the more our bodies touch, the better. Now lie down on the bed.">>
He obeys; you climb on top of him.
<<di you "Remember to think about the ritual. You're giving me your strength. I'm giving you my intelligence. And feel free to touch my body; the more we touch, the more our sweat mingles, ok?">>
Samuel barely has time to nod. You close the distance between you, kissing him in earnest. At first, he's stiff as a board, but after ten seconds or so, he starts to loosen up. The stubble on top and below his lips scratches your skin, making the area around your mouth redden. You've never kissed someone with scruff before, so it feels weird – good weird. His tongue explores your mouth hungrily, searching for your saliva. He's a good kisser, not that you have much experience to compare it to.
Since you're on top and holding yourself up over him, you can't grab his muscles like you want to. You break the kiss after a couple of minutes.
<<di sam "Are we done already?">>
<<di you "No! Just trade places with me. My arms hurt.">>
He mumbles under his breath, but you can hear it perfectly.
<<di sam "You really are a weakling...">>
Samuel gets atop you, holding himself up with his arms; the chain around his neck hangs between you. Your hands cup his pectorals – they're ample and solid. During your study session, the sweat on his body dried, but now he's sweaty again. His skin feels fiery wet. He smells like a man; it's driving you mad. This time he's the one to kiss you, tired of waiting for you to finish touching his body. Your hands keep roaming his muscles; you moan when you grab his biceps. They're swollen and stiff as rock.
This keeps going for a while. Samuel doesn't try to touch or lie down on top of you. He's all business, sucking your saliva from your tongue. You, however, grab all over his torso and back, although you don't dare go below his hips. His abs feel as wonderful as they look, so defined.
Suddenly, he breaks the kiss.
You look down, noticing the huge tent in his shorts. His dick is now hard. The massive head presses angrily against the fabric; you can make out the ridge of his piss slit.
<<di sam "...now, dude?">>
<<di you "What?">>
<<di sam "I asked if you feel any stronger now.">>
<<di you "Hmm... Wh-- Yeah, of course.">>
Between the time you began the kissing session and now, you completely forgot about your ruse. You're drunk on his kiss, muscles, and delicious sweaty smell. You're so horny, that you are not thinking properly.
<<di you "I certainly feel dumber.">>
You say truthfully.
<<di sam "Really? I don't feel any smarter.">>
You sigh, annoyed that your promise has come to bite you in the ass so quickly. So, you decide to risk a pop quiz. If Samuel gets it right, you'll get to further explore his body and hopefully do much more. If he gets it wrong, though...
You also elect not to comment on or look at his boner when talking. You can't make it weird. If you do, he'll be sure you're gay – this make-out session will be done.
<<di you "In the Trojan War, why did the Spartan King attack Troy?">>
<<di sam "Because that dude from Troy stole his wife.">>
<<di you "Say their names.">>
Samuel knits his brows.
<<di sam "Paris, he's the Prince of Troy, stole Helen. And the King is named Mencelous or something.">>
<<di you "Menelaus. But see, it's working!">>
<<di sam "But I got his name wrong.">>
He adds, frustrated.
<<di you "You almost got it. Plus, you remembered that Paris was a Prince of Troy and that Helen was the King's wife. And most importantly, you remembered why he started the war in the first place. You only got one name wrong. Now tell me, how did the Spartans win the war?">>
<<di sam "They sent a wooden horse full of soldiers as a gift to the Troyans. The Troyans didn't know about the soldiers, so they brought the thing inside the walls. After that, surprise attack!">>
You choose not to correct his mispronunciation of Trojans.
<<di you "See?">>
<<di sam "Whoa...">>
<<di you "Still, you got the King's name wrong. So I think just saliva won't do the trick. I told you it was the weakest one.">>
A lightbulb goes on in your brain.
<<di you "There's something else I didn't tell you about this whole thing. Attitude is really important.">>
Samuel lies down on the bed to your side, and you turn to face him. If you weren't manipulating sexual acts out of him, you could almost feel like a couple.
<<di sam "How do you mean?">>
<<di you "You see, some things are harder to trade than others. It really helps if one of the guys doing it dominates the other during the ritual.">>
<<di sam "Like how?">>
@@.int;Jesus, this guy's an idiot. It's adorable only because he's so hot.@@
<<di you "Health is a hard one to get from another person. So the sickly guy getting it should dominate the other one. Call him names; really degrade him. Tell him what to do during the ritual. And the one giving the health should be submissive, call the other one //Sir// or something similar, and obey every order.">>
<<di sam "Wow, why didn't you tell me before?">>
@@.int;Because I didn't think of it before.@@
<<di you "Because I told you we were starting off easy. Now, I really think we should go for the sweat, maybe even the cum. It will really help us both.">>
<<di sam "Wait, but which is harder? Strength or intelligence? Who dominates who?">>
@@.sub;[['Strength is harder. You dominate me.'->Day4SamuelDom][$sub += 2; $lsam += 2]]@@
@@.dom;[['Intelligence is harder. I dominate you.'->Day4SamuelSub][$sub -= 2; $lsam += 2]]@@You decide to show some restraint and keep doing the job you are meant to do. Between subjects, you end up talking with Samuel about random stuff – he seems like a pretty cool guy. You don't put your walls down, of course, but you are tentatively sure that at least your tutoring nights won't transform into bullying sessions.
<<di you "It's late, I think you learned all you could tonight. I should go.">>
<<di sam "Sure. Thanks. Sorry if I was an ass when you first got here.">>
<<di you "I was an ass too; we canceled each other out. It's all good.">>
You smile and get up. Your stomach growls loudly, which makes you blush.
<<di you "I guess this is what I get for only eating lunch.">>
Samuel gets up and pokes around his dresser, pulling random pieces of clothing out of the way; he produces bread, peanut butter, and blueberry jelly. Does he keep food in a drawer with his clothes?
<<di sam "Let me make you a sandwich. You're starving because of me. I just don't have a knife; do you mind if I use my finger to spread the peanut butter?">>
<<di you "Uh... No?">>
<<di sam "Sure?">>
<<di you "Yeah. Feed me!">>
@@.int;That came out wrong.@@
Samuel doesn't seem to notice the unintentional innuendo. He makes you a couple of PB&J sandwiches, which you happily wolf down as you're starving.
<<di you "It's pretty late, where's your roommate?">>
You ask, a mouthful of bread distorting your words.
<<di sam "I don't have one anymore. Mine was expelled last month.">>
<<di you "You're so lucky, dude!">>
<<di sam "He wasn't very nice, he was always starting fights. I'm glad he's gone.">>
You're done with the sandwiches in mere minutes.
<<di you "I should go.">>
<<di sam "It //is// pretty late, do you want to just crash here?">>
You do wanna stay here. You have no idea why Samuel's being so nice to you, though. You try to replicate his thought process – maybe he's thankful for the fact that you really are trying to teach him something. You know the priests here really don't care about your education. He probably appreciates someone actually trying.
You're pretty beat, so you decide to stay. You're sure your actual roommate won't appreciate it, but you'll cross that bridge when you come to it.
[[You sleep.->Day5]]<<di you "Strength is harder. You dominate me.">>
<<di sam "Do I call you names and shit?">>
<<di you "Yeah.">>
You're certain you will regret this later, but right now your dick is calling the shots.
<<di sam "Like, kiss me, you fucking ?faggot?">>
<<di you "Jesus... Yeah, just like that.">>
His words send a jolt of lust through you. Even though he didn't mean it for real, you can't help yourself; you kiss him hungrily. He stops you.
<<di sam "Wait, dude, I wasn't thinking about the ritual. Plus, weren't we moving on from the kissing?">>
<<di you "Sorry, you gave me an order and I had to obey it. Even if it was just a question, I had to. We can't fuck up this ritual, or all this will be for nothing.">>
You surprise yourself with your capacity to bullshit on the spot. You never knew you were such a good manipulator; though you've always known you are a great liar.
<<di sam "Ah, I see. Thanks for obeying me, dude.">>
@@.int;Stop being so adorable; it's making me feel guilty.@@
<<di you "Now, I think we should get naked. We should also go for the sweat. I need to lick you all over, especially under your armpits. I can see they're really sweaty. Then you do the same to me, lick my back, especially.">>
<<di sam "Why the back?">>
<<di you "Because...">>
You're at a loss for reasoning other than you want him behind you, hopefully touching your butt.
<<di you "...I sweat a lot on my back and my butt.">>
<<di sam "Ok.">>
He nods resolutely like you're giving him instructions for a difficult recipe.
<<di you "You wanna go for the cum?">>
Samuel makes a face.
<<di you "I won't force you if you don't want to go there. But I'm game if you're game.">>
<<di sam "I'll think about it. But I know I won't suck your dick.">>
<<di you "Ok.">>
<<di sam "Will you suck mine if I decide I want it?">>
<<di you "If you order me to, I guess I'll have to.">>
<<di sam "Nooo, dude, we're partners in this. I'm not forcing you to do anything you don't want to do.">>
@@.int;Stop ruining it! Just dominate me and quit being a fucking pussy!@@
<<di you "Dude, you have got to stop thinking like this. Right now you are my superior. You need to be willing to force me to do anything you want. Actually, I shouldn't call you dude. Let me start over...">>
You take a deep breath as if you're preparing for a role.
<<di you "Sir, for this to work, you must change how you think about me during the ritual. Right now I'm yours to do with as you like, ok? I'm your toy. If you tell me to suck your dick, I'll suck your dick because I have to obey you. Do you understand?">>
Samuel nods, suddenly very serious.
<<di you "You've watched porn, right? One where the guy really dominates his slut. He pulls the slut's hair, spits in her mouth, calls her a bitch, slaps her around, gags her on his dick.">>
His seriousness gets replaced with lust; you can see his eyes glazing over as he recalls some video he watched. His still-hard shaft pulses inside his shorts.
<<di you "Even if she begs him to stop, he doesn't. He's in control and the only thing that matters is what he wants. He doesn't care if she's gagging, desperate for air. What's important is that he gets off using the slut's mouth. It doesn't even matter if he hurts her; alpha males manhandle sluts. Actually, it's even better if he hurts her. It's what she deserves for being such a fucking whore.">>
Samuel gets lost in the vivid picture you painted with words. He appears absolutely entranced by his imagination. He doesn't even see you anymore; he can only see the world you described.
<<di you "Sir, I'm the slut. Do you understand? I'm the whore. Tell me you understand.">>
<<di sam "Oh, I understand, slut.">>
His voice sounds very different now, like a brand new personality – an authoritarian one – downloaded onto his body. Samuel uses his strong arms to turn you chest down, your back to the ceiling. He immediately climbs on top of you, removing his shorts. You try turning your face around to get a glimpse of his dick, but he presses your face down against the pillow.
<<di sam "Don't move, you fucking bitch. Stay down!">>
You immediately regret telling him all those things. Your dick was calling the shots, asking him to do all kinds of nasty shit you've only ever dreamed about while jerking off. And now you can't back out, no matter how aggressive he is, or he'll know. And if he knows, he'll probably destroy you. You asked for it, you'll have to take it.
Samuel lies down atop your legs; you can feel the tip of his tool grazing near your knee. He gives your back one big lick, starting above your butt, until reaching the nape of your neck. The move titillates you, electricity arching where he touches your body. He continues licking, once, twice... ten times, until your back is covered with his saliva.
Your superior then surprises you by starting to rip your shorts and underwear off your body. Since you don't have anything else to wear when you leave here, you desperately move to stop it.
<<di you "No, don't rip--">>
He slaps your face really hard, eliciting a yell out of you.
<<di sam "Shut up, you whore! If you ruin this ritual, I'll kick your ass.">>
Samuel continues to rip your clothing while you lay as still as possible, petrified. Once he's done, he shoves your torn underwear inside your mouth.
<<di sam "This is so you stay quiet. Nod if you understand.">>
You obey him, nodding slowly.
He then goes further down, grabbing your butt with both hands. He licks it, giving each glute a good amount of attention. Finally, Samuel surprises you by licking your crack. You moan in ecstasy, discovering that this is the most sensitive part of your body. Especially because his scruff also scratches your skin, doubling the sensation. He does this a few more times before, unfortunately, moving on.
<<di sam "Did you like that, ?fag? You like an alpha male playing with your ass?">>
You mumble a //"Yes, Sir"// from your underwear-covered mouth. You never knew your crack would be so sensitive and that a man licking it could feel so good.
He pulls you up by the neck, turning you around as if you were a cat lying on the wrong sofa. It hurts, but you don't say anything; he did tell you to be quiet. You're now kneeling on the bed, in front of each other. Samuel removes the saliva-soaked underwear from your mouth and sucks on the fabric until he deems he took everything he could from it. Once he's done, he throws it behind him.
You take the opportunity to finally take a look at his massive dick. It's light brown, like his body, but a tad darker. It's probably around 7.5 inches (19cm) and so thick that you wonder if that monster could fit inside a person's mouth. The red-purplish head looks swollen, creating a slight hourglass figure to his shaft. Pre-cum is leaking from it, looking absolutely delicious. A pair of heavy balls hang lower than normal. On the pole's base, a bush of thick black hair juts out proudly, connecting to the treasure tail you've been staring at all night.
@@.int;I regret nothing. If I get to taste that gorgeous thing, everything will have been worth it.@@
<<di sam "Lick my fucking pits, you pig.">>
Samuel shoves your head towards his left armpit, and you comply. You've been dreaming of this since he opened the door and the smell of his sweat hit your nose. He's drenched in perspiration – you gladly lap it up, making your tongue as large as you can to cover the largest surface area possible. It tastes like salty goodness. His pit is pretty hairy, and some hairs find their way into your mouth. You try to spit them out, but you're immediately yanked by your hair. Samuel stares you down, looking enraged.
<<di sam "What the fuck are you doing; spitting it out? You need to swallow that shit, dumbass.">>
<<di you "Sir, it's hair, not sweat.">>
<<di sam "I don't give a shit! You swallow everything that comes from my body!">>
He spreads your mouth using his fingers and looks inside.
<<di sam "There are two hairs in there. Swallow them now; do you fucking understand?">>
You try to answer //"Yeah"//, but the fingers inside your mouth make it difficult.
<<di sam "Here's some spit to wash it down.">>
Samuel spits in your mouth while using his fingers to spread it open. He rubs the fingers on your lips, making sure every drop of saliva makes it inside. After, he holds your jaw shut.
<<di sam "Swallow it now, bitch, I wanna see it.">>
You do it; however, you can still feel the hair on your tongue. You're having a tough time making it go to your throat. You maneuver your tongue against your teeth, pushing the hair further down until you're sure it's gone. He waits a couple of seconds before letting go of your jaw.
<<di sam "Open.">>
You comply. Samuel smiles, satisfied. Next, he surprises you by slapping your face pretty hard. You complain with an //"ow"//, but don't dare push the matter further.
<<di sam "This is for almost ruining the ritual, idiot!">>
Samuel pulls your head towards his other armpit, and you proceed to happily lap it up, making sure to swallow any hairs that come your way. Finally, he lets go of your head – you're free to taste his abs. You lick from his pubes upward, until hitting the underside of his pecs. The ridges from his abs cause your tongue to dance around his solid muscles.
@@.int;Fuck, his abs are perfect. I never wanna leave this place.@@
You pinch his nipples while you continue exploring his torso with your tongue. For the first time, you hear him moan.
@@.int;Oh, so nipples are your thing, then? I can give them some attention.@@
You raise your head to his right nipple. You suck on it forcefully enough that you're pretty sure he'll have a hickey tomorrow.
Samuel moans louder, a confirmation that he's enjoying this. So far, despite the boner, you weren't sure if he was really aroused or if he just had a purely mechanical erection out of the stimulation overload. The moaning, though, proves he's into it.
You push the silver chain out of the way, changing nipples; this time going softer, licking all around it before touching it with your tongue. Once you do, Samuel presses your head against his body, and you understand that he wants you to suck on it. You spend delicious minutes going from one to the other while he moans loudly. You make a mental note that you should use his nipples if you ever need to manipulate him into anything.
<<di sam "That's enough, ?fag.">>
You look up at him, dumbfounded, while he gets up from the bed and puts on his green shorts.
<<di you "B-but...">>
<<di sam "I told you I'd think about it, I did and I don't want to go further. I've got no more sweat to give. We're done, yeah?">>
His voice is already back to normal; he even stopped calling you names. You look at the tent in his shorts, desperately willing them gone so that you can see his amazing cock again. You cannot believe you went through all this trouble and won't even get to taste it. Your heart starts beating strongly, as you consider actually begging for it.
Begging for dick without being forced to do it would be a new low for you. Do you, even though Samuel was clear he doesn't want to go further?
@@.sub;[[Yes, please give me cock!->Day4SamuelBeg][$sub += 1; $lsam -= 1]]@@
[[Nah, it's best not to push him.->Day4SamuelNotBeg][$lsam += 1]]<<di you "Intelligence is harder. I dominate you.">>
<<di sam "Will you call me names?">>
<<di you "Yeah.">>
<<di sam "What else?">>
<<di you "I'll tell you to do things and you have to do them.">>
<<di sam "What do you mean I //have// to do them?">>
<<di you "I mean, if I tell you to do something during the ritual and you don't do it, then you're not being submissive, right? That means I'm not domineering enough and the ritual will go wrong. It's like a contract. If we don't follow the rules it will be for nothing.">>
Samuel looks pensive, considering if he actually wants to go through with it. You're unsure if you should have added dom-sub dynamics to the thing. He seemed enthusiastic until a minute ago; now he's obviously having doubts. Either way, it's too late – all you can do is double down.
<<di you "We can do it without that part, but the ritual will be much weaker. Especially for you. I'll still get your strength because that's easier, but you'll only get a tiny bit of my intelligence.">>
<<di sam "Fuck.">>
<<di you "How about this? We can decide right now what's on the table and what's not.">>
<<di sam "Ok.">>
<<di you "I think we should go for the sweat. I'll tell you to lick my body, my armpits, my torso. I'll do the same to you. I should probably lick your back too.">>
<<di sam "Why my back?">>
@@.int;Because I want that ass.@@
<<di you "Because you sweat a lot on your back, I could totally see it when we were studying.">>
He frowns but nods.
<<di you "Is all that ok to you?">>
<<di sam "Yeah.">>
Samuel nods resolutely.
<<di you "What are the worst names someone can call you?">>
<<di sam "I dunno... Bitch... ?Fag... Viadinho...">>
<<di you "What's that last one?">>
<<di sam "Oh, that means ?faggot in my language.">>
<<di you "I see. We'll do those and some others. The less you like being called them, the more powerful they are.">>
<<di sam "Ok.">>
Samuel nods again, like you're giving him the instructions for the SATs and, despite not wanting to take the test, he knows it's important.
<<di you "Finally, I think we should do the cum.">>
He makes a face.
<<di sam "No way, man. I ain't sucking your dick.">>
<<di you "Why not? You'll be licking everything else.">>
<<di sam "Because that's gay.">>
@@.int;Can't argue with that.@@
<<di sam "Would you suck mine?">>
<<di you "I would if I were the submissive one.">>
<<di sam "Why is it only good if the submissive does it?">>
<<di you "Look, man, I don't make the rules. Sucking dick is a submissive act. I mean, sure, it'll help if I do it, but nearly not as much as if you suck mine. At least jerk me off and eat my spunk.">>
<<di sam "That's bullshit!">>
He's starting to get annoyed with this; you should probably drop it.
<<di you "Jesus, dude, it's for your own good. But if you don't want to do it, I won't force you. Will you do the other things we talked about?">>
<<di sam "Fuck... Fine, I will.">>
<<di you "Then kiss me, you fucking ?fag.">>
Samuel stares at you, aghast. It's as if you told him to jump off a cliff. This won't work if he freezes at such a simple order.
<<di you "Dude, kiss me now, or you'll fuck up everything we worked towards.">>
Finally, he reaches for you, mouth open, tongue in search of yours. You kiss him quickly and softly, breaking it soon.
<<di you "That was a test and you failed!">>
<<di sam "Shit!">>
<<di you "Why did you freeze up?">>
<<di sam "I dunno, man...">>
For your plan to work, both of you have to change your attitude towards this experience. You got to kiss Samuel, but he's acting like a pussy, instead of being the submissive little slut you need him to be. You also need to step up your game and become the dom you want to be. You deepen your voice, getting more serious.
<<di you "From now on, you'll call me Sir.">>
Samuel opens his mouth to speak, but you raise your finger against his lips, silencing him.
<<di you "Be quiet and pay attention, bitch.">>
You search his eyes for anger or defiance, but all you can see is confusion, doubt, and a hint of fear.
<<di you "For this to work, if you really want to be smart, you need to change how you think about me. I am your superior. I am better, stronger, smarter. You are my toy. You will obey everything I tell you to do – and you'll like it.">>
Samuel nods slowly, still paying close attention.
<<di you "I assume you have watched porn before. Think back to the ones where a guy dominates his slut. He pulls the slut's hair, spits in her mouth, calls her a bitch, slaps her around, gags her on his dick.">>
His eyes change while you speak; you can spot them glazing over. Samuel's still-hard shaft pulses inside his shorts while he thinks back to some video he watched.
<<di you "The slut knows that the man is her superior in every way. She knows that her pleasure is unimportant; what is important is serving her alpha male. She'll gladly gag on his cock because that's how she'll help him get off. She likes to be manhandled because she is less than him. When he slaps her, she's grateful for the opportunity to have his hands on her. It doesn't matter if she's in pain. Actually, it's even better if she hurts. It's what she deserves for being such a fucking whore.">>
You paint a vivid picture with your words. Samuel gets lost in it, his eyes absolutely entranced by his imagination. He doesn't even see you anymore; he can only see the world you described.
<<di you "You are the slut. Do you understand? You are the fucking viadinho. And you will obey me. Tell me you understand.">>
<<di sam "I understand, Sir.">>
You smile a chilling grin.
<<di you "Good.">>
You push him on his back and dive down to his abs, finally getting your chance to taste them. He's deliciously sweaty; the salt in his skin is as delightful as you hoped it would be. Your tongue dances around the valleys and ridges of his muscles. You lick inside his belly button while grabbing the small of his back with your hands. They continue to roam down until you start to pull his shorts off his body.
<<di sam "What are you doing?">>
You look up at him, annoyance in your voice and semblance.
<<di you "Shut up.">>
<<di sam "Why are--">>
You raise your body up, choking him with your left hand and slapping his face hard with your right.
<<di you "I told you to shut up, bitch. Are you deaf? Because we both know you're dumb. Do not make a sound unless you want to be dumb forever.">>
Samuel says nothing, shock on his face and body language. He obviously did not expect a slight guy like you to act like this towards him, even if that's what you agreed on.
You decide to let the shorts stay on for now. You let go of the neck, moving your hands across his body. Your roaming fingers find his nipples; you pinch them softly. Samuel's eyes turn to the back of his head, and he moans loudly.
@@.int;Oh, sensitive nipples? Good to know.@@
You push the silver bling out of the way to properly play with his unchained pectorals. Your mouth finds his left nipple while you continue to tease and pinch his right one. First, your tongue circles around it before you finally suck on it. Samuel moans uncontrollably, melting under your touches. Suddenly, you stop.
<<di you "You're really desperate for my touch, huh, whore? If you want me to go on, beg me to continue.">>
<<di sam "What?">>
<<di you "What?">>
You mock him, doing a voice.
<<di you "Beg, viadinho!">>
<<di sam "Please... Please keep touching me.">>
<<di you "Where? And address me by the right name.">>
<<di sam "My nipples, Sir. Please suck on them more.">>
You change sides to the right one, sucking on it angrily. You're fairly sure Samuel's going to have a hickey tomorrow. While busy doing that, you remove your own shorts. Afterward, you start to pull his down again. You sense him tense up, but now there is a solution – you bite his nipple slightly. When he melts at the touch, you finish getting him naked.
You stop teasing him to look down at his massive dick. It's light brown, like his body, but a tad darker. It's probably around 19cm (7.5 inches) and so thick that you wonder if that monster could fit inside a person's mouth. The red-purplish head looks swollen, creating a slight hourglass figure to his shaft. Pre-cum is leaking from it; he's clearly very aroused. A pair of heavy balls hang lower than normal. On the pole's base, a bush of thick black hair juts out proudly, connecting to the treasure tail you've been staring at all night.
You desperately want to touch it; however, you did agree on no dick handling tonight. You just needed to look at it.
<<di you "Turn around, slut.">>
Samuel obeys; you lap him up as soon as he's face down, using big, long licks on his back muscles. Your tongue tastes his musk, moving from his lumbar to the chain on his neck. His broad shoulders require more effort, which you're happy to give. Once his back is covered with your saliva, you go towards his butt. It's glorious, muscular, and lightly-haired. You bite it once, eliciting a complaining groan out of him, but otherwise, you just lick his glutes.
For the next step, you'll need him to melt again; so you pinch his nipples using both hands. As soon as he's moaning like a bitch, you lick his crack, tasting all the delicious sweat between the globes. You want to tease his asshole with your tongue; however, that's a bold move for the first "ritual." So you content yourself with licking his butt cleft for a while. After, you raise your hands to his neck and pull him up by it. Samuel gets up to his knees; you push him to turn towards you.
<<di you "Time to taste your superior, ?homo!">>
You shove his face towards your right armpit; they are lightly-haired but very much sweaty by now. Samuel complies eagerly; apparently, this is one job he doesn't mind doing. He spends a couple of minutes on it before lifting his head to kiss you, which is a surprise. You can feel one of your hairs on his tongue – you use yours to push it down his throat. He stops kissing you to swallow it.
<<di you "You're such a good bitch. Now do the other one!">>
Samuel moves down to your left pit without being shoved. He feasts on it for a while until he decides to tease your nipples while he licks your abdomen. It's your turn to moan, electricity arching from your body where his tongue meets your skin. You're so aroused that you start to get greedy. You really want him to suck your dick, so you push him down towards your belly button. He inserts his tongue in it, licking all over.
However, that's not really what you need. You need Samuel slobbering on your cock. Do you order him to do it?
@@.dom;[[Yes, order him to suck you.->Day4SamuelOrder][$sub -= 1; $lsam -= 1]]@@
[[No, you shouldn't push his hard limit.->Day4SamuelNoOrder][$lsam += 1]]<<di you "Sir, please, we can't stop now! Your dick was even leaking. You're probably ready to pop. Just a minute, and I'll be swallowing your cum.">>
Samuel frowns, squinting at you, and tilts his head to the side.
<<di sam "Dude. You told me you wouldn't push me. Why are you being like this? You've swallowed a liter of my sweat. That's more than enough.">>
You know you're pushing too far, but you can't help it. You need to taste his cock immediately. You basically invented a religion just to do it; he can't just deny you now.
<<di you "Why are you acting like such a pussy? It's just a mouth. You even licked my asshole; did you hear me complaining?">>
<<di sam "What did you call me?">>
Samuel approaches you menacingly, now clearly angry.
@@.int;Oh, fuck.@@
<<di you "You know what? I'm sorry. I just really wanna be strong like you. I shouldn't have pushed you.">>
<<di sam "Damn right you shouldn't have. Why do you wanna suck my dick so bad? If I find out you're really a fag...">>
Samuel raises his hand in a fist, still fuming. What did you get yourself into?
<<di you "Of course, I'm not! I told you, I'm just desperate to get stronger. So, do you feel smarter? I bet you do!">>
You ask, like an overexcited teacher after giving private lessons.
<<di sam "Actually, I do. I even remember that Heracles is the Greek name for Hercules.">>
<<di you "That's awesome, man!">>
You're lucky Samuel is really gullible and has the attention span of a goldfish; you were able to veer the conversation away from his anger with a simple question. He's already all smiles as if the last 30 seconds didn't even happen. Nonetheless, it's unnerving how easily he turned off his authoritarian side.
<<include "Day4SamuelSleepDom">>You did promise. Plus, you're still a little scared of him – Samuel was very aggressive until a second ago. You shouldn't poke the bear.
<<di you "Sure, man. I understand. Maybe next time.">>
<<di sam "You'd do this again? You sure?">>
<<di you "I told you it was temporary. If we want each other's attributes, we'll have to do the ritual again soon enough.">>
Samuel looks at you askew as if he's overthinking what just happened. You coax him out of it with a question you hope won't backfire.
<<di you "So, do you feel smarter? I bet you do!">>
You ask, like an overexcited teacher after giving private lessons.
<<di sam "Actually, I do. I even remember that Heracles is the Greek name for Hercules.">>
<<di you "That's awesome, man!">>
You're lucky Samuel is really gullible and has the attention span of a goldfish. He's already all smiles. Who is this guy? It's unnerving how easily he shut off his authoritarian side. Was he acting? It didn't feel like he was – there was something truthful in his eyes. Samuel really did believe what he was saying and doing.
<<include "Day4SamuelSleepDom">><<di you "Do you have some shorts to lend me?">>
<<di sam "Ah, shit, I'm sorry for destroying yours. I was just really into the ritual.">>
<<di you "It's ok. I told you to do whatever you wanted.">>
<<di sam "Was I too rough?">>
He winces, worried.
<<di you "It doesn't matter.">>
<<di sam "It does to me! God, I hurt you, didn't I?">>
You laugh. This guy is unlike anyone you've ever met; he's absolutely lovable.
<<di you "Of course you didn't. Dude, don't worry. It's fine. You were perfect.">>
@@.int;You would have been more perfect if you had let me suck that dick.@@
<<di sam "Phew!">>
<<di you "Now, do you have clothes to lend me? I gotta go find something to eat.">>
<<di sam "You know what...">>
Samuel starts to poke around his dresser, pulling some black athletic shorts and tossing them your way; you put them on. He also produces bread, peanut butter, and blueberry jelly, although you're not sure where that came from. Does he keep food in a drawer with his clothes?
<<include "Day4SamuelSleep2">><<di you "Suck my dick, bitch.">>
Samuel immediately stops what he's doing and stares at you angrily.
<<di sam "We didn't agree on that!">>
<<di you "Whatever, stop acting like a cunt and just do it!">>
<<di sam "You ruined the whole ritual! This was all for nothing! I can't believe...">>
He trails off, shaking his head.
It's Samuel's turn to act aggressively. He puffs up his chest and presses his fist like he is preparing for a punch. You immediately flinch, now worried about getting your ass kicked.
@@.int;Fuck, fuck, fuck!@@
<<di you "I take back my last order! It's ok! It's not ruined. Just kiss me to settle it. Do it, do it now!">>
You hope that by confusing him with new rules he'll forget your transgression. Samuel is still very much pissed but kisses you anyway.
<<di you "It's fixed. We're done now.">>
He pushes you angrily but not too forcibly; you only sway backward.
<<di sam "What the fuck were you thinking, you fucker? Are you sure it's not ruined?">>
<<di you "I am! I'm sorry, I got greedy because I really want to be as strong as you.">>
<<di sam "I dunno... I'm starting to think you're a ?fag!">>
<<di you "That's preposterous!">>
Samuel frowns like he doesn't know the word.
<<di you "I bet you feel smarter! Tell me something you remember from our study session!">>
You ask, like an overexcited teacher after giving private lessons. He looks thoughtful for a second.
<<di sam "Heracles is the Greek name for Hercules. He did the 12 labors.">>
<<di you "See? That's awesome, man!">>
You're lucky Samuel is really gullible and has the attention span of a goldfish; you were able to veer the conversation away from his anger with a simple question. He's already all smiles as if the last 30 seconds didn't even happen.
<<include "Day4SamuelSleepSub">><<di you "You can stop now.">>
Samuel looks up at your face, tongue still on your body.
<<di you "Unless you changed your mind about the cum.">>
He removes his mouth from you and makes a face.
<<di sam "Nah. We done then?">>
<<di you "Yeah.">>
You decide not to push your luck – he set a hard limit and you did promise. Forcing the issue would probably just make him upset. There's always next time.
<<di you "I bet you feel smarter! Tell me something you remember from our study session!">>
You ask, like an overexcited teacher after giving private lessons. He looks thoughtful for a second.
<<di sam "Heracles is the Greek name for Hercules. He did the 12 labors.">>
<<di you "See? That's awesome, man!">>
He is already all smiles, excited about the prospect of becoming smarter.
<<include "Day4SamuelSleepSub">><<di sam "Do you feel stronger?">>
Samuel gets up, puts on his shorts over his softening cock, and tosses you yours; you mimic him.
<<di you "I do, yeah.">>
<<di sam "Punch me here, I wanna feel it.">>
He raises his right hand as a target like a trainer does when practicing boxing.
<<di you "We're not wearing gloves.">>
<<di sam "I doubt you can hurt my hand too much. How strong could you have gotten?">>
You make a //'tsk' //sound, approaching him and preparing for a punch. You can't disappoint his expectations. You take a deep breath and do it. It hurts your fingers, but it seems to hurt his palm way more. He shakes his right hand as one does when bumping into something.
<<di sam "Oof, not bad! You did get some of this.">>
He flexes his right bicep and taps it with his left hand.
You know for a fact you absolutely didn't; however, it does make you feel a sense of pride. You're not as weak as Samuel initially assumed.
<<di sam "Did I do ok?">>
<<di you "During the ritual?">>
<<di sam "Yeah.">>
<<di you "You were great!">>
He squints his eyes.
<<di sam "I dunno, I think I could've begged better.">>
<<di you "That's true...">>
<<di sam "Damn! I need to work on this. You were really aggressive... Have you done this ritual before?">>
<<di you "I guess. Were you upset?">>
<<di sam "Nah, you just surprised me. Such a tiny guy bossing me around.">>
<<di you "I'm not that tiny!">>
You protest, now upset.
<<di sam "Sorry, man, I didn't mean it like that. I meant it as a compliment. You did very well for someone smaller than me.">>
He looks at you earnestly, holding your shoulders.
<<di sam "Thanks for really putting in the work. I appreciate it.">>
You shake your head in disbelief, smiling. This guy is absolutely lovable, thanking you for dominating him during a fake ritual you invented.
<<di you "I should go now, it's late, and I really got to eat.">>
<<di sam "You know what...">>
Samuel pokes around his dresser, pulling random pieces of clothing out of the way; he produces bread, peanut butter, and blueberry jelly. Does he keep food in a drawer with his clothes?
<<include "Day4SamuelSleep2">><<di sam "Let me make you a sandwich. I just don't have a knife; do you mind if I use my finger to spread the peanut butter?">>
<<di you "I just licked the sweat off your body, what do you think?">>
<<di sam "I dunno? Do you?">>
@@.int;I almost want the ritual to be true; he does need it.@@
<<di you "I don't.">>
<<di sam "Ok!">>
Samuel makes you a couple of PB&J sandwiches, which you happily wolf down as you're starving. You're not sure if it's because of how hungry you feel or because the sweat of his finger makes it taste better, but they're the best sandwiches you've had in months.
<<di you "It's pretty late, where's your roommate?">>
You ask, a mouthful of bread distorting your words. Only now do you realize that his roommate could have barged into the room any time; the door isn't even locked!
<<di sam "I don't have one anymore. Mine was expelled last month.">>
<<di you "You're so lucky, dude!">>
<<di sam "He wasn't very nice, he was always starting fights. I'm glad he's gone.">>
You're done with the sandwiches in mere minutes.
<<di you "I should go.">>
<<di sam "It //is// pretty late, do you want to just crash here?">>
You do wanna stay here. You have no idea why Samuel's being so kind to you, though. You try to replicate his thought process – he may be thankful that you're willing to share your intelligence with him. Little does he know it's all a farce. Even though you are a manipulative asshole, Samuel treats you like a human being, unlike everyone else at St. Agnes. Even Haruki proved to be a disappointment.
You're pretty beat – all that licking was a workout. In the end, you decide to stay. You're sure your actual roommate won't appreciate it, but you'll cross that bridge when you come to it.
Each second that passes in Samuel's presence makes you feel more guilty about abusing his trust. He's a really nice guy. Why did you have to let your dick get the best of you? Are you a Tyler? You have trouble sleeping because you keep blaming yourself for manipulating someone who's clearly a good person. Even more so because you're guilty of doing all that gay shit. A man shouldn't lie with another man. You're suddenly grateful he didn't let you touch each other's dicks. Maybe that makes the sin not as sinful – you hope. You finally fall asleep while praying for forgiveness.
[[You sleep.->Day5]]<<include "Day5Dream">><<di you "Do you really have to act like such an ass?">>
<<di fre "Excuse me?">>
<<di you "I have done everything you asked me, even though it's totally unfair. I am a victim, but I'm the one being punished. Is that fair? No, it isn't. You don't give a shit, though. You just feel like swinging your metaphorical dick around, even staying so you can dump on me while I clean!">>
The principal is visibly appalled at your insolence. You notice an angry vein growing on his forehead. He clears his throat before speaking.
<<di fre "I have heard my fair share of abuse from students, being the principal of a reform school...">>
Frederick pulls the cloth you're holding from you.
<<di fre "...But never such a colorful description of my supposed cruel streak. Maybe I should have you tutoring students in English as well; since you know such interesting idioms.">>
@@.int;Me and my big mouth...@@
<<di you "I'm sorry?">>
<<di fre "Are you?">>
<<di you "I shouldn't have said any of that. I'm just really hungry, tired, and upset. It won't happen again.">>
<<di fre "It better not.">>
He holds the broom closet key in front of your face.
<<di fre "I expect you in a better mood tomorrow.">>
<<di you "Yes, Sir.">>
<<di fre "Dismissed.">>
The way he says //'Dismissed'// reminds you of when Miranda Priestly says //'That's all'// in The Devil Wears Prada. It is just as patronizing.
You're growing to hate this man as much as your bullies.
[[Time to be a tutor.->Day4Samuel]]You don't reply despite wanting to tell Father Frederick to go fuck himself at least six times since entering the room. You've kept quiet. You're adhering to the adage: if you can't say something nice, say nothing at all.
He holds the broom closet key in front of your face.
<<di fre "And what have we learned today?">>
<<di you "...Not to be late or skip classes.">>
He holds the key further away.
<<di fre "Is that admittance that you skipped classes?">>
<<di you "No! I told you what happened already; it's not a lie.">>
The principal looks at you with annoyance and hands you the key.
<<di fre "Dismissed.">>
The way he says //'Dismissed'// reminds you of when Miranda Priestly says //'That's all'// in The Devil Wears Prada. It is just as patronizing.
You're growing to hate this man as much as your bullies.
[[Time to be a tutor.->Day4Samuel]]<<di you "Do you mind my asking... Where are you from?">>
<<di sam "Why do you wanna know?">>
<<di you "I was curious about the accent, but you don't have to tell me if you don--">>
<<di sam "Brazil.">>
He cuts you off, answering your question.
<<di you "Samba, Carnival!">>
You exclaim the words. Samuel frowns.
<<di sam "You do know we're more than that...?">>
<<di you "Yeah, of course.">>
<<di sam "Yeah, right.">>
He answers coolly. You realize you've been casting assumptions about Samuel based on how he talks since entering the room.
<<di you "I fucked up again, didn't I? Wow, I suck.">>
<<di sam "I miss it.">>
<<di you "What?">>
You ask, unsure what he's talking about.
<<di sam "Home.">>
His voice sounds wistful, already different from the start of the conversation. This hot and cold behavior is very confusing. Samuel keeps staring longingly into space for almost a minute.
You're unsure what to say; you don't want to be racist again.
<<di sam "Sorry, I went somewhere... in here.">>
Samuel points to his head and smiles.
@@.int; What's up with this guy?@@
[[Hit the books.->Day4SamuelTutoring]]<<include "EndVersion">>Sitting next to Master is the obvious choice.
@@.int;I have sold my soul to the devil. Now I must lie in the bed I've made... Or something... Metaphors are hard.@@
Besides, you're unsure how upset he'd be if you ignored him for a second night. He's made it clear he doesn't appreciate people touching his things – unfortunately, you qualify as a //thing// he owns.
Keeping quiet, you return and slide on the chair next to his. Cold eyes follow your movement but soon shift back to the laptop without a word. You watch him work, the quick and precise movements reflecting his personality. Long dextrous fingers connect and mess about with cables. Lost in thoughts, you daydream of his agile fingers on your body, your back, your hole...
@@.int;What am I thinking? Nobody is touching me back there.@@
Tyler is magnetic – you've rarely seen such a handsome jawline; it's cut from stone. The uneven wisps of gold peeking out from it add to his charm. His elongated skinny limbs should, for someone that tall, make him awkward and clumsy, but his movements are full of purpose and elegance, as graceful as a ballet dancer.
Tyler glances at you, his lips crinkling upward. You cringe, eyebrows drooping as you make a face. He noticed your staring – and relished in it. Ogling pretty things is a difficult urge to resist... And none of them demand your gaze as much as Tyler. You grab your phone, poking through social media to avoid using your eyes for more shameful acts.
@@.int;Bad, $you.name!@@
After endless fiddling, Tyler's gestures become increasingly hawkish, betraying his frustration with the ancient technology. Rather vexed, he reaches for the light switch near the stage. You put your phone away as Tyler smashes the space bar and drops himself in his seat. The 20th Century Fox logo appears onscreen, followed by a horn sound and tribal music.
The whole room voices varied levels of discontent once they realize they're watching Avatar again. Some people get up and start filing out of the auditorium. Most of the audience stays, despite the grumbling – validation of the lack of entertainment available at St. Agnes.
As the movie plays, Tyler's body melts into his chair, bearing genuine excitement for what he's watching – his azure eyes twinkle at the shining lights onscreen. You don't remember seeing such a drastic, instant twist in demeanor... ever. Maybe on crying or pouting children that beam at being given their favorite toy so they'd quit the attitude. But never on anyone over the age of six.
@@.int;He really loves that shit. I wonder if it's just Cameron stuff or movies in general.@@
Following his lead, you focus on the screen. Avatar is not the most complex story in the world, but it offers a fun and dazzling ride.
<div class="timebar"></div>
Despite enjoying the movie, you're constantly aware of Tyler's presence. For instance, you observe his knees folding up, taller than the seats, indicating his immense height. Meanwhile, your legs practically dangle off the chair, especially if you sit up, ass glued to the backrest. You feel tiny in his presence.
Pale long fingers lay delicately over the armrest; you've bumped into them twice after changing positions. An urge to hold his hand claws at your thoughts – which is ridiculous. You know he's not your //boyfriend//. This isn't a //date//. He doesn't have //feelings// for you. (You wonder if he has feelings at all.) So, for you to develop delusions that this is more than watching a movie next to the man you've accepted to serve is... preposterous.
However, when his handsome face catches the light, eyes gleaming with childlike awe of visiting another world, Tyler looks completely adorable. You want – no – yearn to hold his hand and bask in this experience with him.
@@.int;He's so cute. I think I like him. Like, like him. Maybe we can bond over movies and stuff -- Fuck, even his hand is beautiful. It's so large. I wonder if it'll engulf mine completely when I hold it.@@
You can't help yourself.
@@.sub;[[Yeah. Hold his hand.->Day5MovieTylerHold]]@@
@@.sub;[[Do it. Hold his hand.->Day5MovieTylerHold]]@@
@@.sub;[[Go for it. Hold his hand.->Day5MovieTylerHold]]@@You find reaching Haruki challenging; not only is he in the most crowded place, but he's also sitting in the middle of a group of friends. Once they spot you approaching, their conversation falls to silence.
<<di har "Guys, this is $you.name.">>
The 'guys' grumble half-hearted greetings.
<<di you "Hmm... Hi.">>
<<di sha "Isn't that the ?faggot who's giving blowjobs to, like, half the school?">>
The guy teasing you is a handsome ginger guy with side-parted short straight hair. His squared pale face is covered with freckles, and his small eyes glisten Tiffany blue even in the dark setting. His nose is angular but thin, much like his lips. Long legs jut out from his torso, almost reaching the chair in front of him.
<<if $sub gte 50>>Haruki's friends giggle, agreeing with the guy. Already trembling from the humiliation, you turn scarlet and look down – wishing a sandworm from the Dune series would suddenly appear under you and inhale you out of this room.
@@.int;Why did I have to come here? I'm such an idiot!@@
<<di har "That's bullshit.">>
<<di sha "Ooohh, Haruki is defending his boyfriend!">>
<<di har "Shut up, Shane! What do you know about blowjobs anyway? You're an incel who's never even been kissed.">>
Everyone is stunned for a second. Then, they start to bicker amongst themselves, siding with Shane.<</if>><<if $sub lte 49>><<di you "I'm getting blowjobs, not giving them. Would you like a shot at it?">>
You grab your crotch and lift it for emphasis.
The group is stunned at your answer, including Haruki himself. Despite his shock, he laughs. His friend, however, is fuming and ready to pounce on you.
<<di sha "I'mma kick your ass!">>
You cower internally but hold your ground. Luckily for you, the guy's friends grab his arms, holding him down.
<<di ranm "Not here, Shane.">>
<<di sha "Let me go!">>
Shane finally notices Haruki's laughter.
<<di sha "Why're you laughing, Haruki?">>
<<di har "'Cause it was funny?">> <</if>>
You walk away before causing more trouble for Haruki. You did promise you'd be cool, and this is the opposite of cool. You pick a spot in the left corner, nearer the back, and sit by yourself.
After Tyler fiddles with the laptop for ten extra minutes, the lights go dark, and the movie ultimately starts. The 20th Century Fox logo appears onscreen, followed by a horn sound and tribal music.
The whole room voices varied levels of discontent once they realize they're watching Avatar again. Some people get up and start filing out of the auditorium. Most of the audience stays, despite the grumbling – proof of the lack of entertainment at St. Agnes.
You aren't alone for long – Haruki appears by your side and drops himself on the empty seat next to yours five minutes after the movie has started.
<<di har "Hey.">>
<<di you "Hey.">>
<<di har "I told them I was leaving because it's Avatar again. Let's go.">>
<<di you "But I wanna watch the movie! I like Avatar.">>
<<di har "Dude, I love...d Avatar. But I got sick of it after the sixth time, I think? Either way, I left so that I could hang out with you. I can't stay, or they'll know I lied. We have to go.">>
@@.int;I thought he wasn't ashamed to be seen with me...@@
Despite your reservations, you go with him.
[[You follow Haruki.->Day5MovieHarukiGo]]@@.title;Unchapter - Forgiven.@@
Empty church pews populate your view endlessly – no sanctuary or altar in sight; behind you, no doors. Medieval-style columns rise into darkness. A recognizable guitar riff blasts on invisible speakers. Alanis Morissette's piercing raw vocals fill the airy space.
I never forgot it
Confusing as it was
No fun with no guilt feelings@@
You rise from the empty pew. Steps along the nave, in tandem with the song's beat. You search for someone, anyone.
Strands of light leak from behind a column to your left. You reach the source – a wooden and intricately detailed confessionary emitting fluttering candlelight from its glass windows.
Inside, a moaning voice begs for mercy; sexual desire taints the words and hints at its owner wanting the opposite. It's an older voice – one you recognize but can't pinpoint.
The sinners
The saviors
The lover-less priests@@
Your fingers tremble on the golden door handle; your curiosity piqued but fearful of the knowledge on the other side.
<<nobr>><div class="temp">
<<link "You turn the handle.">>
<<replace ".temp">>
<<include "Day5Dream2">>
<</nobr>><div class="timebar"></div>
The deserted and dim gymnasium of your old school fills your chest with unrelenting anxiety. Cobalt moonlight opposes your orange bosom.
As the song rises, nearing the chorus, a clang to your back demands your attention.
Your best friend's mischievous smile crinkles his eyes; steps brisk in reaching you. Damp palms grab yours as you hesitate to reach back. He says something but music is all you hear.
In the name of the Father
The Skeptic and the Son
I had one more stupid question@@
You ask John why you are here.
He holds a water bottle filled with a peach-colored liquid that burns as he forces the drink into your mouth. Unheard laughter fills your lungs. His grinning teeth shine grey in the window's moonlight.
Moments turn into hours. Days turn into months. Years turn into centuries. For millennia you've been with John in this stony room.
His lips sear yours. You push him away. John tries again, your arms bundled between your bodies. You relent, a flaming tongue assaulting your senses. Sticky fingers tear at cloth and zippers, revealing bodies and sweltering members.
Breathless moans are buried by deafening instruments.
We all had our reasons to be there
We all had a thing or two to learn
We all needed something to cling to
So we did@@
Your hand clings to your best friend's meat as his does to yours. Pleasure bundles at the pit of your stomach, slowly rising to your throat. A silent scream culminates as pearly jets taint the wooden floor.
A sharp sound of dozens of lights turning on at once cuts the music. Eyes adjust to the sudden brightness. A haunting figure approaches.
[[You wake up.->Day5PhoneMessages]]@@.title;Chapter VII - She's Beauty. She's Grace. She's Miss United States.@@
<<di you "I will suffer the consequence of this inquisition.">>
Song lyrics escape your mouth as you blink at the ceiling, dreading the gymnasium experience brimming at the surface of your mind. A memory marred by your expulsion that same night.
You turn to your side to find lemon irises gazing your way.
<<di sam "Did you say something?">>
<<di you "Just thinking out loud. I'm sorry if I woke you.">>
<<di sam "Nah, I'm up. Just lazing in bed.">>
<<di you "What time is it?">>
Samuel checks his phone.
<<di sam "5:40">>
<<di you "I should go.">>
<<di sam "Where are you going this early?">>
<<di you "Gym. I was promised training and I'm collecting that debt.">>
You say, thinking of Haruki. After the stunt he pulled yesterday, you should reconsider trusting him. However, he was right about one thing: you do need to get stronger if you plan on defending yourself. There's no one else offering help, and you don't think he'll hurt you. You're tentatively positive he'll at least train you.
You grab your still-slumbering phone and push yourself off the bed.
<<di you "Thanks for the sandwich. And the bed.">>
<<di sam "Sure. Thanks for the tutoring.">>
<<if hasVisited("Day4SamuelPlan")>>You cringe internally, remembering your deception.
<</if>>Your phone buzzes as it turns on for the first time in two and a half days; a gazillion notifications flood the screen at once. You leave the room and read them while heading to the gym.
The messages Father Frederick informed you about pop up, two days late.
<<msgfrom "This is St. Agnes Reform School's Notification System.">>
<<msgfrom "Mr. Ferry, this a late warning. You now have 03 late warning(s). Your presence is requested at the principal's office. Report there ASAP.">>
@@.int;At least I've already dealt with that bullshit.@@
<<if hasVisited("SubTrainMarky")>><<set $lmark -= 1>>Your favorite bully is among last night's notifications – a consequence of sleeping in Samuel's room.
<<msgfrom "i thought u learnet ur lesson by now u fuckin bitch.">>
<<msgfrom "guess not!!">>
<<msgfrom "u re a sucker for punishmmt huh fairy????!!">>
<<msgfrom "prepare urself....... bitch!!">>
In spite of the dreadful anticipation of whatever punishment he's cooking up, you can't help but wonder why Marky doesn't have autocorrect on his phone. He needs it.
<<msgto "Sorry! I swear I have an explanation. Don't kidnap me again!">>
You answer, hoping to mollify him.<</if>><<if hasVisited("SubTrainTyler")>><<set $lty -= 1>>Your Master is among last night's notifications – a consequence of sleeping in Samuel's room.
<<msgfrom "Hopefully you're at the hospital or the morgue, the only proper excuses for not being in my room right now.">>
You grimace at your phone, already dreading whatever Tyler has planned for when you meet again. You answer him apologetically.
<<msgto "Sorry, Master, I'll explain later, I promise.">>
You don't remember ever giving Tyler your number, although it's not surprising he managed to find it. What's surprising is how strikingly verbose he is over text.<</if>><<if hasVisited("DomTrain")>><<set $lemm += 1>>Emmett's notification is a surprise – not the content of the text itself – but the fact that he messaged you at all.
<<msgfrom "Hi. You up?">>
<<msgfrom "Guess not">>
<<msgfrom "Lol at this">>
Along that text is a link to a video of a raccoon stealing cat food from a bowl. You remember mentioning liking animal videos before the locker room betrayal. Nonetheless, it's weird that Emmett messaged you for the first time just to send a cute video.
<<msgto "haha cute">>
You type back, still nonplussed as to why he's acting like your friend considering everything that's happened.
Marky is also among your unreads:
<<msgfrom "where u sleeping huh fairy????">>
<<msgfrom "whos dick u sucking for a bed">>
<<msgfrom "my nose is planning its revenge">>
<<msgfrom "cum guzling bitch!!!!">>
Those dreadful texts are best left unanswered.<</if>>
[[You arrive at the gym.->Day5Gym][$lhar += 1]]You push the gym's creaky doors open, an unexpectedly loud noise so early in the day. Haruki is already inside, pulling himself up on a metal bar. He immediately stops, flinging himself to the floor awkwardly. His hair looks less coifed today, messier, and not its usual anime height.
Haruki looks bewildered at the intrusion of his space, like a startled dog. Once he spots you, he relaxes.
<<di you "Don't say anything. Let me speak, ok?">>
<<di har "O...kay?">>
You squint at him and breathe deeply.
<<di you "I'm here for the training you promised me. I need some self-defense tricks or whatever. Quick ways to rid myself of attackers.">>
You point your finger at him.
<<di you "I don't want quips, funny retorts, confusing questions, or what you think qualifies as flirting.">>
Haruki mimics pressing a dagger in his heart, followed by a painful expression.
<<di har "Ouch! I have great flirting skills! Don Juan would be envious.">>
<<di you "Whatever, I'm leaving.">>
<<di har "Jesus, what's gotten into you? Fine, dude. Mouth. Zipper.">>
He zips his mouth using his left hand and mimics being unable to speak as if his lips really are glued together.
<<di you "OK, I'll stay. Will you help?">>
Haruki nods.
<<di you "You can speak. But no quipping!">>
<<di har "Consider me quip-free. Shoes off!">>
Haruki sets a bunch of grimy colorful mats in a square shape on the old cement floor and beckons you to stand above them. You obey, a bit grossed out by the sweat-stained mats. You still can't believe you slept on those foul things a couple days ago.
<<di har "What do you know about fighting or self-defense?">>
<<di you "I dunno... I guess I know that move from Miss Congeniality.">>
Haruki stifles a laugh, forcibly pressing his lips shut while they quiver. You flash him your middle finger.
<<di har "-- we can start with those. S.I.N.G. is an acronym they do use in actual self-defense classes. Solar plexus, instep, nose, and groin. Basically the gut, foot, nose, and balls. Anyone is vulnerable to an attack on those, especially if they're not expecting it.">>
He grabs your arms and pulls you closer to him. You breathe out, forcing yourself not to become aroused by the touch.
<<di har "You know what to attack, now you need to know how to attack. I'll pretend to do it on you, k?">>
You nod.
<<di har "To hit the solar plexus, you use the palm of your hand like this. Pressing just below the sternum. Put your weight into it. The attacker will lose their breath.">>
Haruki touches you gently with the heel of his hand on a tender part just below your chest. It does feel uncomfortable, even with the light touch.
<<di har "For the foot, you basically stomp on their toes as strongly as you can. This usually works if they're grabbing you from behind, but not so much if they're coming at you from the front.">>
He turns around, his back to you, and puts your arms around his neck. His damp skin feels sweltry and humid. Haruki then slowly mimics stomping your foot using the heel of his. Even though you're trying very hard to pay attention, it's difficult when his butt is grazing your crotch.
@@.int;I'm not wearing underwear. Can't get hard! Cantgethardcantgethard...@@
<<di har "For the nose, if they're behind you, just use your elbow, like this.">>
Haruki mimics hitting your face using his elbow. Then, he turns around again, now facing you. You're grateful for not having him pressing his ass on you anymore.
<<di har "If they're facing you, use the heel of your palm, going upwards. You can really break their nose easily doing this, so save this one for dire situations.">>
<<if hasVisited("DomTrain")>>You really don't want to break any more noses. However, it's nice to know you can do it without a restroom door. <</if>>He shows you the move, then steps even closer.
<<di har "Finally, for the groin... You can kick it if you're further away, but I find that using your knee is much more effective.">>
Haruki slowly, almost sensually, massages your crotch using his upper leg. He bites his bottom lip, a telltale sign that he knows he's provoking you.
<<di you "That's quite enough of crotch attacks, I think.">>
You step back, away from his sexy knee. He grins.
Anger from the unwanted flirting surges inside. You're still upset over his reaction in the bathroom. Your breathing becomes erratic as fury bubbles out from your lips.
<<di you "Why did you act like that in the bathroom yesterday?">>
You bitterly blurt out, almost involuntarily.
<<di har "This again?">>
<<di you "We haven't discussed it yet. You just tried to confuse me with questions.">>
<<di har "That's not really what happened...">>
<<di you "If I run into you in front of other people, will you ignore me? Are you ashamed of being near the school ?fag?">>
Your voice trembles, hurt mixing with outrage. Haruki looks stunned by the question; his mouth opens, yet, he doesn't answer.
<<di you "That's it, isn't it? You're all quips and retorts until some bully is around. Then you're not an attack dog, just a scared little puppy!">>
Your ire is still erupting from inside, like a volcano spilling lava on the only guy who is willing to help you defend yourself.
Haruki finally loses his cool. He irritably spits out, raising his voice at you for the first time since you met him.
<<di har "I'm not scared! Of any of them! Look at me!">>
He taps his right bicep and flexes his muscles as a bodybuilder does.
<<di har "I can defend myself from any of them. I'M NOT SCARED!">>
You realize you went too far. Haruki sounds extremely distressed; you clearly struck a nerve with him. However, your pride prevents you from apologizing, so you keep eyeing each other for very awkward seconds.
Suddenly, Haruki grabs your throat, choking you; your eyes double in size.
<<di har "Let's see if you paid any attention. How do you get out of this one?">>
Despite the surprise attack, his instructions are still fresh in your mind. You use the palm of your hand on his solar plexus, not putting a lot of force behind it, just enough to show him you mean business. He lets go of your neck and starts coughing.
<<di har "Nice.">>
He says, muffled, between coughs.
<<di you "Do we have to pretend we don't know each other outside this room? You wouldn't be the first person ashamed to be seen with me. I... I guess I understand.">>
You ask, your voice tinged by anguish. You're not confronting him anymore; you just want to know where you stand. Haruki looks at you for long seconds, recomposing himself after your attack. You read confusion and doubt in his expression while he mulls over the question.
<<di har "Nah.">>
He smiles big, but you can still see the doubt in his eyes.
<<di har "Just be cool, kay?">>
<<di you "Okay.">>
<<di har "I'll pretend to attack you now. Just don't go all out on me. I'd like to not be bruised when we leave this room.">>
<<di you "Okay.">>
<div class="timebar"></div>
Haruki drills into you the attacks he already taught and shows new ones. An hour later, you feel sore and exhausted, but also safer than you've felt since before arriving at St. Agnes.
<<di har "Class dismissed.">>
<<di you "Fuck... I'm all sore. I just wanna lie somewhere with an ice pack or something.">>
<<di har "I--">>
He starts to say something but cuts the sentence short.
<<di you "What?">>
<<di har "Nothing.">>
<<di you "Tell me.">>
<<di har "I promised.">>
You frown.
<<di har "Earlier. You made me promise.">>
<<di you "Say it.">>
<<di har "I was gonna offer a massage. A not kinky one. I didn't want you to think...">>
He presses his lips together in frustration.
Then you do something unexpected for both yourself and Haruki – you reach over and kiss him quickly on his cheek. He smiles, red coloring his face.
<<di you "Thanks for the class.">>
<<di har "So that's a no on the massage?">>
You shake your head, grinning, already walking towards the exit.
<<di you "Bye, Haruki.">>
<<di har "Bye, Sandra Bullock. Next time you'll learn about walking in heels.">>
You raise your middle finger backward, still going for the door.
[[You leave the gym.->Day5Class]]It's tough to keep your eyes open during class; the training with Haruki really took a lot out of you. You're also grimy and probably stinky. However, you don't dare search for clean clothes before class. <<if hasVisited("SubTrainMarky")>>Considering how pissed Marky was in those texts, you want to delay the inevitable as much as possible. <</if>><<if hasVisited("SubTrainTyler")>>Considering how upset Tyler was in that text, you're scared about running into him. <</if>><<if hasVisited("DomTrain")>>You don't want to deal with Tyler and his world domination bullshit this early in the morning. <</if>>The plan is to shower during lunch; you hope no one will be on your way.
<<if hasVisited("SubTrainMarky")>>Your plan, however, is doomed from the start. During your second class of the day, Marky strides confidently into the room, ignoring the priest's protests, and stares down whoever is sitting behind you.
<<di mark "Out!">>
He growls at the guy, who, in turn, immediately leaves his seat, and goes to an empty one in the back. Marky plops himself down on the chair and leans forward near your head. He whispers in your ear.
<<di mark "I'm dying to hear your explanation, Fairy. I just couldn't wait. Tell me now.">>
You scowl at the absurdity of having to explain where you slept last night to your bully as if you're somehow beholden to him. Everyone's looking. You feel yourself blushing; blood rushes to your head, making you woozy.
<<di you "Father Frederick kept me after hours to clean his office. He also had me tutor some guy until late. All that because you made me miss those classes on Wednesday.">>
You half-whisper, half-complain through gritted teeth. Marky reaches for your right arm and pinches you painfully; you wince.
<<di mark "Where did you sleep?">>
<<di you "In Samuel's room.">>
<<di mark "Who's that?">>
<<di you "The guy I'm tutoring.">>
<<di mark "Did you suck his dick, you bitch?">>
<<di you "What? No!">>
You answer a little too loudly; the teacher squints and shushes you indignantly.
<<di mark "You're not lying?">>
<<di you "I'm not! It was super late; he doesn't have a roommate, so I just crashed in the extra bed.">>
<<di mark "I'll take care of it. You don't have to tutor nobody or clean shit. -- Other than our room, of course.">>
<<di you "...ok?">>
<<di mark "I'm still pissed, fag. You don't just leave without my permission. You're mine.">>
Marky then licks your right ear while other students watch the outrageous scene – during class, no less. You raise your shoulders and flinch your head forward at the sudden and unexpected wetness.
<<di mark "Catch ya later, Fairy.">>
Marky announces boorishly and gets up, noisily dragging his chair through the wooden floor. The teacher – who so far was doing an amazing job pretending not to notice the spectacle – can't bluff anymore.
<<di ranm "Mister Walsh, please, I'm trying to teach.">>
<<di mark "I'm leaving! Don't you have eyes?">>
He leaves the room, slamming the door on his way out. Other students side-eye you, giggling at your situation. To them, this is confirmation of all the rumors surrounding you. You can't even be mad at them – the rumors are true.
You blush even redder and slouch, trying to make yourself smaller.
<div class="timebar"></div>
During lunch hour you eat quickly and rush to your and Marky's room to gather clean clothes. <</if>><<if hasVisited("SubTrainTyler") or hasVisited("DomTrain")>>During lunch hour you eat quickly and rush to Tyler's room to gather clean clothes. <</if>>The bathroom is empty, as expected, and you enjoy the hot water for as long as possible without being late for afternoon classes.
On Fridays, you discover, classes end earlier and there's some sort of movie night. Apparently, this is a very expected occasion – since students can't have TVs or video games in their rooms, besides phones and books (and sex), there's not much fun to be had around here. You dread knowing that you'll miss it because of your punishment.<<if hasVisited("SubTrainMarky")>> Marky might have said that you'll be free of it, but he is delusional. You're probably still expected to do both even during the movie.<</if>>
Once afternoon classes end, you eat an early dinner and knock on Principal Frederick's office. You hear strange rustling noises inside and a door being slammed. He unlocks and opens the office door. Frederick is flush, his pale cheeks tinged pink.
@@.int;Is he...?@@
<<di fre "What is it now, Mister Ferry?">>
<<di you "I came to clean.">>
<<di fre "Oh. Not tonight. No tutoring, either. Enjoy the movie. You and that lacrosse player.">>
He starts to close the door, but you still have a question.
<<di you "What about the weekend?">>
<<di fre "Wh... No! I'll see you on Monday.">>
He slams the door in your face; you blink at it.
@@.int;Well, I'm not looking that gift horse in the mouth. Movie night, here I come.@@
[[You go to the auditorium.->Day5Movie]]@@.title;Chapter VIII - The Highest Grossing Movie Of All Time.@@
The auditorium is a giant ornate room – a marriage between a cathedral and a theater from the 1700s. A dark wooden floor covers the space, while the walls are built from the same beige stones from outside. Crown molding and a detailed sculpted frieze finish the four walls. Above you, the high ceiling is painted with a gorgeous heaven-themed fresco of angels and clouds – reminiscent of the Sistine Chapel. Statues of saints pepper the walls in alcoves.
At the opposite end of the entrance is a wooden stage with half-hidden doors on either side that probably contain stairs that lead up to it. Right now the stage is half-covered by a large white screen dangling from three hooks. Rows upon rows of wooden seats fill the space, enough for all the building's residents.
The room is breathtakingly beautiful and it is the only space you've seen so far in St. Agnes that looks well-maintained – other than the Principal's office.
Tyler is apparently responsible for setting up the movie, as he is dealing with an ancient projector and an adapter that connects it to a laptop.
As people enter the room, you eavesdrop on their conversations.
<<di ranm "Do you know what movie we're watching today?">>
<<di ran2 "No. I just hope it's not Avatar again.">>
<<di ranm "Better Avatar than that fucking chick flick, Titanic.">>
<<di ran2 "Hey, Titanic has a great script, ok?">>
<<di ranm "Dude, are you a chick?">>
<<di ran2 "Fuck you! Titanic has tits.">>
<<di ranm "Whatever. Truth is, no one here can stand watching another James Cameron movie.">>
<<di ran2 "Facts. Fucking fanboy Tyler!">>
<<di ranm "Shhh!">>
The guy looks around, fearful that he and his buddy are overheard badmouthing Tyler (and his taste in movies). He immediately finds someplace to sit near the back.
<<if hasVisited("SubTrainMarky") or hasVisited("DomTrain")>>You consider approaching Tyler and trying to bond over your love for movies, especially James Cameron ones. Do you?
[[Nah. He be scary.->Day5MovieNotBondTyler]]
[[Sure. We finally have something in common.->Day5MovieBondTyler][$lty += 1]]<</if>><<if hasVisited("SubTrainTyler")>>You approach Tyler to get your apology over with. It's probably better to do it surrounded by people; he might be more lenient. Or he might humiliate you in front of the whole school. Either way, your anxiety prevents you from delaying this any longer. Plus, you ponder he'd probably get even more upset if you ignored him while in the same room.
<<di you "Master... May I speak?">>
He nods almost imperceptibly, not bothering to look at you.
<<di you "Yesterday, I was called into the Principal's office. As you know, I missed those classes on Wednesday because of Marky. Father Frederick assumed I was skipping, even though I tried to explain that I was locked in a broom closet. So he punished me by forcing me to clean his office for hours and giving me someone to tutor. I was done super late, and since Samuel – that's the guy I'm tutoring – doesn't have a roommate, he offered for me to just crash there. So I did. I know I should have warned you, but I didn't even turn my phone--">>
Tyler raises his open hand and closes his fingers, indicating that he wants you to shut your mouth. You obey. He keeps messing with the projector, still not bothering to turn his eyesight to you.
@@.int;Is he still angry? Why doesn't he say something? Anything... Even telling me I'm a useless toy or whatever. What do I do? Do I just stand near him like an asshole waiting for orders?@@
<<di ty "Leave.">>
<<di you "Like, the room or the immediate area?">>
Tyler sighs audibly, so you leave his presence, at least for the moment.
<div class="timebar"></div>
<<include "Day5MoviePick">><</if>>You decide against interacting with Tyler. He's... scary. You'll continue to avoid him whenever possible.
<<include "Day5MoviePick">>Being a James Cameron fan yourself, approaching Tyler and asking him about the movie might offer a bonding opportunity for you.
<<di you "So, I heard you like James Cameron. I'm a huge fan. Aliens is like top 3 favorite-movie-ever, easily.">>
Tyler side-eyes you for a few seconds, probably wondering how you dare to make small talk with him of all people. Now that you think about it... approaching him while he's busy might not be the right way to befriend him.
@@.int;Is Tyler even capable of friendship?@@
<<di ty "T2 for me.">>
<<di you "Cool.">>
Tyler starts fiddling with the ancient-looking projector and ignores you once again. Still, you consider your mission a success.
<div class="timebar"></div>
<<include "Day5MoviePick">>The auditorium becomes packed swiftly; you're sure most students are here. Weirdly enough, none of the priests are present, at least not as far as you can see. You scan the sea of faces, deciding where to sit.
Close to the projector is, of course, Tyler, who's still messing endlessly with the laptop/projector contraption. Emmett is not far, but sitting closer to the rightmost edge – quiet and alone. He waves at you upon catching your eye line. Haruki is smack dab in the middle of the room, laughing among a group of guys. Samuel is in the left corner, holding a... book? Marky arrives as you're looking at the sea of faces and sits in the last row, which is empty save for him.
Keep in mind that some of your "friends" might be extremely upset if you decide to sit next to someone else. @@.pin;A wrong choice could be the end of some relationships.@@
Which of the guys do you sit next to?
<<if hasVisited("SubTrainTyler")>>
<div class='disabledLink'><s>
Marky • You picked Tyler over him.
<<if hasVisited("SubTrainMarky")>>
[[Marky.->Day5MovieMarkySub][$lmark += 1]]
<<if hasVisited("DomTrain")>>
[[Marky.->Day5MovieMarkyDom][$lmark = 0]]
<<if hasVisited("DomTrain")>>
<div class='disabledLink'><s>
Tyler • You're too dominant for him.
<<if hasVisited("SubTrainMarky")>>
<div class='disabledLink'><s>
Tyler • You picked Marky over him.
<<if hasVisited("SubTrainTyler")>>
"<div class='disabledLink'><s>
Tyler • He doesn't like you enough.
</s></div>" 6>>
<<link "Tyler."
<<set $lty +=1>>
<</if_lty_link >>
<<if hasVisited("SubTrainMarky") or hasVisited("SubTrainTyler")>>
<div class='disabledLink'><s>
Emmett • He doesn't see you as a dom.
<<if hasVisited("DomTrain")>>
[[Emmett.->Day5MovieEmmett][$lemm += 1]]
"<div class='disabledLink'><s>
Haruki • He doesn't like you enough.
</s></div>" 1>>
<<link "Haruki."
<<set $lhar +=1>>
<</if_lhar_link >>
"<div class='disabledLink'><s>
Samuel • He doesn't like you enough.
</s></div>" 1>>
<<link "Samuel."
<<set $lsam +=1>>
<</if_lsam_link >>
<</nobr>>You gaze at Marky from afar. Something about him looks... off. You're used to his sharpened stare searching for you whenever you share a room. However, right now his head movements are sluggish, his eyes unfocused. Your petty side hates that he'll be so out of it for your takedown plans. Your savvy side, however, is ecstatic about the debuff the world has imposed on him.
@@.int;Maybe I do stand a chance.@@
As you stride his way, his face comes into focus – he looks awful. A band-aid is clumsily glued across the bridge of his nose, barely covering the gash the door made when it connected to his face. Purple covers the skin around his eyes, and a yellowish tint tinges the edges of the dark areas. You wince at the sight.
Other students give him a wide berth – the last three rows are empty – a strange phenomenon. The back seats in cinemas and theaters are usually coveted, well-liked spots. Yet, he's managed to hog them all with his unsettling aura.
Reminiscing about your time in your older school, you observe the sharp contrast between past and present Marky. He certainly wasn't this... unhinged. His popularity was notable; girls fawned over him. Being a jock awarded a ton of friends. Despite being such an asshole to you, he seemed nice to friends and even toward acquaintances, as long as they weren't //nerds//, //losers//, or //?fags//.
Initially, you cast assumptions that Tyler was his friend and Emmett was somehow a part of their group. The reality is exceedingly confusing as you still haven't grasped the nuances of their relationships. What has become abundantly clear, though, is that Marky has no one here.
In St. Agnes, Marky is alone.
Except for you.
@@.int;Poor Marky. He must be so lonely...@@
@@.int;What am I thinking? He's an ass.@@
@@.int;Fuck him.@@
Conflicting thoughts of hatred and sympathy storm inside as you plop down next to him. His brain buffers for a few seconds before acknowledging your presence. A genuine smile emerges from his lips as he registers you sitting next to him of your own volition.
<<di mark "Hiya, Fairy.">>
<<di you "...Hi.">>
<<di mark "Missed me, huh?">>
<<di you "I'm not the one giggling like a schoolgirl.">>
A frown manifests in slow motion, his eyes lethargic even in blinking.
<<di mark "Fuck you, ?fag! Ya gotta learn to respect me! I ain't even punished you yet for breaking my nose.">>
Reaching with a limp grip, Marky struggles to wrap his left hand around your throat. You easily push his arm away, holding his wrist with a fearsome attitude.
<<di you "What's with that limp wrist? Lost your edge?">>
<<di mark "I'm woozy and you know it, you bitch.">>
Indeed, you are painfully aware of his drugged state. Normally this is when you'd be getting slapped around, choked until fainting, or locked somewhere dark for hours. As the situation stands, you actually have a shot of turning things around. These last few days with Emmett have been illuminating – you've learned a lot about how to bend someone right to their breaking point. Of course, Marky is no Emmett; you're still walking on eggshells. Still, this pain medication is a godsend for dealing with manic monstrous Marky.
<<di you "Why don't we start over, huh? Let's watch the movie together. Be actual roommates. Wouldn't that be fun?">>
That last sentence makes you cringe. It's not lost on you that you're trying too hard. Hopefully, he's high enough not to notice it. For your abject terror, he stays quiet for a long minute. The trembling in your limbs returns and you let go of his wrist before he feels the shivering coming from your body.
<<di mark "Fine.">>
The students' chatter enfolds you as neither speaks for long minutes – half-heard pieces of conversation echo around the room.
A pleasant aroma wafts toward your nose; you sniff the air around until finding the source: Marky.
<<di you "Are you wearing cologne?">>
<<di mark "Of course I am. I always wear cologne to dates.">>
@@.int;Date? He's batshit crazy!@@
Marky yawns deeply, the action eliciting the same reaction in you. Before you know it, his left arm hooks into yours. Glancing sideways, you find him blinking sleepily, resembling someone about to fall asleep on the couch while a movie plays. His head tilts, softly landing on your shoulder – he nuzzles against the nook in your neck and yawns once more. Strands of his hair tickle your skin as he tries to find the perfect position. The wooden notes of cedar fused with delicious nutmeg trail to your nostrils.
@@.int;W-wh-- Is this how old married couples feel?@@
This situation feels weirdly pedestrian. You've been //husband and wife// for years, agreeing on a date to keep the spark alive. Despite your busy, busy lives, the husband finds time, putting on cologne to impress his darling wife before leaving the house. Intimately hooking his arm to hers while sitting together at the theater then immediately falling asleep over her bosom since he's exhausted from a draining work day at the factory.
@@.int;Why am I the wife in this scenario? Fuck that!@@
<<di you "Hey!">>
<<di mark "...">>
<<di you "Dude, I'm not a pillow.">>
<<di mark "Shut up...">>
Another yawn.
Finally, the theater is enveloped in darkness. The 20th Century Fox logo appears onscreen, followed by a horn sound and tribal music.
The whole room voices varied levels of discontent once they realize they're watching Avatar again. Some people get up and start filing out of the auditorium. Most of the audience stays, despite the grumbling – validation of the lack of entertainment available at St. Agnes.
@@.int;What the fuck is happening? I should be breaking that douchebag, not having a freaking date with him!@@
Marky nuzzles his head against your neck, his breathing pattern turning slower and deeper. He's obviously asleep. Still pissed off, you focus on the movie, trying to have a good time until he wakes up. The woodsy fragrance wafting from his chest enhances the immersive atmosphere of Pandora's forests.
You wonder how the Na'vi deal with bullying assholes. Maybe they push them off mountains to their death. Flinging Marky off a cliff sounds like a good option right about now.
@@.int;Fuck, even his head is heavy. Could I even fling him anywhere?@@
Grousing internally, you compare the size difference between his arm and yours while linked together. You decide that you probably wouldn't be able to move this heap of muscles. Maybe if you could drag him right to the edge and let gravity do its job...
<div class="timebar"></div>
“I don't want to be late for my own party... It's my birthday, after all... This is Jake Sully signing off.”
A small chorus of male voices around the room recites the last lines of the highest-grossing movie of all time alongside Sam Worthington. The grand soundtrack booms as Jake Sully opens his eyes as a Na'vi one final time.
As soon as the screen turns black, a throng of students gets up and files out of the room in a burst of energy that blends 'Thank God this goddamn movie is over!' to 'Now what?'
You and your 'date' stay sat down. You silently fume as Marky softly snores against your neck, his deep breaths tickling the sensitive skin there. This isn't what you had planned for tonight. True, your plans weren't fully formed and you were ready to go with the flow and adapt to any curveballs Marky might throw your way... But becoming a pillow for a drugged bully during the entirety of Avatar wasn't something you could predict.
You're angry.
Angry at stupid Marky for falling asleep during your revenge night. Angry at James Cameron for making such a long-ass movie. Angry at yourself for not waking him up despite having three interminable hours to do so. Angry at Tyler for looking at you expectantly when you have made no strides towards dominating the fuck out your sleeping beauty.
Tyler glances your way from the front row a few times – it's pretty obvious he's silently demanding help putting the projector, screen, and other movie night paraphernalia away. You pretend not to notice the piercing blue orbs glinting annoyedly across the room. Let Emmett help him. Fuck him. Fuck them both.
You breathe deeply, closing your eyelids as you rest your temples on your free hand. The other is still held prisoner by Marky's deadlock on your arm – even sleeping, he's strong as a bull.
A set of jangly keys drop on your lap – you open your eyes in surprise. A miffed Tyler squints his baby blues in your general direction a final time before leaving, followed by loyal puppy Emmett.
Apparently, you're closing the theater room after... what exactly? What are you doing? Why haven't you done //something//? You must decide how to deal with Marky once and for all.
@@.dom;[[Kiss him, like a prince in Disney movies.->Day5MarkyDomKiss][$dom += 1; $lmark += 2]]@@
@@.dom;[[Slap his face until he's up.->Day5MarkyDomSlap][$dom += 2; $lmark -= 1]]@@Your personal monster smirks in satisfaction as you lock eyes with him. Is he reacting to your choice or aware of how his claws have already hooked into your brain? Every single person in this room was an alternative – alas, you still went to the bastard that has ruined, is ruining, and will continue to ruin your life. Walking towards the back, you keep your head down, suddenly self-conscious about going to Marky out of your own volition.
Other students give him a wide berth – the last three rows are empty – a strange phenomenon. The back seats in cinemas and theaters are usually coveted, well-liked spots. Yet, he's managed to hog them all with his unsettling aura.
Reminiscing about your time in your older school, you observe the sharp contrast between past and present Marky. He certainly wasn't this... unhinged. His popularity was notable; girls fawned over him. Being a jock awarded him a ton of friends. Despite being such an asshole to you, he seemed nice to friends and even toward acquaintances, as long as they weren't //nerds//, //losers//, or //?fags//.
Initially, you cast assumptions that Tyler was his friend and Emmett was somehow a part of their group. The reality is exceedingly confusing as you still haven't completely grasped the nuances of their relationships. What has become abundantly clear, though, is that Marky has no one here.
In St. Agnes, Marky is alone.
Except for you.
@@.int;Poor Marky. He must be so lonely...@@
@@.int;What am I thinking? He's an ass.@@
@@.int;Fuck him.@@
Conflicting thoughts of hatred and sympathy storm inside as you plop down next to him. His smirk melts into something resembling a genuine smile. Before you know it, his left arm hooks into yours, locking you into place.
<<di mark "Hiya, Fairy.">>
<<di you "...Hi.">>
<<di mark "Missed me, huh?">>
<<di you "No... I just don't want you harassing me in front of everyone during class! If watching a movie with you will prevent you from doing that shit again, then fine.">>
His eyes darken, smiling lips dissolving into a frown.
<<di mark "Why you gotta be such a nasty cunt?">>
Reticence bites your tongue.
<<di you "...It was really embarrassing, ok?">>
<<di mark "Ok.">>
<<di you "Ok?">>
<<di mark "Yeah, fucking ok, ok?">>
@@.int;What does he mean by 'ok'? Is it like 'ok, I won't do it again?' or 'ok, I don't give a shit, bitch?'@@
<<di you "Ok.">>
Reaching for your head, he pulls down on your scalp, guiding you into the nook of his neck.
The wooden notes of cedar fused with delicious nutmeg trail to your nostrils.
<<di you "Are you wearing cologne?">>
You ask as he continues to force your head sideways onto his shoulder.
<<di mark "Of course I am. I always wear cologne to dates.">>
The perplexing answer confounds you into submission; you stop fighting his grip, letting your body sink into his. Your hair caresses the peeking skin on his neck as you rest your skull on him.
@@.int;Date? He's batshit crazy!@@
The students' chatter enfolds you as neither speak for long minutes. Half-heard pieces of conversation echo around the room as you match your breathing to his, your head rising and falling along with his chest.
Finally, the theater is enveloped in darkness. The 20th Century Fox logo appears onscreen, followed by a horn sound and tribal music.
The whole room voices varied levels of discontent once they realize they're watching Avatar again. Some people get up and start filing out of the auditorium. Most of the audience stays, despite the grumbling – validation of the lack of entertainment available at St. Agnes.
@@.int;This is comfy... It's not really as bad as I imagined. Maybe a 'date' with Marky will make him stop being such an ass.@@
Nuzzling your head against his neck, you watch the movie. The woodsy fragrance wafting from his chest enhances the immersive atmosphere of Pandora's forests.
Startled by the foreign sound, you search and locate its source – a handcuff now tightly wrapped around your wrist, connecting you to Marky. The pressure on your skin makes you uncomfortable.
@@.int;What the hell?!@@
<<di you "What the hell?! Did you just handcuff me to you?">>
Your astounded inquiry comes out louder than intended, earning 'shhs' from guys sitting in front of you.
<<di mark "Well, who's making a scene now, Fairy?">>
Lowering your voice to a whisper, you continue, indignantly.
<<di you "That doesn't answer the question, asshole. Why would you do that?">>
<<di mark "You're starting to piss me off, ?homo. Here I am trying to be a charming date, but you keep nagging like a fucking chick. Maybe I should call you Stacy since you're just like that bitch Stacy Collins from school. Remember her? We went on a date, and she was like //'Stop checking other girls out, Marky,' 'Don't call me hysterical, Marky,' 'This dress is not that slutty, Marky.'// She was so fucking annoying! Now, will you be a good Stacy or a bad Stacy?">>
He mimics an infuriating ditzy voice with vocal fry that sounds startlingly similar to the real Stacy's.
Inhaling a deep breath, you shift your approach with him. Clashing never helps, especially with manic, monstrous Marky. This requires delicate prodding.
<<di you "I'm sorry, I'll be a good date from now on. You don't have to call me Stacy, alright?">>
Perplexed by the sudden change in tone, Marky blinks and frowns, raising an eyebrow.
<<di mark "Fine. Fucking Fairy.">>
He mumbles that last part. Sighing, you continue, speaking calmly.
<<di you "We were having a good date, weren't we? You smell nice and everything. I'm just... curious as to why you brought out a handcuff.">>
<<di mark "If you're handcuffed to me, you won't disappear. Isn't that obvious? I thought you were smart.">>
<<di you "B-but I came here myself, why would I--">>
<<di mark "Whatever, Fairy. It's fucking done! Now lay your head on my shoulder like a good little date and stop yapping like a nagging bitch.">>
He lifts his handcuffed arm, painfully dragging yours along, and forces your head to where it was before.
@@.int; I'm handcuffed to a lunatic!@@
@@.int;Fine. I'll just watch the freaking movie like this.@@
Reclining once more against Marky's body, you face the screen, savoring the evergreen imagery enhanced by the cedar scent coming from the monster you're now inexplicably chained to. Surprisingly, ignoring the metal pressing on your skin is not as difficult as you initially thought.
<<di you "You're warm.">>
The words escape from your lips despite your all-consuming hatred for him.
<<di mark "Duh, I'm hot.">>
Although you're not watching his face, a smirk is implied by his smug tone. Rolling eyes, you decide not to engage him further. You regret letting your guard down in the first place – now he'll know you're enjoying this far more than you should.
Marky murmurs some of the lines along with the characters. The guys you overheard before weren't kidding; Tyler must replay this quite often. Normally you'd be annoyed by this grating behavior, but there's something oddly amusing about listening to him, of all people, reciting lines from such a geeky movie.
During the beginning of the third act, your betraying fingers caress his hand, your skinny digits contrasting with his large, thick ones. A shiver climbs your spine as you realize this is an actual //date// with a //man//, the bullying douche of it all notwithstanding. You immediately let go of his hand, but the cuffs keep you connected. His fingers find yours once more, gripping them far too fiercely.
It hurts.
You barely focus on the third act – regretting the idiotic decision of sitting next to Marky while also praying for forgiveness over holding hands with another man. He was right to have chained himself to you; if running away was an option, you'd have done it already.
The theater hollows out once Jake Sully opens his eyes as a Na'vi one final time. Marky drags you along the exiting mob, mumbling a complaint about feeling sweaty. Navigating in the dark, you zigzag until finding yourself in the same decrepit locker room where Emmett, Marky, and Tyler set a trap days earlier. Bathed in shadows, the room is dimly illuminated by the glow of moonlight filtering through small windows near the ceiling.
Cortisol shoots through your veins as memories from the encounter overtake your mind. Cracks in the tiles form nonsensical drawings on the walls, some resembling eerie, anthropomorphic monsters that intensify your fear. Once more, the fight-or-flight (but mostly //flight//) instinct kicks in, demanding you leave this place.
<<di you "Why are we here?">>
<<di mark "We're taking a shower, Fairy.">>
<<di you "But this place is creepy and dangerous. Let's go to the regular bathroom upstairs.">>
Marky bursts into laughter.
<<di mark "I'll protect you, silly ?fag.">>
@@.int;But I'm scared of YOU.@@
Any reservations are promptly ignored as the locked cuff forces you into following your flesh-and-blood monster into one of the decaying stalls. Marky lights up his phone's torch, setting it precariously over a bench and directing the light towards the shower, providing both too much and not enough illumination as the focused beam stubbornly refuses to spread sideways.
<<di mark "Now comes your favorite part of the night: I'll get naked for you... Slut!">>
Upon shedding his top, Marky realizes a flaw in his plan. As his wrist is connected to yours, there is no way to completely remove the shirt – the fabric hangs by the chain, bundled between the two of you. You can't help but roll your eyes at his stupidity.
<<di you "Wouldn't it be better to unlock us?">>
<<di mark "No.">>
<<di you "But we can't shower like his.">>
Lifting the handcuffed hand, you swing his shirt back and forth on the chain to emphasize your point.
<<di you "Just unlock it.">>
<<di mark "I knew your sneaky ass would beg for that, so I left the key in our room.">>
<<di you "So let's go up there. You can unlock us, and then we'll shower in the upstairs bathroom, where there's lights and stuff.">>
<<di mark "Stop whining! Take your fucking clothes off and get into the stall.">>
Pulling on your shirt aggressively, Marky forcefully undresses your upper body. The cloth bundles with his on the chain, putting even more pressure on your wrist. Trembling overtakes your body as par for the course in these situations, partly due to the cold but mostly out of fear.
<<di mark "Jeez, Fairy. It's not that cold. C'mere.">>
He cradles your body, his muscular arms enveloping you as his large body dwarfs yours. Your face is smushed against brawny pecs that smell of Pandora. The shivering doesn't stop, accentuated by the guilt of being hugged by a half-naked guy.
<<di mark "Better?">>
<<di you "Yeah.">>
You manage a half-hearted response, trying to hide your discomfort. Letting go, he continues undressing, pulling your wrist along as he removes his shoes, socks, and finally, his cargo shorts and underwear in one swift motion. Your eyes immediately lock onto his beautiful dick, soft but still imposing as it hangs low between his legs. His pubes are freshly trimmed, you note – wearing perfume wasn't the only way he prepared for your "date". Bathed in the phone's torchlight, his golden, tanned body looks otherworldly, as if the world was frozen in time by a camera flash during a photoshoot. The shadows cast by his figure on the walls loom large, emphasizing his imposing muscles; amidst the cracked tiles, he's the biggest monster of them all. He tosses his clothes onto the bench, silently gesturing for you to do the same.
However, the courage to undress evades you, even as you breathe deeply. Tired of waiting, Marky pulls at your shorts, despite your sneakers still being on. The fabric bunches around your ankles, almost causing you to lose balance. Exasperatedly, he continues pulling at your feet, leaving you struggling to maintain your footing.
@@.dom;[[Snap at him.->Day5MarkySubSnap][$sub -= 1; $lmark -= 1]]@@
@@.sub;[[Let him finish undressing you.->Day5MarkySubUndress][$sub += 1; $lmark += 1]]@@You peek at the back of Emmett's head from across the room, dirty-blonde curls bounce as he moves. Tyler remains busy with the laptop, you note, pressing your lips together. The blond will certainly not appreciate any noise while his movie plays, so sitting next to Emmett is a no-go. You'll simply have to drag the fatty further back so that any chatter doesn't reach the front row.
<<di you "Hey.">>
You approach Emmett, pawing at his hair, messing his curls. He looks up, startled, dragging his head out of your reach.
<<di emm "Hmm... Hi!">>
<<di you "Let's sit back there.">>
You tilt your head towards the exit.
<<di emm "Why?">>
<<di you "Because I wanna talk and Tyler doesn't like noise. C'mon.">>
Emmett closely follows as you walk to the back of the room, his feet noisily dragging through the wooden floor. As you pick a seat on the right side, your eyes lock with Marky's. He's the only one sitting in the last row – actually, the last three rows are completely empty aside from him. His face is still swollen and purple, especially around his eyes, a Band-Aid clumsily glued across his nose.
You ignore his evil expression, shuddering internally as you sit. Emmett doesn't seem to notice the interaction as he settles next to you.
<<di emm "I think it's Avatar again.">>
<<di you "I like Avatar. I haven't seen it in a while, though.">>
<<di emm "Who doesn't like Avatar?">>
He exclaims excitedly – loud enough to cut through the room's din of conversation. The rhetorical question elicits disdain from some guys near you.
<<di you "Plenty of people... Especially here, I think.">>
You reply, glancing around. Emmett casts an askance look at his detractors.
<<di emm "Whatever. They're just pissy because he's played it over fifteen times already, apparently.">>
<<di you "Fifteen times? Jesus...">>
<<di emm "I mean, we wouldn't even have a movie night if it weren't for Tyler. They should be grateful that they're getting a movie at all...">>
You frown.
It's unnerving how normally Emmett is acting in light of everything that happened between you. More baffling still is how ready he is to defend Tyler's actions – even his choice of replaying a movie an outrageous amount of times despite clear signs no one wants to watch it again.
@@.int;Is he... brainwashed? Is that what Tyler did to him? Is this why he's acting like we're the best of friends even though we aren't?@@
<<di emm "...trilogy of all time, right?">>
<<di you "Right... I mean, what?">>
<<di emm "The OG Star Wars trilogy is the best ever. I mean, you have to agree. Otherwise, we're not friends anymore.">>
<<di you "Right.">>
<<di emm "Exactly!">>
<<di you "Are we though?">>
<<di emm "What?">>
<<di you "Friends. Are we friends?">>
<<di emm "Of course we are! I mean, we've known each other for less than a week, but I think we're friends!">>
@@.int;What is up with this guy?@@
<<di you "You're not pissed at me?">>
<<di emm "No...?">>
Shaking your head and absentmindedly cracking your knuckles, you deliberate on your next move. Despite attempts to not feel this way, the more Emmett acts like nothing has happened, the more you are adamant about provoking a response.
Tilting your head toward his shoulder, you position your mouth against his ear.
<<di you "What if I made you suck my dick right here, in front of everyone? Would you hate me then?">>
Emmett's body tenses.
<<di you "Answer me.">>
<<di emm "No...">>
<<di you "'No', you wouldn't hate me or 'no', you wouldn't suck me?">>
<<di emm "Neither... I mean, both -- I dunno.">>
<<di you "Why are you such a pussy?">>
<<di emm "I dunno! Why are you such an asshole?">>
He declares – suddenly offended – and gets up, his small feet dragging through the wooden floor as he shuffles away from you.
@@.int;Well, shit. That backfired. I should have known that the little shit would run away instead of confronting me.@@
You rise again and trail behind Emmett, settling in the seat next to him. Tyler looms to your left, still messing with his electronics. You continue your conversation, deliberately lowering your tone to avoid incurring the King's ire.
<<di you "You gotta admit it's a little weird how you're acting like everything's la-di-da after you sold me out to fucking Marky Walsh and that asshole over there...">>
Your head cocks lightly toward Tyler.
<<di you "...and I got my sweet revenge on you. Can you act like a human being instead of a mind-controlled slave or something?">>
<<di emm "I'm not a slave!">>
<<di you "No?">>
<<di emm "Look, I know Tyler's... Tyler. But he protects me, ok? Some of the other guys would have eaten me alive if it weren't for him. And you... I thought you could actually be my friend. Even after... Stuff.">>
@@.int;That's adorable.@@
<<di you "That's adorable.">>
Shaking your head afresh, eyelids down, you breathe out, toying with how to push him surgically. You go for //cold//, just before reaching //harsh// territory.
<<di you "Very well, watch Avatar for the millionth time if you like. Or come find me in the back if you want something more exciting.">>
Emmett regards you despondently as you stride back to where you were a minute ago.
@@.int;I hope that works.@@
<div class="timebar"></div>
Ten minutes pass. Tyler continues fiddling with cables hooked to the laptop, his head moving back and forth in clear frustration with the setup. The idea that Emmett's coming seems unlikely. Finally, the lights go dark and the movie ultimately starts. The 20th Century Fox logo appears onscreen, followed by a horn sound and tribal music.
The whole room voices varied levels of discontent once they realize they're watching Avatar again.
Some people get up and start filing out of the auditorium. Most of the audience stays, despite the grumbling – validation of the lack of entertainment available at St. Agnes. One form walking down the right side of the room catches your attention – you'd never mistake that doughy frame.
You grin internally as Emmett slides into your row and lowers himself to your left. He pretends to focus on the screen, no words escaping his lips.
@@.int;Playing hard to get, huh? Very well.@@
After weighing down the possibilities, you settle on letting him beg for your attention. Forcing Emmett into sexual scenarios is boring already – if he wants some dick, he'll have to ask for it.
Most of the first act goes by; you try to immerse yourself in the movie, removing Emmett from your thoughts. However, he starts fidgeting during the scene where Jake chooses and bonds with his banshee. The soaring soundtrack matches Jake's flight through Pandora's skies while, in the real world, Emmett's left hand plunges onto your right knee.
He immediately removes it, regret in the movement.
@@.int;No, you don't.@@
You grab Emmett's right hand softly and guide it over your leg once more. You wish you could see his expression without giving him the satisfaction of turning to him. Tilting your head, you whisper, still eyeing the screen.
<<di you "Why'd you come back?">>
He doesn't answer, which is annoying. You dig your nails into his wrist, eliciting a grunt from him.
<<di emm "I dunno... Let's just leave?">>
<<di you "Stop being a little bitch, just admit it.">>
Emmett stays quiet after that. He keeps attempting to snatch his hand away as your nails gently press into his skin. The movie no longer has your attention; all your senses are targeted at Emmett. You drag his fingers over your lap, allowing him to feel your semi-hard dick over your shorts.
@@.int;Maybe that'll speed things along.@@
He breathes out, obviously desperate for it, which would be endearing if all of his willpower wasn't spent pretending otherwise. Finally, you shove his hand away, out of your personal space.
@@.int;Let's see how he reacts to the dangling carrot being taken away.@@
<<di emm "Stop being an ass!">>
He complains a little too loudly during a notably quiet scene. A few heads turn your way. Despite being unable to see it, you know he's blushing. Emmett's bright phone glares to your side as he types something. Yours buzzes in your pocket immediately after.
<<msgfrom "Why are you being so mean?">>
<<msgto "Just tell me what I wanna hear.">>
<<msgfrom "Can't we go? I don't wanna do this here.">>
<<msgto "So go, I'm watching Avatar.">>
The three dots on your screen indicate he's typing and deleting words repeatedly. Since you've grown weary of this charade, you put your phone away and turn your attention to the movie. Still, he continues typing and typing, deleting and deleting. You pay it no mind.
Emmett pokes your arm.
You ignore it.
He pokes again.
<<di emm "Read the message.">>
<<di you "No.">>
<<di emm "Read it.">>
<<di you "What are we, twelve? Passing notes in fucking class? Whatever you wanna say, say it.">>
You spit out, suddenly wishing you watched the movie alone instead of dealing with fretful fidgeting ?faggots.
Abruptly, Emmett presses his lips against your ear, the intensity of his desperation hurting your eardrums.
<<di emm "I want your dick. Give it to me now.">>
He doesn't wait for an answer – you gasp as he shoves a hand in your pants, violently pulling down elastic bands.
[[Stop him.->Day5MovieEmmettStop][$lemm -= 2]]
@@.dom;[[Say nothing and let him continue.->Day5MovieEmmettLet][$sub -= 1; $lemm += 2]]@@
@@.dom;[[Torture him before allowing him to touch you.->Day5MovieEmmettTorture][$sub -= 3; $lemm += 3]]@@You get up and follow Haruki out of the auditorium. He walks briskly; you struggle to keep up. When you pass the last row, Marky notices you leaving and cranes his neck to watch you go. <<if hasVisited("DomTrain")>>His broken nose and eyes still look purplish and swollen.<</if>>
Once you're out, Haruki grabs your hand and pulls you along the maze of corridors you've barely come to figure out. The hallways are pitch-black, but he deftly navigates them with precision. You pass through a room in renovation that leads to a door outside – a small service entrance on the rightmost side of the building, facing the backyard.
The full moon is bright, illuminating the back garden, which is overgrown and in disarray. You haven't visited this side of the manor yet, and it's dismaying to see such an imposing building looking so dilapidated. Shrubs and wild purple flowers grow in high patches that are tall enough to hide all kinds of animals.
Haruki continues pulling your hand until you reach a garden shed hidden by trees at the forest entrance – the woods cover most of the estate. He unchains the door using an old key, produces matches, and lights a lantern. He closes the room after you enter. The place is surprisingly organized and neat for a shack – tools are ordered on wall hooks and shelves; there are no windows. Pushed against a corner is a small couch that looks decrepit but clean; a table stands in front of it.
<<di har "Welcome to Haruki's Hideaway, a place of garden tools and old couches.">>
<<di you "Nice! No one knows about this place?">>
<<di har "Not really. Father Noah – the gardener priest – is super old and hasn't been taking care of the garden. That's why it looks like it does. Other than you, no one knows I use this place.">>
Haruki pulls a Nintendo Switch from his pocket – heinous contraband. He's risking a lot by revealing his sanctuary and videogame to someone else. He must be really fond of you to trust you like this.
<<di har "Wanna play?">>
<<di you "Abso-fucking-lutely.">>
He hands you one of the small controllers and sets the screen on the table. He throws himself on the couch and taps his side. You sit close to him, legs rubbing together. Haruki boots up Mario Kart and immediately picks Wario; you choose Princess Peach – you find she's slower but easier to control. Gladly, he doesn't comment negatively on your choice.
After a few minutes of playing, you gather the courage to ask him something that's bothering you.
<<di you "I thought you didn't like bullies.">>
<<di har "I don't.">>
<<di you "Then why are you hanging out with those douches?">>
Haruki uses the lightning power up; his Wario runs over your Peach, flattening her.
<<di har "They aren't like that usually.">>
<<di you "That Shane is an asshole.">>
<<di har "Only sometimes...">>
<<di you "Dude... He humiliated me for no reason. He doesn't even know me.">>
He pauses the game and stares at you, annoyance in his semblance.
<<di har "Do you wanna play or do you wanna discuss my buddies?">>
<<di you "I just find it weird... You seem to be a nice guy. You told me you don't like bullies, but you hang out with guys that had no qualms about treating me like shit for laughs.">>
<<di har "Can you quit it with the holier-than-thou attitude? This is a reform school. In case you haven't noticed, we're surrounded by assholes. Shane is my roommate. He's not my friend. He's just... in my life.">>
He air quotes the word 'friend'.
<<di har "Unlike you, I'm not going out of my way to create enemies.">>
<<di you "I don't do that!">>
Haruki turns his head to the side and presses his lips together, wordlessly questioning: 'Oh really?'
<<di you "Do I?">>
<<di har "Just be cool, dude. Quit complaining and over-analyzing shit. Enjoy the fucking game, kay?">>
<<di you "OK.">>
He unpauses the game. You breathe out and keep playing, trying to forget your worries.
<div class="timebar"></div>
He wins five times in a row, getting the top position every time. You get slightly better with each try, starting at number 6 but closing in at number 3 during the last cup. The Switch notifies that the battery is low, so he turns off the console.
<<di har "Wanna make out?">>
Haruki blurts out suddenly. You feel blood rush to your cheeks – how can he be so nonchalant about this?
[[Nod yes.->Day5MovieHarukiYes]]
[[Shake your head.->Day5MovieHarukiNo]]You barely nod your head, and he pounces like a dog jumping over its favorite toy. Haruki breathes once over your lips before closing the distance, aggressively kissing you. His tongue subdues yours in a game of wrestling. He breaks the kiss and bites your lower lip while scratching your legs with sharp nails.
<<if hasVisited("MorningGymHitHaruki") or hasVisited("MorningGymSuckHaruki")>><<di you "No biting or scratching! You left marks last time! I think some are still on me.">><<else>><<di you "No biting or scratching! I don't want marks on me.">><</if>>
<<di har "That's hot, you walking around marked by me.">>
<<di you "...shut up! No marking.">>
<<di har "Awww... But you're so bitable. Like a chew toy. CHOMP!">>
He bites your neck softly; you whimper.
Do you take the reins of the situation?
@@.sub;[[Let him do as he pleases.->Day5MovieHarukiDom][$lhar += 1; $sub += 1]]@@
@@.dom;[[Pin him and bite him back.->Day5MovieHarukiSub][$lhar += 1; $sub -= 1]]@@You shake your head. While you have enjoyed his company, that doesn't mean you want anything sexual tonight. Haruki looks disappointed but shrugs.
<<include "Day5MovieHarukiEnd">>You melt at his touches, letting him keep control of the situation. Haruki quickly pulls his shirt off and pulls at yours; you help him undress you. His high pompadour now looks slightly disheveled, making him that much sexier. The yellow lamplight deepens his suntanned skin – a bronze statue come to life. His muscles are chiseled and defined; you eagerly grab them with your fingers.
He clashes against you again, your bodies dancing shadows on the wall. His movements are harsh and demanding; each kiss, each touch, and each bite turns you into a whimpering incoherent mess. Haruki scratches your back lightly as his tongue presses its way into your throat. He's doing his best not to mark you, despite the roughness.
Suddenly, he lets you go, walks to a lower shelf, and bends down, reaching into a large metal tin. You feel cold without his constant touch.
<<di har "Where is it...?">>
The tin clinks and clanks loudly in the quiet room. Finally, Haruki pulls a leather harness with red trim out of it. He quickly dresses himself in it; the leather highlights his strong pectorals. He also produces a leather collar that has the same finish. He walks back to you and clasps it around your neck before you can even protest; he also attaches a leash to it.
<<di har "Woof!">>
<<di you "Woof?">>
<<di har "WOOF!">>
Haruki actually barks that last 'woof'. He pecks your lips before lying on the sofa and using the leash to pull you down toward his crotch. You understand what he wants, so you reach for his shorts, pulling them down, along with his underwear. You open your mouth to engulf his dick, but he uses the leash to hold you off it.
<<di har "You've been too whiny, and whiny pups don't get bones.">>
<<di you "What?">>
You ask indignantly.
@@.int;What the fuck does he mean... Pushing me towards his crotch but not letting me suck him off?@@
<<di har "Jerk me off. That's it.">>
You frown deeply, creasing your face. Wearing your heart on your sleeve has always been a problem – your face betrays your thoughts.
<<di har "If looks could kill...">>
You grab his dick angrily, upset that his orders don't match your desires. Soon, though, you forget about your anger and instead focus on how warm his shaft feels on your hand. You spit on it, using the wetness to stroke it.
<<di har "That's it, good bitch.">>
<<di you "I'm not a bitch...">>
<<di har "Yes, you are.">>
Up and down your hand goes, pleasuring him slowly. Squelching sounds fill the room as you spit a second time on this rod. It feels red and solid in your grip.
<<di har "I'll let you suck on the head near the end and swallow my load if you admit you're a bitch.">>
<<di you "...">>
<<di har "Fine by me.">>
You look down at his cock; it glistens with your saliva. A droplet of precum drips from the head; it looks absolutely delectable. You shouldn't have looked down – dicks are hypnotizing, you've come to discover. You want to suck on it more than ever. Meanwhile, Haruki starts to pant, nearing his orgasm. He watches you attentively; your fascination with his penis turns him on as much as your hand.
@@.sub;[['I'm a bitch?'->Day5MovieHarukiDomBitch][$sub += 1; $lhar += 1]]@@
@@.dom;[[You refuse to say it.->Day5MovieHarukiDomRefuse][$sub -= 1]]@@You maneuver your head out of his way, finding the space between his neck and shoulder with your open mouth. You graze your teeth against the skin before biting it with gusto.
@@.int;He'll see who bites who around here.@@
Haruki yells surprisedly but immediately suppresses the reaction. You shove your hands under his shirt, pulling it up aggressively. Once it's off, your eyes lock together. He looks stunned; a dash of amusement on his lips. The high pompadour now looks slightly disheveled, making him that much sexier. The yellow lamplight deepens his suntanned skin – a bronze statue come to life.
His muscles are chiseled and defined; you lick your upper lip before diving forward to his pectorals. They look decidedly juicy, and you want to taste them. You grab his right one while you bite the left one; he groans. You scratch his back with your other hand, wanting to mark him as he intended to do to you minutes earlier.
You lick your way up, traveling through the mountain of his Adam's apple and the light hairs on his chin, finally reaching his mouth. You clash your body against his, your figures dancing shadows on the wall. Your movements are harsh and demanding; each kiss, each touch, and each bite elicits whimpers similar to a lost puppy.
Suddenly, Haruki untangles his body from yours and gets up. He walks to a lower shelf and bends down, reaching into a large metal tin. You take off your shirt while waiting for whatever he's doing.
<<di you "Come back, I'm not done marking you.">>
You grin; he turns and grins right back.
He shifts his attention back to the search. The tin clinks and clanks loudly in the quiet room. Finally, he pulls a leather harness with red trim out of it and a leather collar with the same finish. Haruki walks back to you, collar in hand, trying to clasp it on you.
<<di you "...the fuck you doing?">>
<<di har "You'll look good in it, trust me.">>
<<di you "You mean you'll look good in it.">>
You grab the collar from his hand and quickly wrap it around his neck. He moves around, trying to prevent you from doing it, but you manage to clasp it shut.
<<di you "Good dog.">>
His eyes betray an internal storm. This is not what he had planned for the night, and he seems confused that he's enjoying this treatment. You seize his confusion to also attach a leash to the collar.
<<di you "Bark for me, doggy.">>
You push him over the edge. If he enjoys puppy play you'll lean into it to subdue him. He blinks at the request; a frown and a smile fighting for control.
<<di har "Woof!">>
<<di you "Woof!">>
You dress yourself in his harness; it looks a little big since you're smaller than him. His eyes shine as he gapes at your harness-clad body; he reaches for it and grabs the leather, pulling you to him. He tries to kiss you, but you deny him.
<<di you "Bad dog. Remember, I'm in control.">>
You pull on the leash locked in his collar, keeping his half-opened lips just out of reach. Haruki whimpers as a dog would; you smile. You twist the leash around your hand, making it shorter. Then, you aggressively pull his head towards your crotch. Haruki's eyes shoot around, still struggling with submitting.
<<di you "Doesn't puppy want a bone?">>
<<di har "I'm not a puppy.">>
<<di you "Aren't you?">>
<<di har "No!">>
<<di you "Does that mean you don't want the bone?">>
You ask playfully, even though he's having trouble accepting this new position. You hope by keeping the mood light, he won't freak out. Suddenly, you realize that this is what he's been doing to you all along – asking ambiguous questions and using puns to disorient you.
<<di har "Stop.">>
<<di you "You sure? No bones for confused puppies.">>
<<di har "I said stop.">>
<<di you "Fine.">>
You untangle the leash from your hand, letting it sink to the ground. After a few awkward seconds, Haruki slowly reaches over and holds your hands. He pulls you softly to him and tries to steal another kiss.
<<di you "What...?">>
<<di har "Let's just... No playing. Just, like, normal...">>
<<di you "No.">>
You keep quiet for half a minute, letting your denial sink in. Haruki is astonished at this turn of events – mouth open, eyebrows arched.
<<di you "Either you submit or no deal. This is what you wanted. You brought the collar and the leash out. You're hard like a bitch in heat.">>
<<di har "Stop.">>
<<di you "You're loving this. You want someone to do this to you. You're desperate to submit, but your ego is standing in the way. I bet that's what Shane does to you in your room, huh?">>
Haruki visibly tenses his whole body at that last sentence – a nerve was struck.
<<di you "You're the beta of your little pack of friends. You're Shane's bitch. And now, you're mine too.">>
Haruki growls, jumping over you like a wolf pinning down his prey. He puffs on you, his breath warm on your cheeks; eyes wild. You rise your face slowly and lick his face from his chin to his nose.
<<di you "Woof.">>
He kisses you angrily, taking his frustrations out on your lips and tongue. You reach for his leash, slowly wrapping it around your hand again while you let him devour your face. Once you're done, you pull on it tightly.
<<di you "Whose puppy are you?">>
He doesn't answer.
You repeat your question firmly.
<<di you "Whose... puppy... are you?">>
<<di har "Yours.">>
You kiss him again, greedily but quickly, pulling him towards your crotch after a few seconds. This time, Haruki doesn't complain or pretend not to be interested. He dives for your shorts, sniffing them eagerly, before pulling them down. Your cock bounces around in the cold air. Haruki watches it and licks his lips before engulfing it.
His tongue around your cockhead feels amazing; the wet twirls and balmy breath drives you feral. You tighten your grip on the leash, pulling Haruki closer to your body. You use your other hand to hold the top of his head, forcing him down until the hilt of your dick disappears inside his lips. He uses his tongue on the shaft while his throat presses on your knob.
<<di you "Jesus, fuck!">>
Haruki gags, so you slack your powerful grip on his head. He continues sucking eagerly, barely stopping to catch a breath; you're astonished by his talent even as you're panting in pleasure.
<<di you "You're such a good cocksucker. I understand now why Shane was jealous when he saw me. He doesn't wanna lose access to your talented mouth.">>
Haruki looks up, a churlish expression in his eyes. He doesn't spit your dick out though; his tongue moves even more energetically.
<<di you "Tell me later which cum tastes better, mine or Shane's.">>
He keeps sucking; his loud slurping reverberating on the walls. Your orgasm builds, rising from the small of your back, tingling towards your extremities – until your whole body tenses and relaxes at once. You unload inside his steamy mouth, grunting half-uttered curses.
Haruki swallows your seed enthusiastically; you watch him and notice that he's masturbating his own rod while he savors your taste.
Do you let him cum?
@@.dom;[[No treats for whiny pups.->Day5MovieHarukiSubRefuse][$lhar += 1; $sub -= 1]]@@
@@.sub;[[Sure, poor thing.->Day5MovieHarukiSubCum][$lhar += 2; $sub += 1]]@@<<di you "I'm a bitch?">>
<<di har "Not... like... that...">>
He pants his answer, clearly holding back on his orgasm.
<<di har "Like you... mean it...">>
<<di you "I'm a bitch. Please, I'm a bitch! Immabitch!">>
He slacks the leash, and you interpret that as permission to take his delicious cockhead inside your mouth. Once you clasp your lips on it, he starts moaning loudly. You suck on it hungrily as warm jets hit your palate. His essence tastes alkaline and sweet; you swallow it cravingly.
Haruki pants, spent from cumming. You continue sucking on the head, searching for extra drops of cum hidden in his urethra. He slaps your face twice softly.
<<di har "Good bitch. I like how desperate you are for my seed already.">>
He holds his cock in his hand and slaps your face with it back and forth. The saliva on it wets your cheeks.
<<include "Day5MovieHarukiDomFinish">>You say nothing, pumping him continuously and watching his cock like a dog spying on a rotisserie chicken spinning in the oven – so close, yet far.
Haruki looks amused by your refusal. However, you can barely see it on his face; he's close to orgasm – eyes half-shut, lips forming an 'O', stomach muscles rising and falling swiftly.
After a few extra seconds of jerking, he moans loudly – white jets leave his shaft. The first one lands on your left cheek; you close your eyes in surprise. When you open them again, you find his body is covered by spunk, as is your hand. His cock continues dribbling.
Haruki gives a tired smile.
<<di har "Good handjob, bitch.">>
<<di you "I'm not a bitch!">>
Haruki grins, too sated by his orgasm to bother discussing titles with you.
<<di har "Grab that rag and clean me.">>
Despite not being a bitch, you obey him. You grab a piece of cloth from the tin and rub it on your face, removing his seed. Later, you use it on his abdomen, pectorals, and dick. Finally, you clean your hand. Once you're done, the rag is saturated with sticky cum. You quietly envy it.
<<include "Day5MovieHarukiDomFinish">><<di har "Wish you could wear my collar out there.">>
@@.int;Me too.@@
You think it but won't dare say it out loud. He already thinks you're a bitch; you don't want to reinforce it.
You reach down for your shorts, pulling them down, grabbing your painfully hard dick. It pulsates in your hand.
<<di har "I didn't say you could cum.">>
<<di you "But...">>
<<di har "Do you think Shane is hot?">>
<<di you "Wha...? No! He's an ass.">>
<<di har "That's not what I asked">>
<<di you "No, I don't.">>
<<di har "Don't lie. I saw your face when he said what he said. You liked that he already knew that you enjoy serving men. You like being the school's ?fag, don't you?">>
<<di you "No, I don't!">>
<<di har "I'll let you cum if you tell me the truth...">>
<<di you "I don't like it!">>
@@.int;Do I? I don't. I don't. I don't.@@
<<di har "Fine, then, don't cum.">>
<<di you "You're not the boss of me.">>
You restart jerking yourself off, ignoring his judging eyes.
<<di har "If you do this, you're not getting my dick again. Ever.">>
You falter and stop moving your hand.
<<di har "Bitches don't need to cum, anyway. I came, and that's what matters.">>
Haruki reaches for your leash and licks his lips. He grabs his phone and takes a picture of you wearing the collar.
<<di har "You look so good collared. I could almost cum again just looking at you.">>
You blush, upset that he took the picture without asking for permission but also extremely turned on by what he's saying. Finally, he unclasps the collar and the leash. Haruki also removes his harness and puts them inside the metal tin. You stay kneeling on the floor, dick hard, horny, unallowed to finish.
<<include "Day5MovieHarukiEnd">><<di you "Don't touch yourself.">>
He continues doing it, ignoring your order. You softly kick his dick-holding hand. Haruki stares at you, ice daggers shooting from his eyes.
<<di you "You won't cum tonight. This is what you get for acting like a bitch earlier.">>
He finally uncouples from your cockhead, swallowing whatever semen was left on his tongue.
<<di har "Screw you.">>
<<di you "Bad dog!">>
You slap his face roughly, enough to hurt. He'll submit by force if necessary. Haruki is astonished by the violence.
<<di you "Say you're sorry.">>
<<di har "Fuck you.">>
You slap him again – his face now cherry-red from the rushing blood.
<<di you "Say it.">>
He tries to get up, but you pull him back down; he buckles, falling over your legs. Even though he's much, much stronger than you, Haruki doesn't attack. He continues to pretend not wanting to submit. You eye each other for long, torturous minutes – both unmoving.
<<di har "Sorry.">>
<<di you "Uhmm... So, what's the answer to my question?">>
Haruki frowns, confused.
<<include "Day5MovieHarukiSubFinish">>Haruki gave you an awesome blowjob, so you decide to reward him with orgasm – despite his acting so unruly earlier.
<<di you "Yeah, bitch, cum while savoring my seed.">>
He continues jerking; much too horny to refute being called a bitch. You reach over and slap his face. Haruki glances at you, lips still glued to your cock-head, eyes inquiring: 'what's that for?'
<<di you "You looked like you needed a slap from your alpha.">>
As soon as he hears your answer, he cums; pearly white jets smear the burnished concrete floor. His moans are muffled by your cock, which is still being massaged softly by his tongue. You count five spurts – Haruki ejaculates a lot.
<<di you "Now clean the floor like a good puppy.">>
Haruki finally uncouples from your dick and moves slowly, still enjoying the afterglow of his climax. He grabs a rag from the tin and wipes his cum from the warped and imperfect floor. Once he's done, the cloth is saturated with sticky cum.
<<di you "So, what's the answer to my question?">>
Haruki frowns, confused.
<<include "Day5MovieHarukiSubFinish">><<di you "Whose cum tastes better?">>
He growls.
<<di har "Quit it with the Shane shit.">>
<<di you "Fine.">>
You let go of the leash, and it unspools from your hand, dropping to the floor. Haruki licks his lips, finding a drop of semen that he hadn't swallowed yet.
<<di you "How do I taste?">>
<<di har "Actually... fucking delicious.">>
<<if hasVisited("Day5MovieHarukiSubRefuse")>><<di you "That's good. Tonight I came for both of us. Swallowing it was enough reward for you.">><<else>><<di you "That's good, you're already addicted to your alpha's milk.">><</if>>
Haruki shakes his head, blinking rapidly – his body language betraying his inner battle. You grab your phone and take a picture of him kneeling on the floor, wearing a collar and leash. He looks... Perfect.
<<di har "Oi, what's that for?">>
<<di you "Cold and lonely nights. You look so handsome collared like that. I couldn't help myself.">>
He blushes and says nothing. You remove the harness from your body and reach over, unclasping the collar from his neck. You hand him the accessories, and he puts them back inside the metal tin.
<<include "Day5MovieHarukiEnd">><<di har "Are you still rooming with Walsh?">>
<<if hasVisited("SubTrainMarky")>><<di you "Yeah.">>
<<di har "Are you going back there?">><</if>><<if hasVisited("SubTrainTyler")>><<di you "No.">>
<<di har "With whom?">>
<<di you "Tyler.">>
<<di har "Yeesh. Why?">>
<<di you "He saved me. From Marky.">>
<<di har "That's like asking Thanos to save you from Loki.">>
<<di you "Is Marky Loki? I don't think they're--">>
<<di har "I meant that's trading something mildly dangerous for something extremely dangerous.">>
You're rendered speechless because you know he's not wrong.
<</if>><<if hasVisited("DomTrain")>><<di you "No.">>
<<di har "With whom?">>
<<di you "I slept last night at Tyler's, but I don't think I'm welcome there again.">>
He frowns.
<<di har "Why the fuck were you sleeping there?">>
<<di you "Long story.">>
<<di har "Be careful of him. He's...">>
Haruki trails off.
<<di you "I don't have anywhere else to sleep. I'm not sleeping on those gross gym mats again.">>
<<di har "I can't take you to my room. Shane would freak. Plus, there's no space. You can crash here, I guess.">>
<<di you "You sure?">>
Haruki shrugs as if to say 'whatever'<<if hasVisited("Day5MovieHarukiYes")>> while he dresses<</if>>. You beam at how nice he's being, sharing his hideaway with you.
<<di har "There's no electricity here. And the closest bathroom is far away. Just a heads up.">>
He walks to the door<<if hasVisited("Day5MovieHarukiYes")>> as you finish putting your clothes back on<</if>>.
<<di har "Gotta pee and leave. You coming back to the manor or staying?">>
<<if hasVisited("DomTrain")>><<di you "I'm staying here, I guess, but first I gotta grab my shit from Tyler's room.">>
You follow Haruki back to the building, your steps and a cacophony of crickets serving as a soundtrack to your late-night shenanigans.
<<di you "What's your room number?">>
You ask as he detaches himself from you and raises his hand as a goodbye.
<<di har "105. But don't come to my room. Shane won't like it.">>
@@.int;Fucking asshole Shane!@@
You finally exchange numbers and say your goodbyes. You climb the extra flights of stairs to the third floor and knock on Tyler's door. He opens it after long minutes. You think he seems happy – for his standards. Is this James Cameron's Avatar's effect on Tyler?
<<di you "I just came for my stuff. I found some other place to sleep.">>
He glances at your mud-ridden feet and 'tsks'. Tyler raises one finger for you to wait; he walks to the small twin bed in the corner, grabs your bags from under it, and hands them to you. He takes one more disappointed glance at the now-dirty entrance to his room before smashing the door in your face.
You carry your stuff back to the shed and sit on the uncomfortable and lumpy couch, wondering if you made a good decision.
@@.int;Hopefully, this will be the best decision I ever made. Even if this is the worst room in the whole school, at least I don't have to share it with evil bullies.@@
You set your phone to battery-saving mode, put the lamp's flame out, and lie down, covering yourself with a large coat you brought to St. Agnes.
<<if hasVisited("SubTrainMarky")>>
[[Stay in the shed.->Day5MovieHarukiStayMarky]]<br>
[[Go back to Marky's room.->Day5MovieHarukiGoMarky]]
<<if hasVisited("SubTrainTyler")>>
[[Stay in the shed.->Day5MovieHarukiStayTyler]]<br>
[[Go back to Tyler's room.->Day5MovieHarukiGoTyler]]
<</nobr>><<include "EndVersion">><<di you "I'm staying.">>
<<di har "Not even picking your stuff up?">>
<<di you "Dealing with Marky right now? No, thanks. I'll just grab it once I'm sure he's not there.">>
<<di har "Chicken.">>
<<di you "Shut up.">>
<<di har "Night.">>
<<di you "Night.">>
Haruki leaves. You look around at your room for the night, pouting at how shitty it is – you're sure to regret sleeping on that lumpy couch.
@@.int;At least it's better than dealing with Marky.@@
The door opens again, and you look at it, expecting Haruki to be back because he forgot his console or something.
<<di mark "So, slut, how do you explain this one?">>
Marky's here.
Marky's here. Alone with you.
<<di you "I-I...">>
<<di mark "I-I-I-I... what, bitch?">>
<<di you "I'm sorry.">>
<<di mark "No, you're not.">>
Marky grabs you by the hair and forces your head up – his eyes look bewildered. Spit leaves his lips as he loudly breathes from his mouth.
<<di mark "You know, cavemen get a bad rep for clubbing their women on the head and dragging them home by the hair... But does anybody ever think that maybe the cavewomen were floozy little cunts THAT FUCK AROUND ON THEIR MEN?">>
<<di you "Pleasepleaseplease stop. You're hurting me.">>
<<di mark "Good!">>
He reaches for your mouth with his left hand and shoves it inside, exploring the cavity with salty fingers. You grunt in pain from having your head roughly pulled by your hair.
<<di mark "Now... What to do with you?">>
Marky thinks out loud, talking to himself.
<<di mark "I can't NOT punish you. Otherwise, how will you learn?">>
His fingers reach your throat; you gag at the intrusion.
<<di mark "But if I pick a punishment now, I'll actually kill you. Because I'm... Just... So... Pissed!">>
He punctuates the last four words with renewed pulling of your hair. You feel individual hairs being uprooted by the movement. You scream against his hand, crying in pain.
<<di you "PleEEeehhzz!">>
<<di mark "You fucking bitch, why do you have to make me like this? If you could only see that I--">>
Marky releases your hair and removes his hand from your mouth. The appeasement is short-lived, though, as he soon grabs your throat using both his hands and pins you against a wall. He doesn't press on your windpipe too roughly, but it still makes it difficult to breathe.
<<di mark "Why were you with that slant-eyed motherfucker?">>
<<di you "He's... Haruki's nice to me.">>
He frowns, silently watching you.
<<di you "He doesn't pinch me, call me names, grab me by the hair or choke me. He doesn't threaten to kill me.">>
Each of your words is a lash on his back. Marky's eyes water as he presses his lips together so tightly that they become white with strain.
<<di you "He's not a monster like you!">>
You scream the words, despite having your windpipe half-blocked.
Marky releases your neck and gives you one last distressed look before running out of the shed, leaving the room open. For hours you fear that he'll come back. Even after you close the door, put the lamp's flame out, and resolve to sleep, you expect him to return. He never does.
[[Sleep.->Day6]]<<di you "I'm going.">>
<<di har "Aren't you scared of him?">>
<<di you "Of course I am. That's why I'm going back.">>
You follow Haruki back to the building, your steps and a cacophony of crickets serving as a soundtrack to your late-night shenanigans.
<<di you "What's your room number?">>
You ask as he detaches himself from you and raises his hand as a goodbye.
<<di har "105. But don't come to my room. Shane won't like it.">>
@@.int;Fucking asshole Shane!@@
You finally exchange numbers and say your goodbyes. You climb the extra flights of stairs to your room, take a deep breath, and open the door.
You encounter Marky standing in the middle of the room, seemingly waiting for you to return. He reaches over and pushes the door closed behind you.
<<di mark "So, slut, why did you leave with Harumaki... or whatever his name is?">>
<<di you "I-I...">>
<<di mark "I-I-I-I... what, bitch?">>
<<di you "I'm sorry.">>
<<di mark "No, you're not.">>
Marky grabs you by the hair and forces your head up – his eyes look bewildered. Spit leaves his lips as he loudly breathes from his mouth.
<<di mark "You know, cavemen get a bad rep for clubbing their women on the head and dragging them home by the hair... But does anybody ever think that maybe the cavewomen were floozy little cunts THAT FUCK AROUND ON THEIR MEN?">>
<<di you "Pleasepleaseplease stop. You're hurting me.">>
<<di mark "Good!">>
He reaches for your mouth with his left hand and shoves it inside, exploring the cavity with salty fingers. You grunt in pain from having your head roughly pulled by your hair.
<<di mark "Now... What to do with you?">>
Marky thinks out loud, talking to himself.
<<di mark "I can't NOT punish you. Otherwise, how will you learn?">>
His fingers reach your throat; you gag at the intrusion.
<<di mark "But if I pick a punishment now, I'll actually kill you. Because I'm... Just... So... Pissed!">>
He punctuates the last four words with renewed pulling of your hair. You feel individual hairs being uprooted by the movement. You scream against his hand, crying in pain.
<<di you "PleEEeehhzz!">>
<<di mark "You fucking bitch, why do you have to make me like this? If you could only see that I--">>
Marky releases your hair and removes his hand from your mouth. The appeasement is short-lived, though, as he soon grabs your throat using both his hands and pins you against a wall. He doesn't press on your windpipe too roughly, but it still makes it difficult to breathe.
<<di mark "Tell me! Why were you with that slant-eyed motherfucker?">>
<<di you "He's... Haruki's nice to me.">>
He frowns, silently watching you.
<<di you "He doesn't pinch me, call me names, grab me by the hair or choke me. He doesn't threaten to kill me.">>
Each of your words is a lash on his back. Marky's eyes water as he presses his lips together so tightly that they become white with strain.
<<di you "He's not a monster like you!">>
You scream the words, despite having your windpipe half-blocked.
Marky lets go of your neck and gives you one last distressed look before punching the wall. He immediately regrets that decision and grimaces, shaking his hand, as his knuckles start bleeding.
<<di you "You're bleeding.">>
<<di mark "No shit.">>
<<di you "Stop shaking it.">>
<<di mark "Fuck you.">>
You grab his right hand, compelling him to stop shaking the member. You analyze it, forcing the fingers open and closed. It doesn't look too badly wounded. Marky winces but doesn't say anything, choosing instead to watch your face with interest as you take care of him.
He's possibly amazed that you care about his bully fingers – and he's right to be – because you don't care. This is simply a way to get on his good side again, avoiding such a punch aimed at your face.
@@.int;Fucking stupid bully fingers. I wish he'd hurt himself more. I wish his fingers would fall off... -- Shit, the blood's dripping. It must hurt a lot.@@
You pull Marky to the bedside table, sitting him on the bed. You open the second drawer, where you remember seeing first aid items while looking for your phone the other day. You spray some antiseptic on the wound; his blood mixes with the watery substance. You then wrap the fingers close together with some gaze, forcing them into an upright position.
<<di you "Does it hurt too much?">>
<<di mark "No...">>
Marky answers sullenly.
<<di you "You sure?">>
<<di mark "Yeah, it's my fucking hand, of course, I'm sure.">>
<<di you "You're welcome.">>
<<di mark "...Fuck you.">>
Marky pulls you towards him, holding you in a bear hug that takes your breath away – he grips you too tightly with his warm body. You feel small in his muscled embrace. He smells like perfume – a manly wooden fragrance captivating your nostrils. You wonder if he sprayed himself for you before movie night since you've never noticed him wearing scents.
He holds you for a long time, and your back muscles start to ache from the continued strain.
<<di you "Marky, you're hurting me.">>
<<di mark "Good.">>
He continues to hug you for what feels like hours. You keep eyeing the wall, memorizing all the tiny flecks of paint peeling off and uncleaned stained spots. After a while, you grow accustomed to his body pressing yours, or Marky stops gripping you so tightly – you're unsure which.
Eventually, he lies down on his back, still holding you on top of him, not letting you move in the slightest. A long time after that, you fall asleep with your head notched uncomfortably against his neck and shoulder.
[[Sleep.->Day6]]<<di you "I'm staying.">>
<<di har "Not even picking your stuff up?">>
<<di you "Dealing with Tyler right now? No, thanks. I'll just grab it once I'm sure he's not there.">>
<<di har "Good call. Night.">>
<<di you "Night.">>
Haruki leaves. You look around at your room for the night, pouting at how shitty it is – you're sure to regret sleeping on that lumpy couch.
@@.int;Even if this is the worst room in the whole school, at least it's better than dealing with Tyler.@@
You set your phone to battery-saving mode, put the lamp's flame out, and lie down, wishing you had something to cover yourself with.
[[Sleep.->Day6]]<<di you "I'm going.">>
<<di har "You're sure?">>
<<di you "Yeah, stop scaring me.">>
<<di har "I'm not the one who's scary.">>
You agree with him but don't reply. Tyler will never forgive you if you disappear for another night – you must go back.
You follow Haruki back to the building, your steps and a cacophony of crickets serving as a soundtrack to your late-night shenanigans.
<<di you "What's your room number?">>
You ask as he detaches himself from you and raises his hand as a goodbye.
<<di har "105. But don't come to my room. Shane won't like it.">>
@@.int;Fucking asshole Shane!@@
You finally exchange numbers and say your goodbyes. You climb the extra flights of stairs to the third floor and arrive at Tyler's room, only to find your bags in the corridor, near the door.
You immediately understand the unspoken reality – Tyler is done with you. You're no longer welcome in his room or his life.
Tyler has always reminded you of an evil Sherlock Holmes – he seems all-knowing. He probably has eyes everywhere.<<if hasVisited("MorningGymHitHaruki") or hasVisited("MorningGymSuckHaruki")>> He clearly knew all along that Haruki was the one who made those bites and scratches on your body the other day...<<else>> You can safely assume he knows Haruki likes fucking men...<</if>>
@@.int;...so when I left with Haruki, he connected the dots.@@
You should've realized that Tyler wouldn't accept his //toy// running around with other men.
@@.int;At least I still have the shed.@@
You carry your stuff back to the shack and sit on the uncomfortable and lumpy couch, thinking about how it feels to have an ex-Master. You know you'll miss him but try to convince yourself otherwise.
@@.int;Hopefully, this will work out for the best. Even if this is the worst room in the whole school, at least I don't have to share it with evil bullies.@@
You set your phone to battery-saving mode, put the lamp's flame out, and lie down, covering yourself with a large coat you brought to St. Agnes.
[[Sleep.->Day6]]Suddenly bored of this little charade, you grab his hand.
<<di you "You know what? I changed my mind. Just go.">>
Emmett knits his brows, unsure of what's happening as he holds the elastic band of your shorts with a firm grip. You unhook his fingers from your clothes and throw his hand back to his personal space.
<<di you "Fucking go, bitch!">>
The lights in the theater flash intermittently, and pupils adjust to the sudden brightness as he continues searching your face for hidden meaning.
<<di you "LEAVE!">>
Some students turn to stare after your yelling. Blushing so intensely that it is visible even in the uneven lighting, Emmett rises, almost falling over your lap in his haste to leave.
<<include "Day5MovieEmmettEnd">><<include "Day5MovieEmmett2">><<include "Day5MovieEmmett2">><<if hasVisited("Day5MovieEmmettTorture")>>Emmett shouldn't simply get to play with your cock just because he wants it. If not tamed he'll understand that such behavior is acceptable and will view you as an equal. Unthinkable! A little punishment is paramount for keeping him on his toes and – most importantly – scared of you. If even flabby gentle Emmett fails to treat you with deference, why should anyone else?
As for tonight's terror tactics – you've been carrying around a tube of Icy Hot menthol gel, applying it several times a day to your Marky-punched jaw. Several years ago, you accidentally scratched your balls following its use, the experience teaching you the true meaning of the expression "burn like hell."
<<di you "You first...">>
Tilting your body to him, you whisper.
<<di emm "What?">>
<<di you "Shh...">>
After slapping his hand away from your pants, you cover your fingers with an ungodly amount of Icy Hot. Reaching inside his tighty whities, you grip his half-hard small penis, slathering it in menthol under the pretense of masturbation.
<<di emm "Cold...">>
<<di you "It's lube, you ungrateful cunt.">>
Fingers slide further down, massaging his balls thoroughly with the gel, ensuring every sensitive area is covered, including part of his perineum – those parts are markedly more irritable than the shaft. Emmett stifles a moan, unaware of the hell he'll endure in short minutes. You finish the job by fondling his cock head repeatedly, penetrating his urethra with the menthol.
Your fingers start to burn, so you withdraw your hand from his pants, rubbing it clean on his shirt. Decidedly interested in his reaction, you turn your head fully toward Emmett and watch as he starts to sweat.
<<di emm "I-it burns, what's in this thing?">>
<<di you "You know... I don't know.">>
Emmett blinks; his eyes now wet, face frozen in the look one gets right before sneezing. You assume he's trying to withhold a reaction.
<<di you "I do know I'm ready for my handjob now.">>
He ignores you as his fingers grip the sides of the chair with might. His half-panting-half-whining is adorable – it brings a smile to your face.
<<di you "Hey, bitch, don't be selfish. It's my turn.">>
<<di emm "It burnssssssss--">>
Emmett drags the word out, his voice barely discernible over Avatar's soundtrack. He refuses to look your way, keeping his head down, eyes squinting at the floor.
<<di you "Unless you want me to rub that in your asshole as well, you'll take that chubby hand and stroke my dick, like you literally begged for a minute ago.">>
<<di emm "Fuck you!">>
He hisses, holding the same stupid expression, eyes slightly crinkled and locked down, lips spread open, nostrils flared. It really seems as if he's about to sneeze. Nevertheless, your unleashing a little pain on him does not permit him such disrespect.
You reach for his arm and pinch it.
@@.int;Why did I...?@@
@@.int;Am I Marky?@@
Shaking your head, you fling such ideas away. Recurring thoughts of Marky while domming Emmett are grating. The dissonance will have to be dealt with soon. Now, however, you must punish your prey further.
<<di you "Fine, fatso, I guess I'll have to rub your eyes with this shit.">>
Reaching for your pocket, you grab the tube, starting to turn its cap off. Emmett breathes in and out unevenly, little gasps peppered in his pattern. His right arm resignedly snakes itself to your lap; you smile to yourself.
You shove the Icy Hot back inside your pocket, ready to savor a handjob in front of the whole school. <<else>>@@.int;Whatever, let him enjoy himself. It's not like I won't enjoy it too.@@
You prepare to savor a handjob in front of the whole school. <</if>>Luckily for Emmett, they won't be aware of it. You, on the other hand, couldn't care less if others saw a ?fag servicing your cock. In fact, it might actually help your current standing. That would utterly and forever destroy Emmett's reputation, though. There is no coming back from that. He'd be 'Handie Emmie', or something, until he departed for college.
The room is covered in darkness for a few seconds in between scenes. Once the screen alights again, your dick is already proudly peeking out, the waistband of your board shorts and underwear inelegantly tucked under your balls.
Emmett awkwardly grabs your shaft and pumps it up and down<<if hasVisited("Day5MovieEmmettTorture")>> listlessly, his squinting-about-to-sneeze-expression revealing he's still riding out the searing sack sensation<</if>>. Trying to relax, you bask in his touch while glimpsing the movie lights flashing through closed eyelids – a disco ball scintillating your mind.
<<di you "Harder.">>
You moan the word, sliding down, and settling into a more comfortable position. The old seat groans under your body; your shirt rides up as you move. Emmett's soggy hand follows your movement, gripping you vigorously – small fingers going to and fro, pleasuring you with humid warmness.
Avatar's sounds fall away, muted in your brain. The all-too-familiar fapping noise fills your ears along with Emmett's erratic breathing. Despite having your eyes closed, you visualize <<if hasVisited("Day5MovieEmmettTorture")>>him frowning in pain<<else>>his lusty pout<</if>> inside your mind as different colors flash all around.
@@.int;Fuck, this is great.@@
Emmett settles into a rhythmic movement that feels almost robotic, the touch informing you that his mind isn't in it. <<if hasVisited("Day5MovieEmmettTorture")>>That should anger you; however, considering the extra strong menthol setting his balls ablaze, you'll give him a pass.<<else>>You speculate if anxiety about being found out is to blame.<</if>>
A few minutes into it, his grip gains purpose; fingers roam over your cock head, spreading the slick precum. You stifle a too-loud moan that threatens to escape your lips. The fluid movement signifies he's relishing servicing you<<if hasVisited("Day5MovieEmmettTorture")>> – a sign that his pain has probably subsided<</if>>.
<<di you "Do you like my one-eyed snake, slut?">>
Silence – aside from the speakers blaring bland lines and thundering themes.
<<di you "You know I hate it when you igno--">>
<<di emm "Fucking yes, ok.">>
Eyelids languidly spread open as you side-glance at Emmett. He's beet red, droplets hanging onto the small hairs on his chin. <<if hasVisited("Day5MovieEmmettTorture")>>You speculate if his embarrassment or the menthol burn is responsible for his current state; either way, he's a mess. His dilated pupils, however, tell a different story – they drip with lust.<<else>>He's a mess and you proudly note your dick is responsible for it – his dilated pupils drip with lust.<</if>>
Shutting your eyes once more, you sink into the euphoric feeling of receiving a handjob amidst the entire school body. True, Emmett's hand is awkward and more than a little uncoordinated. However – and this is imperative – he's fucking infatuated with your shaft. This knowledge alone almost makes you nut.
A rustling sound interrupts the moment, and the seating row sways as someone plops down beside you. Emmett's hand disappears from your lap. Your eyes flash open and gaze to your right.
God, his nose appears more repulsive up close, even in the dark – the skin's bloated and purple, with a ring of yellowish discoloration around it. The band-aid glued to the bridge barely covers the cut, leaving part of the gash exposed. His bloodshot eyes are half closed but intently focused on you.
<<di mark "Tsk, tsk... I knew you were a ?faggot, Fairy. No self-respecting man would let a ?fag touch him.">>
His teasing is boisterous, earning shushes from other students. Emmett sinks further into his chair, his doughy body sliding until the top of his head becomes invisible to the rows behind you.
@@.int;Wha-- That doesn't even make any sense! All he did since I arrived is try to molest me. If I'm a ?fag, so is he!@@
Marky's gaze fixates on your crotch as your cock bounces slightly, the stare lasting for dubious seconds before his eyes meet yours.
<<di you "Weren't you the guy pestering me for blowjobs, like, a day ago?">>
Your hushed tone attempts to escape the prying ears around you.
<<di mark "So you admit it?">>
<<di you "Admit what?">>
<<di mark "That you're a ?fag?">>
@@.int;What is he on about...? Is he high?@@
<<di you "You're the ?fag!">>
All the half-screaming-half-whispering about ?fags has Emmett almost lying down on the floor in embarrassment. Furthermore, it has deflated your boner, which pisses you off royally. <<if hasVisited("LockerRoomProvokeMarky")>>This is the second time Marky has interrupted while you used Emmett. <</if>>Whatever this is... it stops now!
@@.dom;[[Flick his broken nose.->Day5MovieEmmettFlick][$sub -= 1; $lmark -= 3; $lemm -= 1]]@@
@@.dom;[[Pretend you know what Tyler has over him.->Day5MovieEmmettPretend][$sub -= 1; $lemm += 2]]@@You're acutely aware of your inability to win a fair fight against Marky. Nonetheless, at this moment, his nose offers a unique opportunity to hurt him without //hurting// him, requiring no physical strength.
Folding your tongue, you bite it slightly, concentrating on where you should aim – that one dark-purple area on his higher bridge looks perfect. Raising your arm quickly, you flick it with a middle finger.
Marky's face contorts into one of pain. You watch it happen in slow motion, rethinking your strategy. You failed to anticipate that he might punch your lights out after this. He might drag you out of the room by your hair and kick your ass. He might choke you in front of the student body. There are a variety of creative ways in which he could physically destroy you, broken nose notwithstanding.
Marky's deep but short scream pierces the room, attracting the attention of your classmates. Slinking to the floor, Emmett kneels between rows, covering his head with his arms. You swiftly pull your shorts up, covering your now-soft penis. Eyes glint all around as though you're prey surrounded by panthers in a cartoon. The movie scratches to a halt, the theater encased in silence.
A ringtone blares next to you – Marky's phone. Considering the timing, the caller's probably Tyler, even if you can't be sure from this vantage point.
He squints at you (or perhaps his eyes are half-closed because of the bruise?) Breathing in slowly, he reaches for his phone, maintaining his stare. Your body is stone – unmoving, unbreathing, unclenching. When he answers, the speaker is out of your earshot; Marky simply listens for a few seconds.
<<di mark "Fine.">>
He taps his screen, ending the call. His head tilts slightly as brain cogs work against the haze of painkillers. Uneasy seconds stretch into forever. Surprisingly, Marky rises and waddles out of the room. Every gaze inside follows him out, including yours – all except for Emmett, of course, who remains kneeling on the floor.
The movie restarts abruptly, the loud soundtrack startling you from your stony stance.
<<di you "Get up, you twat.">>
You grumble, hauling Emmett by the hair. He awkwardly lifts himself, eyes downcast.
<<di you "Relax, no one saw anything. Other than Marky, of course. But he already knew you're a slut.">>
Despite the harsh words, you keep a low and kind tone – no need to terrify him further.
Emmett, however, is past his breaking point. When the movie transitions to a nighttime scene, casting the room in darkness, he rises, almost falling over your lap in his haste to leave. You make no attempt to stop him, aware that Marky killed the mood for whatever further fun you could have had.
<<include "Day5MovieEmmettEnd">>You sway your head back and forth, planning your response. Physically provoking Marky will certainly backfire. He needs to be handled the Tyler way – brains over brawn – and your wit might be enough to fool him.
<<di you "Tyler really should be more careful where he hides his secrets.">>
Marky frowns, your words puzzling him.
<<di you "A flash drive in your sock drawer is not really the place to keep the secrets of your enemies.">>
<<di mark "Watcha on about, Fairy?">>
@@.int;My name is $you.name!@@
The thought goes unspoken since clashing would be counterproductive to the situation.
<<di you "I know, idiot.">>
<<di mark "Know what?">>
<<di you "The shit you two like to whisper about. Do you really want me to say it out loud?">>
Forcing a haughty smirk, you turn his way. It's a bold bluff, one that he needs to fall for. As Marky inspects you with half-closed eyes (squinting or bruise-induced?) – your right eyebrow reaches up in an unspoken challenge.
Marky persistently gazes at the front of the room. His body shifts unnaturally as brain cogs work against the haze of painkillers. You wonder if he's deliberating whether to unleash a punch your way.
@@.int;Or maybe this qualifies as glaring at Tyler... 's hair?@@
Without peering your way, he finally rises, waddling from the room. Your gaze follows him to the door – you can scarcely believe it.
@@.int;Fuck yeah! This is probably how Tyler feels every day.@@
Trying //and succeeding// at finagling Marky made you hard as diamonds. You need your ?fag now! You bend forward towards Emmett, whose body is slouching on his seat.
<<di you "Kneel down and suck me now.">>
You add with a piercing stare before he can dare talk back.
<<di you "And don't pretend not to want it. I'm not in the mood. Just fucking do it.">>
Emmett contemplates you for a spell, his expression unreadable in the dark room. Licking his lower lip, he dives down to the floor and engulfs your leaking dick in one fluid motion. You gasp. Butterflies flutter up your spine – the warmness of his mouth melts you into the seat. Heavy eyelids overpower you. The tension from Marky's little visit slides down through your shaft and into your ?fag's mouth.
<<di you "Yeah, that's it, you slut.">>
You mumble, more for your sake than his. Blaring horns and drums from Avatar fade to nothing – the whole world is Emmett's tongue roaming around you. He sucks earnestly, as someone who was waiting for this moment all night. Your balls tighten before long, preparing for bursting.
The dancing lights behind your eyelids flash white as an explosion covers the screen, mirroring your insides. You grab the armrest, fingers digging into cloth. Your cock twitches over Emmett's waiting tongue as jets coat his throat. Your eyes flitter open to witness the ?fag taste your essence – his neck bobbing down after savoring you for a brief moment.
<<di you "Fuck!">>
You tenderly slap his face as a reward for doing a good job and, most importantly, not nagging beforehand. Blushing deeply, Emmett adjusts the glasses on his face.
He's restless after indulging in your taste, his unease probably stemming from the realization that he did //this// in a theater full of people. Emmett gets up, almost falling over your lap in his haste to leave. You make no attempt to stop him; he gave you what you needed.
<<include "Day5MovieEmmettEnd">>You're too occupied planning sleeping arrangements internally to appreciate the final hour of Avatar. You settle on Samuel for temporary accommodation – the boy is as sweet as they come – he'll surely take pity on you.
<div class="timebar"></div>
You exhale, helping Tyler put the projector and screen away. You didn't actually want to help, but you depend on him to get your stuff – they're still in his room.
<<di you "Why show Avatar so many times? I mean, it seems like people are over it. Do you not, like, have other movies on your hard drive or something?">>
You also didn't actually plan on asking this question – you blurted it out as you finished rolling the screen up. Tyler side-peers at you, puffing out a small 'tsk' sound one utters upon having to answer obvious questions.
<<di ty "Because I can.">>
@@.int;Oh, so even movie selection is a fucking power move.@@
The rest of your interaction is spent in silence. Tyler shuts the door in your face without further acknowledgment after you grab your bags from his room. You're happy to leave his laconic presence and sleep in sincere Samuel's room.
<<di you "Thanks again for letting me stay here, man.">>
<<di sam "It's all good! Mi casa, su casa, all that stuff. Just don't touch my dumbbells.">>
You glance around at the giant weights scattered across the floor.
<<di you "It's not like I can even lift them.">>
He chuckles and nods. Despite it being a half-truth, Samuel's eagerness in agreeing to that comment frustrates you.
You lay down in your new bed <<if hasVisited("Day5MovieEmmettFlick") or hasVisited("Day5MovieEmmettStop")>>wishing you could jerk off. But, despite having a bad case of blue balls, you're not doing it with Samuel in the bed next to yours.<</if>><<if hasVisited("Day5MovieEmmettFlick")>> Silently cursing Marky, you drift off to sleep.<</if>><<if hasVisited("Day5MovieEmmettPretend")>>smiling to yourself, satisfied about pushing Emmett a little further down his path as your bitch. Silently cursing Marky, you fall asleep – it would have been much easier without that asshole.<</if>>
[[Sleep.->Day6]]Gathering courage for such a daring move, you bite your lip. Sliding your left arm along the armrest, under his hand, you slowly interlock your fingers with his. Tyler's soft skin feels heavenly, his touch slightly colder than yours.
@@.blur;His digits gently hold yours as he caresses you with his long middle finger. You gaze up to capture his handsome face; his eyes crinkle with a smile, white teeth reflecting the green-blue hues flashing from the projector. You return the smile, elated about being here with your boyfriend, watching one of his favorite movies while touching each other intimately.
You've often wondered how it would feel to hold hands with someone you liked. Fantasies of experiencing that with some girl in your fifth grade... What was her name again? -- Irrelevant, as your connection with Tyler is mightier than whatever stupid childhood crush you had on her.
Your head shifts towards the nook of Tyler's neck, lovingly nuzzling against him. Yet something's not right... An insistent sharp pain burrows into the back of your hand. You try to ignore it, but it's pressing and unwavering, growing deeper each second.@@
<<di ty "--stupid cunt.">>
You snap back to reality as Tyler spits the words out. His gaze is venomous, reminding you of anime villains whose giant distorted eyes strike fear into the protagonist.
@@.int;What...? Was I...?@@
Nails sink red into your skin. You attempt pulling your hand from his grasp to no avail; he doesn't let go.
<<di you "I'm sorry, Master.">>
How else does one apologize for a fanciful daydream?
<<di you "My hand h--">>
You wince, paralyzing your sentence once he presses harder. Tyler turns back to his movie while keeping his unyielding grip. From the strain, you assume his fingers also hurt – a sacrifice he's willing to endure when punishing you.
@@.int;What the fuck is wrong with me? Why am I such a stupid ?fag?@@
<div class="timebar"></div>
Avatar ticks to its third act, your left hand still in Tyler's clasp. It has been so long, the pain from his nails has grown familiar – or his hold has slowly slackened. Either way, you attempt to enjoy the movie. As basic as Avatar may be script-wise, its spectacle never gets old. You understand why Tyler's enamored with it.
Once the cinematic showdown starts, he finally detaches from your hand. Circulation trickles back to the area, shooting pain through it; you wince, cradling your left hand with your right one. Droplets taint your knees, the blood resembling dark ink in the unlighted room. You lick your wounds, tasting metal in the oval cuts.
Meanwhile, Tyler's cradling his face as a child in awe of an adventure romp in an IMAX theater. He seems sweet and lovable – a sharp contrast to his torturing your paw for nearly two hours. Somehow, though resentful, you can't bring yourself to hate him.
Avatar's final battle roars onscreen as the metallic tang from the blood still rolls around your mouth. You enjoy the third act in a detached way, the experience soured by your mean Machiavellian Master.
People start filing out of the room once Jake Sully opens his eyes as a Na'vi for the final time. Tyler watches the credits for a beat before getting up and uncoupling the equipment. His eyeballs deliver a silent order for help. You exhale, helping Tyler put the projector and screen away.
<<di you "Why Avatar again, Master?">>
You didn't plan on asking him this question – you simply blurted it out as you finished rolling the screen up. Tyler side-peers at you, puffing out a small 'tsk' sound one utters upon having to answer obvious questions.
<<di ty "Because I can.">>
<<di you "O-oh... Of course.">>
@@.int;Even movie selection is a fucking power move.@@
The rest of the clean-up is done in silence. After climbing flights of narrow stairs in the dark, you arrive in his room. He immediately sequesters himself in the bathroom, locking the door behind him. Sitting on your cramped cot, you grab your phone. A few YouTube videos later, a message from Marky pops up. Already annoyed, you tap the notification.
<<msgfrom "hi fairy">>
<<msgfrom "is your man satisfing u like i would???????">>
Even without an answer, the three dots from his typing revolve non-stop.
<<msgfrom "retorical question">>
<<msgfrom "no one could dick u good like i can!!">>
<<msgfrom "i bet u want dis rn">>
A breathtaking photo of his boner appears – a giant leaking tool, its veins popping. The pubes seem recently trimmed; Marky wanted to impress. His balls are in the forefront, angry and full. The light catches his delineated abs sideways, casting deep shadows on his skin. The photo cuts midway through his jumbo pecs. Sadly, you can't see his handsome face.
You breathe in staccato; the air catches in your throat. You cough.
@@.int;Fuck, it looks delicious.@@
<<msgto "I don't wanna see that shit.">>
<<msgto "Don't text me again!">>
Despite the messages, you tap the image open again, zooming on the leaking cock head. You absentmindedly bite your lower lip. It's so epic and so //beautiful//. How can such an irresistible cock be attached to such a douche?
Without opening them, you read the messages through the notifications tab.
<<msgfrom "FUCKING BITCH!!?!!!">>
You smash the phone screen down on the mattress as your own boner rages inside your shorts, physically hurting.
@@.int;Fuck, I want that dick. Shut-up-no-you-don't. Fuckfuckfuck. I want that precum on my tongue. I bet it tastes sweet.@@
With drooping eyelids, Tyler exits his bathroom, already dressed for bed. The still-wet hair is combed neatly against his head, and silky pajamas lend him a shiny, elf-like aura.
You pounce on him.
You're desperate.
You'll do anything.
You'll do //everything//.
<<di you "Hi. Master. Hi. Hmm... Can I please suck your dick before we go to bed? Master, please?">>
Tyler blinks three times in rapid succession, eyebrows furrowed. He's unaccustomed to such desperation. You're faintly aware of your phone dinging several times in the background as you grab his soft cock through his silky shorts.
Swatting your hand away, he glances askance at you a last time before striding toward your bed, reaching for your phone.
@@.int;NO! Fuck! Nonononono!@@
Tyler holds the device in front of your face. You squint at it, trying to see what he's showi-- The phone unlocks... to Marky's zoomed-in cock head.
His finger taps and slides through the screen rapidly. His pupils scan back and forth, their expression void of emotion. In a swift motion, Tyler throws the phone onto your bed, the device bouncing twice over the lumpy mattress.
Eyes burrow into you as nails did to your skin an hour ago. You elect not to say anything – you did tell Marky not to contact you again. The messages are your best defense. Pouncing on Tyler after zooming on another man's dick, however, does look... iffy. Since there is no acceptable explanation, it's best to stay silent.
<<di ty "No half-baked explanation closely followed by a 'Sorry, Master'?">>
His questioning is unexpected.
Or maybe not.
He's obviously compelling you to trip up and say something incriminating. This time he won't triumph so easily.
<<di you "No, Master.">>
<<di ty "Hmm.">>
Grunting, he squints his eyes. Meanwhile, your lips disappear into a thin white line.
Tyler brushes past you, bumping purposefully into your shoulder. You sway slightly from the unexpected thwack. He rummages through drawers in his closet, collecting different items. Sounds of pouring liquid fill the room, though it can't be observed from this angle. He eventually turns, clutching your pink glass filled with water in his right hand and a small, cage-like contraption in his left. You recognize it as those chastity devices guys wear in porn.
<<di ty "Choose.">>
<<di you "Is that water?">>
<<di ty "Yes.">>
Stillness floats in the air.
<<di you "More than just water?">>
<<di ty "Yes.">>
So, it's a drug.
<<di you "If I choose that one, when will you unlock it?">>
You nod to the cage with your head.
<<di ty "Silence. Choose.">>
You weigh the options. The first choice is letting him lock your dick into that... thing, unaware of when, or if, he'll ever take it off. The second is ingesting the mysterious drug diluted in the water, risking whatever effects it might have, as well as what Tyler will do once you're high, or worse, unconscious.
A third, secret alternative is available: you can tell him to go fuck himself and return to your original bully. Marky //was// just texting you. Still, you wonder if he'll take you back or was simply attempting to create a rift between you and Tyler. If that was his plan, by God, did it work perfectly.
@@.sub;[[Choose the cage.->Day5MovieTylerCage][$sub += 1; $lty += 1]]@@
@@.sub;[[Choose the drug.->Day5MovieTylerDrug][$sub += 1; $lty += 1]]@@
@@.sub;[[Choose both.->Day5MovieTylerBoth][$sub += 2; $lty += 3]]@@
[[I can't choose...->Day5MovieTylerDontChoose][$lty -= 2]]
@@.sub;[[Go back to Marky.->Day5MovieTylerBackMarky][$sub += 1; $lty -= 10; $lmark += 1]]@@<<if hasVisited("Day5MovieTylerCage")>>You sheepishly point at the cage, fearful of whatever is in that glass.
<</if>><<if hasVisited("Day5MovieTylerBoth")>><<di you "If I choose both will you like me again, Master?">>
He blinks thrice, stupefied by the question.
<<di ty "I never liked you, you witless cretin.">>
He answers dispassionately. Air knots on its way inside; outwardly, you wince. Uneasy moments stretch between you.
<<di ty "Both?">>
<<di you "Yes, Master.">>
No backing out now.
<<di ty "Brave toy.">>
<</if>>Setting the water on his bedside table, he looms over you, gripping the device menacingly. You finally examine it properly. It's made of black matte material and not too large. Once it's over your manhood, the sheath will hide it completely, leaving just the nutsack visible – everything else will be covered by plastic.
After gazing at each other for a beat, you audibly gulp, half-wishing you had chosen to go back to Marky.
<<di ty "Strip, imbecile.">>
A mental kick for not doing it sooner; Tyler demands you predict orders and needs. The fear of failing him weighs on you – he's wormed into your psyche, and his wants already overshadow your own.
You remove your shorts and underwear, folding them neatly over your bed. The fear gripping you is so intense that your boner has already deflated.
<<di ty "Shirt.">>
Annoyance fills the order. You comply, shivering from cold and dread; especially after your eyes cross – an ominous look covers them.
Tyler shoves a tube of lube into your hand; you stare at it in confusion.
<<di you "Wha--">>
<<di ty "Shut up. This is for the cage. I'll talk you through it since I'm not touching your disgusting nub. Don't ask questions, just listen and obey. I cannot stand the sound of that whiny voice.">>
Nodding, you gulp.
<<di ty "Rub lube all over it, including the sack. Do. Not. Get. Hard. If you do, I'll cut it off instead of locking it away.">>
You blanch at his words. Tyler isn't usually this talkative – or so threatening. The uncharacteristic action proves he's pissed off, contrasting his usual composed demeanor.
The lube feels cold against your skin as you rub it. Any arousal is impossible since you're so scared of him (and that cage.) At least that possibility is taken care of. The tube is snatched from your hand as Tyler gives you a ring.
<<di ty "Pass one nut at a time. Then, put your nub inside it. Don't try to shove it all in one go. -- Although those tiny balls you have could easily fit inside a wedding band.">>
Flinching at his comment about your size, you proceed cautiously as suggested. The insertion of the first ball is easy, but the second one proves a challenge, hurting slightly as you force it through the opening. Finally, you pull your cock through it. The ring settles snugly against your body, dick and balls sit over it. The faint pressure feels a tad weird but not uncomfortable.
<<di ty "Put your nub in this. Make sure to line up the pins in the holes. You're used to putting things in your holes, you'll do a fine job.">>
You blush, Tyler's out-of-character humiliation bit getting to you. The words are familiar; you have heard all this from people teasing you. However, his matter-of-fact delivery sounds crueler than when Marky taunts you between laughing fits.
With aid from the slimy lube, your dick slides smoothly into the sheath. You feel a bit of pressure over the cock head as it rests against the tip of the device. Everything is lined up, the pins fitting easily inside the small orifices. Your dick is obscured, concealed by black plastic – you immediately regret accepting this.
@@.int;How will it feel when I get hard? What about my morning wood? What if he never lets me out of this? Will I ever see my dick again?@@
The internal dialogue is abruptly interrupted by a distinct click below. Tyler has sealed a black padlock over the sheath – adding uncomfortable weight to the device.
@@.int;Oh, no.@@
<<di you "Master... I'm... J-just... When...?">>
Your stuttering is silenced with a sharp 'shh.' Tyler wrenches on the cage roughly, sending a shooting sting on your scrotum as it stretches. You yell from the unexpected pain.
<<di ty "I told you to be quiet.">>
Your mind races desperately, wondering how long until he unlocks it. You're doubtful he'll answer, but your anxiety overrides your self-control.
<<di you "But how long...?">>
<<if hasVisited("Day5MovieTylerCage")>>With painful tugs on your chastity cage, Tyler propels you towards the bathroom. Grunting, you regret your decision since the drug would at least be temporary.
@@.int;Unless it was, like, arsenic or something. He wouldn't kill me, though, would he?@@
<<di ty "Shower. Then, bed. Be quiet. Don't turn on the light.">>
Giving the chastity contraption one final pull, he effectively shoves you into the bathroom by your locked nuts, eliciting even louder grunts from you. Closing the door behind you, he flips off the light switch for the bedroom, killing the strands of light beneath the door.
You climb into the bathtub and open the water, starting your shower routine painfully aware of your new status as a locked sub. The weight from the device softly drags down your manhood.
@@.int;Can it even be called 'manhood' if it's locked like this? Fairyhood? ?Faghood? God, why did I let him lock me like this? I'm such an idiot. Now I can never escape him. He literally holds the key to my life. Imagine another dude seeing me like this? Even to ask for help? I think I'd rather die.@@
As water cascades, you continue showering, dreading even touching the device. Once everything else is spotless, you soap around it apprehensively, hoping it's enough to clean a locked fairyhood.
@@.int;I'll have to Google this shit later. I don't want it to fall off or something because I didn't take care of it properly.@@
As you towel yourself dry, the device clinks and clanks loudly. The prospect of running track with your locked nub making such noise fills you with anxiety. With that somber thought in mind, you finish preparing for sleep, gingerly tiptoeing in the dark until locating your cot. The device rattles as you lie down, each tiny movement echoing around the room.
@@.int;Maybe this is just for the weekend?@@
[[You sleep.->Day6]]<</if>><<if hasVisited("Day5MovieTylerBoth")>><<di ty "Shut. -- Up.">>
His tone is chilling enough to force you into silence. Breathing out, trying to control the panic, you shake your body like an athlete getting into an important game. After churning the fear inside into bravery, you stride confidently for the glass on his bedside table, not waiting for further instructions.<</if>><<if hasVisited("Day5MovieTylerDrug")>>Breathing out, you shake your body like an athlete getting into an important game. After churning the fear inside into bravery, you reach for the glass, not bothering to answer out loud.<</if>>
You swallow all of it in one daring gulp as Tyler gapes at you. Immediately, a burp bubbles up your esophagus, and you release it without a second thought. Tyler grips your throat, his long fingers almost encircling your entire neck.
<<di ty "My toys have manners. Also, you were supposed to shower first, you disgusting pig.">>
You open your lips to answer but shut them swiftly upon catching his empty azure eyes. You've learned that silence is usually the best choice with Master. Tyler applies even more pressure to your throat, causing you to step backward in search of respite.
Step. Step. Step. Bump.
You fall onto his throne, the momentum hurting your head as it collides with the headrest. The glass tumbles to the floor, cracking into shards with a sharp noise.
<<di you "Owww!">>
Tyler shushes you, pivoting and disappearing into the bathroom. A while later, he returns armed with a broom and dustpan.
<<di you "Why you gotta be so mean? Terrifying Torturous Tyler...">>
Still silent, he crouches, sweeping the shards onto the dustpan. Once done, he rises, his imposing frame seeming much grander since you're sitting down.
<<di you "Towering Tyrannical Tyler.">>
You giggle.
Tyler returns to the bathroom, leaving you struggling to rise from the throne. Your heavy limps are uncooperative, and your body refuses to properly respond to commands. After trying and failing, you let it sink deeper into the leather.
After what feels like mere seconds, Tyler reemerges clad only in underwear. The shiny material stretches against his body, accentuating his swollen, savory bulge. The overhead light draws dark shadows on his pale skin, highlighting the taut muscles on his lean frame.
<<di you "Tantalizing Toned Tyler.">>
Pointedly ignoring you, he reaches into his closet. Your eyes refuse to obey commands as you try to track his movements. The world is covered with hazy membranes, everything reduced to half-formed figures. You raise your right hand, attempting to bring it into focus, your fingers multiplying with each slight movement in a chaotic dance.
@@.blur;Five, seven, twelve, twenty-one fingers.@@
The bewildering display disappears with a shove -- a slender shape with gold, shimmering hair slaps your digits away.
<<di you "Shiny.">>
<<if hasVisited("Day5MovieTylerDrug")>>Cloth slides over your body, a jumble of parts moved and pulled in different directions by an invisible force. Finally, your bare skin grips uncomfortably against leather.
<<di you "Hahaha, I'm naked.">><</if>><<if hasVisited("Day5MovieTylerBoth")>>Your bare skin grips uncomfortably against leather as you gaze down, trying to pinpoint the problem.
<<di you "...A thing on my willy.">><</if>>
The figure leans in, and his looming face hangs over yours. @@.blur;Ocean eyes drown you in their depths – gripping empty water, devoid of warmth. You shiver, falling continuously into the bottomless abyss.@@
<<di ty "Lightweight.">>
Swimming upward, gasping, you reach air.
<<di you "Tyler...?">>
The figure forcefully lifts your legs, raising them painfully. Despite your lack of flexibility, he manages to contort them over your head, binding them to your wrists and securing the knot around something solid. You're a hogtied boar that's been attached to a post.
<<di you "Oink!">>
Squinting through the veils covering the world, you strain to understand what's happening. Everything is just out of reach, behind translucent films. The thin blonde figure squeezes a tube onto his fingers. Seconds later, something wet circles your pucker. You instinctively shimmy your body left and right, fighting the intruder.
He reaches to your side, and you strain your head to the left, trying to see. Several phallic objects you can't quite discern float next to you. The smallest one glides up, then down; eluding your gaze as your body obstructs the view.
<<di you "Can't see...">>
Something presses your hole, forcing its way into you softly but assuredly.
<<di you "Ugh... Hurts...">>
The pressure suddenly disappears as the figure teleports away. You admire the sun above, finding it minuscule.
<<di you "Ain't no sunshine when he's gone...">>
The figure teleports back alongside a basketball that hovers toward your face. You start to speak, but it invades your mouth, muffling words. You bite into the ball, astonished that such a large object got inside your tiny pie hole. You've never been able to put a whole pie inside it; how can a whole basketball fit in there?
The pressure below returns, this time unwavering. It feels weird and full, but also good and full. A moan escapes as you try to slide towards the feeling. Your entire body follows the sensation, craving the fullness.
<<di ty "Hmm...">>
The sensation vanishes. You groan in empty protest, missing the fullness. Another gliding phallus passes into view, this one much more imposing. The pressure returns, and you try to reach for it, but Master's puppet strings keep you immobile and hopelessly wide open.
However, the new pressure is too much to bear; the force is unyielding, stretching your ass open. You whine and yell into the basketball, your complaints muffled. Your inner voice cries out for the train to stop invading you, but it pushes and pushes and pushes and pushes until no train is left out. It's all in you.
You're stuffed to the brim, about to overflow. The torment suddenly escalates, driving you beyond your endurance. The train starts moving inside and out. Inside and out. Inside and out. Inside and out into infinity. Your yells but a muted echo. Staring at the blurry sun above, salty water leaks from your face. In your prayer, you silently ask the Lord why he has transformed you into a tearing, throbbing tunnel.
It's torturous.
You lose track after ten thrusts. Or was it one hundred? After months of running into your guts, the train parks inside you. Being stretched as much is overwhelming, but at least it's not moving. You attempt to push it out, but it's unfeasible – the immovable vehicle refuses to shift. Eventually, you accept the unrelenting fullness as a part of you.
The figure draws closer, skinny fingers wiping drying tears from your cheeks. @@.blur;His blue iris flood all around you. This time, there is no respite against the empty waters. The sea is as unyielding as the train; its blue strings grip your body, sinking you into the depths of the icy abyss.@@
[[You fall unconscious.->Day6]]<<include "Day5MovieTylerCage">><<include "Day5MovieTylerDrug">>Left.
Your eyes follow each item back and forth. Fear takes hold, paralyzing you from making a decision. Tyler's expression grows darker as the seconds tick by.
Tyler breathes in. Tyler breathes out.
Stepping towards you, he grips your jaw with astonishing strength, spreading it open, and dumping the contents of the glass into your mouth. Flabbergasted, you start coughing, but the majority of it still finds its way down your throat.
Fear is possibly playing tricks as a wave of dizziness immediately washes over you.
With a firm grasp on your left arm, Tyler drags you to his private bathroom, pushing you inside the still-wet bathtub. Your skull crashes on the old ceramic. Eyes flutter in agony.
[[You fall unconscious.->Day6]]@@.int;Screw this!@@
<<di you "Screw you! I'd rather deal with Marky.">>
Tyler shrugs; it's borderline imperceptible, but you've become attuned to him this past week.
<<di ty "Turn off the light on your way out.">>
He turns away from you and sets the items on a bedside table before lying on his bed. It's astonishing how little Tyler cares, although deep down, you know you shouldn't be surprised. Maybe it is better to deal with the devil who's obsessed with you.
Swiftly gathering the little items you own that aren't already crumpled inside bags, you hit the lights on the way out. As you walk sullenly to Marky, each step fills you with a sense of foreboding. Tyler may have been an ass, but he served as a shield against your tormentor. There's no one to defend you now.
You knock on the door softly, and Marky's voice booms from inside, sending a shiver down your spine.
<<di mark "What? I'm busy.">>
<<di you "It's me.">>
You yell through the door.
Step. Step. Step. Creak.
A huge grin salutes you.
@@.int;Fuck, he's handsome.@@
He's also naked – a sight that never fails to take your breath away. You glance down at his tanned abs glistening with cum that trails down the valleys in his muscles, reaching the tan line around his waist. A droplet disconnects from the tip of his cock, forming a tiny puddle on the wooden floor.
<<di mark "I assume you came back 'cause of this...">>
Marky grabs his softening cock and swings it around. It's impressive even whilst going soft.
<<di mark "I just jerked off, so no dick for you. I'll let you lick it off me, though.">>
<<di you "...Can I come in?">>
<<di mark "Sure. After you lick this off me.">>
<<di you "We're in the hallway...">>
You whisper, looking around nervously.
<<di mark "Look, ?faggot. I'm being fucking gracious and letting you lick my delicious cum off of my fucking gorgeous muscular body. Now... Kneel down on the floor RIGHT FUCKING NOW and lick my spunk or go back to that blonde jackass after I whoop your ungrateful ass.">>
Sighing resignedly, you drop your bags on the floor. Soon after, you obey, kneeling in front of Marky. Your tongue tentatively snakes from your mouth, sweeping the still-warm seed from his admittedly gorgeous muscular body. Arousal courses through your veins, making you forgetful – you lose track of time, continuing to diligently lick his abs and trimmed bush far longer than necessary as you savor the delicious taste of his cum.
<<di mark "You're such a cum slut. And what do you say?">>
<<di you "Thank you, Sir.">>
Exercising gargantuan willpower, you detach your tongue from his body. Once done, you gaze up at his round brown eyes – a sadistic glint shines from them.
<<di you "Can I please come in?">>
<<di mark "You look so good on your knees. I should have your legs cut off at the knees so you'd always be just like that.">>
You cringe at his commentary but stay silent. He nonchalantly walks back to his bed, throwing himself onto it with a thump. This room now feels cramped and minuscule compared to Tyler's plush suite. You step inside and close the door.
<<di mark "As punishment you'll rub my feet until I fall asleep. Once I do, you'll stop and sleep on the floor. Beds are a privilege for good fairies. Bad fairies sleep like mutts.">>
Marky announces as if he's meticulously planned and rehearsed this punishment, aware that you'd return to him. He yawns and blinks tiredly. With growing frustration, you grit your teeth and nod obediently.
<<di you "Ok, Sir. May I sit on your bed so I can massage your feet?">>
<<di mark "Hah! You be learning! I should feed you my jizz more often, it's making you smarter!">>
<<di you "...">>
<<di mark "Hit the lights and chop, chop, chop!">>
Placing your bags in the corner, you switch off the lights and sit on the edge of his bed. Taking hold of his large left foot, you begin massaging it slowly but forcefully – Marky likes a firm hand. A whiff of its sweaty smell reaches your nose. You'll miss Tyler's cleanliness.
<div class="timebar"></div>
The hours tick by languidly. Your fingers ache with tiredness. Every time you've attempted to stop Marky announced he's still not asleep. It's as if he's forcing himself awake just to torture you.
@@.int;I hate my life.@@
Still, you press on. The luxury of having Tyler as your protector is gone; you must endure this asshole.
Finally, a low, soft snore from above signals the end of your task. You crack your stiff fingers and lie down on the hard floor. The seed of a headache threatens your skull, and you hope that exhaustion will overtake you before it escalates into a full-blown migraine.
[[Finally, you sleep.->Day6]]<<widget wCustomize>><table style="width:100%"><tr><td style="width:50%; vertical-align: top; border-right: 1px solid black; padding-right: 10px;">''SLURS''
<p>If set to <strong style="color: #GREY">OFF</strong> this toggle will trade homophobic slurs for the word "bitch." //<span style="font-size: 0.8em;">(Except for "Fairy." The story needs that one.)</span>//
It'll make some of the dialogue repetitive and, at times, nonsensical.
Slurs are set to <strong style="color: #FF0064">ON</strong> by default.<br></p><input type="checkbox" id="slurs_toggle" class="toggle"> <span id="slurs_display"><b><<= settings.slurs ? "ON" : "OFF">></b></span>
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<p>If you're dyslexic or have trouble reading, OpenSans might be better for you.</p><<nobr>>
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<</nobr>></td></tr></table><</widget>><<di you "You'll make me fall down! Can you, like, maybe stop pulling at my fucking feet?">>
A rough hand shoots up against your trachea, cutting off words; you begin coughing immediately. Marky presses you backward, your bundled feet working desperately to prevent you from falling on your ass. Your body clashes against a stall's corner, the pointy tiles poking your backside.
<<di you "Oww!">>
<<di mark "Why. You. Gotta. Be. Such. A. Nasty. Bitch?">>
Every word is punctuated with a face slap, the force behind them being undercut by the clothing-weighted handcuff. Your own wrist flails around as the slapping movement drags it along.
<<di you "I almost fell down because of you. You fucking idiot! I should be slapping you!">>
In a moment of raw anger, you raise your free hand, connecting your palm against his face as hard as you can muster. The sharp 'thwack' resounds through the stall. As Marky's face reddens in anger, you immediately regret your decision.
@@.int;He will kill me. I am dead.@@
Long, thick fingers wrap around your neck, completely enclosing it in a monster grip. Marky's furious crimson face hangs inches away, his nose touching yours. The closeness makes you unable to focus, a blurry cherry blotch is all you can make out. As you gasp for air, violently clawing at his wrists in a futile attempt to stop him, the world grows greyer, darker, blurrier. Despite opening your mouth to yell, your vocal cords are unable to generate any sound. Warm blood trickles down your palms from where your nails dig into his skin, the sensation faint as you lose consciousness.
<div class="timebar"></div>
<<include "Day5MarkySubShaving">>Swaying around as Marky claws at your sneakers, you struggle to maintain your center of gravity. Still, your scrawny body is no match for his strength, and at one point, you lose your footing and trip sideways, your legs tangled in your shorts. Closing your eyes and bracing for impact, you silently curse Marky for being such an idiot.
<<di mark "Don't fall down now. I need you in one piece.">>
Strong arms wrap around you like Superman rescuing Lois Lane from peril in comic book pages. Relief washes over you as you realize you won't hit the disgusting floor. Still dizzy, you instinctively cling to his neck, securing yourself in a damsel-in-distress pose. The chain connecting you is fully extended, your shirts pressed together between your chests.
<<di mark "You ok?">>
The genuine smile he flashes catches you off guard. The alabaster shine from his teeth dazes you even in the darkened environment. His slightly crinkled eyes remind you of the old days when you glanced jealously at him from across the cafeteria as he flirted with whatever girl he was seeing that week. Your heart flutters as you realize //you're// the girl he's flirting with now. Your knees melt into his forearm – falling down would be a given if he weren't holding you up.
Marky is undeniably the most handsome man you've ever seen.
And right now, he's all yours.
Reaching forward with your face, you clash your lips over his, energetically pursuing his tongue with yours. However, Marky doesn't kiss you back, his face frozen like a mannequin. Feeling a pang of shame over his lack of reciprocation, you pull back slightly. Promptly, his lips find yours once again, his tongue aggressively invading your mouth – the monster devours you in primal voracity. Your fingers cling to his heated body, pulling on his neck until you're melting into one another. Unsurprisingly, his kissing is hostile, subduing you in a game you never stood a chance of winning.
Rising from each other for air, you pant in unison, His strong chest sways you back and forth slightly, as he breathes heavily. Eyes find each other; you stare deeply into his, mere inches apart.
Shock. Hunger. Yearning in them.
Just as quickly, they vanish, replaced by a cold smirk.
<<di mark "That was a dream come true for you, right, ?fag? You've been dreaming of this for how long?">>
<<di you "Shut up...">>
Your voice is hardly a whisper as you respond defeatedly, feeling a deep blush spreading across your face. He's not wrong – you have been secretly fantasizing about this moment for years, the desire carefully pressed down under layers of hatred, shame, and denial.
<<di you "Let me down so I can take off my clothes.">>
Unclasping from his neck, you jump to the floor, only to realize you're incredibly hard – you discover that fact as your erection bobs up and down along the sudden movement. Marky's own giant tool pulses next to your chained wrist, leaving you even more flustered. Blushing furiously, you continue undressing, pretending the last few minutes did not happen.
Finally, after removing the bundled shorts and sneakers, you're dragged under the showerhead. Water sputters out angrily as if it's upset at having to pass through such a disgusting and moldy pipe. As ice-cold water splashes over your body, you jump back, horrified at the temperature.
<<di you "COLD!">>
Marky's boisterous laughter echoes through the empty room, sounding ghastly amidst the shadows in the walls.
<<di mark "Give it a sec, Fairy. It's an old house.">>
He hands you a bar of soap, taken from above the dividing wall between stalls, a feat you wouldn't be able to manage even on your tiptoes.
<<di mark "Here. Wash me like a good ?fag roomie.">>
Opening his arms slightly, he offers his muscular chest and lightly-haired armpits. Absentmindedly licking your lips, you touch the taut pectoral muscles with your hand, feeling the delicious heat under it. As you caress suds over the tanned skin, the water gradually warms up, matching the intensity of your emotions.
The pinging of water and clinking of metal chains reverberate through the dead of night. Despite being terrified of Marky, you're still elated about not being alone in this horror set. Seeking his body heat and imaginary protection from equally imaginary ghouls, you step closer to him.
Touching the hills of his abs is particularly arousing, the delineated six-pack rugged under soapy fingers. Alas, after taking too long on his upper body, Marky forcefully pushes your shoulder, downing you to your knees.
<<di mark "Quit stalling, bitch. We both know you wanna clean my royal scepter and jewels.">>
He chuckles at his own lame pun as you slowly reach for his imposing dick and large nuts. Attempting to wash them with a no-nonsense attitude proves futile – as soon as you touch his rod, you become enamored, caressing every ridge with care. Soon, his manhood is covered in tiny white bubbles, so you move your attention downward to his self-proclaimed royal jewels. Their considerable heft is always surprising, especially knowing that Marky never goes more than a day without bursting. Those things are just naturally large and constantly full of a nice thick load.
Glancing upward, Marky's eyes follow your every movement, his lips turned into an ever-present smirk. He knows you love touching his glorious dick, and he wants you to know he knows – it's infuriating how he revels in this power he has over you.
<<di you "Stop looking at me like that!">>
<<di mark "Like what, bitch?">>
<<di you "Smirking!">>
<<di mark "I just think you look so adorable on your knees caressing my huge python. It's awesome when you make love to it like that. It's like those cartoons where a wolf looks at a pretty lady with hearts in his eyes, ya know? That's how you look at my nice, big dick.">>
<<di you "Yeah, I love your big dick! So what?">>
Blood rushes to your cheeks, the embarrassment so overpowering it's making you lightheaded. Why did you have to go and blurt that out? He rewards your admittance with an even larger smirk and two soft love taps on your cheek.
<<di mark "That's not news, you slut. Although I like that you're finally admitting that shit. Maybe you'll stop being such a nasty cunt after all.">>
Ignoring his verbal abuse, you release his privates and diligently cover his legs with soap. Changing your position, you kneel with your right leg and plop your left foot firmly on the floor, creating a flat, stable base. You tap your left thigh, looking up. Marky lifts his huge right foot off the floor and steps down heavily on your leg – his weight is immediately unbearable.
<<di you "Hgn... Don't put your weight on me, you're too heavy.">>
<<di mark "I know, right? I'm pure muscle.">>
He replies with a smile, not shifting his weight at all.
<<di you "Pleeease, just place it softly. I can't take it anymore, you're killing me.">>
<<di mark "Jeez, Fairy. You gotta start hitting the gym. I'll take ya.">>
@@.int;Please don't.@@
<<di mark "Although I dunno if you'd be able to keep your hands off me... And I take my work out seriously, ya know?">>
Finally lifting his weight from your leg, he keeps his gargantuan foot almost hovering over your thigh. Sighing in relief, you grab the bar of soap, caressing his toes with careful strokes. The sheer size of his feet never ceases to amaze you; his every appendage is colossal in both length and girth – feet, hands, and dick. However, Marky doesn't grant you much time to admire them, quickly trading one foot for another and turning around as soon as you've finished covering them with suds.
From this vantage point, finally looking at Marky's bottom from down under, you notice he also has an incredible ass. It's almost completely hairless, round, and thick. A low dimple on each side crowns the muscular, masculine look of his glutes, accentuating their perfect shape. The stark difference in skin tones from his upper waist to his privates proves how much he values keeping his body beautifully tanned. You start rubbing the soap against his butt, feeling the balmy skin with hungry fingers.
@@.int;I wonder how badly he would flip out if I fingered him.@@
Do you play with fire?
@@.dom;[[Finger his hole.->Day5MarkySubFinger][$sub -= 5; $lmark -= 100]]@@
[[God, no!->Day5MarkySubShaving]]<<if hasVisited("Day5MarkySubUndress")>>You finish washing his ass with businesslike strokes, before moving on to his broad shoulders. The wet shirts flap around between you, hanging by the chain, as Marky's wrist follows your movement thanks to the cuff.
<<di you "Where's the shampoo?">>
<<di mark "Pfff... Only chicks and ?fags use shampoo. Just rub the soap up there.">>
Pulling your hand to his head with his own, he helps you clean his scalp using the soap. It's a wonder he has such great hair considering how atrociously he cares for it.
You finish his shower by softly covering his face with suds. After washing them off, he shakes his head as a dog does, his bouncing hair plastering against his face in a funny position. You wouldn't be surprised if that's how he leaves it after showering, not even bothering to dry or comb it.
Quickly lathering yourself, you clean your entire body – and hair – using the same bar, dying to get out of this hell hole. As you try to wash it off, Marky prevents you from reaching the water, turning it off.
<<di mark "Not so fast!">>
<<di you "What... Oh no!">>
You grouse, staring at the razor in his hand.
<<di mark "'Oh no' what, bitch? I haven't even told ya we're shaving your entire body. Well, I told ya now.">>
<<di you "No, Marky! C'mon! Please? I don't even have that much hair! Everyone will notice it. It's embarrassing! Please?">>
<<di mark "Shut the fuck up. I'm shaving everything from the neck down whether you like it or not. You ?fags shouldn't have any body hair, it's too manly. Quit your whining, I'm losing my patience with ya. Now stay still, I don't wanna nick your pretty skin.">>
His large, rough hands are surprisingly delicate as he manipulates the razor against the few hairs on your chest and around each nipple. With each stroke, you feel more exposed, as he strips away the last shreds of your dignity along with your body hair.
Afterward, he scrapes everything from your arms, forcefully pushing your limbs up to access your pits. You wince as he nicks your left pit, the sting surprising you.
<<di you "Ow!">>
<<di mark "Fuck! You made me nervous with all that bitching. See what happens when you fight me, ya cunt? You get hurt!">>
@@.int;I get hurt because you're a monster who keeps hurting me.@@
Turning the water on again for a second, he washes the droplets of blood away before kissing the nicked skin.
<<di mark "There, there. I kissed it better.">>
He kneels before you – a sight you assumed you'd never see. It sends a jolt of electricity and arousal through you.
<<di mark "Stretch the skin on your pee-pee. The smallest movement can nick that shit right off, it's so small.">>
Blushing intensely, you protest indignantly, your cheeks burning with embarrassment.
<<di you "I'm not that small!">>
<<di mark "Compared to me you are. Now do what I ordered, bitch.">>
You wince as the blade runs over the delicate skin of your cock – it doesn't hurt, but it is terrifying. Marky helps you extend your nutsack, negating the natural folds in the skin, making the process less worrisome. When the shaving of your nutsack is done, you look down at your shriveled, hairless crotch. Your cock, shrunken from the fear of being nicked in the balls, looks pathetic and prepubescent.
<<di mark "Your pee-pee looks cute like this.">>
<<di you "AAAAAAAAHHH!">>
The slightest slap to the dick and balls feels like Mike Tyson punching your groin, you quickly learn.
<<di mark "I barely touched it, quit being a drama queen. Turn around, slut. Time to shave that ass.">>
As you turn around, the chain on your handcuff extends to the wrong side, forcing your right shoulder into a painful position so that Marky can have free use of his left hand to finish the job.
First, he prunes the fur on your legs – despite not being too hairy, this is where most of your fuzz is located. He makes quick work of it; the fast but gentle movements leave your legs' skin silky smooth.
Then, his head peeks into the valley of your glutes, his nose dangerously close to your pucker as you bend forward and help him spread the cheeks. Thick fingers spread more soap around it as he scrapes the blade against your second most private part. The warm feeling of having Marky touch your hole brings mixed emotions – a strange blend of arousal, humiliation, and vulnerability. You can't help but feel upset about being forced into this situation.
@@.int;Why am I letting him do this to me? I don't want a shaved hole. Why are his wants more important? I want hair on my pee-pee – Fuck! It's not a fucking pee-pee. I have a goddamn dick, a penis, a cock!@@
As your internal dialogue obsesses over the right word usage for your crotch area, Marky seems satisfied with his job, now doing smaller strokes to finish off any remaining stragglers.
<<di mark "That hole looks delicious.">>
The declaration is an announcement of intentions, as he buries his tongue in your pucker, discarding the razor to the floor. You jump forward in surprise, squishing your penis against the cold tiles.
<<di you "Fu-- Wha-- Hgnnn... Stop.">>
<<di mark "Shut up.">>
His voice is muffled by your glutes. He continues his relentless attack on your hole, his tongue penetrating inch by inch like a tentacle exploring uncharted territory. Trembling, you pant desperately, completely unaware that such incredible pleasure could be found back there. The barrage is endless – your pucker distends around his mouth as you surrender to waves of pleasure.
Slowly, Marky removes his head from there, rising to his feet. His huge cock settles against your perineum, part of his shaft rubbing against your hole.
<<di mark "Can I fuck you?">>
<<di you "NO!">>
<<di mark "Are you sure?">>
<<di you "Yeah, I'm fucking sure.">>
<<di mark "...OK. I'm nothing if not a gentleman.">>
Stepping back from you, Marky uncouples his shaft from your privates. The delicious pressure is gone; you miss it. A section of your mind regrets blurting out a 'no' so quickly. The forbidden allure of succumbing to Marky's advances dances at the edges of your consciousness, even as you fight to maintain your outward defiance. However, the emasculating thought of yielding and being penetrated by a man is unacceptable, you simply had to defend the last vestiges of your manhood.
<<di mark "Turn around and kneel, ?fag.">>
That order you have no trouble obeying. The sight of his hulking, still wet, glistening body, leaves you feeling weak and tiny, overwhelmed by such a hunk of a man. You bite your lower lip, noticing his crotch hair, a stark contrast to yours – once shaved, you stepped even further down the manly ladder.
Without needing to be ordered, you instinctively spread out your tongue, reaching for his cock. Marky, however, grabs your skull with his left hand, pressing it against the wall, effectively stopping your movement. The handcuff still connects your bodies, and your right wrist and bundled wet shirts lay suspended between you.
<<di mark "You won't get to suck my dick, ya bitch. You had a chance to have it inside ya, where it belongs, but you had to say no. Now, just fucking watch as I jizz over ya. And shut that mouth, you're not getting the privilege of drinking any of it today.">>
Frowning, your eyes droop, your insides twisting into regret for saying no and anger for being punished for it, especially when you've allowed him to take control all night. Your expression ignites something behind his eyes; soon his masturbation movements quicken, his lips forming an 'o'. The veins on his dick pop angrily, the helmet crimson red, mirroring the fire in his gaze. It's inflamed and furious, pointed straight into your soul.
The first jet of his release hits between your eyes, the bridge of your nose dividing the warm stream into two. The subsequent six volleys land in various places – forehead, lips, ear, and, finally, the last smaller spurts are aimed over your hair.
<<di mark "I'm done. Rinse your body but don't dare wash that face.">>
The tone in his voice is piqued and pointed at you, much like his dick was a second ago. A droplet of cum hangs from his cock head – he slides his finger, collects it, and licks it off. You blink in shock, your eyes half-glued shut thanks to all the cum.
Obeying him, you make quick work of the soap lingering on your skin, it slides off easily now that it's completely smooth. Your face feels weird; you want to rub your eyes to see properly, but you don't dare do it, fearing his reaction. Leaving the stall, you follow him around, chained to your bully both figuratively and literally. He throws a towel your way, the fabric violently hitting your chest.
<<di mark "Don't dry your face.">>
<<di you "But I can't see like this.">>
<<di mark "I don't give a fuck. And call me Sir. The date's over, ?homo.">>
Drying yourselves in silence, you both finish quickly, especially since you now have no fur to collect more water. The cum slides off your face slowly but surely, small drops hitting the floor intermittently. The itching on the skin has already begun; your eyes water, burning slightly. You wish you could wipe away the evidence of what just happened. Despite being chained to Marky, he ignores your presence completely, pulling you along as soon as you put on pants. The wet tees hang between you, leaving a trail of water on the stained wooden floor.
<<di you "What if someone sees us like this... Sir? We're half naked and I have cum all over my face.">>
<<di mark "Stop whining or I //will// punch you.">>
You catch the deadly expression he's wearing as he turns to you. Shuddering, you strive to remain quiet for the rest of the night, afraid of provoking him further.
Normally the school would be empty at this hour; after all, classes start early and tardiness is severely punished (as you've come to find out). However, today is Friday – hallways smell like burnt grass, and students are hanging out with open doors.
The ?fag parade, however, catches everyone's attention. People stop to gape, whisper, laugh, and openly call you names in a hostile display. The weight of humiliation presses down as you wish you could disappear. Even Marky isn't spared from a couple of derogatory comments, although, surprisingly, he seems unfazed, paying it no mind.
<<di ranm "What the-- ...Walsh and that ?faggot.">>
<<di ran2 "-- ...cum in his face?">>
<<di ranm "Gross-- ...Fucking hell.">>
<<di ran2 "-- ...Walsh guy-- ...one of them queers.">>
Whispers and comments bundle together in an indiscernible din of ridicule as you are paraded around by your bully. Despite the cold and the nakedness, your body burns and sweats in embarrassment, your face blushing red. Hiding as best as possible behind Marky's massive body, you strive to make yourself as inconspicuous as possible.
Finally reaching the room, you rush inside, eager to escape your classmates' gaze. Marky and your handcuffed wrist trail behind.
<<di you "FUCK, THAT WAS AWFUL!">>
He slams the door shut, the movement exuding as much hostility as his eyes. Purposefully smashing against your shoulder, he reaches for a key inside a drawer. You massage your tender wrist once you're finally unlocked, relieved to be free of the uncomfortable metal.
<<di mark "Get naked. Lie down face up on my bed, fold your legs and arms together.">>
<<di you "Why?">>
The unexpectedness of it jerks you as much as the brute force of the attack.
<<di mark "Fuck, you got cum in my hand, idiot. Lick it clean.">>
Fearful of any extra attacks, you obey him without hesitation, sticking out your tongue and licking his now-cold seed from his fingers. The taste is decidedly not as pleasant when it's not warm. Once done, you shed your pants and underwear, lying on his bed as instructed, pulling your knees up against your chest, hugging your legs with your arms. Trembling overtakes you once again, your heart pounding as you're hesitant about whatever Marky has planned.
<</if>><<if hasVisited("Day5MarkySubSnap")>>Cough.
Cough, cough.
Your body jolts awake as your diaphragm rumbles with each cough. On instinct, you pull your hand to your throat, only to find your arms restrained, preventing you from moving. Spreading frowning eyes open, you spy Marky's curious face over yous.
<<di mark "Well, Fairy. You managed to ruin our date. Are ya happy now?">>
<<di you "...wha--">>
The memories rush back, and you recall what happened. Your surroundings come into focus – Marky's lumpy bed pokes at your back, while his strong hands hold your naked form in a ball position – your knees up against your chest, legs wrapped by your arms. Something feels //off//.
<<di you "Were... Are you just... pinning me down me until I wake up?">>
<<di mark "Yes, bitch. Despite you being an ungrateful, nasty cunt, I'll always hold you next to me. And call me Sir!">>
You blink at his words, feeling nauseous. Cold and terrified, you tremble under his grasp. Your eyes trail down, noticing //hairless// arms and legs.
<<di you "Is this a dream? Where's my leg hair? Are you real? How am I in this... our room? I... I wasn't here. We were in the locker room.">>
A genuine guffaw fills the room; Marky throws his head back in amusement. Still laughing, he answers your bewildered questions with sneering lips.
<<di mark "Well, bitch, you were off for a long time. I was even a bit worried, ya know? I didn't want you to croak or anything. -- Anyhoo, shaving you while you were out cold in that bench was a pain, but I think I did a pretty good job.">>
<<di you "SHAVING?">>
<<di mark "Yeah, ?fags shouldn't have body hair. It's too manly for ya. Now shut up, I wanna go to sleep, and I'm still pissed at ya. This ain't twenty questions.">><</if>>
Holding a long length of rope, Marky pins you with one arm and starts wrapping the rope around you haphazardly. The method is pure madness, nothing like the intricate knots and patterns from Shibari enthusiasts. Despite the messy approach, after about ten or so wraparounds, you find yourself barely able to move. Still, he continues until you lose count of how many times the rope went around your body and how many small ties he made.
Once done, he opens the lowest drawer of the ancient dresser, carelessly throwing mounds of clothes on the floor. You frown, still unsure of what's happening, but you don't dare question him. It isn't until he picks you up by the rope, as if you were a grocery bag, that it dawns on you he intends to put you inside the huge drawer.
<<di you "Marky, I mean, Sir. Please, don't!">>
<<di mark "Shut up, bitch.">>
The pleas fall on deaf ears – you're placed with surprising care inside the wooden receptacle as you try to squirm your way out of the bonds. Turning your head sideways, you glance at his shadowy form as the bully stands between you and the light above. There's no hint of enjoyment on his face – no trademark smirk, no laughter, no metaphorical mustache twirling – his expression is tenebrous.
<<if hasVisited("Day5MarkySubUndress")>><<di you "Sir, please, don't do this. Didn't we have a good time? I let you shave me and everything. I still have your cum on my face. What can I do? I'll do it. I'll lick your feet. I'll swallow your spit. I'll clean the room. Anything! Just don't fuck me, but other than that... I'll do it.">><</if>><<if hasVisited("Day5MarkySubSnap")>><<di you "Sir, please, don't do this. I'm sorry for being a nasty cunt. I'm sorry! What can I do? I'll do it. I'll lick your feet. I'll swallow your spit. I'll clean the room. Anything!">><</if>>
Tears start flowing as you beg, drops staining the old wood below you.
<<di mark "How about you don't RUN AWAY AGAIN? You fucking bitch. This... This is what I have to do so that you don't go fuck other guys like the ?fag you are. If I find out you're blowing that Brazilian ape... I'll murder him with my bare hands.">>
<<di you "Please, I swear to God. You can ask him! You can ask the Principal! I was just tutoring him!">>
<<di mark "I don't trust you, you whore. This is for the best. That way I know you're safe.">>
<<di you "Put me on your bed then. Tie me to the bed. Not in the drawer... Please.">>
You're bawling, the sentences peppered with desperate sobs.
<<di mark "Shut up, bitch! You're staying there and that's final.">>
Marky closes the drawer violently, leaving you engulfed in darkness, save for an imperfect slit of yellow light filtering through the top.
Banging your head against the wooden confines in sheer desperation, you try your damnest to fight your way out of the rope.
The drawer opens again, and to your dismay, a wad of spit lands on your face.
<<di mark "Will you stop the goddamn whining or do I have to make you stop?">>
<<di you "Please, please, please, please, please, please, please, please...">>
<<di mark "Fine.">>
@@.sub;[[He shoves worn underwear in your mouth.->Day5MarkySubUnderwear][$sub -= 1]]@@
@@.sub;[[He shoves his cock in your mouth. (Pissplay)->Day5MarkySubPiss][$sub -= 1]]A daredevil impulse takes over, the gorgeous ass in front of you subduing your prudent persona. Heavily soaping your middle finger, you prepare it for penetration. Once done, you quickly find his crack and shove it in.
<<di mark "WHAT THE FUCK?">>
Marky turns swiftly to the wrong side, reacting aggressively to your audacious act. He extends the handcuffs connecting your arms with force, pulling sharply at your wrist. You tumble to the floor, and your head hits the ground. In a fit of rage, he steps on your neck savagely.
And that's precisely what he unwittingly did when he stepped on you.
<div class="timebar"></div>
The story of your attack receives limited attention, getting buried in a tiny square on the 12th page of the local newspaper. The trial following the crime also lacks any media fanfare.
Among the prosecution witnesses, Tyler stands out as a key figure. He paints a vivid picture of an obsessed and twisted individual who tormented frail and defenseless $you.name. With emotional tears, he testifies that you had become fast friends and how he misses you dearly.
Upon seeing the blonde's crocodile tears, Marky loses control. He runs up, screaming bloody murder, and jumps over the wooden railing of the witness stand, aiming to also put Tyler in a coma. However, the guards intervene swiftly, subduing him before he can cause harm to another student.
Following a short and decisive trial, Marky Walsh is found guilty of battery, and the judge hands down a sentence of six years and four months.
<div class="timebar"></div>
@@.title;Six Years And Four Months Later.@@
Your comatose body lies still on a hospital bed.
The Get Well Soon balloons and hopeful messages that once adorned the space have long withered away. Your hospital room now exudes a sense of emptiness, mirroring the void in your unconscious state. The only token left is a card from John, your best friend from your previous school. Your mother had dutifully thrown it in the trash upon seeing who the sender was; however, a kindly nurse rescued it from the bin.
Unexpectedly, a visitor arrives, seeking you amidst the silence. The nurses, accustomed to your lack of visitors, exchange curious glances.
<<di ranw "And what are you to Mr. Ferry?">>
<<di mark "We... We used to study together.">>
Marky enters the room with tiny, hesitant steps; sorrow and remorse crush his movements. The nurse quietly retreats as your bully drags a chair close to the bed. He sits wearily, his eyes tracing the saline bag connected to your arm.
<<di mark "You stupid fucking ?fag. I hope you're happy about ruining my life.">>
Anger flares inside his eyes as his voice quivers with sadness. His right hand reaches under the sheets, finding your cold, unmoving one.
<<di mark "Tell me, Fairy. Why did you have to go and... and...">>
Salty water wells under his eyes. One drop trickles down, wetting the sheets.
<<di mark "I've missed you most of all, scarecrow.">>
A raw wail escapes his lungs, filling the room with the sound of regret. His cries ebb and flow; soul-wrenching wails are followed by sobbing, and, later, by quieter sniffling. For an hour he holds your hand, sat in silence.
Before departing, Marky leans over, his lips gently pressing against your cheek in farewell.
<<di mark "Find me if you ever get better.">>
But you never do.
@@.str;Game over.@@
@@.pin;If you'd like to keep playing, hit that back button and make different choices.@@<<include "Day5MarkySubSleep">><<include "Day5MarkySubSleep">><<if hasVisited("Day5MarkySubPiss")>>You celebrate internally as Marky touches your body, hoping he'll release you from the dreaded drawer. Instead, he positions you uncomfortably, almost sitting, with your back pressed against the handles of the other drawers. Downing his shorts and underwear, Marky approaches your face with his soft cock.
<<di mark "Put it in your mouth.">>
Gobbling it up quickly, you immediately start sucking, grateful for the opportunity to please him. If you do a good enough job, you'll earn yourself a ticket out of the drawer... Hopefully.
<<di mark "Don't suck on it. Just keep it inside.">>
Soon, a barrage of acrid, warm liquid floods your mouth.
Marky is pissing in your mouth.
<<di mark "I know what you're thinking... Spit it out and let me piss all over ya, the dresser, and the floor. Well... If you do, I'll not only make ya lick all of it clean like the ?faggot maid you are, I'll also pummel your fucking face until you're black and blue. And when your momma comes to pick ya up 'cause she's scared for your life, she won't even recognize your bruised face. So... Be a good Fairy and swallow that piss.">>
The stream is soft as he speaks – the disgusting liquid fills your mouth slowly since you refuse to outright swallow it. However, once he's done with his chill-inducing speech, the volume of piss is nearing the point of no return – you must either spit it out or swallow like a //good Fairy//.
The choice, gross as it may be, is obvious; you do not doubt he'll give you a life-changing beating. If rumors can be believed, Marky has done it to other guys. Being so skinny and frail... There's no way you could handle it. He may even unwittingly put you in a coma.
Breathing deeply, you prepare for the most unpleasant gulp of lemonade you've ever taken, straight from the tap. The first gulp is the worst – you grimace in disgust. He finds it amusing, laughing at your predicament.
<<di mark "Hahaha! Disgusting ?faggot! I knew ya couldn't refuse any of my body's fluids. I'm actually glad you were such a little bitch tonight, 'cause now I know I own a personal urinal.">>
Controlling the urge to vomit, you force yourself to swallow the nasty fluid. The gruesome stream seems never-ending and only gets stronger with each passing second. A droplet escapes your lips, sneaking down your chin, until it finally reaches your shaved penis.
<<di mark "Careful, idiot! I will beat you!">>
Gaping at him with wide eyes, you shake your head softly, continuing to guzzle down his piss. Finally, the trickle comes to a stop, and Marky withdraws his cock from your mouth.
<<di mark "That calmed you right down, huh? I knew it.">>
<</if>>One of his worn CK underwear is forced into your mouth, crotch first against your tongue. You try to spit it out, but Marky holds it in place with strong fingers, soon securing it further with a large segment of duct tape wrapped around your neck. The sticky glue pulls at the hairs on the back of your head; you grumble in complaint. His taste lingers in the fabric, tainting your buds with his salty <<if hasVisited("Day5MarkySubPiss")>>piss.<</if>><<if hasVisited("Day5MarkySubUnderwear")>>musk.<</if>>
<<di you "MMMFFF!">>
<<di mark "Night, babe.">>
<<if hasVisited("Day5MarkySubPiss")>>He manhandles you, positioning your body back inside the drawer, lying down on your side.<</if>> Further complaints are completely muffled as Marky closes <<if hasVisited("Day5MarkySubPiss")>>it,<</if>><<if hasVisited("Day5MarkySubUnderwear")>>the drawer,<</if>> leaving the same slit of light teasing the outside world. You sob quietly against the gag, tears <<if hasVisited("Day5MarkySubUndress")>>mixing with the cold semen on your face<</if>><<if hasVisited("Day5MarkySubSnap")>>running down your face<</if>>. Your spit blends with Marky's sweat in the fabric, and you swallow his taste, feeling utterly humiliated. The bully clicks the light off, drowning you in complete darkness.
Tired of crying, you suck in deep breaths through your runny nose, trying to calm yourself down. Not suffocating is a battle, but you find solace in brief five-minute naps between sobs. Exhaustion slowly takes over, and your body finally succumbs to Morpheus.
[[Sleep.->Day6]]<<include "Day5MarkyDom2">><<include "Day5MarkyDom2">>Squirming your arm away from his forceful grasp is tough. Like some bug crawling out of a Venus fly trap, you slowly wriggle your arm from his biceps. Your hand, however, proves impossible to remove. Once the tiny open slit in his muscles gets as thin as your wrist, enlarging it for your hand is undoable.
After flailing helplessly for an extra minute, you elect to put the plan into motion while stuck to him. Crouching up – your hand still locked against his bicep – you twist your wrist so your body faces him instead of being at his side. You straddle Marky's body, sitting in his lap awkwardly; the theater's old wooden seats are spacious but lacking room for that bull of a man and your legs combined.
Breathe in.
As you breathe out, air hitches in your throat. Doubts creep up, floating to the surface of your consciousness – each anxiety-ridden possibility predicting countless futures. What if he...
<<if hasVisited("Day5MarkyDomKiss")>>You touch lips against his – softly brushing at first, before using tongue to explore his mouth. The snoring lips offer no resistance; for the first time in your life, Marky isn't fighting you.
@@.int;Is this real life?@@
His mouth tastes like heat and peppermint and romance and libido and saliva and virility and //years of oppressed obsession//. His relaxed chest muscles feel like heated stones from a massage parlor against your smaller pectorals. Atoms clash together as you melt into one. Your free arm grips his neck to kiss more ferociously.
His tongue wakes up, massaging yours in a tentative dance. However, he stands no chance – you swallow him whole. You're a predator and he's your dormant prey.
<<di you "Wake up, Princess Aurora!">>
<<di mark "Wha-- Who?">>
<<di you "Sleeping Beauty. How do you not know this?">>
<<di mark "I never watched Cinderella, that princess shit is for chicks.">>
<<di you "Those are two different movies, you uncultured pig!">>
<<di mark "Jesus, Fairy. I just woke up. Why are you screeching like a fucking banshee?">>
<<di you "Shut the fuck up!">>
Silencing him with a renewed kiss is the best choice – it also doesn't hurt that his mouth is tantalizingly close to yours. You have been secretly fantasizing about kissing Marky for years, the desire carefully pressed down under layers of hatred, shame, and denial.
This time, he kisses you back. His tongue darts inside your mouth, searching. You press it down with your own, gripping the nape of his neck as one does to an unruly cat. Hands travel to your lower back, finding their way under your shirt.
@@.int;Oh, no, you're not controlling this!@@
Breaking the kiss, you bite his lower lip softly, before pressing on it progressively until he yelps. Letting go, you look down – a crimson drop leisurely runs down his chin.
You've drawn first blood.
<<di mark "You bit me, you bitch.">>
<<di you "Don't act like you didn't like it. This thing woke up before you did.">>
You punch his hardened dick between your legs with enough vigor to hurt him, but not //hurt him//. Marky yelps once again.<</if>><<if hasVisited("Day5MarkyDomSlap")>>You spread your left arm as far back as it reaches; it needs all the help it can get, being the non-dominant side.
Breathe in.
The hand wooshes toward Marky, noisily cutting the wind in its way. It connects to the side of his face with a sharp smack, wobbling his cheek on impact.
<<di you "Arghhh!">>
Your hand became an unintended casualty of your regrettable plan. If his face hurts half as much as your hand does...
After a second of delay, Marky roars awake, eyes shooting open, a rumbling grunt of pain coming from deep within his lungs. His gaze searches around, trying to comprehend what happened – dawning on you.
<<di mark "What the fuck, Fairy? Why did'ya slap me?">>
<<di you "You were being a bad date.">>
Your satisfied smug dissolves upon seeing a bead of red dribbling from inside his nose.
@@.int;Aw, shit.@@
Your left hand shoots up, meaning to wipe it clean. Nervous fingers fidget halfway there, before giving up on their goal.
Marky's nose twitches upon sensing the trickling drop, reminiscent of Samantha casting a spell in Bewitched. He winces at the movement.
<<di mark "You made me bleed, you bitch!">>
<<di you "It wouldn't be the first time we made one another bleed.">>
You do feel somewhat guilty. You did want to hurt him but not worsen his nose's condition. It looked bad enough as it was.
<<di mark "Why are you being like this?">>
<<di you "Like what?">>
<<di mark "I dunno. Like... mean.">>
You blink at the word, realizing what he means.
<<di you "You mean like a bully? Like //you// are?">>
He doesn't reply, discreetly wiping his nose with the back of his hand. You keep going, anger simmering right below the surface.<</if>>
<<di you "I had three hours to think about this. About you. You know how in elementary school a boy develops a crush on a girl for the first time... And since girls are gross, he'd never just outright kiss her. He'd just pull on her pigtails and pester her with flicks and pushing and fucking //pinching// because he's been secretly obsessed all along but wasn't man enough to actually confess his feelings. So he'd bully her out of frustration over his own fucking inability of handling his GOD-DAMNED OBSESSION!">>
<<di mark "...">>
<<di you "Sound familiar?">>
Complete and utter silence. Marky's<<if hasVisited("Day5MarkyDomKiss")>> not sleepy anymore – he's...<</if>> cowered. Even his breathing is suppressed.
<<di you "I asked you a fucking question! What was that rule you had about answering questions?">>
You grab his <<if hasVisited("Day5MarkyDomKiss")>>hard-on<</if>><<if hasVisited("Day5MarkyDomSlap")>>soft cock<</if>> nails-first. Sure, his pants and underwear might protect his manhood some, but your violent grip must surely hurt.
<<di mark "Get off me, Fairy!">>
<<di you "You're not calling the shots right now, Marky. I finally figured you out. You're a fucking ?fag!">>
Eyes gape your way, immense as flying saucers in the night sky.
<<if hasVisited("Day5MarkyDomKiss")>><<di you "If you're not gay, then why did you kiss me back? A hole's a hole, right? But kissing... That's ?fag territory. And you've never been so hard. I bet... What was her name? Stacy, wasn't it? Stacy never felt your hard dick under her while kissing you. Unless... unless, of course, it was me! Only I can do it for you. How... //sad//.">><</if>><<if hasVisited("Day5MarkyDomSlap")>><<di you "If you're not gay, then why did you put on cologne for me? A hole's a hole, right? But going on dates with another guy... That's ?fag territory. And you've never been so excited about watching freaking Avatar for the 100th time. I bet... What was her name? Stacy, wasn't it? Stacy never got the //cologne treatment//. But I did. Only I can do it for you. How... //sad//.">><</if>>
<div class="timebar"></div>
<i>The hallway was packed full of students going to and fro, grabbing books and binders. The usual racket of gossiping chicks, bro-ish guys roughhousing each other, and teachers squeezing their way to their next class.
Stacy Collins, her malicious eyes hidden under layers of gray eyeshadow, mascara, and eyeliner, discussed her weekend date with Marky Walsh. Her ditzy voice was far too loud for gossiping – even someone as naive about girl scheming as you noticed her clear attempt to broadcast whatever happened to the entire school.</i>
<<di ranw "<i>So, there we were by Crystal Lake. I had just, like, endured Marky talking about this suuuper boring game for the entire night. So I was hoping he might be good at... something else... if you know what I mean. But, get this, he just could not get it up. It was so </i><b>sad</b><i>. And, I mean, look at me...</i>">>
<i>She twirled a strand of bleached blonde hair on her finger, smushing her lips together in a duck face. Her sycophantic friends swiftly showered her with smooth flattery.</i>
<<di ranw "<i>We know I am NOT the problem. Maybe he just doesn't like girls or something? Whatever, super </i><b>sad</b><i>, but I don't care. So, after little Marky refused to make an appearance, the asshole didn't even take me home. He kicked me out of the car, left me all alone by Crystal Lake, and sped away in his daddy's car. I could have been totally raped there, you guys. All in all, I give Marky a zero out of ten. Worst date of my life! How... </i><b>sad</b><i>!</i>">>
<i>Just then Marky walked into you, pushing your face into a locker. Your head hit the metal with a sharp clanging sound; you closed your eyes, wincing in pain.</i>
<div class="timebar"></div>
Marky gets up, pushing you from his lap, his red face radiating a roaring mix of rage and shame. You hit the wooden rest from the seat behind, almost falling backward over it. You close your eyes, wincing in pain.
@@.int;Nice, I knew that'd hit a nerve.@@
He swoons from getting up too fast, immediately clambering down his seat. The wood strains under him, angrily groaning from the sudden weight resuming.
<<di you "I mean, I assumed you were fucking girls left and right. We all did. You were, like, the most popular guy in school. Are you... Are you a virgin?">>
<<di mark "Fuck you! I've fucked more girls than you ever will.">>
<<di you "Well, I think we've both fucked the exact same amount of girls...">>
Bending over, you poke the tip of his broken nose with yours. He shrinks under the touch, eyes squinting in pain.
<<di you "... None!">>
Your lips contort into a smirk as Marky cowers at your presence. Once sapped of his precious physical strength, he's unable to do //anything//. Stacy's right. It's //sad//.
@@.int;Time for phase two.@@
Standing upright, you notice your boner – it bulges indecently against your shorts, pointing directly toward Marky's chin. <<if hasVisited("Day5MarkyDomKiss")>>The drop of blood your teeth drew<</if>><<if hasVisited("Day5MarkyDomSlap")>>A new drop of blood from his nose<</if>> has slid down his neck, tainting the collar of his shirt. He seems to still be slightly out of it. Nonetheless, his eyes stare downward, directly toward your dick. You concentrate and pulse your erection, moving it slightly for his sake. His head sways softly from side to side, but the eyes never leave the target.
<<di you "Beg for it.">>
<<di mark "Huh?">>
He looks up, eyes adrift without their focus.
<<di you "My dick. You're staring.">>
<<di mark "Not.">>
You open your legs slightly, inching closer to his body. Your knees touch his. Your straining cock pulses once more, the tiny movement calling his attention below.
<<di you "Beg for it, ?fag.">>
Marky gawks at your crotch for an endless stretch. He blinks slowly; his focus, however, never wavers – he's entranced by it. You even swing your hips to check if he's actively looking; his orbs move along with it. Tired of waiting, you grab his hand, pressing it against your shorts. That wakes him from the trance. He scowls upward, pushing you away.
<<di mark "Fuck you!">>
Your body clambers against the wooden row. An ever-present smirk refuses to depart from your lips. You're having fun.
@@.int;I don't think he's ready yet. Maybe if we...@@
<<if hasVisited("Day5MarkyDomKiss")>><<di you "Why don't we shower together, then? I broke your nose and made your lips bleed... You can barely stand. And frankly, you look like you need some soap over all this.">><</if>><<if hasVisited("Day5MarkyDomSlap")>><<di you "Why don't we shower together, then? I broke your nose and made it bleed again tonight... You can barely stand. And frankly, you look like you need some soap over all this.">><</if>>
As you point in his direction, you notice how sweaty he looks. His usually perfect popstar pompadour is markedly matted, strands glued to his wet forehead. The thin gray shirt is damp with perspiration, highlighting his muscled form and hardened nipples. Clearly outlined are his flawless abs, not to mention his-- you shake your head.
@@.int;Stop being a horny slut! I need to keep my head in the game if I wanna destroy him. After that's done, sure, I can act on those urges. But only then.@@
Marky forces himself up a final time only to vacillate and plunge into his seat. He stares at the ceiling for a long minute, shuts his eyes, and takes a deep, frustrated breath.
<<di mark "Will you really help? I ain't showered since ya broke my fucking nose. I think there's something wrong with these pills I'm taking. I feel like shit all the time. I can barely stand, dude. I... I almost rolled down the stairs coming here.">>
His vulnerable words evoke a gasp from you. Marky saying this shit is inconceivable. You blink, mouth frozen in an 'o'.
<div class="timebar"></div>
<i><<di ranm "Dude, let us help! You can't walk on a sprained ankle.">>
<<di ran2 "If that shit don't heal right, you won't be able to play the rest of the season. Stop being an idjit.">>
Marky wobbled down the hallway; two teammates followed him, trying (and failing) to grab his arms. He indignantly pushed their hands away. They were in full football regalia – cobalt blue and white uniforms that still managed to shine under the overhead lights, despite being soiled with dirt and grass. Your bully, however, was not wearing shoes. His right ankle looked grotesquely swollen and red, as if bees had targeted just that area. He winced once per step, disregarding the pain and maintaining the same pace.
<<di mark "Don't touch me you fucking ?homos! Nobody's carrying me nowhere like a fucking princess. I don't need no help, I can take care of myself.">>
You tried to become smaller by hiding behind an open locker. It was, of course, to no avail. The monster spotted you without fail; turning just to savagely and purposefully bump into you.
You whimpered as your butt hit the floor, and the back of your head connected to a metal locker – resembling a scene from a Bugs Bunny cartoon, with a matador struck on the chest by a bull, his eyes spiraling, and birds circling overhead.
<<di mark "Whatcha looking at, Fairy?">></i>
<div class="timebar"></div>
<<di mark "Whatcha looking at me like that? I don't need your fucking pity, Fairy.">>
<<di you "Stop calling me that! I'M NOT A FUCKING FAIRY!">>
Far too loudly, you scream while shoving a finger directly between his eyes.
<<di you "I'll help if you never say that word again.">>
<<di mark "Will you come home?">>
<<di you "What are you talking about? We can't go home, we were expelled.">>
<<di mark "I meant our room, Fai– <<capture _uppercaseName>><<print $you.name.toUpperCase()>><</capture>>.">>
<<di you "Oh... Yeah, ok, I'll come home.">>
Embracing his body, you slowly attempt to push him up. Yet, his pile of heavy muscles proves too hefty for you; he'll have to do most of the work.
<<di you "C'mon, dude.">>
Marky hoists himself up a third time, the magic charm being your help. The oppressive weight of his body presses down on your shoulders, threatening to make you buckle. The delicious woodsy smell from his neck travels to your nose, filling your head with him literally and metaphorically.
Before leaving, you lock up the theater; you wouldn't want a pissed-off Tyler because you failed the one job he left.
Walking slowly but deliberately, you make your way through dark, dusty, spiderweb-ridden, and borderline identical hallways. You trust him to lead the way; this probably isn't some evil plot to take you down – that's more of a Tyler thing. And, now that you think about it, it's also kind of a 'new you' thing.
You arrive at the entrance of the new locker room with Marky still painfully grabbing onto your shoulders. However, he keeps pushing you to the older one, where a Tyler-trademarked evil plot happened two days ago.
<<di you "Why don't we use this one?">>
<<di mark "Shut up, Fairy.">>
Dismounting his body from yours, you set him leaning against a wall.
<<di mark "I meant $you.name. Old habits... ">>
<<di you "...">>
<<di mark "My soap's in there.">>
Marky nods towards the older entrance at the end of the hallway. His massive body leans heavily into the wall, slowly inching down as seconds tick. His fingers strain against the old stone but find no anchor in the wall.
<<di you "Fine.">>
You place his hands over your shoulders and turn around. He follows, his grip on your trapezius too intense for a skinny guy like you. You truly cannot wait to get him into a shower stall.
You tow Marky to the same decrepit locker room where he, Emmett, and Tyler set a trap days earlier. Bathed in shadows, the room is dimly illuminated by the glow of moonlight filtering through small windows near the ceiling.
Cortisol shoots through your veins as memories from the encounter overtake your mind. Cracks in the tiles form nonsensical drawings on the walls, some resembling eerie, anthropomorphic monsters that intensify your fear.
@@.int;Keep it together! Soon I'll be the only monster in this room.@@
You light up your phone's torch, setting it precariously over a bench and directing the light towards the shower, providing both too much and not enough illumination as the focused beam stubbornly refuses to spread sideways.
You drag an old metal chair across the room and into a stall while Marky dangles from your shoulders. There's no way you're holding him up throughout this whole thing; that bitch is sitting down.
The noise from the metal scraping on the uneven floor is unbearably grating – confirmation that Tyler cannot be in this room. You can almost picture his reaction to it.
Marky drops himself over the chair; it tilts backward, almost tumbling down. You grip his shirt, keeping him from falling. The fabric rides up his body, revealing the toned abs underneath the sweaty gray cloth.
<<di mark "Dying to get me naked, huh?">>
@@.dom;[[“Shut up, bitch!”->Day5MarkyDomShut][$dom += 1]]@@
@@.dom;[[Rip his shirt off aggressively.->Day5MarkyDomRip][$dom += 2]]@@<<di you "Shut up, bitch!">>
Your sour expression puts a lid on his words, at least for now. He sheds his clothing with your help. Honestly, you do most of the work. Marky is quite feeble, still swaying sideways as you pull fabric from his body.
<<include "Day5MarkyDomUndress">>You grab onto the fabric of his sweaty shirt using both hands, the moist textile wetting your fingers. Before Marky reacts, you pull on it with all the force you can muster. A noisy rip rends the fabric open. You shove three fingers inside the hole, tearing the front side of it with ease. What was a t-shirt, now resembles a makeshift vest.
<<di mark "Hey!">>
<<di you "Shut up, bitch!">>
You continue pulling, rending it apart until only torn strands and pieces piled on the floor are left.
Your sour expression puts a lid on his words, at least for now. He sheds the rest of his clothes with your help. Honestly, you do most of the work. Marky is quite feeble, still swaying sideways as you pull items from his body.
<<include "Day5MarkyDomUndress">>Shoes, socks, cargo shorts<<if hasVisited("Day5MarkyDomShut")>>, shirt<</if>>... underwear.
Your eyes lock onto his dick, soft but still imposing as it hangs low between his legs. His pubes are slightly untamed, something out of character. Bathed in the phone's torchlight, his golden, tanned body looks otherworldly as if the world was frozen in time by a camera flash during a photoshoot. The shadows cast by his figure and the chair loom large on the walls, emphasizing the hunched, swaying motion of his frame. Your distorted shadow stands over his cowered one, accentuating your current position.
Tonight you are the monster.
Yet, no matter how dominant you act, you're still the same tiny kid scrawny enough to fit inside a locker. Shedding clothes near this Greek god invites comparison... And you're painfully aware of how bigger he is in every criteria. As you drop your shorts to the floor, you glance at his massive cock.
Despite your hesitancy, your bully seems enthralled by your half-naked form.
@@.int;Why do you even like me so much? I'm not handsome, I'm thin as a rake, hobbit-sized...@@
<<di you "Shut up!">>
<<di mark "I didn't say anything.">>
He says, startled by the sudden outburst.
<<di you "I was thinking out loud.">>
As your underwear drops, your soft penis sways gently. Marky's head sways in tandem.
Still upset at the critical inner voice that claws at your self-esteem, you fancy being cruel. You turn the water on over Marky's head; it sputters out angrily as if upset at having to pass through such a disgusting and moldy pipe. It hits him dead on, and being seated, he can't evade the frosty fate. You narrowly escape the cold jet yourself, jumping back swiftly.
The hiss from his lips makes you chuckle. Yet, you promptly feel bad. The drops that landed on your feet were frigid enough for you to step back.
<<di mark "FUCKING ASSHOLE!">>
You let that one slide... You did turn on freezing water over him.
Reaching through the icy water, you tweak the handles into a nice, hot shower.
<<di you "Where's the soap?">>
<<di mark "The partition between showers.">>
@@.int;Well, shit.@@
You gaze upward annoyedly. Being short allows some positive moments, such as enough legroom in buses. However, it also ruins your life in these moments. Reaching on your toes, you manage to touch the soap with the tip of your middle finger, poking it until it drops to the floor.
Neither of you moves to pick it off the wet tiles.
<<di you "Pick it up.">>
<<di mark "Why me?">>
@@.int;Because I'm not bending over in front of your face.@@
<<di you "Bitch, I'm bathing you. You either pick that shit up or I'm leaving you here.">>
<<di mark "Jeez, Fa-- man-- dude. Why so angry?">>
Marky's upper body dangles swiftly downward; you wince, sure that he'll fall face first. However, he manages to lean on the wall with his right arm as the left one grasps the soap.
<<di mark "Pull me up.">>
<<di you "What's the magic word?">>
<<di mark "The magic word is FUCK-YOU-PULL-ME-UP-NOOOW!!!">>
You choose not to answer him. He stays doubled over – it looks painful. His face grows redder by the second until he's positively crimson.
<<di mark "Help.">>
He croaks, his voice muffled from having his diaphragm pressed by heavy chest muscles.
<<di you "Magic word... BITCH.">>
<<di mark "Please...">>
<<di you "That's better.">>
You pull him up forcefully – tough work. Once up, he leans all the way back, his head drooping backward from his neck. Marky sighs. You circle him, bending slightly to stare into his upside-down eyes.
<<di you "You know, I'm getting annoyed with you almost calling me Fairy every other sentence, fighting me on everything I tell you to do, and generally just being an unruly asshole. This is your last warning. I won't tolerate any more of this shit. I swear I'll leave you here. You've done worse to me. I'll have no regrets about it.">>
Upside-down pools of melting chocolate threaten to melt your heart. His eyes seem dizzy and unfocused. Something swirls in them you can't quite grasp... Is that?...
<<di mark "I'm sorry.">>
<<di mark "Won't happen again.">>
<<di you "Sir. Won't happen again, Sir.">>
<<di mark "I'm not-- Yeah, ok. I--">>
Silence stretches time uncomfortably. His eyes glassy yet strangely connected to yours.
<<di mark "You're right. I promise, Sir.">>
Marky presses his eyelids shut as the disjointed water jets from the old shower head prickle his face and body with steamy droplets. Suddenly, it hits you how highly horny this situation is. The tanned, muscular frame of the man you've... //lusted// over for most of your life glistens with water dots like in an erotic perfume commercial. Furthermore, his apology and use of the word 'Sir' bearing such an obedient expression underscore that your physical size is inconsequential to tonight's festivities. What matters is your willingness and follow-through in placing Marky under your heel.
Considering the situation, it's glaring how your bully used aggression and muscles to get his way. That isn't dominance. Those are tools – lazy ones – to achieve one's goal of breaking a sub. You're using the cards you were dealt and, despite your deck being suboptimal at best, you're making the most of it. You're a better dom than your bully could ever hope to be, especially since you had to fight harder for it. True dominance isn't about physical stature. Suddenly your height, dick size, muscle mass – every metric you're insecure about – are inconsequential.
This week has been one for revelations, but none have affected your being as this one. You've always assumed such changes would be gradual, yet this one happens in a split second. Your viewpoint has shifted – you'll never perceive yourself or the world the same way again.
Will you take advantage of Marky's state to use his body, this time on your terms?
@@.dom;[[Fuck, yeah.->Day5MarkyDomSex][$dom += 1; $lmark += 1]]@@
[[Nah, I'll just wash him.->Day5MarkyDomWash][$lmark -= 1]]Snatching the soap from his slippery fingers, you circle Marky, getting under the rushing shower. You grope his pectorals vigorously, spreading suds over the tanned skin. You flick his left nipple, eliciting a small complaint from deep within his chest – you ignore it. By now, the water is red-hot, matching the intensity of your emotions.
You continue half-cleaning-half-groping. Touching the hills of his abs is particularly arousing, the delineated six-pack rugged under soapy fingers. Marky keeps his head thrown back, enjoying the delicious combination of your touch and bathing at last. However, you can't let him enjoy this too much – this is, after all, supposed to be your revenge. Pushing his arms up, you reach for his pits, tickling them slightly. His body recoils; you grin. He seeks escape, tilting slowly to each side as you tease the sensitive skin.
<<di mark "Stooop.">>
The word slugs out of his mouth, too enervated for a proper complaint.
<<di you "I don't think I will.">>
The steamy stall fills your lungs with sultry air as you quickly reach for both armpits, tickling him with soapy fingers. The bar you were holding slides to the floor. Marky writhes over the chair, dragging it across the floor. Pinging water and scraping metal reverberate through the dead of night. The laughing sound escaping his lips is almost alien, unlike the guffaws as he was torturing you.
@@.int;This isn't how his laugh sounds like. Or... Shit! Is this his real laugh?@@
The realization shocks you into halting. You can sense this information is somehow relevant; however, deciphering the meaning of Marky's fake-laughter-while-bullying-you remains elusive during the bully bath break.
<<di mark "No one's tickled me since I was a kid. Felt funny.">>
His voice warbles, distinctly drunk. You presume the tickling made whatever high he's riding graver. Kneeling, you grasp his giant foot in one hand, caressing it with suds. Even though you're not actively tickling him, he experiences it, chuckling and flinching a few times. After rubbing his legs and muscled thighs, you hand him the soap.
<<di you "You clean that thing.">>
You glance at his soft cock.
<<di you "I'm not touching it.">>
<<di mark "Okay...">>
His reply reminds you of pouting children who, afraid of repercussions, comply.
As he massages his cock with soap, you find yours involuntarily growing and hardening. White bubbles mingle with his pubes as streams of water wash them away immediately. He spreads his legs further as his finger reaches back, soaping the perineum area. The impression that Marky is about to finger himself is all you need to grow a full erection in record time.
You approach his body, stealing half of the rushing, heated water. Drops pelt your hard cock, rolling alongside your lightly-haired legs. Marky looks up, reacting to the movement, only to be greeted by a face full of unexpected dick.
Your dick.
Your rock-hard dick centimeters away from Marky Walsh's face.
You lean forward until it touches the tip of his chin. Electricity fluctuates through your entire body; the underside of your tongue feels charged as saliva fills your mouth. You swallow the static.
<<di you "I saw you staring at it earlier. And now it's staring back at you.">>
No reply comes. You continue teasing by rubbing the tip of your cock against the shaven stubble on his chin.
<<di you "C'mon, Marky. You've been entranced by my fucking dick for hours. And now is no different. You can't even answer me.">>
The //drip drip drip// of water is steady. Marky stays static, the drug-addled swaying gone. Propping your hand against the slippery wall, you raise yourself on tiptoes and rub your pre-cum leaking penis head against his lips.
<<di you "Open up.">>
Although he does not 'open up', you keep at it, prodding at lips harder and further, smearing glistening water and pre-cum all over them.
<<di you "Stop being difficult, just open that shit up.">>
You grip his skull, digging fingers into his scalp. Pulling it down, you force your cock against his lips until the head reaches teeth. You wince as it rubs against the hard surface but stay undeterred.
Seconds pass. Probably minutes. Maybe hours. You're unsure.
Finally, an upward glance, eyes continually blinking as water flows into them. Marky spreads his jaw open. Your cock pierces almost all the way inside, poking the back of his throat. Shocked, you gasp and pant heavily like an exhausted dog. His expression twists in discomfort, eyes shutting as he coughs from gagging on your dick. He tries to evade it by turning his head, but your firm grip keeps him in position.
Your dick is going nowhere.
<<di you "Suck it, you fucking bitch.">>
<<di mark "Aaaccch acch!!!">>
His tongue darts around, searching for a comfortable position as your meat presses it down. Eventually, his jaw tires from staying open; lips shut deliciously over your dick. You moan, inadvertently releasing the wall and almost falling over his body. Marky gags again, but this time refrains from running away.
Drip. Drip. //Accch!//
Gurgling noises echo through the old high-ceiling bathroom, almost overtaking the sound of rushing water in the humid room. Echoing what Marky would have done, you show no mercy, poking his tonsils with each shove you force into his throat. The sensation is heavenly. Despite enduring unwelcome teeth scrapings every few seconds – this is it: Marky Walsh has your dick inside his mouth. Nothing will ever taste so delicious. No victory will ever feel so mighty. True, he needs to learn how to suck a dick properly, but there is time for that. For now, you savor the devil's tongue righteously rubbing your rod. You ravish his lips, his mouth, his throat.
As his resolve to escape fizzles out, you release the grip on his head, letting your previous bully bob himself up and down your shaft. The luscious heat from his mouth envelops you completely, the wetness even hotter than the scalding shower cascading from above.
Marky embraces his need to gobble over your cock. His enthusiasm might be hampered by a lack of experience and whatever drug courses through his veins. However, his fingers grip your lower back, pushing and pulling your body against his mouth. He's hungry for it. His tongue swishes all around your shaft – the pleasure so sharp that you fold and bite your tongue, attempting to prevent a premature orgasm.
Growing greedy, you push yourself further inside. His esophagus presses your cock head as he gags and swallows over it. You close your eyes, almost ready to shoot. If you don't stop you're gonna--
Pushing him away from your crotch, you glance down. Marky's cock-less face resembles that emoji with begging eyes and a slight pout. Denying him has always been a dangerous business, but you can't cum now. Not before...
<<di you "Turn around.">>
Marky blinks, your order eluding him.
<<di you "Get up, turn around, and sit back down facing the back of the chair. I need to wash your...">>
<<di you "...back.">>
<<di mark "The fuck, Fairy?">>
Your wet palm connects to his cheek, sending his body flailing sideways.
<<di you "You never learn, do you? You've always been a fucking dumb bitch. I've seen your homework. 'Alot' is not a word, 'tomorrow' has two Rs, not two Ms, AND MY NAME IS NOT FAIRY!">>
Fiery eyes glisten underwater. Shoulder muscles contract. Marky attempts to get up, only to be immediately pushed back down on the metal chair by you.
<<di you "Gonna hit me, huh?">>
Fingers grasp menacingly around his neck.
<<di you "I could collapse your trachea pretty easily, you know? I don't need to put that much pressure on it, I could just...">>
Fingers intensify their pressure.
<<di you "...kill you. Would anyone miss you?">>
Marky coughs, tears mixing with shower water. A crimson face locks onto you, oozing undeniable fear.
<<di mark "Mma-arrrin...">>
Fingers relent.
<<di you "What?">>
Coughing echoes around the old room, reverberation from his throat shaking your fingers. You slacken the pressure.
<<di mark "M-Marvin. He'd miss me.">>
@@.int;Who's Marvin?@@
Before you voice the question, Marky pushes himself up, turning sideways, bearing the coordination of a pub crawler on their last stop. Then, he dumps his body on the metal chair facing its back; it slides noisily across the shower floor. His arms press down over the backrest, forcing a creak out of the old metal.
Absentmindedly, you lick your lips, your gaze burning into his butt. He repositions, pushing his white ass backward. The tan lines from swimming shorts cross his frame erotically. You drop to your knees, scraping them on the floor. The pain doesn't register. You're far too hypnotized by his gorgeous, muscular backside enveloped in the warm embrace of steam.
Barely constrained by any sense of self-preservation or religious guilt, you jump towards his skin, groping globes with ravenous fingers. You lap at the heated skin, the shower current flowing into the corners of your mouth. The water mixes with your saliva and runs downward, opalescent against his skin.
Gripping the soap from the floor, you disconnect your lips from his butt so you can wash it properly. Marky stays seated, silent, static. You're unsure if he's enjoying it, hating it, or too out of it to know what's happening. Nonetheless, you continue rubbing his butt hungrily. Your washing remains unintrusive as you tread carefully not to awaken the beast. First, you cover your right hand with soap, passing it through the cleft between cheeks several times. No complaints. Finally, spreading the skin with soapy fingers, you stare at his lightly-haired hole. Biting your lower lip into whiteness, you notice every crease of his – you assume – virgin ass. The tiny pucker winks at you as water trickles in front of it.
<<di you "Fuck.">>
You're sailing treacherous waters. Too far, too fast, and you risk awakening the Kraken.
@@.dom;[[Finger him good.->Day5MarkyDomFinger][$dom += 1; $lmark -= 2]]@@
@@.dom;[[Lick the pucker.->Day5MarkyDomLick][$dom += 1; $lmark += 1]]@@After bathing him and yourself, you help dry, comb, and clothe your previous bully before dripping his arm over your neck. You half-drag-half-carry him around the pitch black manor. You get lost in near identical hallways but, despite your prodding him for help navigating, Marky remains quiet. He comes across as a tad cross – maybe he was expecting something else from tonight. Once you reach the correct stairs, you're already dripping sweat on wooden floors and wishing for another shower.
Helping Marky Pile-Of-Muscles Walsh over those narrow steps is possibly on par with any Herculean Labours given by King Eurystheus.
<<di you "Why are you pouting? At least help me a little bit more with the climbing. I'm dying here.">>
<<di mark "It's good exercise for your scrawny ass.">>
<<include "Day5MarkyDomSleep">>@@.int;Ok, here I go.@@
You circle the pucker with your middle finger – lightly at first – but exerting more pressure by the second. Your eyes dart around, expecting another Marky to come out of nowhere and kick your ass for the sheer audacity.
<<di mark "Hmmm...">>
<<di you "Yeah, bitch, you like that?">>
Round and round it goes, circling and twisting until, finally, a pop.
It's inside.
You gasp.
Marky lifts from the chair, hoisting himself by gripping its metal back. You drop your arm immediately, thoughtlessly attempting to hide the crime weapon. He turns around, squinting at you from above.
<<di mark "You ain't fingering me, Fairy. Fuck you!">>
Gripping the chair for leverage, you raise yourself, pressing your body against his. Eyes remain glued to one another as water prickles around them.
<<di you "No, bitch. FUCK! YOU!">>
Enraged, you shove him. The vigorous push propels him off balance, his skull colliding against the stained white tiles with a nauseating thud. Marky drops to the floor, completely dazed.
@@.int;Aw, shit. I should've just slapped him.@@
<div class="timebar"></div>
After an hour of prodding, poking, shaking, slapping, yelling, begging, and, finally, turning a cold shower over his head... Marky comes to.
He remains silent, his disposition even groggier. You're unsure if you gave him a skull fracture or some equally worrying injury that prevents him from talking, but it reads as an attempt at a cold shoulder.
Meanwhile, you dry, comb and clothe your previous bully before dripping his arm over your neck. You half-drag-half-carry him around the pitch black manor. You get lost in near identical hallways but, despite your prodding him for help navigating, Marky says nothing. Once you reach the correct stairs, you're already dripping sweat on wooden floors and wishing for another shower.
Flinging Marky Pile-Of-Muscles Walsh over those narrow steps is possibly on par with any Herculean Labours given by King Eurystheus.
<<di you "You could, like, help me. At least a little!">>
<<include "Day5MarkyDomSleep">>@@.int;OK, here I go.@@
Slowly, you push your face between his globes – your nose touches his crack, spreading the stream of water away from his hole. Tentatively, your tongue darts forward, licking the area around his pucker. It pulses once, gripping you softly. A moan resounds above, cutting through the roaring shower and dripping rush.
@@.int;I think he liked it.@@
Reverting to kisses, you sprinkle them around the area. A groan reverberates in his skin.
@@.int;Is he... complaining I stopped?@@
You kiss the hole as you would a mouth. Your tongue dashes into the folds, pressuring them open. Water invades your lips, drawing obscene sounds as you tongue-kiss his ass. Marky lifts his body slightly, presenting his backside your way. You continue attacking his virgin hole, which grips your tongue lewdly – as if you belong inside him.
He tastes squishy, scorching, succulent.
Gripping your wet cock, you soap it softly. His mouthwatering hole keeps you glued to the embrace of his glutes. Your arm moves as a piston, escorting you towards release.
<<di mark "Fuck!">>
In a twist, the rhythmic sound of jerking off comes from him as well. Marky's motions are frenzied, his own lust on display as you tongue-fuck him. He's getting off on this. Savoring the high. Savoring being your slut. Savoring your tongue inside his ass. The very notion spurs you wild with pleasure.
It's not long before you're panting against his body, your tongue ferociously darting around his guts, hand pumping aggressively. Desire swells, multiplying inside, until ultimately spilling from your dick in translucent white jets that mingle with the hot water rushing towards the drain.
You groan into his body, echoing the sound deep inside him. Your passion feeds into his – he mirrors your moan and paints the yellowed tiles with his own milky spurts. Marky's pucker presses down on your tongue a final time before releasing you. Cum seeps from your finger, intertwining with his as it spills onto the ground.
<<di you "Enjoyed that, did you?">>
He's probably experiencing post-nut clarity, regretting letting you anywhere near his ass.
<div class="timebar"></div>
After bathing him and yourself, you help dry, comb, and clothe your previous bully before dripping his arm over your neck. You half-drag-half-carry him around the pitch black manor. You get lost in near identical hallways but, despite your prodding him for help navigating, Marky remains quiet. He's overthinking the experience. Once you reach the correct stairs, you're already dripping sweat on wooden floors and wishing for another shower.
Helping Marky Pile-Of-Muscles Walsh over those narrow steps is possibly on par with any Herculean Labours given by King Eurystheus.
<<di you "Are you gonna stay quiet forever? At least help me a little bit more with the climbing. I'm dying here.">>
<<di mark "It's good exercise for your scrawny ass.">>
<<include "Day5MarkyDomSleep">>You swear you spy a smirk spark across his lips, half-hidden by shadows.
<<di you "I could have left you there, you know.">>
Silence, except for your grunts as you force his legs to //step step step// back to his – well, your – shared room.
Upon arriving at last, you don't bother flicking the lights on. Kicking the door shut, you inch in search of his bed in darkness, finding it with the tip of your sneakers. Unclasping his arms from your shoulders, you push him over the mattress.
Marky snags your arm, unexpectedly pulling you down alongside him, catching you off guard. The wooden bed frame groans angrily at the sudden weight. Strong biceps and gripping fingers hug as you lie atop your new-old-new roommate.
His body beneath yours is a blend of sturdy and squishy. The enduring scent of flowery soap on his neck, mingled with the summery warmth of his skin, provides fortuitous comfort.
<<di mark "Don't leave.">>
A deep but jagged breath puffs from above.
You nod into his neck, relaxing over his frame. Before long, clutching his arm muscles possessively, you succumb to slumber.